Psalms In My Palms - Book 5...

By elizabethaudet

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Studies on the Psalms of Praise and Worship contained in the Book of Psalms. More

Psalms In My Palms Praise & Worship Introduction
All Around Me
His Sheep Am I
Voices, Voices , Voices
Guided by His Eyes
Sick of It
Fire & Water
Our Own God
God's House
City of God
Come On In!
See What the Lord Has Done
Preciouse Memories
Dont Do That!
Ashes to Embers
Preciouse Death
Up Hill All the Way!
Defense &Strength
Coming Home
House Praise
Perish the Thought
Our God
Praise 12 Times
New Song to Sing!

Out & In

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By elizabethaudet

Psalms 120:1-7; 121:1-8

The Israelites were on their way to the Passover Feast in Jerusalem.  On their way they met many, who would have not believed as they did in God.  We are now faced with the answer to our present situations.  We live among deceit and treachery from many sources, but we must rely on God for our answers as in ourselves we are helpless.  Our own answers sometimes lead to uncontrollable conditions.  Who is in charge?  God is!
         Psalm 120 is one of the cases where the lies of the wicked were affecting the righteous.  Keep in mind that God has the answer, as we study Psalm 120:1-2-(NKJV)-
"In My distress I cried to the Lord, and HE HEARD ME."
(Jonah 2:2-Jonah found the same comfort at the close of his suffering.)
"Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips and from a deceitful tongue."
(Psalm 400:4) Don't let the false stories stop you from serving God.
         The Psalmist was upset by the stories told around him which were not true in Psalm 120:3-4-(TLB)-
"O lying tongue, what shall be your fate?"
(Psalm 12:2-4)
"You shall be pierced with sharp arrows and burned with glowing coals."
(In NKJV this verse says, "with coals of a broom tree" as the Psalmist was familiar with this type of hot coals when they were on fire.)
         As we speak of the problem , we turn to Psalm 120:5-7-(CEB)-and read,
"Oh, I am doomed because I am as immigrant in Meshech, because I've made my house among Kedar's tents."
(Read Genesis 10:2-which refers to the person for whom Meshech was named- Noah's grandson.  The flood destroyed all but Noah and his family but it did not destroy sin; Genesis 25:13 refers to Kedar who was grandson to Abraham.  Though each grandfather loved and served God that doesn't guarantee the next generation will all follow God's will also.  We need to pray for them that God will intervene no matter what it takes and that could be heartbreaking to watch.  But God...)
"I've lived far too long with people who hate peace." 
(Peace which in the natural should have occurred  after the flood;  And In Abraham's time when God led him; but man's human nature is such that it turns to sin and hatred so easily.  Praise God for the victory in Jesus Christ with deliverance from hatred in His children.  But Beware, as this sin can creep in if you do not cling close to our redemptive source, Jesus Christ!)
"I'm for peace, but when I speak, they are for war." 
(The ungodly do not speak peace.  The Psalmist  looks forward to his own arrival at the temple in Jerusalem!; Psalms 122:6-" pray for peace"; 125:5-But God,; 128:5-6-the Place which the Psalmist was longing to arrive at.)
         This is a short Psalm leaving us on a hopeful note for the peaceful person, but we continue on into Psalm 121 which presents the full answer to this long journey. 
         We see the "what if" of life answered.  What if I lost my job?  What if I got cancer?  What if my loved one was taken from me?  What if my family...?  And so on....  even Christians take their eyes off faith and look with fear on things around them.  But we are secure in God! He cares!  Our confidence is not in the flesh but a spiritual assurance from God!  YOU ARE IN HIS HANDS NO MATTER WHAT OCCURS AROUND YOU! 
         We enter Psalm 121:1-2-(NKJV)- with a strong trust-
"I will lift up my eyes to the hills- from whence comes my help?"
(These can be two separate statements or one combined!!  The first tells us the Psalmist's entrance is to the Hill of Zion, the presence of God!  The second part seems to ask a question, Where can I find help?  Some translations leave this as a statement in whole.  His help comes from the hills where God's temple holds the presence of God and he is helped by God.  Therefore Zion's Hill becomes the Presence of God to Him.  His help does not come from the earthly hill but from the literal presence of God there.  To sum this up, the help the Psalmist needs is situated in the presence of God in the temple of Jerusalem on Zion's Hill.; Jeremiah 3:23)
         The Psalmist goes on to reveal the truth of this discussion when he says,
"My help comes from The Lord, who made heaven and earth."
(Psalm 124:8; Isaiah 27:13b-the place to worship God in The Old Testament.;  Since God created the earth, hills, and all, He is the God of all creation.)
         Then Psalm 121:3-4 reveals why I can trust Him so strongly and completely.  (TLB)-
"He will never let me stumble, slip, or fall.  For He is always watching, never sleeping."
(1 Corinthians 10:13-even today we still have this trust; 1 Samuel 2:9; Isaiah 27:5; He never slumbers nor sleeps-(KJV)!!)
         The picture of God watching over the Jewish pilgrims as they journeyed to Jerusalem has become a beautiful picture of our own life traveling through this world of sin to the glorious assurance of eternal life in Jesus Christ and our residence in Glory!  He guards and protects us all the way!  "We are His people and the sheep of His pasture" and He is bringing us into the heavenly fold for rest in Him!
         Psalm 121:5-6-(CEB)-
"The Lord is my protector,"
(My personal bodyguard and protector.  In military no commander is personally responsible for the security of the soldiers.  He assigns sentry duty to a subordinate; but the ONE WHO SPRINKLED THE STARS IN SPACE AND KNOWS THE NUMBER OF THE STARS IS OUR PERSONAL BODYGUARD!  He is Omnipresent and personally cares for each closer than anyone can ever be.  He does assign angels by His order to watch over us as. Heavenly sentry but He never takes His eyes off us!; Psalm 91:9-13; Proverbs 18:24)
"The Lord is your SHADE right beside you.
(Protection against the sun.  I remember when my family was traveling in a travel home made from an old school bus.  As we went from Maine to the southern states it got hotter in climate than we were used to.  The sun was intense and air conditioning was a fan in the window.  Suddenly a cloud appeared overhead and though all around us the sun was scorching, we felt the coolness of the cloud for the rest of our journey!  That was God's SHADE above us for it followed us.)
"The sun won't  strike you during the day; neither will the moon at night."
(Isaiah49:10; Exodus13:21-22-Days were too hot without shade and nights were too cold without heat, so God provided both for their comfort.)
         Let's look at Psalm 121:7-8-(TEV)-
(Psalm 41:2; God is always there !)
(Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Psalm 23:6-AMEN!; Remember Psalm 91:11 and Proverbs 18:24; He is always there to help you!)
         God preserves our soul and spirit also!  The real YOU within.  Every phase of your daily life are in His routine protection and preservation.  From beginning to end, from midnight to midnight, from day to day, in present and future, in everything you do, everywhere you go, or come, with no exception, HE IS THERE! 





         Next time...

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