๐‹๐€๐ƒ๐ƒ๐„๐‘๐’, colby brock i...

By -angelicglow

9.7K 94 6

just some random colby brock imagines that i wanted to write :-) hope you enjoy๐Ÿ’› More

hide and seek
requests open!
author's note
author's note pt 2
you're the one
worth it
no more


1.1K 20 1
By -angelicglow

similar to the first imagine, this is based off the video where devyn pranks corey! but of course you're taking place of devyn and colby is taking place of corey! hope you enjoy :-))

y/n's pov

i was up in colby's room waiting for him, elton, sam, and corey to get home so that we could go on a walk. they had all gone out to watch a movie and were coming back home. beep beep, i heard my phone go off signaling a text. "we'll be home in 15 minutes" colby sent me. i looked over at the clock, 7:38 pm. "hm i wonder if i should prank colby and the boys, im gonna go hide" i said to myself, smiling. i ran to the bathroom to do my business because knowing me i'm gonna have to pee in the middle of hiding (does that happen to anyone else while they're playing hide and seek ???? bc it always happens to me smh) and then ran downstairs. i walked around the kitchen and the living room, turning off all the lights, until i decided to hide in one of the open cabinets underneath the stairs. i chuckled to myself as i slid inside and waited for the boys to get home. about 5 mins later, i saw sam's car roll into the driveway. "let the games begin" i whispered as i heard the front door open.

"babe? where are you? i thought we agreed to meet outside" i heard colby yell into the dark house. i heard footsteps run upstairs and open a room.

colby's pov

"babe?" i said while opening the door to my room. empty. "where is she?" i said to myself as i closed the door to my room. "y/n? babe, where are you?" i said as i opened sam's door. again, it was empty. maybe she's downstairs? i thought in my head. i ran my fingers through my hair, as i ran back down the stairs. both the kitchen and living room lights were off. "what in the world is happening" i said i ran back outside to where the other boys were waiting. "guys i can't find y/n" i said, slowly starting to get worried. "what do you mean you can't find her?" sam asked, clearly as confused as i was. "i just checked upstairs and she wasn't in my room or your room, and all the lights downstairs are off. i can't find her anywhere" i said as my worries were starting to grow. "have you tried calling her?" corey asked. "no, but i'm gonna do that right now" i said, pulling out my phone. i unlocked my phone and dialed y/n's number. it started to ring, but went to voicemail. "why isn't she picking up?" i said, the panic in my voice rising. "colby, calm down. she's probably hiding or something, just try calling her again" elton said, looking down at his phone.

y/n's pov

colby had left the front door open as i heard him run throughout the house. colby had tried calling me, but i had my phone on silent and ignored his call. i was giggling when i decided to text elton because he didn't seem too concerned that i was missing. "i'm hiding sshhh " i sent. i waited for elton to respond as i tried to listen to the conversation outside. "come on, let's go look inside" i heard corey say as they came into the house. i saw sam walk in the direction of the living room and walked past where i was hiding. i held my breath as he looked right at me, but then walked away. "can they not see me?" i thought as he left the room. i smiled to myself, thanking myself at finding a good spot. then i saw corey come from the other direction that sam came in from. he walked over to the couch and turned around and looked over to where i was hiding. "y/n where are you?" i heard corey yell as he walked toward the kitchen. i looked back at my phone to see that elton had replied, "yah i figured. you have him real good". i laughed as i typed back, "lmao they've walked passed me so many times". i locked my phone and waited as i heard them continuously calling out my name. "i hope you have a camera" elton replied. "damn, i should've brought one with me" i thought. "i dont, ugh" i replied. seconds later i get a text back, "noob". i laughed as we planned out the rest of the prank.

