Last chance to make it(book 3...

נכתב על ידי PrudieN

607 23 1

continuous(book 3) - trilogy and last book gotta read 'one chance, are we making it' THEN read ' we made it'... עוד

last on We Made It
chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17

chapter 18

25 1 0
נכתב על ידי PrudieN


Things haven't really been going my way, my sister is living with me with her kids,my husband is tripping again...and Quintin comes to my house everyday leaving flowers for Kay and a note, these two better work things out...I know my sister feels really betrayed but it's really not an issue that needs things like this to happen...she even built a house .which she's moving in it in the next 2 months till then she's stuck with me but Bic wants her out but I don't get why cause his never here" she's going through a lot right now baby, she's helped me before please let me do this for my sister she's moving out in two months I promise " I begged "
we got our problems to deal with Jasmine, I mean it find them somewhere to live or we gon have some real problems, she's got that Stripper body don't ma-.". " mom my sister, she won't even let you!" I snapped which cost me a look from him " you think so?" he challenged, I folded my arms I mean I know Kay won't wanna do nothing like that, she's totally against it" she don't need the money, staying at a rental place costs, she got 4 kids to think about - B look let them stay for this week then I'll make a plan for her I promise but I'm not letting my sister be your toy I'm your toy enough" he nodded then got out the room making me sigh now what am I gon do? I got out going downstairs to find Kay and her kids moving bags which made me raise my brow " Kay what's up? What are you doing?" I asked worried " oh don't worry Jas,i overstayed my welcome in here,i heard you and your husband fighting over me I'm so sorry...look I called Quintin and I think it's best me and the kids stay with him till my house is done,plus the kids do miss him -"." you don't have to leave if you don't want to De'kay" I argued " no, Jas sis thanks for everything we will talk on the phone, Quintin is waiting for us -kids go load up in the car and watch out for cars out there" he said to her kids " I love you okay, look after your mommy liyah and your brothers okay" liyah nodded" im so going to miss your cooking cannot cook to save her own life" Kay laughed making me mug liya" how are you and Quintin gon be in the house together if yal not even on talking level though?" I asked worried " well we'll work something out...oh well I gotta leave, take care of your self Jas,i can see B is not someone to mess with" she said after hugging me making me nod
..aftwr they left me and liya chilled as Alex and August went out with Bic.


Being back in this house is so not one of my best things,yes I can afford a hotel but I don't wanna waste money I got kids to think of,but then also this moving in and out thing ain't good for my kids...I need stability right now. Quintin is really trying to be like his normal old self but I'm not having that, too many lies, too many secrets and too much drama coming with him,atleast now Amara moved back to Jamaica,but her kids will be coming this side every after 2 months to bond with their father as for Chris he went to texts to clear his head hopefully he comes back normal...I need a me time, some independent in my life...soon as we got home the twins decided to go to Tina's house since it ain't far,Gina is sleeping and Quincy is playing in his room as I'm cooking dinner " I was thinking that we find a more open space,where you can have your own space and I have mine but then the kids will find stability there? " I looked at Q like really " we already spoke about this Quintin, my house will be down in two months can you not com-"." im not tryna complicate none here, just giving you  a suggestion " I sighed as I continued to face my pots,i heard him sigh then leave the kitchen well I'm sticking to my story, im not about to let him think we till have a chance even though I wish we did but I'm broken enough as it is,putting the stove on low then going to talk to Q " look I'm not trying to be difficult, give me some time to think about it.i know you also miss the family we used to be but right now we ain't there yet,honestly it's all your fault so deal with it" I said after sitting opposite him" we already know who's fault it is,i want my kids around me all the time-"." it ain't like you take care of them though" I snapped " how will I learn if everytime we go wrong you pack your bags and leave? - damn man,we grown as we are, theses kids we talking about are too old to understand what's going on,the twins already have a bad image of me cause everytime you up and leave that ain't cool" he argued...I kept quiet " I messed up with the lies and secrets yes, we both the same can you just get over yourself for a minute and think for everyone involved " I raised my brow" maybe coming here was a mistake I should have called my sister" I said referring to Jay" but you know why? You want to come here,you wanna fix things admit it,Kay please think about it,the divorce is not yet finalised yet reth-"." hello no Q,no! " I stood up" two weeks left for it to be finalised till then please avoid having a conversation with me...I'll let Gina call you when dinner is ready " I said storming upstairs.,his got some damn!after making dinner I let Gina call her daddy while me and her fix the table " mom can I ask you a question?" Gina asked making me nod" what's wrong baby? Talk to me" I said seeing that she had a sad face" are we moving again and leaving dad behind?" I was taken aback though" uhm why such a question? We still waiting on the new ho-"." but are we moving with dad or not? And why?" Gina is growing up so much and it's killing me,i sighed" yes we going to move somewhere permanent soon,and no we not taking you dad he will be coming to get you guys every weekend that's okay?" I asked " no its not! " she yelled" we never see dad,we know you all are fighting but why do we have t-"." Regina Drew do not use that tone with me! I'm still your Mother!" I said firmly shuchment made her roll her eyes making me sigh I wish I could pop her somewhere" you're no fun! -you only care about yourself!" she yelled leaving me there to think...that's the same shit Quintin told me that im selfish.

