
De Itanna

29.7K 1.7K 1.4K

Everything in the world used to be so black and white. Good was always good and bad was always bad. There was... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87

Chapter 51

303 19 18
De Itanna


   My heart is pounding in my chest as Alexander continues to lean over me, pressing me deeper into the plush swivel chair. There is a strange fire flickering in his irises as he keeps me pinned down beneath his gaze. He loves me. Alexander Hamilton loves me. He just said it so plainly. Alexander tilts his head slightly as he looks at me with a faint glimmer or curiosity.My lips part slightly, but no air comes to fill my lungs nor do any words deem themselves worthy enough of such a situation. One of his hands slides down my arm and covers mine, the warmth of his skin startling me into taking a breath. 

   "Are you going to say anything?" He murmurs quietly, his fingers curling around my hand gently, his warm skin enveloping mine. Silence hangs between us as my heart continues to roar in my chest, pounding against my ribs, supplying me with a dull ache. "I need you to say something Thomas." 

   A few uncontrollable tears slip past my lashes and Alexander frowns at the sight of them. He doesn't say anything as he simply wipes them off of my face and looks at me with such distant eyes. I can see the wall beginning to restructure itself behind the darkness of his pupil. His fingers linger on my skin before retracting and I find myself desperately reaching out for him and pulling him back into my chest tightly. His breath is knocked out of him as I chain him in my arms. I feel his fingers dig into my shoulders as he tries to find some sort of purchase where he can look up at me. 

   "Thomas." he grumbles into my chest, struggling to put a little distance between the two of us. I bury my face into his hair, the smell of his shampoo inviting me to cry even harder. My eyes slide shut as he continues to struggle against me, his body flailing like a fish out of water, self-conscious and desperate. 

   "I love you." I whisper past trembling lips. Alexander stills, his hands going slack as he releases his grip. "I love you." I whisper desperately, the words leaving my lips in a frantic babble as more tears slip past my lashes and land in his hair. "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you." Alexander's body goes slack in my arms as he sinks to his knees, wrapping his arms around my waist as I hold him close, sobbing into his hair. Warm fingers slide over the small of my back, his warmth radiating through the fabric of my shirt.

   He's mine. Somehow, I have found a way to lay claim on the heart of Alexander Hamilton. I've loved him for quite some time now, but I never thought he would ever reciprocate these feelings. Knowing now that he feels the same way about me makes everything seem so surreal, like it all has been some sort of long dream that I am rather terrified to wake up from. 

   "Don't be afraid." He whispers, his voice sending pleasant vibrations through my chest. 

   "I'm not afraid." I reply with a faint sniffle, a slight feeling of indignation beginning to burn in my chest, burying my face into his hair as I bathe myself in his scent. Every muscle in my body begins to relax the longer we remain like this, a selfish part of me longs for this moment to simply extend into eternity.

   "Your heart is pounding." The words are simple, yet they still bring a rather strange smile to my face. 

   "That happens sometimes when you receive a love confession." I murmur. 

   "I wasn't planning on telling you today." he grumbles. I smile with a slightly raised eyebrow as I guide his face towards mine, so our eyes meet. His chin rests in my palm as he looks up at me with a faintly reverent expression. I brush my thumb along his jawline as he allows me to cradle him in this state of euphoria. "You bastard, dragging it out of me." 

   "Shh, don't ruin the moment with such harsh language." I murmur. My heart melts as he smiles, looking up at me through his lashes, the intelligent glimmer in his eyes shining with so many different emotions. 

   "You shouldn't have listened to Angelica." he mutters. I squeeze his face slightly, forcing his lips into a faint pout. A small laugh escapes me as he glares at me through the ridiculous expression, though making no attempt to escape it. "She shouldn't have made you look so sad." I look at him curiously as he looks away from me with a rather bashful dropping of his eyes. "It broke me." 

   My heart flutters in my chest as I hold him firm, leaning down and planting a soft, loving kiss on his forehead. A gentle sigh escapes him as my lips make contact with his skin and linger. He hums softly as I kiss down the angles of his face, lips brushing over his skin before stopping at his lips. My hand releases his chin, granting him the freedom to lunge forward and capture my lips. The feeling of this kiss is strangely familiar, it feels like a homecoming that I hadn't known I was desperate for. 

   Alexander pulls away slowly, his fingers interlacing with mine as he rises to his feet. My body has become pliant to his whims as he pulls me to my feet. I tower over him, but it feels like he has all the control, guiding me towards the door, my footsteps echoing after his as he unlocks the door and pulls me through the hallway. My heart is pounding in my chest as my vision narrows until all I can see is his figure, pulling me through the household he used to call home, but now is rushing through with such meaningful strides. 

   "Alexander, is everything alright?" Eliza asks with a well meaning voice, rising to her feet as we enter the dining room. Alex pauses for a brief moment, his eyes scorching into Angelica's as he pulls me close, positioning me behind him. I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes at the protective stance, but the gesture sends a surge of warmth through my body and I feel myself beginning to melt from its heat. 

   "Perfect actually," He replies pointedly, his eyes never leaving Angelica. "Thomas and I have simply overstayed our welcome." He squeezes my hand lightly and I tighten my hold in response. Eliza's expression darkened as she turns to her sister. 

   "What did you say to him?" She inquires coolly. Angelica looks directly at me with a rather pitying glance, guiding my eyes down to my hand which is perfectly slotted with Alexander's.

   "I simply told him the truth." She replies simply. 

   "Not everything is your business Angelica." Eliza replies calmly, but the barb in her words is thinly veiled. The two Schuyler women lock gazes and Alexander pulls me closer to him.

   "We will be taking our leave, ladies." Alexander says simply, his voice filled with proper politeness. I smile as he practically drags me out of the house, my feet stumbling after his hurried steps. Alexander doesn't say a word as he drags me down the street to where I had parked my car.

   "Alex, we're out there is no need for you to rush so much." I try to slow him down by pulling my arm back, but he doesn't allow me to slow him down. He releases his hold on me when we stand beside the car. I watch as he walks over to the driver's side of the car with an amused expression. He raises an eyebrow as he looks at me from across the car. 

   "Why are you looking at me like that?"

   "Where you going hun?" I ask with a smile. "Plan on starting the car without the keys?" The image of Alexander hot wiring my car comes to mind, but I comfort myself with the thought that it is more than likely that he doesn't know how to do that particular skill. He gives me a rather sharp look as if he could somehow follow my train of thought. 

   "You mean the keys I have right here?" he asks with a cheeky grin, pulling my car keys out of my pocket and dangling them above the roof of the car. I pat my pockets in search of something that I know won't be there. He chuckles as I glare at him, sliding into the car before I have the chance to say anything. I grumble in annoyance as I slide into the passenger seat of the car, feeling out of place in my own vehicle. 

   "Did you really have to pickpocket me when you confessed?" He simply looks over at me with an amused expression as he places a warm hand on my leg. 

   "Don't take this the wrong way, but pickpocketing you was far faster than trying to ask and convince you to give me your keys." He rubs my leg soothingly as he starts the car. "Don't make that face." 

   "I'm trying." I grumble. Alexander laughs as he turns to look at me, his hand coming up to rest on my cheek.

   "Hey," He whispers. "I love you." I chastise myself for how my breath catches at those three simple words, but my inner voice falls silent as he presses his lips to mine and I allow myself to be spirited away by his kiss.

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