The Dream That Lasted Forever...

Par HaiItsEl

178K 1.6K 391

Like any serious love stories, most end in happiness. El thought she was in love. She had the perfect life: ... Plus

Chapter One: Leaving.
Chapter Two: There Is No Way That She Left Me.
Chapter Three: A New Scenery.
Chapter Four: A New Beginning
Chapter Five: This Needs To Stop.
Chapter Six: You Would Have To Blind To Not See It.
Chapter Seven: New Love?
Chapter Eight: I Was Blinded By The Fame.
Chapter Nine: The Fair.
Chapter Ten: Aliv, Meet Harry Styles.
Chapter Twelve: I Love You.
Chapter Thirteen: He Fancies Me?
Chapter Fourteen: Wanna To Jump Together?
Chapter Fifteen: Help Me Remember You.
Chapter Sixteen: Stupidly In Love.
Chapter Seventeen: I'm Here.
Chapter Eighteen: Terror Twins
Chapter Nineteen: Sneaky Female Dog.
Chapter Twenty: You Are Asking Her To..?
Chapter Twenty-One: Revenge.
Chapter Twenty-Two: One Messed Up Night.
Chapter Twenty-Three: Dark Side.
Chapter Twenty-Four: Not-So-Jolly Fat Man.
Hai, so this isn't an update...
Chapter Twenty-Five: Little Secrets.
Chapter Twenty-Six: Broken Promises.
Authors Note! please read. important.
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Thanks Harry.
Chapter Twenty-eight: Take a Chance
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Arms.
Chapter Thirty: The Last Day.
Authors note- not an update
Epilogue: The End to a New Beginning.
Umm.. anyone ready for a sequel?

Chapter Eleven: Labor, Great.

5.3K 54 7
Par HaiItsEl

"Um... Uhh.. I think.. I think the baby's coming."  I gasped.  Everyone just stood there, frozen in shock at what is going on.  "AHHH!"  I started to scream as the pain was becoming unbearable.

"Mommy!"  Aliv started to cry as she saw I was in pain.  I never wanted her to witness this but I guess it was happening.  I looked over to her, she was now in Liam's arms.  He looked, well frazzled and scared.

"I'm.. I'm going to call Connor!"  Jean fumbled with her phone, her hands shaking as my screaming became louder and louder.  I could feel my body drop to the ground and strong arms catching me.  I looked up at the green eyes that I was still in love with.

"I've got you love."  He whispers into my ear as he starts to rub my back trying to calm me.  "It will be okay."  It started to work as the contraction past.

"We have to get her to the hospital."  Liam commanded, coming back to reality.

"Harry, it hurts!"  I yelled at Harry as I began to scream some more.

"Shhh, deep breaths.  Ready breath, I'll count for you."  He began counting as I tried my best to stay calm and take deep breaths.

"Where is she?"  I heard Connor's booming voice come towards where we were all gathered.  I saw him soon after that with Jon and medics.

"Ma'am, we are going to lift you on this stretcher."  One of the medics said to me.  I just nodded not wanting to let go of Harry.

"Don't let go."  I whispered to Harry as I grabbed his hand.

"I won't ever let you go again."  He whispered as he kissed my forehead.

"What the hell?"  Connor asked furiously as he stared at what just took place.  I was soon placed in the ambulance as Harry kept holding my hand and Connor going on the other side.

"Only one extra person is allowed in here."  The medic yelled.

"I'm staying with her."  Harry growled at Connor.

"That is my kid and my girlfriend." Connor spat back at him.

"Haz, just go. He's right."  I mumbled looking at him as I saw the tears form in his eyes.  "Take care of Aliv for me.  Bring her to the hospital!"  I shouted as the contraction hit me again.  I took Connor's hand as he began doing the breathing exercises that we had practiced.

"Mommy!"  Aliv screamed again as she was now in Jean's arms looking at me with her bright blue eyes.  The tears were streaming down her face, "Mommy."  She said one last time before they closed the doors.  

