Every Rose Has Its Thorns

By lilljhx

292K 5.9K 336

It has been two years since Edward and the Cullens left. He broke my heart more than I thought possible. It w... More

And End...For Now
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Release Date Moved Forwad
Sequel Released
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5.6K 124 9
By lilljhx

Every Rose Has Its Thorns ~ 28

Word count: 3259

*Charlie's POV*

We all walked outside to the back yard which led in to the forest. Creepy, I know. I looked on in confusion and uncomfortable silence as Jacob Black began to undress.
"I don't really think you need to strip Jacob." I scowled .
"He does. Don't forget the sneakers Jake. I am not buying you anymore shoes so do not destroy these." Billie complained. Destroy? How quickly does the boy go through shoes? I haven't even bought Bella any shoes since she has been here. I should probably get her some more shoes. And some new tops or maybe some jewellery. Or makeup? I could take her for a meal. We don't get much time now to be father and daughter. Maybe that's why she makes all of this up. To get my attention. Maybe I'm not showing her how much I do care about her and it's getting to her. I know her mother, Renée, would always shower her with praise, love, affection and attention.
"Dad are you even listening right now?" She scowled and clicked her fingers in my face.
"What? I mean um yeah of course." Her face fell as she turned away and began to pick up seemingly most of Jacob's clothes. Thank God he still had his boxers on.
"Unbelievable." I heard her mutter as she walked away in to the kitchen. I could faintly hear her pulling some thing out of the fridge and then the unmistakable sound of a can of beer being popped. This girl. What was she thinking? Underage drinking!? Come on, I'm the Sheriff. Does she really think she can get away with that? Not on my watch.
Just as I was about to go in there and stop her, Jacob's hand was clasped around my biscep.
"Mr Swan, you have to watch this ok? Forget what ever Bella is doing right now and pay attention. This is important and not something that you should be dismissing so easily." He all but growled. Hold on - he just growled. Like actually growled as if he was a dog.
"Ok. Show me what ever it is you want to show me. But make it fast Jake. I don't have all day."
"For this, you do." Billie retorted.
My face hardened but I kept my mouth shut. The quicker this was over, the quicker I could go and stop my daughter from drinking.
Eyes on Jake, I began to feel quizzey. What was he going to show me.
Then, before my eyes, Jacob's briefs tore as he jumped in to the air. His muscles rippled and his face froze with a look of pain. And then it was over. His feet landed silently on the ground. Except, they weren't exactly feet any more.
Where Jacob's large feet would have been, was replaced with two pairs of paws. Like, of a wolf type of paw. My eyes travelled up to where his chest normally was and I was greeted with the body of a large, bronze coloured wolf.
Then I heard a growl. My eyes shot up to meet his. I was frozen in place. This wasn't real. It couldn't be. It's all a trick. He took one step forward. And then another. And one last one. Now we stood, face to chest (he was a tall wolf ) and reality came crashing down.
Jacob Black was a werewolf.
Which meant that Isabella's diary was right.
Edward Cullen would turn out to be a glittering vampire.
And now we were caught in the cross fire.
"Well. That proves it. I've gone crazy. Surely." I stammered as I raised my hand. His fur was soft and silky. My face became flushed with heat as I could practically feel it pulsing off of him in constant waves.
"You aren't crazy. I promise old friend. Now how about we go and pay the Cullens a friendly visit. Jake, we'll meet you there. Bella is already with them and she has a spare change of clothes there waiting for you." With that, Billie began to wheel himself to my squad car.
"And Charlie?" He called
"Yeah Billie?"
"You're driving." He grinned like a madman.


"So...let me get this right. You all come from all over the world and yet you claim to be family? And you are all vampires? And humans aren't supposed to know about Vampires unless they have a death wish ot can manage to keep quite about it all? That sound about right Carlisle?" I asked. Being in a room of cold blooded vampires gave me the willies. Don't they all want to bite my back and drain me of my blood?
"Ahem. Yes. In a way.  We are all family by choice. We are the majority of vampires that do not drink human blood and prefer to call ourselves vegetarians. This is because we choose to drink the blood of animals in order to sustain a healthy living environment. With us not killing people for dinner every week, it makes it easier to stay in one place for as long as we can.
Many of us here were created by some one else in the room. As I'm sure you know from Bella's diary entries. While others, like Jasper and Alice, came from slightly different vampire backgrounds but managed to find peace living like we do and wished to become a part of the family.
And to answer you final question, yes. Humans are not supposed to know about us unless they are being changed or the Volturi have deemed it allowable. It is dangerous for both Vampires and Werewolves for humans to know because, no offence, your kind do not tend to keep secrets very well. Just look at all the gossip magazines -"
"Or the Kardashians." Emmett cut in.
"As I was saying," Carlisle began again, "the only humans that know, are you and Bella. Humans do know, but they are kept under careful scrutiny by the Volturi." Ok. Ok. Soooo me and Bella know about Vampires and so do people who come from werewolf blood lines but no other humans do? And if they do, they will eventually be eaten by basically the vampire Royal Family? Not crazy at all.
"Ok. Prove it." Bella sighed as she shifted to sit on top of Rosalie's lap. What the.
"Bella? Rosalie? Before this conversation continues, is there something you want to tell me?" I looked them both in the eyes and raised my left eyebrow.
I wasn't bothered about Bella being gay. Or Rosalie. Or anyone. But I am bothered when some one gets too close to my little girl. Boy or girl. Edward or Rosalie, I'm still her father and I am still protective.
Bella stiffened and began to get off of Rosalie. "No erm-" but Rose cut her off.
"Yes. Mr Swan, I am truely, deeply, madly infatuated with your daughter. She is the light that feeds the sun. She is the stars that fill up the sky and she is the love that I feel hopelessly burning through my viens every passing second. She is the person I want to hold and cherish forever and I would not ever let anything happen to her. Because I love her." She proudly stated as she wrapped her arms round my daughter and held her close.
I got to hand it to her, that was a beautiful response.
"Hmmmm." I looked at them again.  Bella looked so calm, happy and content with Rose and I couldn't lie, they looked so cute together.
"Carlisle, your proof please."


