Magi: Lost in Time

By AthanasiaKashimashi

59.3K 1.7K 111

Previously known as Magi: Cinderella's Spell Escapade 1: The Adventures of Sinbad Yrif Kingdom was a prospero... More

Prologue - They Met
Escapade 1
Scroll 1: Tison Village
Scroll 2: Napolia, Reim
Scroll 3: Truth, Stars
Scroll 4: Sinbad and Thais
Scroll 5: Sasan and Artemyra
Scroll 6: Pervert and Her Conviction
Scroll 7: Impending Doom
Scroll 8: Sinbad's Mistake
Scroll 9: Epiphany
Scroll 10: Strange
Scroll 11: Heliophat
Scroll 12: Unnerved
Scroll 13: Resolution
Scroll 14: Showdown
Scroll 15: Toran and Judal
Scroll 16: Parthevia
Scroll 17: Shadows Within
Scroll 18: Selendine's Will
Scroll 19: Captive
Scroll 20: Dirtied
Scroll 21: Farewell
Escapade 2
Scroll 1: Alibaba
Scroll 2: Niel
Scroll 3: Gamori
Scroll 4: In the Meantime
Scroll 5: Marbas
Scroll 6: Kouen and Thais
Scroll 7: Balbadd
Scroll 8: She
Scroll 9: End
Scroll 10: Arjwani
Scroll 11: Peril in Paradise
Scroll 12: Progress
Scroll 13: Explanation
Scroll 14: Light in the Darkness
Scroll 15: Precious
Scroll 16: Towards Sindria
Scroll 17: Darkness
Scroll 18: Pain
Scroll 19: Real
Scroll 20: In order
Escapade 3
Scroll 1: Battle of Destiny
Scroll 2: Magic Academy
Scroll 3: Reim
Scroll 4: Morgiana and Kaein
Scroll 5: Luna and Al-Thamen
Scroll 6: In Between
Scroll 7: Sky
Scroll 8: Countdown
Scroll 9: Resound
Scroll 10: Reim versus Magnostadt
Scroll 12: Vessels
Scroll 13: Warriors
Scroll 14: He comes
Scroll 15: Wish
Scroll 16: Invitation and Feud
Scroll 17: Play Your Cards Right
Scroll 18: Signs and Past
Scroll 19: Solomon and Demeus
Scroll 20: Broken Time
Scroll 21: Broken Mirror
Scroll 22: Future that Awaits Us
Scroll 23: Comfort
Scroll 24: Internal
Scroll 25: Hope
Scroll 26: Akil
Escapade 4
Scroll 1: According to Plan
Scroll 2: Sun and Rain
Scroll 3: New Light
Scroll 4: Responsibility
Scroll 5: Irony
Scroll 6: Tower of Feelings
Scroll 7: Ray
Scroll 8: Forgiven
Scroll 9: Rose Garden
Scroll 10: Losing It
Scroll 11: Dungeons and Akil
Scroll 12: Solution
Scroll 13: That Hope
Scroll 14: Shards
Scroll 15: Wishes
Character Profile
Bonus Scroll: Maharagan

Scroll 11: She Comes

431 13 1
By AthanasiaKashimashi

"Alibaba!?" Aladdin shouted in glee. The blonde conqueror turned to him and beamed a smile. The magi was ecstatic to see his long-time friend so soon. Of course, he wished that it would not be on the battlefield, but he was happy nonetheless.

Murmurs surrounded them as they question who Alibaba was. On the other hand, the Fanalis Corps fetched their captain who was very low on magoi. Myron glared at Alibaba for betraying her brother, but Alibaba retorted that it was Aladdin he was searching all this time. He apologized to them and they were about to retort back when a soft voice ordered them to retreat.

"Everyone, retreat." A flash of long blond hair fluttered in the air as a familiar figure (to others) appeared. She held her staff tightly while regarding the people in front of her.

"L-Lady Scheherazade!" The others murmured around them as they met the ancient magi in the battlefield herself. Many asked why she was there. Aladdin squinted his eyes in wonder. There was something different with her, much like how Titus was different from him. He hesitantly asked if she was really Lady Scheherazade.

