Broken Fantasy

By DiamondLoverGirl45

81.5K 2.1K 885

"Grandpa, a marriage contract? Are you serious?" "Audriana, you have no choice but to marry him. Listen, he c... More

Authors Note
Broken Fantasy
Prologue ✔️
Chapter One ✔️
Chapter Two ✔️
Chapter Three ✔️
Chapter Four ✔️
Chapter Five ✔️
Chapter Six ✔️
Chapter Seven ✔️
Chapter Eight ✔️
Chapter Nine ✔️
Chapter Ten ✔️
Chapter Eleven ✔️
Chapter Twelve ✔️
Chapter Thirteen ✔️
Chapter Fourteen ✔️
Chapter Sixteen ✔️
Chapter Seventeen ✔️
Chapter Eighteen ✔️
Chapter Nineteen ✔️
Chapter Twenty ✔️
Chapter Twenty-One ✔️
Chapter Twe️nty-Two ✔️

Chapter Fifteen ✔️

1.3K 81 22
By DiamondLoverGirl45

"Where to?" the taxi asked.

"To a hotel." 

C H A P T E R    F I F T E E N


I got up and followed them. I have to stop Aaron before he does something. I found them standing in an empty lobby and I ran towards them.

"Is everything okay?" Connor asked. I looked at Aaron and he looked at me and nodded. No, he can't do this not now. I have to think of something fast.

"I have to tell you somethin-"

"Aaron! I told you that I wanted to tell him!" I quickly said. They both looked at me confused. Oh god, I hope this works.

"What were you going to tell me?" Connor asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"I have a boyfriend," I stated. He looked shocked but then his face hardened.

"So?" he asked. Why does he seem upset? I thought this would be good news for him.

"Is it the diner guy? If so, then I-" Connor stopped talking when I wrapped my arm against Aaron's. His eyes widened and he tried to pull his arm away, but I held it tightly against my side. He tried to resist again, but I stepped on his foot to stop him. He forcefully let out an awkward laugh and smiled at me. I grabbed his arm and wrapped it around my waist and kept it there. He looked like he was about to throw up.

"I already told Grandpa, that Aaron is my boyfriend so you don't have to worry about the marriage anymore." I wasn't lying but I couldn't help but feel guilty because I threw Aaron into my mess without asking him.

"What? No-" I placed my hand on his chest and gave him my best fake smile.

"Baby, we don't have to hide our relationship anymore." I said while kissing his cheek. Goodbye virgin lips. Yuck, I wanted to push him away, but I stayed. I have to do this. I felt uncomfortable and I could tell Aaron was as well.

"So you two are dating?" Connor's eyes darkened. He let out a bitter laugh as if he was mocking us. He looked away and ran his hand through his hair.

"Yes we are," I said confidently. Connor nodded and gave me a disappointed look.

"Good, at least I wouldn't have to marry someone who is two-faced bitch," Connor spat and walked away.

"Why are you angry? You and Sarah can finally be together, don't you want that?" I asked him. I let go of Aaron and gave Connor my full attention. They both were happy together and now that I'm fulfilling my promise. Why is he upset?

"Of course." He shoved his shoulder against me making me stumble. I turned around to stop him, but found Kylie standing by the door, crying? I took a step forward, but she turned around and walked away. Oh god, what happened?

"Aaron, I am so sorry. I did not want you to tell him because it would only make things worse. I should not have used your name but I need your help just for a while though. If you feel uncomfortable, I totally understand I will just think of a different idea." His eyes softened and sighed.

"I-I can't, I like someone."

"Do I know her?" I asked and he nodded. Who could it be? I don't know a lot of people. Could it be Kylie? After how they were together back at his house?

"Is it Kylie?" I asked and he blushed furiously.

"Oh my god! How long have you liked her?" I asked him.

"For a couple of years," my eyes widened.

"Don't tell her though," I nodded understanding.

"I am so sorry. I'll come up with a different idea. I'll clear your name to Kylie after this dinner. I'll tell her the truth," I said. Now I'm feeling guilty. Does Kylie also like Aaron? Is that why she reacted the way that she did.

He smiled, "Thank you."

We made our way back into the room. Only to find Jake in Kylie's spot while she was in his. Why did she move? And why was she looking at me like the way everyone looks at me. She looked away and laughed at something Stacy had said. I sat down in my seat confused.

"I think Kylie got sick of you, that's probably the reason why she moved," Ryder whispered to me.

Why did I come to this dinner? What is the point of me being here if everyone is just going to hurt me. It seems like I will only get hurt if I stay here longer. There is no point in me being here. Once the food came, I felt my stomach swirl. It's been a while since I last ate a proper meal. I'll eat and then leave.

Sighing I placed the food on my plate but Sarah laughed at me along with her friends. What surprised me the most is that Kylie was also laughing. They all had salads on their plates and what shocked me is that Kylie also did.

"I thought you didn't like salads, Kylie?" I asked. She'd tell me that salads are unhealthy and how much she hated them.

"Grow up, people change," Kylie said.

"Wow, she's such a pig," Vanessa whispered loudly making everyone hear her.

