A Whole New World (CSI fanfic...

By Shannon95

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Rachel escaped her own personal hell back in Ireland, flying right into the arms of Greg Sanders. As they bui... More

A Whole New World (CSI fanfiction)
Bad Timing
Meeting The Parents
Tying Loose Ends

Silver Linings

407 9 0
By Shannon95

Greg and I arrived in Ecklie's office to find Grissom already sitting in a chair across from Ecklie’s staring intently at a cup of coffee.

Anyone that knew Grissom well enough knew that that usually meant he was thinking very hard about a situation and it seemed that this was exactly the case as he didn’t look up when I took a seat next to him with Greg on my other side.

In fact Grissom didn’t look up from his coffee until Ecklie entered the office and took a seat at the other side of the desk.

“Some interesting news has been brought to my attention,” Ecklie started leaning back in his chair and surveying us.

“And what exactly would that be, Conrad?” Grissom asked, staring into Ecklie’s eyes. I looked at Greg questioningly but he just shrugged so I decided not to speak.

Clearly Grissom had a plan.

“When I was on my journey past your break room I overheard your CSI’s talking,” Ecklie put heavy emphasis on the fact that we were all under Grissom’s order. “From what I heard, Mr Sanders and Ms Evans seem to be in an intimate relationship,”

“Rachel, did you say anything that could have persuaded Conrad to think this?” I thought back to our conversation in the lunch room, if Ecklie was just walking by he couldn’t have heard much of the conversation.

I shook my head hesitantly, looking into Grissom's eyes as a silent plea for help.

“So what exactly did you hear from the break room?” Grissom turned to Ecklie, one eyebrow raised.

“I heard a conversation about a meeting between Greg and Rachel’s parents and Ms Sidle mention a Wedding, but I must remind you Gil that this is my inquiry, not yours,” Ecklie’s eyes flashed dangerously as he looked at Grissom.

“I’m fully aware of the situation, Conrad but I have to ask Greg,” Grissom shifted in his seat, I could feel Greg tense up beside me. “Have you and Rachel been intimate?” I closed my eyes, willing Greg to catch on to Grissom’s plan.

“No,” Greg shook his head quickly. I let out a sigh of relief as Grissom turned back to Ecklie, a small smirk on his face.

“Well I can’t just take their word for it Gil,” Ecklie stated patronisingly. “Which leads me to my decision about the inquiry I informed you about, Sanders, Evans, would you please step outside my office?”

I hurried out of my chair, Greg hot on my heels.

“How did Grissom know that we haven’t.. y’know.. yet?” Greg asked disbelievingly as we made our way back to the break room.

“I have no idea, I mean apart from you he’s the only one here who knows about Neil but I never spoke to him about us,”

We waited in the break room for a full half an hour, everyone else had long since gone home. Grissom finally found us there playing a game of truth or dare.

“Hey, what’s the verdict?”  Greg asked, avoiding my question about the first time he had sex.

“Neither of you will be working together anymore,” Grissom sighed. “I’m sorry, I tried my best,”

“Hey, don’t be sorry! Without you in there both of us would probably be fired right now,” I assured him quickly.

“How’d the results of the inquiry go?” Greg asked. I noted Grissom’s face falling quickly.

“The team have been split up, Catherine has been promoted, Rachel you and Nick now answer to her and Greg you, Sara and Warrick are with me,”

“I hate Ecklie, just putting it out there,” I said, holding my hands up. Greg nodded while Grissom grinned.

“I am sorry I’ve lost you as a CSI Rachel, you’re very good at your job,” Grissom smiled before exiting the lab.

“Well I suppose I better get home, the parents are probably waiting up,” I smiled, stifling a yawn.

“Ah those were the days, sneaking in late, taking the car for joy rides around the block,” Greg reminisced as I laughed.

“Yeah well, when you’re twenty four, not so much fun being tracked,” I giggled. I looked around quickly to make sure there were no prying eyes before leaning over and kissing Greg on the cheek.

“Y’know, the whole sneaking around thing is a turn on,” Greg grinned, raising his shoulders.

“Ah there’s the silver lining,” I laughed, “Are you going home now?”

“No I have a bit of paper work to catch up on, I’ll call you later,”

“Okie dokie, bye!”

I made my way out to the parking lot checking my phone on the way. I had two messages from Nick and one from Wendy.

Both of them were asking about mine and Greg’s meeting with Ecklie the other one from Nick about us being team mates now.

I was concentrating on texting Nick back a jibe about no country music being allowed when we were in the car together while I was walking through the parking lot.

Have you ever had that feeling that you were being watched.

I glanced around before shaking my head and telling myself to grow up.

Turns my inner child isn’t always wrong.

I tried to scream for help as a heavily gloved hand clamped around my mouth, a strong smell issuing from it.

“CRAP! Chloroform!” I tried to fight the tiredness and dizziness that was quickly engulfing me while I kicked and flailed about, pushing at the arms of the man standing behind me.

I’m pretty sure that shooting pain in my finger meant I had cracked a nail trying to scrape at the sleeves of his jacket to no avail.

Next thing I knew there was a blinding pain in my stomach.

“Oh god, if child birth supposed to be worse than this I’m never having kids! My mother always warned me about no cooperating, WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SO STUBBORN!?”

As much as I struggled I lost my footing and saw the parking lot around me fading out of sight as my eyes closed wearily.

The last thing that went through my mind?

“Greg is going to find a puddle of my blood out here isn’t he?” 

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