The Baby Project

By shootingstarlight13

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This is a bit of the book. Please do not copy. Hope you enjoy x. *******************************************... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fithteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chaper Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Tewnty -One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty- Six
Chapter Twenty- Seven
Chapter Tewnety-Eight
Thank youuuu!!!!
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Author Notes
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Tewnty-Five
Chpater Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty- Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Authors Notes
Chapter -Twenty Nine
My Wattpad Readers
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Author's Note

Chapter Thirty -One

1.4K 36 5
By shootingstarlight13

I was up, in a hurry, late as usual, running down the stairs getting ready, quickly made breakfast, got myself dressed and decided to drive to college. While driving I reminisced the idea of work and how I been off work for a week so I needed to head back.

My thoughts were all over the place. Was he going to kiss me yesterday? Did I ruin it? Well yes I did. I had my reasons, but most important one is does he still care about winning the bet or does he like me too?

I decide to leave my thought alone. Just listen to the music on the radio. Rules by Dua lipa blasted from the speakers.

One, don't pick up the phone.
You know he's only calling because he's drunk and alone.
Two, don't let him in your have to kick him out again.
Three, don't be his friend.
You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in morning and if you're under him.
You anit getting over him.
I got new rules .
I count 'em.

As I walk into college approaching the corridor, I see Kyle but no Mellissa with him, Wait! Stacy is with him. WHAT! NO! This cant be, am I seeing things.

Kyle is kissing Stacy this doesn't make sense, What is going on here? Why isn't he pushing her away?

I stand their watching what was going on. His arms limp at his side and push up against the locker. Stacy has both hands on his checks. 

They both open their eyes to see me standing there in the hallway. I quickly rush past them to end of the hall. I can hear arguing but don't bother to wait up.

"Leigh!" Kyle shouts. "It's not what it looks like."

I turn around to look at him, shaking my head and then start walking again. I hear him shout my name in the hallway. Everyone is looking at the both of us now to see what new juicy gossip we may have in store for them.

As I'm drowned in my own grief.I burst into the nearest lady's  restroom.

"Leigh! Please come out so we can talk about this please!" Kyle shouts into the bathroom.

"So you tell me that you two kissing was lie! That it's not your fault ,well it happened!"

"No, us two kissing was not a lie. It's was real Leigh. It happened, but your right it wasn't my fault. It just happened so fast."

"Ha, sure it's wasn't your fault. Just leave me alone Kyle. I don't want to hear your pathetic excuse anymore. I don't want to talk to you." I say placing my hands on the sink.

"Please trust me and believe me it wasn't my fault."

" You know I really liked you Kyle. I thought you were different when I got to know you. I guess I was wrong. "

"I'm still the same person Leigh."

"Clearly not! Just go away!"

"Leigh please listen to me." Kyle begged

"Just go. " I say my voice starting to crack at the end.

I trusted him and believe in him. But that's my fault I let my guard down.

The bell had signalled the start of the first lesson. I wipe the tears from my eyes. Kyle Cullen is not worth my tears. I pull a small smile onto my face. I walk out the room making the door slowly close be-hide me. 

"Your late Leigh!"

"Yes sir I'm very aware of that." I say with a bit attitude and head to my seat.

Kyle was sitting there with Mellissa. I act if I don't see him there. I take out my books and start taking note.

"Leigh please can you listen to me. It's wasn't my fault and I'm sorry if I hurt you.That's not what I wanted." He whispers looking at me.

I don't bother to look at him.

"Save it for someone who wants to hear."

There silence between the both of us. The lesson is over and I refuse to spend a day with him. "I'm taking Mellissa for the first half." I take the pram and was about to walk out the door.

But I stop.

"I don't care if you don't want to hear because I'm not going to stop explaining myself until you know the truth."

I didn't know how to respond so I left without looking back at him.

Christina pov

Leigh what's wrong?" I ask her but she didn't reply so I knew why.

" You found out didn't you. Oh honey you can't be mad at him forever. It's not like he knew it was going to happen so really he's not in the wrong." I try to reason with her.

"Of course I can be mad at him for ever long I like. I saw with my own eyes his lips on hers therefore he is in wrong. " Leigh says angrily.

"Okay hold up what did you see? " I question her.

"I saw them kiss." Leigh mutters as her jaw gets tense.

"Oh but you didn't hear the conversation or what happened before or after did you?" I interrogated.

"No, glad I didn't" she rolls her eyes. Someone help me because Leigh is clearly being stubborn.

"Wrong you shouldn't be saying that. If I was you. "I disagree while raising my eyebrow at her.

Well that's sum it up. Leigh's not being in denial. Nope just jumping the gun.

"Why do you say that?" Leigh snaps at me but I could hear the curiosity behind her voice.

"Because it really wasn't Kyle thought. You may not see it but he does like you. He didn't take advantage of you at the party. He hasn't spoken to any other girls and actually tried to hit on them. Kyle actually spends time with you. Do you see him spend time with any other girls around here or even when he wants to get into there knickers? No." I explain myself with a sigh. Goodness I love this girl to bits but sometime I wonder if she wonders around with her eyes half shut.


"Are you connecting the dots now babe? That's why I say that. Did you even hear his side of the story?" I asked her.

Leigh shake her head. " Still how do you know?" Angry now fading as her eyes were looking down to the ground.

"That he's not in the wrong? If anything he's the victim here. I saw it all and heard the conversation they were having. I eavesdrop but before you can say anything it's a good thing I did." I say as she looked at me in shock.

"Okay, I wanna know the story" Leigh's says with confidence.

Here it goes. She is going feel a bit bad after this. Jheezs Leigh why didn't you just let him explain.

"Well let's start with the conversation"


"Come on you know you had a good time. Why can't we do it again?" Stacy questioned.

"Because it was a one time thing  and that's it. It was a mistake and I won't make it again. We where drunk and besides I'm not interested in you like that." By the way Kyle was speaking you could hear the anger in his voice. I could tell he regretted big time.

"Then who are interested in because I know I'm the kind of girl you need not them." She says crossing her arms.

Kyle laughs " Your differently not the kind of girl I need. You need to find someone else and just leave me alone." He say the last big more calmly.

It a shame you can't hit her. I will.

"I get it now, your still hooked on the idea with Leigh."

"That's-that's none of your business so stay out of it!"Kyle told her sternly taking a deep breath.

"Fine I'll leave it -for now. But this is not over."

"I don't care to me it is over. Nothing more or less to say on the matter. I have to go."

Kyle tried to leave but Stacy pulled his arm and step in front of him blocking his pathway. But she saw you coming so she kissed him to make look like it was his doing. Thats why his arms were limped he didn't even react to her kiss. She pinned Kyle near the lockers. The perfect angle for you to see.

He pushed her off as soon as he saw you run off. They started arguing about it. Kyle was annoyed he knew why Stacy did. So do I. Stacy made a low move and she got the reaction she wanted. Leigh you feel into her trap of tricks.

I say no longer feeling an appetite to eat but forced myself too other wise I would be Hungry. I stayed silent as I allowed it to sink into Leigh mind. Logan came over with the baby and whisper in my ear. "Hear you go. Your turnn" he sang at the end.

Great time to be a mummy again.

He turn to walk away before saying he would see me later. "I will leave you to think about is this okay?"

Leigh's nods at me but still remains silent.

"Okay then" I say as I put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't be too hard on your self you didn't know and was not thinking at all because you let your hurt and anger take over then think about it. He will let you talk to him. Just listen to him. "I give her shoulder a squeeze and then say my goodbyes and leave.

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