The Light and The Darkness

By UnicornRainbows459

179 8 3


The Light and The Darkness
I'm fucked. (Chapter 3)

Oh Gee.. (Chapter 2)

39 1 1
By UnicornRainbows459

“Okay, first question, uh, tell me again why you were on the table, fist-pumping, and calling Ms. Grange a bitch?” Zerrick asked with a smug look on his face. Oh, how I wanted to slap him. “I was in a ‘standing-on-the-table-while-fist-pumping-and-calling-Ms. Grange-a-bitch’ kinda mood, so I just did it.” I answered with a shrug, while staring blankly out of the window. Zerrick just looked at me with a ‘wow-that’s-the-best-thing-you-could-think-of?’ face and chuckled. I was getting pissed off at him. “Okay, what was your point in bringing me to your car? Just to entertain yourself by annoying the fuck out of me? If that was your plan then let me out of here so I can leave.” I said with anger and annoyance laced in my words.

“No, but I wish I would have thought of that.” He said with a slight chuckle. Okay, now I was really pissed. I was had my hand on the door handle to get out of the car, but at the last fucking minute Zerrick locks the damn doors. Fantastic, just fan-fucking-tastic, I thought bitterly. I never thought I would say this, but I was really wishing I was in school right now. “Hey, Zera, you wanna ditch?” Zerrick asks with a smile. “Sure, why the fuck not.” I said bitterly, though on the inside I was shrieking like a freaking school girl because Zerrick actually wanted to ditch school. With me of all people.

20 minutes later, we were at an amusement park screaming our asses off while riding rollercoasters. Well, actually, I was the one screaming my ass off, I don’t know about Zerrick. “Hey, you wanna go to the movies?” Zerrick asked completely out of the blue. “Uh, sure…?” the last part sounded more like a question than an answer, but at this point, he’s the one calling the shots for what we do today.

As we drove to the Movie Theater, Zerrick turned on the radio. ‘I Like It Like That’ came on and I flipped the fuck out. “OMIGOSH! THIS IS MY FUCKING JAM!!!” I screamed. I turned the radio up and started singing along as loud as I possibly could. “Dude, like, seriously, shut the hell up!” He yelled over the music. “HELL NO!!!” I continued singing until Zerrick, being the jackass that he is, turned the radio off. “WHAT THE HELL, MAN!?!” I screamed angrily. “You are a terrible singer.” He said with a laugh. “Pshh, like you can do any better.” I challenged. “Oh really…” He challenged right back. “Yeah,” I said turning to face him. “I bet you 20 bucks I can sing better than you.” I shot right back. “Okay then, it’s a deal.” We shook on it and once our skin made contact, it felt like there was a giant butterfly flapping its wings in my stomach.

It turns out that I was a better singer than Zerrick. I wore a smug smile, while he looked really pissed off. Haha, I win! I thought. “I heard that, dumbass.” Zerrick muttered. Oh shit! I forgot he could hear my thoughts. “I can still hear you, Zera.” He said smugly. “You’re just mad because you just got your ass kicked… by a girl!” I retorted. “Whatever floats your boat.” He said. “Fine, whatever, be that way.” I mumbled.

==========================================2 hours later==========================================

“Dude, that movie fucking sucked!” yelled Zerrick once we left the Movie Theater. “Like, seriously, that movie was fucking terrible!” I yelled as we stepped into the bright sunlight that nearly blinded me. “OH SHIT! WHAT TIME IS IT?!?!?!” I screamed. “Uh, 3:00. Why?” asked a very clueless Zerrick. “Because school let out already, you dumb-fuck!!!” I screamed at him. “SHIT!” He yelled. “Dammit, Zerrick! We have to get home. Like, now or else my mom is gonna fucking kill me. I was supposed to be home 20 minutes ago!” I yelled anxiously. “Fine, fine. Jeez, lady, take a chill pill.” He said. “What do you mean, ‘take a chill pill’!?!?!?” My mom is gonna fucking kill me if I’m not home in the next 10 minutes!!!”I screamed angrily. “Okay, okay, okay.” He muttered. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. I chanted in my head. “Ughh, Hurry up Zerrick!” I said more anxiously than before. Well, fuck me, I thought bitterly. Anytime, Zera, thought Zerrick. “UGHH! Like I would ever let you do that.” I said while running my hands through my hair nervously.

We made it to my house with 3 minutes to spare and, luckily for me, my mom wasn’t home from work yet when I got home. “FUCK YES!!!” I yelled as I let out sigh of relief. “Thanks for putting up with me all day, Zerrick.” I said while stepping out of his car. “No problem, Zera. I hate to admit it, but I actually had some fun.” He said with a smile. “I actually had fun too.” I smiled back at him. “Bye Zerrick.” I said with a wave as I turned around to wave goodbye. Bye Zera, I heard in my head. I turned around to flash him another smile and he returned it with one just as dazzling.


Lauren(@Black_Veil_Brides622) and I have decided to write this story together!! :D

She wrote this chapter.(:

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