Love me some Snickers(ON HOLD)

Από sweet_snickers

863 31 35

What are the consequences of a delightful treat such as Snickers? A chocolate heaven perhaps? Wrong! Kathy's... Περισσότερα

Poor Snickers went to waste
Tired? Grab a Snickers bar!
Too much is not good

Love me some Snickers

380 12 12
Από sweet_snickers

Author's note :

I am a girl who has a strange addiction. You might have guessed it. If you haven't then, I am obsessed with a popular chocolate bar known by the name Snickers. You must be living under a rock if you never heard of it. I appreciate it if you decide to join in on my weirdness and travel to the land of Snickers..Only joking :) Go ahead and read my story...Feedback would also be appreciated - Doojie


“I will never eat that much again!” exclaimed Kathy to her best friend Alanna, “Oh look! Someone justdropped a Snickers!” Alanna simply laughed with a disapproving nod, “You have to work harder to shed off the weight hun.”

Chapter 1

Present Day

Holding 3 bags of Snickers, Reese's, Kit-Kat, etc. in each hand, chocoholic Kathy who was overweight was surely exhausted.  Although it was mid-winter, she was soaked from her own sweat. Earlier, she went “shopping” to stock up on her chocolate favorites before the harsh winter storm can stop her. Last year, she sold her brand new SUV. So instead of driving, she walks to nearby places for necessary needs. She vowed to her New Year’s resolution that she will lose weight, but it’s very difficult.

 She have been obsessed with chocolate, especially Snickers, since she was 7. Kathy has realized that if she hasn't consumed a chocolate bar daily, her body will begin to rumble and cause severe pain. She has talked to her doctor about this weird feeling. He, including many others such as her friends and family, suggested that she was going mental. She was sent to a psychologist to solve her issues. The only statement the psychologist mentioned was that she has an extreme addiction to chocolate. The only friend who stood by her side and believed her was Alanna. They have been best friends since childhood. Alanna is also a huge fan of chocolate, but doesn’t consume as much as Kathy.

As she was walking, she spotted her home at a near distance. It’s not hard to miss hence the bundle of colorful balloons and a banner that stretched across her porch that acknowledges her birthday tomorrow. She smiled slightly at the thought of her turning twenty-two in a day. She almost tripped as she remembered to call Alanna. She quickly grabbed her phone from her shoulder-bag and dialed the familiar numbers.


“Alanna! Are you still sleeping lazy bum?” joked Kathy.

“Haha I will get up sooner or later..Whats up Kathy?” Alanna replied as she stifled a yawn.

“Just a reminder, tomo..” Kathy was cut mid-sentence as Alanna spoke up.

“Tomorrow’s your special day! Yippe! Don’t worry I have everything under control.”

“You never failed to be amazing. Talk to you later love!”

“I’ll be waiting hun. Buh-Bye!” With that, Kathy hung up and laughed at her crazy best friend who can change moods in an instant.

A few blocks and two chocolates later, Kathy finally reached her cozy apartment in downtown Brooklyn without tripping into the massive puddles on the sidewalk remaining from last night’s heavy downpour. Her home was located on a very busy street. She unlocked the front door with her free hand that wasn't covered from the sticky cocoa substance and turned on the light switch. To her dismay, nothing lit up. She placed her bags near the door and walked further into the dark living room. Suddenly, a pair of unfamiliar hands strongly covered her mouth, as well her nose. She kicked vigorously when the person who held her hostage yelped in pain. "Ow! Would you stop that, Kat?" said the person who Kathy assumed was a man. She was caught in shock when he called her Kat. Only her close friends, or who used to be, called her that.

She decided to quit her attempts of escaping the stranger's tight grasp. It was no use. However, her body sensed danger, and on went her heart rapidly pulsing. She felt herself being led downstairs to her basement. She was placed on a hard chair when her arms were pulled to the back and were tied with something solid. Handcuffs? The light abruptly lit the entire room. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the sudden light. Her heart's pace quickened when she saw no one in front of her. But, she was wrong. The stranger stepped out with a wicked grin. He simply said, "Hello there, Kat." Kathy gasped in shock as the man in front of her was no stranger. She caught her open-mouth a few seconds later and spoke. Her words resulted into a stutter. "D..D..Daniel?" 

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