All these years I dealt with Quintin and his secrets, all these years I've spent alone, all these years I felt like I'm not wanted but still I stayed in this marriage cause of my kids and because I loved him and I still do but now that I'm tired of it all my kids are rejecting me? I feel so useless and so not needed anymore in this world if selfish, all the sacrifices I made for them km still selfish. Throughout having dinner as a family again,i watched Q and the kids interacting so nicely and them laughing and talking having smiles on their faces ones more made me feel really selfish for wanting to take the kids away from Q even if it's for a few minutes away...Gina never spoke to me afterwards,normally she would wash the dishes with me while we listen to Quincy talking but now none of them are here,i really don't like it..after washing the dishes I called Q in to talk because I'm tired of everything..i need to get away I need to deal with this alone, away from everyone" so what's up?" he asked as we sat down in our secret lounge well yes where we used to do the the nasty do everything just the two of us but now we can't even sit on the same couch without feeling like it's wrong and abnormal,I felt my tears coming. And I let them fall" im so sorry for being a bitch,but I'm more sorry for what I'm about to do " I said in between crying " do not kill yourself De-." I shook my head" im not,but I'm leaving for London in the morning,and I'm leaving the kids with you for a few weeks, I noticed that they are more happier with just you around I'm even invisible to them when you're around, Gina now totally hates me and my lil Q can't even talk to me no more because I've taken them away from you...the twins well no longer talk to me at all because their father left without saying anything...I'm messing my own kids' life with my drama and I wanna stop doing it...I really do so please take care of them for me for a few weeks and tell them I love them all angry to stop me please" I begged crying " listen - if there's one thing I'm sure of,these kids love you and they want you happy,i messed up, I messed you up...I love you so much and I'm willing to help you get through this,i will make sure they all understand what's going on as long as you promise you will think about us? About our family and mostly what makes you happy aight?" I nodded as he hugged me tight " thank you" I whispered as I went to prepare to leave, kissed all them in the cheek as Q helped me sneeck..out the house to the airport there's no time to waste I need this plus my mom is the best option right now I hope I don't regret this at all.


" are you excited for daddy to be coming home today baby?" I asked my daughter Malaysia she just smiled at me as I clothed her,today Brendan is coming home and we're going to get him from the center, I always missed him im happy his finally coming back and that I hope he don't stop having his pills cause that's gon break us again and I would hate for laysia to grow up without her daddy around or like my sister's family moving all the time it's stressful to the kids and to the mother. Speaking of my sister she sent me a message this morning telling me that she's on a plane to London and that I must keep checking the kids at home I'm still shocked she left them cause she would kill for them but I guess she needs this break.on our way to the center I picked up Mo,the newly married girl " are you excited? " she asked making me nod as I focused back on the road " but I'm nervous,but we'll see there" I said"hows you girl you glowing" I said cause she's really glowing and it's only been a month since she got married but her still seeing Terence is what is bugging me " Girl! I'm in trouble " I was all ears" I was pregnant with terence's baby " I frowned " what's do you mean was?" I asked confused " I got rid of it" my mouth fell open" don't judge, look I'm happily married that one time with T before my wedding shouldn't have happened, but then my husband saw my pregnancy results and he thinks we having another baby" she started crying " Morgan you were doing so go-"." till your stupid ass brother came back to mess up my life" she cried which only made Lay sit to cry" sorry lay lay auntie didn't mean to make you cry-your uncle is really messing your auntie's life" I looked at her life really as I parked at the center" look you're my friend and all but you're stupid to let Terence ruin your life like this,this is simple tell your husband that the results came back wrong but just know that T won't back away now that you opened doors with him again,lets go get your stupid Cousin. -i swear I'm surrounded by stupid people " I said as I took Lay and went inside...I know I was dump to let B treat me bad but not to this extend this is too much of Mo...Terence need to learn his place.we'll see.


" let's get this straight,i have primary custody of David so when he comes to visit you, you will do the things on the list if not then forget about him visit you" I said to Melanie cause the bitch been asking me that David atleast spends the weekend with her,im not cold hearted so I said cool now she wants to make her own rules she must not know me now" his my son so I would like to do what me and him got in common than fo-". " this ain't taking us anywhere, I will ask him what he wants but I won't keep him from you if that's what you think " I said she nodded" so uhm can you atleast let me talk to Kay in your presence I need to introduce Jordan, she needs to know her daddy but I don't think Kay will allow me" I raised my brow" im sorry but Kay is unavailable right now in fact she's out the country, she's dealing with personal issues but I can help you out as long as you keep your skinny ass away from my husband" I said which made her nod" good I think we done" I said standing up and leaving the Grill to my car...

***phone call***

Kay: hey Tina's what's up?did something happen to Quincy? What-

Me: slow down and calm your ass down boo. Wrong I'm just checking up on you nothing more-how are you feeling today? Cried enough?

Kay: yeah you know mama Anne don't play,speaking of my mama ,Gina called and asked if you could take her to Jeanette or Jasmine till I get back I guess she's tired of living with messy boys

Me(laugjing " okay I will get her later but I did not ask about the kids or your mama I asked about you though(swerious voice Kay what's going on?

Kay: A lot, I don't think I want to divorce Q anymore I need him T

Me: what makes you think that? What happened?

Kay: nothing I just miss me and him,how we met nd all that, I miss everything about me and him before the lies and secrets you know what I mean? I really do- let me call you back they calling me.

Me: okay call you later

**end of phone convo***

I really hope things turn out for the best for my friend really.

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