She Loves Control

By Firebird_18

116K 4.2K 3.1K

Continuation of my one shot She Loves Control from my Camren One Shots Collection. Requested from many of my... More

Don't say you haven't been warned
A Dinah Jane suggestion
All eyes on me
The Setup
Bad Decision
Motherfucker Don't Play With Me
Shameless Revenge
Bad Blood
White Noise
No Mercy
So Close
New Rules
Not Afraid Anymore
You're gonna get me fired
Keeping up with the Lovato
The 17th was always the worst
I Did Something Bad
Shivering Gold
The Next Step
This could be huge
The Final Chapter

Hopes vs. Reality

6K 215 116
By Firebird_18

A/N: I may also change the chapter names eventually. Just not tonight :P


The sun was bright on Lauren's face, she groaned and flipped onto her front. The bed beside her cold. Lauren sighed. It was worth a shot. She should've know she wouldn't be the tamer of that particular hurricane. She never was.

"Wake up sleepy head." Normani said as she yanked back Lauren's curtains and moved to stand at the foot of the bed. Lauren groaned and pulled the sheets higher.

"Don't do your usual routine of waking me up." Lauren whined. Normani laughed.

"Why not Laur?"

"You'll see more of me than you want." Lauren said with a sleepy smirk, face still pressed into her pillow.

"Ooo. Lauren got laaiiiddd." Normani yelled, running out of Lauren's room. Lauren sat up, sheets still wrapped around her and yawned.

Not a single shred of evidence left that Camila had been there. Nothing. Not even a note. Hell Lauren had been hoping there'd still be a person in her bed. Guess she had been hoping for too much.

Lauren sighed. She pressed her hand to the mattress, she was hooked. But it was too late. She'd been warned and now she was hurt; it was her own desire that screwed her over here and Lauren knew it. Lauren stood up and threw on a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants to head into the kitchen.

"I hear someone had a good night." Ally said, sipping on her tea slowly. Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Yeah." She muttered, reaching for the coffee cup on the counter.

"You okay Ralph?"

Lauren nodded once to Dinah.

"You're friend's a real charmer." Lauren mumbled, sitting down next to Dinah, shoulders slumping.

"Mila?" Dinah said confusedly. Lauren nodded, leaning her head on the table.

"Oh honey." Normani said, running her hand across Lauren's shoulders soothingly.

"She was just so good." Lauren whined, her voice muffled since she was hiding her face with the table.

"That's what they all say." Ally said quietly around her mug. Three heads turned to look at her. Ally shrugged. "Dua said the same."

There was a thud as Lauren's head hit the table again.


Camila was on top of the world. Floating through the day easily.

It was like a caffeine shot to the muscles. Sure they were a tad sore from last night but god damn was it worth it.

Lauren was incredible. Top three if not number one. Camila stretched out on her sofa, feet hanging over the armrest; Brooklyn 99 playing on the TV, scrolling through Tumblr and just relaxing.

Camila didn't even flinch when she heard her door unlock.

"Hey China." She murmured.

"Karla Camila Cabello." Dinah said. Camila frowned, she was almost full named by Dinah... that never ends well.

Camila sat up and looked over to see a scowling Dinah.

"You slept with my girlfriend's friend." Dinah snapped.

"I know. Thanks for that by the way." Camila said with a cheeky smile, turning her attention back to her phone.

Dinah stomped over to her and snatched her phone.


"No you don't get it Camila." Dinah said, a vaguely evil smile on her face. Camila raised her eyebrow and gestured for Dinah to continue. "She's my girlfriend's friend. Normani-"

"Your girlfriend."

"-will be here more often. Therefore so will her friends since they're also my friends now." Dinah said, ignoring Camila's input.

Camila barely reacted.

"What? You think this is the first time I'll have to face a one night stand before?" Camila said dryly. "Come on Cheechee. You know me better." Camila added with a pout.

"And becoming friends with them?" Dinah asked. Camila hesitated.

"Me and Dua get along just fine." Camila defended.

"Oh number one?" Dinah sneered.

"Two." Camila corrected. Dinah's eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Someone beat her for top spot?" Dinah said slowly. "Holy shit. Lauren!? Really?"

"She was incredible DJ. So damn good." Camila whined.

"Holy shit... has Ralph... tamed the storm?" Dinah asked dramatically, sitting next to Camila, her phone still in her hand.

"No. God no don't be crazy." Camila blanched. "I could never." Dinah eyed her curiously, watching Camila shudder and look blankly at the TV. Her mind obviously elsewhere.

"Come on Mila." Dinah said softly. "You can't go on like this forever."

"Watch me." Camila replied under her breath.


"What's up bitches! The party has officially started!" Dinah bust into apartment.

Dua had decided to throw a party, and considering she lived just down the hall from Camila, they thought they should go along.

They being Dinah and Camila. A best friends night out. More like Dinah had thrown a t-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans at her before sending two sneakers her way, almost smacking her forehead while yelling they were going out. It'd been an experience.

Being friends with Dinah was an experience in itself to be fair.

Anyway, now they were at Dua's party and Camila was on the prowl. Of course what had 'slipped' Dinah's mind was that Ally, Normani and Lauren were friends with Dua.

Camila strolled in; damn she loved a party. So many new people to charm. Camila smirked as she grabbed a drink from the kitchen, wandering through the pretty crowded apartment. It was actually a good party.

She was snapped from her... admiring of a guy across the dancefloor when she felt a hand on her lower back. Camila relaxed into the persons touch easily.

"You liking the party?" Camila smiled and turned her head.

