Roar | George Weasley

By JadedScripture

18.7K 561 217

When Aurora's brother, Julian, accidentally sends her and himself into the past, Julian can't help but feel l... More



355 8 4
By JadedScripture

The two words that had just been blurted out of Draco's mouth had made my jaw drop in surprise. Eyebrows furrowed, thoughts came flying in. Situations... things Julian had said in the past and his gestures were now being critically assessed to see if there was a clue. Some sort of bloody clue to know if I had missed a crucial piece of my twin.

Maybe I didn't hear Draco right?


"He's gay."

What about all those times of him being a playboy? Countless girls in the Room of Requirement...

"How would you know that? You two have been fighting since the Yule Ball," I confusedly pointed out.

A distasteful look washed over his face. "The Yule Ball," he spat out. "Exactly, Night."

He was looking at me so intensely with those grey-blue eyes of his, as if I should know what had happened that night. I didn't know though... I didn't.

"You're clue-less aren't you?" Draco questioned. A crooked smirk took over his lips, but it wasn't one of pleasure. It was one of disappointment and absurdity. "Who was your date?" Draco asked me, folding his arms at me expectantly.


"Now, as you oh-so recognised... I've been distant with your brother since the Yule Ball."

"Yeah..." I trailed off.

"Do you remember the last time I was visibly fine with him that night?" He asked me, his light brows rising.

A minute later, I felt a tap on my shoulder to find Draco Malfoy. "You know where Julian is?" He asked me.

"The toilet," I told him.

"Thanks," he mumbled, taking off out of the Great Hall.

"Uh... when you were looking for him? He was in the toilet, wasn't he?" I conjured, frowning at the vague memory.

"Who was he with?"

"Dimitrov," I slowly answered.

I could see Draco was getting slightly agitated with me, nodding his head for me to get it.

"You're mad cause they took a piss together? What'd they do? Size each other up?"

His eyes shut briefly, letting out an unamused snigger. "They were in there for a while, weren't they?"

I had waited another ten minutes, before deciding I'd leave. Julian and Dimitrov were a no-show, and I was tired.

"I suppose so..."

Gay? Isn't Dimitrov supposedly...

"Holy mother of apricots," I whispered harshly.

"Isn't he sex on legs, Rory," Julian mumbled beside me. He sent me an expectant look, knocking me in the bicep with his elbow.

"Oh, shut it. He's only a friend."

"I know that. I don't think he swings your way anyways," Julian remarked.

"What's that supposed to m- wait. He's gay?"

"Just a feeling is all," he revealed to me with a devious smile.

"Like I normally say, whatever floats your boat," I vocalised.

"'Just a feeling is all?' Merlin... he freaking felt it!"

I slapped my forehead, wondering why it had taken me so long to get what Draco was pointing towards.

"And she finally gets it, ladies and gentlemen," Draco sarcastically said.

He clapped quietly from the door and I shook my head. I pointed towards him critically, forehead creasing as I tried to wrap my head around as to why Draco was angry at him for it.

"If you think I'm going to disown him for being gay... you've got it wrong."

Anybody can love who they love. Although, I was a little hurt that Julian hadn't told me yet. We were twins for Merlins-sake, and he told me everything! And I, him.

"It's not that," he growled, crossing his arms again.

I pursed my lips, face contorting slightly as I tried to fathom what Draco's problem was. "Then what-" I stopped myself from talking. It wasn't just anger that Draco had felt this past year, it was jealousy as well. "You're gay?"

Draco's look was deathly, urging for me to be quiet.

"It's more common than what you think, Draco," I tried to reassure him.

He shook his head, "My parents... they wouldn't app- I'm not gay."

"Boy likes boy... that's gay Draco," I hummed.

"Boy likes boy. Boy also likes girl," he hesitantly revealed.

Draco's bisexual?

My face had been a washed face blank with confusion, brain clogs turning to make some sense of the situation that had been laid before me. Draco had left shortly after divulging the information on his sexuality, seeming even more frazzled and nervous than he had when he had dragged me into the classroom.

I was worried for him, he had so much on his plate and he didn't seem to really talk to anyone about it. I assumed Julian was that person for a time, and I now regretted making fun of the two. Julian... another topic.

I couldn't say I felt betrayed for him not telling me... I wasn't an overdramatic prat. I did feel however, slightly disappointed that Julian hadn't told me yet. But, everybody was entitled to their own privacy. Over the holidays I noted that I'd subtly tell him that I'd accept him for whoever he is. I could be sneaky with my words when I wanted to be-

"I'm afraid I might tear up if Molly cries," Hermione softly whispered.

"Same," I mumbled.

We stood outside of Grimmauld Place, the cold frigid air seeping deeply through our winter-clothes. Hermione sent one last look around the quiet neighbourhood in caution. I followed her eyes, just finding snow covering every inch of the ground. The revitalizing cold made me shiver, and I let out a sigh; the puff of moisture creating a steely cloud of air materialise from my lips.

"My balls are freezing. Open the door already," Julian snidely said.

Hermione sent him a small glare, and he smiled innocently.