"And who are you? Are you Magnostadt's magi?" She asked. Aladdin denied the claim and instead, insisted that he wanted them to leave the country alone for there was darkness inside it. Several triggers were hidden in the country. There were also hate, magoi accumulation furnace, connections to a certain organization and the chancellor.

"Terrifying things will be called into this world. So please...." He begged. Scheherazade could see the truth in his words. Once again, she ordered Reim to retreat. Muu demanded answers and she simply told him that Aladdin might be looking at the same sky as Yunan and a certain princess.

"In any case, there is a great number of injured soldiers. We cannot let things like this, but have the entire army retreat in the open sea for now. In the meantime, Aladdin, King Alibaba and Titus, may we have a talk together?" She softly asked. They nodded their heads and her orders were set. Many were anxious about the talk those four were to have. Khamisa, who just returned, asked Aladdin to be careful.

"I will. Please take care of the others here." She nodded at the simple request before returning to the cliff where she helped fix things. A presence not far from her made itself known. It was a familiar golden fur and violet eyes. Kaein was here.

"Hmm. This war has done something terrible in this land and I can't believe that Magnostadt is hiding that kind of djinn. How are you holding, brat?" He teased. Khamisa pouted at the name before telling him that she was quite exhausted, but will return soon.

"Are you waiting for somebody, Kaein? You seem to be looking at North oftentimes." Khamisa asked. He grinned sheepishly and told her that he was waiting for his mistress. She was curious as to who his mistress now. Finishing up her work, they went over back to the academy. Of course, Khamisa had to ask if Kaein could somewhat change his appearance. The Arjwani obliged and turned to his smaller form before riding her shoulders. He saw how the war depleted most of the magicians. Not only that, he could feel the immense amount of black rukh in the area.

'I hope she'll come here soon. Geez, what's taking her so long?' He complained.

With Aladdin and the others, it was different. They had come to truce and were now talking about their lives. Titus was taken aback by how rude the two were in front of his Lady. It was different though. Lady Scheherazade was enjoying herself. It was something new to the blonde magi.

Aladdin confronted Alibaba as to why he did not meet Lady Scheherazade. He told him that he was actually hiding from her. He knew that it would be bad if there was a metal vessel user lurking around. It caused grief to fall upon the lady. She confessed that even he was in front of her, she would not have sensed it.

"I knew it. You are a little different from a magi, right?" The blue magi voiced out. Titus asked what he was talking about until Scheherazade told him that she was also the same as him, a clone. The lady's body was resting in Reim, in a place where no one can find it. However, that body will not be able to take another step because it was too old. Just for fun, she decided to reveal her age.

"Old? You say?"

"I am 268 years old." She laughed at their shocked face before turning serious. Sitting down properly, she asked Aladdin about Mogamett's secret. It looked like the chancellor was using the 5th District as his source of power, the dark rukh. He revealed to her about his knowledge on Alma Toran and he was desperate to keep the world from ending.

"A lot of people were living in that world, just like ours, but everything was put to an end because of a single war. Furthermore, those who caused that war call themselves the Al-Thamen. That was ended before everything in Alma Toran perished. Thanks to the power of the great magician called King Solomon. Most of the few survivors were guided to a new world that he created. That world is the world we are residing right now. But there were certain people who do not approve of the migration. Al-Thamen wants to erase this new world that King Solomon created and they are thinking of turning it into a world of chaos. The power they need to realize that thing was the Dark Spot." He explained. Alibaba was struck by his knowledge. Anger and hurt filled his heart as he thought of his friend bearing everything on his shoulder. Maybe, maybe, Sinbad, Thais and the others were also the same. His fist shook as his friend confessed that he hid everything from them.

"You idiot! Didn't we promise that we will not hide anything from each other!? Why did you have to shoulder everything? We are here! Your sister is here." Aladdin teared up at his words. Right, he was not alone anymore. He have people around him.

"Y-You are right. I'm sorry." Alibaba forgave the magi and Lady Scheherazade requested for them to return to the ship. There, she uttered that she will have to borrow Titus and have a talk with the young one. Scheherazade's past was revealed and Titus wanted nothing more than to sympathize with his mother. In the end, a heartfelt news broke the two.

