Love Birds Manan ✔

By baby_bird80

365K 17.2K 574

#1 in Kyy #37 in manan. He followed me to the terrace and kept saying me to stop.. When I reached at the te... More

Hurry up!!
Some glimpse of past
Space Academy
Let's talk about love
Friends Forever ♥
Something fishy!!
Part -12
Lot's of question
Jealous boys
Oh God!
Part 19
Can't Share!
It still hurts..
Only care or love?
Mission Started
Part 28
Pay back time!
Almost there..
Part 34
Part 35!
Most awaited date part-1
Most awaited part- 2
Crushing world
Thank You


3.6K 289 13
By baby_bird80

3 year later....

Nandini's POV:

"Manik u said u are coming today.. Now u are saying u won't able to come! It's been 5month.." I said sadly

"Nandini.. Even I am dying to see u.. But this Australian clients are really annoying.. Don't worry I will be back soon.." Manik said through the phone..

"Ur parents anniversary is coming.." I said looking out from the window..

"I will be back then.. Nandini I have a meeting bye.." Manik said..

"Bye.." I cut the call and sighed..

Manik was gone to Australia for business.. In this three year he really worked hard.. College, office he handle both.. Now he is a well known businessman.. Me on the other hand working with my father..

We didn't spend Lot's of time together but we were always there for each other,for good for bad.. Our parents still didn't know about our relationship.. We are waiting for the right time..

I was getting ready for shopping.. Manik's parents anniversary is coming.. We need to buy dresses and gifts..

I called Navya telling her to get out of her house because I was leaving fir the market..

After 30minute of driving,I finally reached there.. I didn't see Navya there.. I knew where to look for her..

"Navya... We just came and u are already eating.." I said sitting beside her..

"I thought I will eat and wait for u..." Navya said munching her burger...

"U know at first I thought U& Cabir did the deed and U are pregnant.." I said and she started coughing..

"But later I got to know, No u are not it's just cabir who made u like him.." I said giving her,her drink...

"U are too much!! I am done let's go.. Mukti and Aliya already looking for dress.." Navya said wiping her mouth..

"Finally.. U both are here.. Come.." Aliya said and dragged us to the corner section..

"Their best lehenga collection is here.. " Mukti said...

"I want  simple one.." Navya said..

"Of course it's Nandini who have to impress them.." Mukti said and winked at me...

"Shut up..." I said and looked for the dress..

"I got it.." Mukti was jumping..

"Are u sure?" I said bcz it's really a simple one with no work..

"U know the heavy,gorgeous girls dresses are not my thing.. I am satisfy with this.." She said..

We all choose a dress for us.. And I was happy with my dress.. We were again in a food shop courtesy of Navya..

"Did u talk with Manik?" Aliya asked..

"Yeah.. He said He is not coming today.. He has a lot of work.." I sighed..

"It's been really long.." Mukti said..

"Don't be sad.. I don't like crying when I am eating.." Navya said and we grinned..

"Are u sure...." Mukti started but Navya cut off..

"Don't complete that! No I am not.. Why everyone asking me if I am pregnant or not.." Navya whines and we  laugh..

"Just look at u.. Always hungry.. We know u are not married yet but ur behavior is like that only.. So inseparable.." Aliya said and we laugh..

"Shut up... Don't u guys have to go home? But I have to.." Navya said..

"Yeah to ur soulmate.. Cabir.." I said and laugh...

"Don't worry my time will come too..." Navya said and we get in to our car and drive...

My house was so dark.. My parents were not here I know because they were gone for a trip.. But Julie Aunty should be here.. She is the head maid..

"Julie Aunty!!" I called but no response...

I switched on the lights and saw someone sitting on the sofa..

"Manik!" I said and ran to him.. He stood up and hugged me tight..

"I missed u.." He said...

"I missed u too.. U lied to me.. U were already here right?" I asked..

"Yeah just wanted to surprise u.. I send julie Aunty away.."

"Good.. " I said and snuggle into him..But something is not right..




"What?" He said still not leaving me..

"U have fever!!"

"Don't worry it's nothing.."

"How can u say it's nothing? I always told u take care of urself but no.. U brought ur stuff here?" I asked


"Then go n freashen up.. I will make something for u to eat.." I said pushing him towards the guest room...

I make some chicken soup and brought it to Manik..

"Nandu..I am fine yaar.." Manik said

"U will be great after eating this and medicine.. U didn't take care of urself so I have to.."

I made sure he had the soup and medicine.. "Manik.. Now take rest please.."

"Like hell.. U stay with me only then I will rest.. I have so much to talk to u.. And u are saying take rest.. U didn't muss me.. Who tell their boyfriend to take rest when they came back after a long time.." Manik said dramatically..

"To the boyfriend who is lay down.. I will be with u.." I said..

"Now u are talking like a good girlfriend.." Manik said and laid down.. I settled myself beside him.. We started talking and slowly sleep covered us...


Boring I know.. But have to set the plot.. Now comment and vote.. And follow me..

Love u all

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