I couldn't believe it. Vampires, werewolves and death surrounded my daughter on a daily basis and I had no idea. After Jacob's transformation and Jasper walking in to the sun light, I had no excuse not to believe it all.
Harry had died at the hands of a vampire. A vampire that tore the Cullen family apart. And a vampire that waged war to kill my daughter. And what did i do? Nothing.
I did nothing to protect the only thing I hold dear to me.
That's what her nightmares were about. And all this time I just sat by watched.

***Rosalie's POV***
Once all the wolves left, along with Charlie and Billie, everyone else gathered around the kitchen table.
"These past few days, we haven't really had much time to go hunting. So, who's up for a hunting trip!?" Carlisle yelled, a giddy, boyish grin. Everyone howled (not literally) and laughed with glee.
"Hey Carlisle, erm, I think I'm gonna stay in Forks. Maybe spend some time with Bella," I looked at Alice and knew she was gonna ask to stay, "alone. You know? Just me and Bella." Her face fell. Sorry Alice, but you got to go shopping with Bella and now I want to spend time alone with my mate.
"Of course, but try not to break any more furninture. And if you are going to cook, please don't set anything else on fire. Did you really think Esme wouldn't notice?" He chuckled. I turned around to be face to face with my mother. Oh crap.
"Never burn my furniture. Ever. You hear me Rosalie Hale-Cullen?" She snapped.
"Um yeah I mean no. I mean...eurgh. It won't happen again. I promise." She just smiled and pulled me in to a hug. It was almost as though she was saying 'you're lucky I love you' with just a simple smile and hug.
It's moments like those that I cherish. But the one thing I cherish more, is Isabella. The gorgeous beauty stood right in front of me. Alive, breathing and having a constant heart beat.
My Bella.
"Alright guys! Let go get some grisly bears!" And with that final howl of viscious hunger, Emmett was raving Jasper and the Amazon's probably to the borders of Canada. Him and his bears.
Soon, every one had left. Only me and Bella remained.
"So Bella, Valentine's Day is coming and I was wondering - well hoping actually - that you would want to do something for it." I said. My voice sounded faint and feeble. I guess she heard it too.
"Yeah. I was wanting to do something. I was thinking about going to the movies." Her smile was wide and filled with mischief.
"That sounds great." My smile soon out shone hers as it just kept growing.
"Yeah. Me and Jake are gonna go. What with me not being in a relationship." My smile fell and my heart broke. She didn't feel the same way. Even after all we have been through this passed week. After all she did for me and all I did for her. Even after my family and I revealed a secret that could get us killed, she still didn't feel the same way. Soon my pain turned quickly to anger.
"Get. Out." I growled. Menace and venom practically dropping from my tone. How could she.
"whoa Rosalie I just-" her eyes filled with tears but right now I couldn't care. My heart was broken.
"GET. OUT." My scream was loud, pain filled and full of anger.
"Rose..." And then her tears fell.
Suddenly Alice was there, standing protectively over a crying Bella.
"Rosalie what is going on here?!" She yelled as she began to bundle Bella up in her arms.
"Take her home. I can't stand to see her sniveling face right now." I growled then raced to my room. The second my face hit the pillow, my years started to fall faster than Niagra.
She didn't love me.
And yet...
She had my heart in the palm of her hand.
And she always would.
I was glad that none of the family were around. I don't think I could handle it if they were. I may not have a working, beating heart, but I still had feelings. I loved Bella. No, I love her. Hell I even told her dad how much I love her. Then she turns around and tells me she was going to ask wolf boy out on a date? Really? She could do so much better than that filthy mutt.
She could do better and have me. But no.
Shortly after, I heard Alice on the phone to who I could only guess would be Esme. Great, here comes an intervention.
"Rose...wanna talk to me about it?" She whispered softly as she entered the room. She sat down on the bed (which I had installed when I first thought about how much I loved Bella) and ran her fingers through my hair. It instantly calmed me down.
"She doesn't love me Alice. I tried so hard. I let my walls down and I followed my heart and now I'm hurting. It feels worse then the changing. My heart feels like it's being ripped open. She doesn't love me. Not even a tiny bit. She loves that stupid mutt Jacob." As I spoke she just listened and held me. I didn't need her to tell me everything was going to be ok, because we both know it wasn't going to be ok. But I'm glad she was here with me. I couldn't ask for a better sister.
"Esme is on her way home." She whispered. Her fingers never once stopped running through my hair.
"You know Rose, I think there's been a bit of a miss understanding between you and Isabella."
I doubt it. She clearly said that she was going to go out with Jacob for Valentine's Day. Not me.
"Did you stop to hear her out about what she said?" I could only hum in responce. If course I hadn't, her statement was obvious.
"Who's side are you even in here Alice? Hers?" I scowled. Her fingers in my hair stilled.
"I'm not on any ones side here Rosalie Hale-Cullen and you know that. Now stop throwing yourself a stupid little pity party. Eurgh Esme you take it from here. I can't." Alice growled as she stormed out. Well ouch.
"Oh my darling Rosalie. What ever happened?" She quizzed as she took up the former spot of Alice.
"B-Bella doesn't love m-me. She l-loves that J-Jacob boy. It h-hurts Esme. It hu-urts mom." And I just cried. I cried, and cried, and cried. Esme just held me and rocked us back and forth.
By the time I stopped crying, the sun had went down in the east and then reappeared once again in the west.
"Oh sweetie. How about you and Emmett take a trip for a few days. Calm down maybe. I will talk to Isabella while you are away. I will Try to work out exactly what happened. And maybe when you come back, nice and calm, you can talk to Isabella yourself." I sighed but began to get up all the same.
"Could you tell Emmett for me please?"
Within five minutes we were ready and jumping out the window.