"Of course. I mean, it's your party. Bit rude if I said it was shit." Camila joked with a grin. Dua laughed and moved her hand to lean it against the wall next to Camila.

"I wouldn't be offended Mila." Dua said with a smile.

"I'm not that much of a dick Dua." Camila said with a smirk. Camila saw Dinah moving into the makeshift dance floor with Normani. Camila straightened up and raised her eyebrow. If Normani was here, maybe Lauren was too.

Wait. What?

Camila shook her head and refocused on Dua beside her.

"Seeing anyone Mila?" Dua asked, eyes peering over the rim of her cup as she drank. Camila laughed loudly and shook her head.

"You know I don't do relationships Dua." Camila snickered. Dua smirked and moved closer to Camila who raised an eyebrow, smirking at the girl's boldness.

"Would you do another night?" She asked quietly. Camila hummed, letting Dua pull her closer and kiss down her neck. Just before Dua kissed her, Camila slipped away from the wall.

"Sorry Dua." She whispered in Dua's ear, lips brushing her skin as she walked past, into the dancing crowd. She heard Dua's scoff behind her but rolled her shoulders and let the music pound through her skin.

It was incredible, the bass seeping into her veins, controlling her every move. Ironic how much she lets the music dictate her hips, how she runs her hands through her hair and down her sides. Considering she's the one in control.

Camila danced for what seemed like an eternity. She danced with Dinah and Normani for a while too. Damn could that girl dance. Camila shook her head; she may be a player but she isn't gonna try and steal her best friend's girlfriend. That's just a dick move.


Eventually the party died down, majority of people leaving or passing out on any flat surface. Camila was one of the few still awake, sitting on the sofa with Dua snoring softly on her shoulder.

Camila was currently talking to a very very attractive blonde who was on her other side.

"Yeah I just moved in upstairs." The girl - Bebe - said, biting her lip. Camila raised her eyebrow slowly, inching a little closer to Bebe. Dua's head slipped off her shoulder and fell back onto the sofa.

"Isn't that lucky for us." Camila said lowly, arm resting on the back of the sofa, toying with the ends of the girls hair.


Camila turned her head up and saw Lauren standing behind the sofa with a light smile on her face.

Oh boy.

Camila's seen that look in her eye before. In many of her exes. Although do they count as exes if they were only one night? In any case, Camila recognised that look; hopeful.

God it looked great on Lauren though. Her eyes twinkling even in the apartment's low light. Bright green and vibrant, glowing with a child like hope of another chance with the neighbourhood charmer.

This part always sucked.

"Hey Lauren." Camila said with a smile. "You enjoy the party?"

"Yeah Dua really knows how to work a crowd into drunken fun for a night." Lauren said softly, hands toying with the back of the sofa, nudging against Camila's arm.

"Sounds familiar." Normani slurred from the floor. Her and Dinah had practically passed out after hours of dancing with each other. Luckily they were both too far gone to try anything on Dua's floor.

Camila shot her a soft glare before turning back to Bebe. Lauren shrugged and headed to sit with Ally, who had already sobered and was watching Netflix on the TV.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to continue this party back at your place?" Camila said, her fingertips brushing the hem of Bebe's dress.

"I would love to." Bebe said, taking Camila's hand and leading her to the front door.

"Tell Dua it was a great party when she wakes up!" Camila called as the door slipped shut behind them.


Camila was making her morning coffee when Dinah let herself in, Normani and Ally on her tail. Camila looked around and smiled as they came in.

"Oh hey guys. No Lauren?" Camila said, turning her attention back to the coffee machine.

"No blonde bimbo?" Normani snapped. Camila's eyebrows shot to her hairline and she spun on her heel.

"Excuse me?" Camila replied in shock.

"Mani, chill." Dinah muttered. "How was your night?" She asked Camila who shrugged with a smirk.

"Definitely a new ten." Camila replied. Dinah whistled lowly.

"Girl must've been good." Dinah nodded and high fived Camila as she sat down with her coffee.

"What? Is happening?" Ally asked.

"Top ten. Bebe is in her top ten. Because she was a scoring system." Normani explained with a bitter smile at Camila.

"Look. You live your life, I'll live mine. Don't go around judging people you barely know." Camila said calmly.

"You messed with one of my best friends." Normani growled. Camila shrugged.

"She didn't have to sleep with me." Camila argued. She stood up, walking around Normani. "Lauren could've easily just made out with me in the club. I would've found someone else to go home with." Camila shrugged.


"Not the point?" Camila finished her coffee and put the mug in the sink. She faced Normani with a neutral face. "I didn't make her do anything. She chose to sleep with me. She knew there was no chance in anything else happening. I told her that myself. In fact she was the one who insisted." Camila added.

That made everyone pause. Camila took the time to disappear into her room and get dressed. She'd been called into work and had a few hours before she needed to be there.

When she came out to her living room she noticed Normani and Ally had left, leaving Dinah watching her curiously.

"What did you mean she insisted?" Dinah finally asked. Camila sighed and sat down on the sofa, kicking her feet up onto the coffee table.

"I was going to leave. Without her. But she pulled me back. She," Camila sighed deeply, "She asked me to take control."

"You almost left?" Dinah asked, shock colouring her features. "You've never done that."

"It was... too uncontrollable. That one kiss was dangerous." Camila said quietly. Camila shook her head and let her usual smirk settle across her features. "It was one night. Same as always. Don't know why I was so worried." Her phone pinged and she winced. "I have to go. Work's on my ass today." Camila was up and out her apartment within a minute, leaving Dinah alone in the apartment.

"Well well well. Looks like little Ralph could tame my little firecracker after all." Dinah said to herself with a chuckle.

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