"We don't have much time left to live. The original Scheherazade's body is dying. It will not be long until we vanish from this world." Titus froze. He will not be able to see Marga anymore and even his dear friends. Most and foremost, he could not do anything about it. Lady Scheherazade embraced him before turning back to Aladdin and Alibaba. She informed them of their retreat. Reim will no longer attack Magnostadt. They were, of course, glad about it, but a new information were received by both panels.

"Kou Empire is coming."
Matal Mogamett had enough. He trudged towards the 5th District and pulled out energy from the people. Many screamed in anger as they shouted for their freedom. They demanded to have their life back. The chancellor was not about to let them. He shut them up and even had the chance to kick a child out of his way. He wanted them to disappear from his sight. It was different from what he was in the past. The past where every human was still important to him.

"This doesn't have anything to do with Kou or Reim. I will put an end to everything. With my own hands, I will do it."

Northern Kingdom
Thais' POV

"If I ever get my hands on him, I will certainly strangle him. The hell is this place!? It was not this snowy the last time I went here. Marbas!" Power surged from her sword and she quickly forced the snow away. Daw sweatdropped at his lady's impatience. In about half an hour, they should reach King Niel's country. Before that, Daw wanted to ask when she was going to get married.

"E-Eh!? We will be married after the war I guess? Sinbad mentioned that he will—Why are we even talking about this!?" She changed the subject. Embarrassment was evident on her face and she tried to hide it by covering it with her cloak. Her friend chuckled at that.

Half an Hour Later
King Niel's Kingdom

"We're finally here. Damn this place." They entered the kingdom and King Niel sweatdropped at her facial reaction. She was actually seething. Thais sighed before looking at him straight in the eye. She was sure that Niel had already received the news about Magnostadt, Reim and Kou.

"You sure have played with the barrier my dear put up." Dear? She thought. Niel moved aside to see a woman with brown hair and emerald eyes. They were so bright that she wondered whether there was something in them. The king introduced her as their magician and his wife. They were wed just two months ago and she did not know.

"And you did not invite me on your wedding, you monkey!" She glared playfully. Niel scoffed and muttered that she would just complain nonstop because of the barrier she set up. He was right, but she still wanted to come. 

"Look, I am not that mean you know. Anyways, it is nice to meet you, umm, I haven't gotten your name yet."

"Of course, Lady Thais. I am Akari. It is nice to meet you as well, Milady." Thais grinned and told her not to be so formal. She was after all, a former princess and she was still engaged to King Sinbad. Not yet his official wife that is.

Thais set aside everything and asked Niel and his wife for their time. She needed all the help there is especially if it involved every metal vessel user. They went to his council room where they discussed the current events of the world. Niel already had a gist of the war between Reim and Magnostadt. He even had a little bit information of Kou entering it. She confirmed it and added that Kou would take that kingdom as their own.

"That is not only the problem. There is also the darkness that's about to plunge into this world." Niel's lips pursed tightly. She was still a mystery and he wanted to know how she knew about it. Thais leaned back on her chair and replied, "I stayed in the Palace for a long time and I am also part of the family that once lived in Alma Toran. Aladdin, the magi whom I was tasked to care for, knew that. Right now, our goal is to stop the Dark Spot from entering the world. We were sure that this war will trigger it. We have no doubt about it."

"I see. You want me to come with you and help defeat this monstrosity. Am I right?" Thais needed not to answer it anymore. She held her metal vessels.

"The power to keep it from destroying this world resides in our own metal vessels. It will not be easy, but we have to do our best. Are you with me, Niel, Akari? I am sorry for the sudden request, but we will need answers right now. The time required to go Magnostadt is a day or two. I just came back from Yrif and I highly required your help." Niel and Akari looked at each other before letting their decision up. The king agreed and quickly called his trusted man. He told him that he will be going with the princess to the battlefield and it seemed like he understand.

"Well then, are there things that you still need to bring? And are you sure about this, Akari? I will let you two talk for a while." Daw and Thais left the room. Akari turned to her lover and held his face. She told him that she will go wherever he may be.

"You are such a stubborn woman. Let's go." He pecked her lips before telling Thais that they were ready. The white haired princess grinned before letting her special rukh send her message to a dear companion.

'Kaein, I will be there soon. Just wait for me.'


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