A Poem a Day

By Lizz163

327 8 14


June 11
June 12
June 13
June 14
June 15
June 16
June 17
June 18
June 19
June 20
June 21
June 23
June 24
June 25

June 22

10 0 0
By Lizz163

Got my schedule for next year... we're switching to block schedule; I hope it's good! I have some classes I didn't even sign up for, but they're really good classes to be able to get in; I feel like God is taking such good care of my future!~~ 

Haha but anyways, enough of my journaly-ness... here's today's poem!


Fluttering rainbows,

dominating the sky is what birds do

They taste the freedom, 

feel it whisper all the way down to their plumule,

coil it's way up their quills

and tease the tips of their feathers.

The envy we have in our hearts

will never satisfy

As we do not have elegant wings to fly

Maybe God just forgot the passion that burns in our

souls for adventure.

So instead we build skyscrapers, calling thems so

As to still the perturbing of bare backs and dull claws

But the fowl are quite foul, indeed,

simply perching themselves on the tops that protrude into

their dominion, their affinity, as

the mockingbirds mock our ignorant need

to feel wind kissing our cheeks, fluttering our eyelashes.

Birds know continuous freedom

and where we simply stare, they wanter

as friends amongst the moon and stars

thriving in their affinity for the skies.


Another poem from Creative Writing; as you can tell, my teacher was quite something to inspire such deep things from us (:

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