"Your right," Kylie said.

"Once a pig, always a pig," They all laughed. Surprisingly, Kylie did also. She has always told me to eat whatever I liked and that I wasn't big like everyone would call me. Was it all a lie? Is that what she thinks of me? She told me not to care about the others and to only listen to her and I did. Her opinion always mattered to me.

I placed my fork down, loosing my appetite. What surprised me the most was that Jake, Ryder, Aaron, and Chloe didn't laugh at me but Connor did. Chloe dropped her plate that had salad, and moved it to the side. Got the empty plate beside her and put pasta and wings on it.

"Chloe, what are you doing? I thought you only eat salads for dinner," Sarah asked. Chloe stabbed her fork into the spicy pasta, "People change." She took a bit out of it and stared right into Sarah's eyes. Did she do that for me?

"Anyway as I was saying..." Everyone went back to their conversations while I drowned myself with the glass of water that was in front of me. I tried to drink down my tears but they kept pushing back up.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked. I nodded giving him a forced smile.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be." He hesitantly nodded and I went on my phone to distract myself. I looked through my pictures that I took with everyone. It's funny how you may have a lot of people in your life at a certain time but next thing you know, they are poof gone just like that. Right now, I'm all alone. My parents, grandpa, Sarah and now Kylie. What did I do wrong? I shut my phone and looked at the table that my parents were sitting at. My parents and Rachel were laughing and I couldn't help but feel jealous. I look back to see Ryder, Jake, and Aaron angry. What happened? I was going to ask Aaron but I felt a cold liquid spill on my head. Making me jump off my seat. I look up to see Sarah holding her glass.

"Sarah, I told you not to do it," Jake said in anger and got up.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Aaron exclaimed.

"What the hell was that for!" I yelled.

"You deserved it," she smirked. I tried to calm myself down by taking deep breaths. I have been quiet for way too long, I've tried to explain myself but she wouldn't listen to me. I do not deserve this. I am done staying quiet.

"I deserve it, really?" I questioned. Deep breaths, Audrey.

"Now I know why you are so desperate for Connor's attention along with my friends. It's because you have mommy and daddy issues." Sarah and her friends laughed. Kylie laughed also. She knew how sensitive this topic was for me. I clench my fists angrily, ready to punch her, she has gone way too far.

"Just because I am quiet doesn't mean that it's okay for you to talk to me this way. I never said anything because I knew that you were angry at me. I tried justifying your actions, tried to clear up the misunderstandings, but now I'm done. We have been friends for more than eleven years and I don't know why you still don't trust me." My voice cracked halfway but I felt relieved.

"Oh, just shut up. Why don't you go cry to your mommy and daddy? They'll show you their love with the candle wax? belt? I can recreate some of that-," I raised my hand and slapped her.

"Your so fucking crazy yo-" I backhanded slapped her. I grabbed her hair and pulled her close to me, "you think that was crazy oh I'll show you crazy!" Just when I was about to start Connor grabbed my arm and pushed me away.

"What do you think you are doing, Audrey! You have no right to hit her!"

I chuckled bitterly, "And this bitch does?! She slapped me multiple times today and did she have the right? No, she didn't, but she did it anyway." He looked surprised and he took a step back.

"Y-You slap-ped her?" he asked Sarah. Pathetic

"Like, you didn't know. Stop acting, Connor, it's not going to work this time. And you know what? I am done with all your bullshit. I am soo fucking done." I gather all my stuff from the table. I am done playing these games.

"Where do you think you are going, Aaron?" Connor asked.

"I'm fucking done," Aaron said.

"Are you leaving? For her? " Connor asked confused.

"You took it way too far, Connor, " Aaron took a step forward and punched him causing Connor to fall, "and deep down you know that."

Aaron walked towards me and gave me a comforting smile. He grabbed my hand, interlocking it,"Let's go celebrate ourselves."

I sighed, "It's okay, Aaron. I don't think-"

"You know you were hot back there," making me laugh.

Just when we were going to walk out my mother stopped us, "where do you think you are going? And who is he and why is he holding your hand in front of everyone? Also, clean yourself up, people are staring at you."

She grabbed my arm, tightening her hold but Aaron pulled her arm away," I'm her boyfriend ma'am and we're currently going to a hotel, if you know what I mean." Aaron winks and clicked his tongue. My mother's eyes widened in shock before she could say anything. Aaron pulled me away and we made out way outside.

"Aaron! You did not just-" Aaron laughed while slapping his knee, "D-did y-you look at h-her face when I s-said t-that." He held onto his stomach and laughed louder.

"It's almost as f-funny as your g-grandfathers face," my eyes widened. I was flabbergasted.

"She deserves it especially with the way she treats you."

"You've noticed," I was too stunned to speak.

"Of course I did. Now Forget it let's go."

Aaron ordered a taxi and we waited for it to come. Once it came I opened the taxi door and I felt as though someone was calling out my name but I ignored it.

"Do you want to talk to him?" Aaron asked.

"Where to?" the taxi asked.

"To a hotel." 

Q/A: A hotel?! Oh my...

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