colby's pov

i was running through the house and eventually got to the pool, looking around the shed and the famous circa spot, but couldn't find y/n anywhere. i was starting to lose my mind as no one was able to find her nor did anyone know where she was. i kept calling her phone, but she wouldn't pick up. elton started filming but i was too focused on finding y/n that i could care less. "Y/N!" i yelled as i ran out into the darkness of the street as tears started to form. "is this one of you?" i asked looking at the boys as we had regathered in the backyard. "please tell me that this is one of your pranks and that she's okay" i asked, hoping that one of them would confess, but all of them shook their heads no. "fuck what am i supposed to do?" i said, panicking. my mind was racing at all the possible things that could've happened to her. "do i call the cops?" i asked, unlocking my phone, considering calling the police. "no, don't call the cops. you can't call them unless she's been missing for 24 hours" elton says, still holding the camera, walking over to me. "what the fuck am i supposed to do? what do i do?" i pant out, running around every nook and cranny of the backyard. sam and corey were yelling out y/n's name as we searched the backyard, the streets, and the house. i was still in the backyard when i heard a girl's scream from somewhere outside. my eyes went wide as i looked over at sam and elton. "did you guys hear that?" i asked as my panic levels were shooting through the roof. "hear what?" elton asked, walking over to me. "i just heard someone scream" sam says as he and i run over to try and head in the direction of the scream. "colby, try facetiming her" elton says as i start pacing. "dude, i heard a scream, i heard a girl scream. what is going on" i say as i start calling her, tears rolling down my face. i start walking in the direction of the house when someone picks up. "babe? y/n is that you? are you o-" beep beep beep. the call ended. "did she pick up?" sam and elton asked at the same time. "well, she answered. which means she has her phone" elton says as i try and ring her again. "it could've been someone else that answered" i say as i run my fingers through my hair trying to think of something, but my mind was filled with panic and worry.

y/n's pov

i heard colby, sam, and elton outside as corey was running up and down the stairs yelling my name throughout the entire house. i had no idea how they haven't found me yet, but i felt myself slowly slipping out, but i had to keep quiet because corey had come back downstairs. circa ran into the cubby with me and sat next to me. "damn circa, you're gonna rat me out" i thought as i started to pet her. she ran out as corey went into the kitchen and opened a cabinet. circa started barking and i heard all the boys run back into the house. "circa doesn't bark unless there's something there" elton said as they walked into the living room. all of them were in the living room and i was so worried that they we're gonna find me so i sat as still as i could, but corey made eye contact with me and then looked at elton. he shook his head and walked away. i quietly laughed to myself as i saw colby crying and panicking as he ran back outside. i felt bad, but we were too far into the prank for me to back out now.

colby's pov

"sam, what am i supposed to do? do i start driving?" i say as i run out into the streets. both sam and i start screaming her name as we ran down the street. i looked in every bush, behind every car and tree, anywhere she could possibly be but there was no sign of her. i'm sobbing at this point and my mind is completely blank. "dude, elton what do i do? i'm calling 9-1-1" i say as tears keep streaming down my face and i am short of breath. "don't call 9-1-1" elton says as he puts his hand on my shoulder, trying to push me back in the direction of the house. i keep hearing sam screaming y/n's name, running around the street. "here, one more check of the house and if she's not there, we'll call 9-1-1" elton says as i'm still trying to call y/n's phone. "colby. colby, listen to me. one more check of the house and then we'll call the cops". i don't answer him but we both head in the direction of the house as i'm wiping the tears off of my face, but i can't stop crying.