"Sooo. You and Bella had a rough argument or something sis? " Emmett asked as we lay on the sofa watching some random show.
"Something like that." Thankfully Emmett understands me better than anyone. Sometimes I think he understands me better than i understand myself. He knew when to push for answers and when I just need to be left alone.
At first I asked Carlisle to save his life because I thought he was my mate. I wouldn't have condemned him to life as a vampire if i genuinely thought he wasn't. But when the three days were up and he woke up, I realised he wasn't. I had never felt so awful before in my life. I had ruined any chance of him being happy. Knowing that made me feel as though I was a murderer. And when I should have been comforting him, he was the one who came to me. Told me how awesome this life was and how thankful he was that I saved him. It made me feel a little bit better but I still felt like a monster. He didn't even get much of a choice as to whether or not he became one of our kind, he was just thrown in to it unaware.
"You know Rose, if it's any constellation, I think that you and Bella will work things out. From what Alice told me, i think it sounded like Bella was only joking. Maybe hinting at wanting to make things official. Thats what i think she meant when she said 'because I'm not exactly in a relationship'. I think she was playing and wanting you to make her your girlfriend...But I don't know tho." He grinned that cheesy grin of his. His gold-hazel eyes glittered with mischief and a hint of concern.
"Since when did you understand women?" I retorted, a small smile becoming apparent on my face.
"I don't. But I understand you. And how stubborn you are. And how dense you can be at times. Hey! Don't give me that look, you know it's true!" He laughed as I sent him a playful glare.
"I'm not stubborn. You are!" And just to prove my point, I stuck my tongue out at him.
"I'm offended!" Emmett's laugh was contagious and I couldn't help laughing along with him. God I missed this. Just spending time with my baby brother.
"You wanna go back? Sort things out with your girl?"
The truth is that I did want to go home and see Bella. But just like Emmett said, I'm stubborn.
Just then, Emmett's mobile rang. Thanks to the hightened senses, I could make out exactly who he was in the phone to. My Bella.
(Underline= Emmett, bold = Bella)

Hey! Emmett oh my God. Is Rosalie with you? I've been trying to get in touch with her since I hurt her. She hasn't been answering her phone and no one is telling me where the hell youse are!

Whoa chill. We're on a trip. We'll be back shortly. And don't worry, she isn't purposely ignoring you, she just erm left her phone at the house.

Emmett I swear to God if you don't tell me where you are I-

What? You gonna come catch us? Are you gonna run all the way out here?

Yeah! If that's what it takes to win Rosalie's heart back then I will. Now tell me where the hell you are!

God hearing her voice has already brought tears to my eyes. I missed her and it's only been two days, today being the second. I wanted to go back.

Thank you! That's all I wanted to know. Now stay exactly where you are, ok?

Bella you can't be serious!? Haha oh my days are you actually gonna r-

Yes Emmett, yes I am. I'll see you soon. Just...give me...

A few hours? Maybe a day?

Hey! Don't laugh at me, I'm trying here. Look give me 12 hours and I'll be there. See you soon 'monkey BOY'

I am a MAN!

Then the line went off. And Bella was gone once again.

A:/N thank you all so much for reading this book. I didn't think it would get half the amount of attention it has, like ever. So thank you so much for that! Also, I'm thinking about ending this book at chapter 40. Maybe 35. But don't worry because next chapter is gonna have a lot of attention focused solely on Rosella so yea. Happy Valentine's Day.

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