the rare breed

By tisaki

137 15 0

in the beautiful city of London. there is a beautiful sixteen year old girl named Elena who is so sweet , kin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15

Chapter 14

3 1 0
By tisaki

the question kept on repeating in Ethan's mind, and he didn't know what to say, cause he was scared and worried of what George's reaction would be. so Ethan took a deep breath, and answered, ''yes, i slept with your sister.'' Ethan said, letting it go in a smooth and calm way. George's  eyes became narrow and serious. Ethan was trembling and scared to death. ''well, you do know what happens when a guy sleeps with a girl, right?'' George asked Ethan. ''yeah, it means they fall in love with each other and they will stay together always.'' Ethan answered. ''hmm, you're a smart guy, aren't you?'' George said, in surprise. ''well, yes.'' Ethan answered with confidence. ''i like that in a guy, anyways, if you are going out with my sister and you have already had sex with my little sister. i want a promise from you, right now, promise you will protect her, be with her and always love her, cause to me she is my little sister, though she is sixteen, she is all i have got in my family, the only one who supports me, and i love her very much, so i don't want you to  make her sad. cause it breaks my heart when, i see her sad, cause if you ever hurt her, i swear i will not be a nice guy, so you better take care of her, and not use her, people around her have used her so many times, people take use of her kindness. cause she is too innocent and she gets fooled most of the time, her heart is too pure, you know. and i have never seen a girl being so kind to everyone she sees. she is very special. you rarely get a girl like that. so once again, i am telling you, please take care of my sister, and love her.'' George said looking at Ethan. ''i will George, don't worry, i will love her for eternity, i promise.'' Ethan said, assuring George that he will never do anything to hurt Elena.

few minutes later, Elena came downstairs and she was wearing a white short dress , that was above her knees. Ethan caught a glimpse of Elena and he once again was mesmerized. ''hey guys, what have you been talking about?'' Elena asked cheerfully. ''oh, we were just talking about the law.'' George lied. ''George, i told you not to tell Ethan about your court cases.'' Elena whined. ''no actually, they were pretty interesting.'' Ethan said, covering up for George. George winked at Ethan as if to say ''thank you''. ''so who is hungry?'' Elena asked. and George, Ethan and Elena they started to eat, and they were talking, laughing and spent a few hours playing cards, and then it was evening. George left to see if there were any court cases up in his laptop, as for Elena and Ethan, they were sitting close together in the balcony covering themselves with a blanket, drinking tea. ''it's so beautiful out here.'' Elena said, stroking Ethan's arm. ''yeah it sure is'' Ethan said. and he took a look at Elena's face. ''Elena, i want you to know something.'' Ethan said, touching her cheek. ''what is it.'' Elena asked , worried. ''Elena i would do anything and everything as long as you are with me, cause without you, my life isn't complete, cause all this time you have been the girl of my dreams, and she is actually alive, i would never hurt you, ever, cause you are everything to me, cause the reason why i am living is because of you, cause i thought i will never find that girl, i thought you were just a girl in my dreams and i thought of dying at thirty, cause i had no purpose, but i do have a purpose, cause i have you now, you changed me into something inside that i can't even imagine. and i love you so much, i just wanna be with you every single day of my life, cause you complete me, baby. i want you.'' Ethan said, looking at Elena's eyes deeply. ''oh Ethan, i don't know what to say. i know you wouldn't hurt me, cause you are such a good person and that's what i love about you, you know, you're different to other guys. don't worry i will always be there okay, i love you so much, have you watched the movie ''Dear John''?''  Elena asked. ''yes, i have. why?'' Ethan said. ''well, i want you to watch it, whenever you miss me.'' Elena said, smiling. Ethan was smiling at her. ''i will do that'' Ethan smiled. 

Ethan touched Elena's face and pulled it towards him, and he kissed her. Elena kissed him back, then Ethan kissed her harder cause he missed her so much, that he didn't let go, once again they were kissing each other. suddenly George comes to the balcony and interrupts. ''George, what is it?'' Elena asked, annoyed. ''Nana is coming now to see us, and she will be here by any minute.'' George said worried. just before Elena helped Ethan to get ready, the door bell rang. ''holy crap!, she is here, man she is fast for a grandmother.'' George said. ''no time to joke around, where can i hide Ethan?'' Elena asked, panicking. ''sis, don't panic, wait, hide him in my room, Nana doesn't come to my room much cause she knows i keep my room clean and you don't'' George laughed. ''very funny, big guy, can you hide him quickly. NOW!'' Elena said and she ran to the door. George and Ethan quickly went up. Elena opened the door. ''hi Nana! good evening.'' Elena said smiling. ''Hello my sweetheart, how are you?'' Mrs. Collins. (Elena's and George's grandmother) '' i'm fine...... i guess.'' Elena looking worried to see if there were anything unusual lying around.

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