y/n's pov

i got a text from elton saying, "when i say to go, run to colby's room and lay down normally." i wait for a text and a few seconds later i get the signal. "go. now. go go go. we gotta end this. he's crying" i run up the stairs as i hear circa start barking. i hear the boys back in the house so i turn around just wait at the top of the stairs. "who's upstairs? is that corey" i hear elton yell. "no, corey's outside" sam says as i hear colby bolt toward the stairs from the garage. sam runs up the stairs first and makes eye contact with me. "what the-" sam says as colby sees me. "aw babe, why are you crying?" i say as i walk down the stairs, colby running back down the stairs out the front door. "where were you?" i continue to hear sam say as he is in shock. i open the front door after colby and see him standing there. i pull him into a hug as i feel his grip tighten around me. "babe you walked past me like five times, all of you did" i say as he's running his hands up and down my back. i hear him crying into my shoulder as i heard elton and sam open the front door. "you looked right at me babe" i say rubbing his back. "what the, where were you?" sam says, still clearly in shock. "you guys all walked past her like 20 times" elton says as colby looks at me. i place my hands on his face as i wipe away his tears. "you want to see where i was? look" i say grabbing his hand and walking in the direction of where i was hiding. i point to the cabinet where i was and colby lets go of my hand and sits on the couch. "she was right there the whole time" elton says as sam's eyes go wide. sam covers his mouth in shock and looks at colby. "aw baby" i say walking over and sitting in his lap. immediately his arms wrap around my waist and i kiss the side of his head. his head hung low as i laughed. "i was starting to slide out and still none of you guys saw me" i said while elton laughed and corey joined us back in the room. "corey, you looked right at me" i say as he chuckled. "yeah, corey knew" elton says as colby still hadn't said a word. "circa even walked into the box with me at one point and still none of you guys found me" i said rubbing colby's back. "at least you know he cares" elton says as colby grabbed my waist tighter. "yo that was so good, you got me too" sam says as he started clapping. "i actually can't right now, oh my god". "yeah i texted elton telling him that i was hiding because all of you went to him and he wasn't really looking for me and then it kind of just fell into a prank" i say as colby looks up at me. i look down at colby as i run my fingers through his hair. "oh my gosh baby, you're all red" i say as i pull his face back into my arms. both elton and corey were laughing as i rub colby's shoulder. "colby if there's ever a camera out, nothing is serious" elton says as colby lifts his head up. "you don't know that man" colby says as a smile forms on his face. "colby i told you i was gonna film it in case your girlfriend got murdered and you would have clickbait" he says as everyone starts laughing. "you think i'm that much of a douche?" elton says as i intertwine my fingers with colby. "i mean footage is footage" colby jokes as everyone bursts out into laughter. "i got you too sam" i say as sam's face was bright red from running around. "yeah, you got me real good, cause if that happened to kat, holy crap" sam says as elton points the camera in his direction. i looked down at colby, wondering what could possibly be going through his head as elton and corey kept talking. "that prank lasted for about 40 minutes, i'm pissed" colby says as elton starts laughing again. "yeah and that's why it was so good, because it was believable as hell" i say placing my hand on colby's chest. "elton didn't know at first, but then i texted him and then this just kind of happened" i said as i looked around at the others. "wait, this wasn't supposed to be for a video? you did it just for fun?" colby asks as he looks up at me. "yeah i did it for fun and then it kind of turned into a video" i say as i feel colby loosen his grip on my waist. colby then leans forward as he places his hand on his forehead, shaking his head. "y/n" colby says in a soft voice, as elton and i start laughing again. "i'm sorry baby" i say as i kiss the side of his head again. "#teamy/n" i say as all of them start laughing again. "i would've let the prank go longer, but then i heard him crying so that's why i walked out" i say as i pulled colby's head into my chest, patting the side of his head. "that was brutal, holy crap" sam says as he looks at me. everyone then decided to go to bed since everyone was tired out from trying to find me, so colby and i walk up to his room and laid on his bed, his arms wrapped around my waist as i looked at him. "y/n don't ever do that to me again" he said placing his hand on my face, running his thumb across my cheek. "i promise, i'm sorry baby" i say as i pulled him into a kiss. you felt him smile into the kiss as you pulled away. "i love you y/n" he whispered. "i love you too colby" i whispered as i closed my eyes, feeling him pull me closer to him, his grip around me tightening as if he wanted to make sure i wasn't going anywhere.

** wow this was so long omg but i hope you guys enjoyed it! idk how often i'll post, but i'll try and post as much as i can :-)) stay tuned for more !!

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