"Connor, I can't do this."  I cried at him.

"You can do it."  He cooed as we drove away.

"You are about 8 centimeters."  The medic informed me.

"She can't deliver normally.  She needs a C-section, or she will die."  Connor looked at the medic.  I didn't want to die and I didn't want to give birth either.

"Then we better-"  the medic until I interrupted him with a blood curling scream.  Then everything went black.

*Harry's Point of View.*

"Uncle Harry, where are we going?"  Aliv asked me as Liam and I got into our limo.

"Going to see Mommy."  I told her, trying to fight back the tears.

"She still loves you."  Li told me as he took Aliv out of my shaking arms.  She still loves me, El still loves me.  Do I still love her?  The rest of the boys soon came running towards the limo.  Which stopped abruptly as they climbed in.  She didn't want me to stay with her though, she wanted him.

"Where are you lads going?"  Niall asked as he stuffed his face full of cotton candy.

"The hospital."  Liam told him as he tried calming down the crying Aliv.

"Who's in the hospital?"  Louis asked me as he came over to me and put his arms around me.

"El."  I whispered.   El, who is having that jerk's baby.  Will she ever learn not to go to people that will hurt her?  What am I even saying?  Everyone she ever loved has hurt her.

"I want my mommy."  Aliv cried into Liam's neck.  "Is mommy going to be okay?"  She lifted her head as she looked at me.  Aliv reminding me so much of El.  "Uncle Harry, do you love my mommy?"  She asked me.

"I do, I love your mommy."  I said it out loud.  I couldn't believe that she was only two years old, so mature and good with words.  Another thing reminding me of El.  She transferred on to my lap and gave me a kiss on my nose.  I began to rub her back trying to calm down, like I did with El.  I began to sing Isn't She Lovely.  The song I used to make it onto the X-Factor and the same song I sang to El when she  was crying.  I saw Louis look at me, he knew that I wasn't trying to have this meltdown now.  The boys began to join and we sang up until the end.  That was when we arrived at the hospital.

"I know we are here for El, but what about our fans?"  Zayn asked as we began to open the doors.

"I don't know.  What are we going to do?"  Niall asked in a solemn tone.

"I'll call management and we can ask to perform tomorrow."  Liam said as we all bolted out of the limo.  He jumped right on his phone.  I took Aliv by the hand as we sprinted into the ER.

"Elexandra Lumbardo?"  I asked the receptionist.

"She is now in surgery."  She told me, she looked like she was having a horrible day.  Her hair was all over the place and she had bags under her eyes.  I just knew she wasn't going to be in a good mood.

"Surgery? Why?"  Niall gasped.

"I can't tell you that piece of information."  She looked sternly at Niall who walked away like a sad puppy. 

"Well can you tell me where the lunch room is?"   Oh Niall, always hungry.

"It is down the hallway across from the kids area." 

"I'll go with you."  Zayn called after him as they started to walk away.  I knew that they would stop in the kids area and sing to them.  Which I could tell by the screams of excitement, they were.

"Is my daddy with my mommy?"  Aliv whispered to me.

"Is Connor- Aliv, what is your last name?"  I began.


"Is a Connor Masters in there with her?"

"I can't tell you that either."

"Please love.  This is their daughter and she just wants to know if her mommy is okay."  I started to beg the stubborn lady.

"No, he is not in there with her.  He should be in the waiting room right there."

"Thank you Madam."

"Anytime son, by the way, what is your name?" 

"Harry, Harry Styles."  I told her.

"Oh, you are Harry Styles? From that boy band, One directors?"

"One Direction love."  I corrected her.

"Could you sign this for my niece?  You are all she talks about, and you looked so familar."  She asked as she gave me a piece of paper.

"Anytime."  I said quickly scribbling my name onto the piece of paper.

"Uncle Harry,"  Aliv called as she tugged on my hand.