Hermione shook her head with a small smile, opening the black wooden door. My gloved fingers tightened on my slightly heavy enchanted back pack and I ran in. I kicked my boots off at the front, hearing Hermione groan at me for pushing past her. I made my way into the foyer, finding it infinitely warmer.

I found Molly immediately, a sweet smile laced onto her lips, although her eyes were dim with worry. I sent her a small smile, opening my arms up to her for a hug. I walked a few steps and held her in my arms.

She rubbed my back affectionately, "How was the trip back?"

"It was good, I suppose."

She pulled away from me, dusting my shoulder thoughtfully before embracing Hermione and giving Julian a quick hug. She exchanged small talk with them, motioning to the drawing room where the other Weasley's and Harry were.

"Dinner won't be ready until another hour. The dining room is occupied at the moment..." she trailed off, trying to convey that a meeting was in procession. She sent me a forced smile, and I let out a breath.

Hermione and Julian went to the corridor, with the motive of finding the drawing room. I was about to follow suit, before Molly called my name softly.


"Yes?" I questioned.

I turned back around to face her, and she tentatively placed a hand on my shoulder. "Arthur should be fine, but I wouldn't oppose of you keeping George company tonight," she uttered, arching her brow.

Woah... um, okay.

"O-okay," I replied.

She placed a small kiss on my forehead, patting my shoulder once again. "Off you go."

She ushered me away, and I found myself wanting to relax near the fire with George and the others.

I found myself in George's bed that night, adorning some sweatpants and one of his long-sleeved jumpers. My hair was slightly damp from a shower, but it didn't really bother me due to the heat spells that had been conducted about fifteen minutes ago.

The door to the twin's room was left open, a golden light seeping into the dark room. The light touched George's face delicately, letting my eyes roam around his pale face. Soft lilac bags hung under his eyes; caused by the lack of sleep in the last forty-eight hours.

This was the reason Molly had wanted me to keep him company, but my heart also went out to Fred. George had told me he had taken it the hardest out of all of them. I had tried to cheer them up with terrible jokes that were so bad you had to laugh. It had worked on them.

"Rores..." George mumbled.

"Mhm?" I hummed, my fingers playing with one of the buttons stitched into his shirt.

His hand tightened around my waist momentarily, "Take my mind off it please..."

His voice was lower than normal, groggy with weariness. I took a deep breath in, thinking momentarily. A subject popped into my head, and my fingers wandered to the other side of his body, pulling on his long sleeve.

"Obviously, it's Winter... but you and Fred never seem to wear t-shirts that often. It's always long sleeved," I told him lightly.

"If you wanted me out of my clothes, there are other ways to ask, Rory," he snickered.

I let out a small laugh, letting go of his sleeve. My hand found its way back to his abdomen, my palm cupping one of the buttons unconsciously.

"It's in fashion, Rory," Fred piped up from his bed that was set in the opposite corner.

I twisted my body away from George so I was facing Fred on the opposite bed. The blankets went with me, leaving George slightly vulnerable to the impending coldness. It was impending, because Molly wouldn't go back around the house at night chanting heat charms. It would be the following morning.

"Are you the fashion guru out of you two?"

"Of course, Rory. No question about it."

"I'm questioning that," George piped up from behind me.

Our space was limited due to it being a single bed, and I briefly wondered as to why I was on the outside and not against the wall. Does he want me to fall out of bed? Haha... that'd be a sight to see.

George shuffled on the bed, most likely matching my position; lying on his side. His hand fell around my stomach, and I heard the scuffling of his feet and blankets. I knew what was going to happen before he did it. He threw his leg over my blanketed form, using the arm around my stomach to pull me closer to his torso.

The blanket that was keeping me fairly warm wasn't cherished anymore as my heart spiked and I got jittery. My abdomen clenched in a pleasant nervousness and I found myself trying to play it cool. I sunk into George's torso, although the blanket kept us a few centimetres apart.

Damn you, duvet!

"Stop being all couple-y," Fred groaned jokingly.

George purposefully tightened his arm and leg around me, cooing over me teasingly. Fred threw his cover over his head begrudgingly and I found myself giggling.

"You could get couple-y with Ange," I pointed out.

Fred stopped his squirming underneath his cover, pulling it away from his face in a slow melodramatic action. His light brown orbs found mine in the dark, and he furrowed his brows at me.

"What?" I questioned, my lips quirking into a smirk.

"Maybe I've already gotten couple-y with her," he stated dryly.

He turned away from the two of us, and I found myself trying not to choke on the saliva that was sucked in when he surprised me.

Angelina... you better hope to Merlin that he's lying.

"Is that true?" I whispered to George.


"Betrayal," I whined. "She didn't tell me."

George's hand left my stomach and went to my face, dwarfing it. He ran his palm from my forehead to my chin repeatedly and I shook my head to get away from it.

"What are yo-"

"Shh... go to sleep," he commanded.

"You go to sleep!" I grumbled, shaking my head from side to side to get away from his right hand.

My hands found his in a second, trying to bat it away from my face.

"Ay- it's effective," he tried to persuade from behind me.

"I doubt it."

Sorry for the long wait, lovelies. I've been mildly obsessed with a new game, and I've found my spare time eaten up by other curricular's. Leave a like and a comment, much appreciated <3


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