"Yes Aliv?"  I knealed down to her.

"You love my mommy.  Mommy loves you too.  Daddy hits mommy, I don't want to go back to daddy.  He scares me."  She said as she began to tear up again.

"Shh, don't cry love.  I'll be here for you."  I cooed to her as I had to fight back the tears.  I didn't realize that Louis was still standing there.

"Haz, lets go sit down."  He said as he took Aliv's other hand.  

"Can I have my daughter now?"  A voice said as we were about to sit down.  I looked down at Aliv who now was hiding behind Louis.

"Ask her."  I said giving Connor space.

"Aliv, honey."  He said as he came closer to her.  "It will be alright.  Daddy's here."  She started to move around Louis's leggs and then come to me and I picked her up.

"I don't want to go with him."  Aliv whispered to me as she began to bury herself into my hair again.

"I don't think she wants you at the moment."  I spatted back at him.  I saw his fists ball up and his anger flashed across his face.

"Touch them and you die."  Louis growled as he came closer to where Aliv and I were standing.  Connor just looked at both of us and then walked away.  Aliv began to sleep after a few minutes of Louis and I singing to her.

 "Harry, are you ready for this responsiblitly?  Are you sure you can become a father at the age of 20?" he whispered to me, making sure not to wake up Aliv.

"If you asked me this two years ago, I would have said no and that I wasn't ready.  But now, I can feel it.  I want El back, I want to be Aliv's father and now the new baby.  I don't want her to suffer with him.  I wanna be there for her and make it up to her, for everything I have put her through.  Louis, I am ready." I told him confidently.  Yeah, I was still young and I knew I was always going to travel.

"Then I am here for you."  He said kissing my cheek.  Louis and I's bromance was anything but a secret to everyone in the world.  "Eleanor and I will help babysit.  I always wanted to be an Uncle!"  He said excitedly.

"Thanks Boo Bear."   I leaned over gently and kissed him on the cheek making him blush.  Zayn and Niall came back about ten minutes later.

"Hey lads, anything on how El is doing?"  Niall asked as he started to eat an ice cream cone.

"Nothing.  It has been almost an hour."  I said as I began to look at the floor.

"Well we brought you guys back some food,"  Zayn began, "But Niall ate it."

"Oi, I didn't eat all of it.  I brought some carrots back for Louis."  He shouted as he threw the bag of baby carrots at Louis.

"Niall, do you mind being a little less LOUD?" I hissed at him pointing down to the still sleeping Aliv.

"Opps, sorry."  He said as he sat down, chomping loudly on the cone.

"Hey guys, I just got of the phone with management and they said all is well.  It started to storm anyway, so they are giving all the people tickets for a show in a week at the fair.  Is that okay with you guys?"  Liam came into the waiting room asking loudly.

"SHHHHHH." Niall mocking hissed at him, making fun of me.

"Oops, sorry."  He said as he looked at me and started to pat my back.  "How are you holding up mate?"

"I'm fine I guess."  I shrugged.  I saw Louis's eyes flash, liar.

"Is Connor Masters in here?"  A doctor came through the doors.  We all looked at the tall, sandy haired blue eyed kid get up and walk to him.

"Congratulations, your beautiful baby boy is born.  He is a little underweight, being premature, but he is healthy.  We are just finishing up on El and then you will be able to see her."  The doctor cheerfully told him as Connor looked happy.  He walked back and took out his phone and called their families.

"Now is there a Mr. Harry Styles here?"  I snapped my head up and looked at the doctor.  I gently lifted up Aliv and handed her over to Liam.

"That is me."  I said as I shook the doctor's hand.

"Could you just follow me?"  The Doctor asked as she began to walk away.  I signalled the guys that I would be back and then followed her.  "El, didn't want to see anyone but you right now.  We have to keep this a secret."

"Okay."  I smiled through my tears.  She only wants to see me right now, she still loves me.

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