Mathlete to Beauty Queen

By readingaccountt

676 64 153

"When someone dies, it leaves a hole in your heart. A hole that will never fill, because the person who did... More



78 9 3
By readingaccountt

  "Camie!" I wave at my best friend, who is currently sitting in her car scrolling through her phone. She doesn't seem to hear me, so I walk up to her car and tap on the window. She looks up at me with wide eyes before rolling down her window.

"Gosh Ashlyn, way to give me a heart attack," she scolds me, her hand hovering over her heart.

"Are you going to keep acting like a lunatic or are you going to let me in?" She rolls her eyes and unlocks the car. I stick my tongue out at her before making my way to the other side of the vehicle.

Once I'm in my seat, I send a quick prayer to God, asking for Camie not to let us crash. You see, my best friend is one of the worst drivers in history. I honestly have no idea how she passed her driver's test.

"Try not to hit the Geico car this time," I comment teasingly. Camie responds by punching me in the arm.

"I thought we agreed never to speak of that." I can't help but let out a burst of laughter, which only earns me a glare from Camie.

"It's not funny Ashlyn!" She whines at me.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry," I raise my hands up in submission. I bend forward to buckle my seatbelt and look up to find Camie's face directly in front of mine.

"What's wrong?" she asks in an accusing tone. I knew she'd be able to tell that something is up. Camie has always had a knack for reading people.

"I don't know what you mean," I try my best to avoid her stare.

"Ashlyn Rosaline  Breyers, don't you dare lie to me," she points her finger at me.

"Really? You just had to bring my middle name into this didn't you, Camellia?" I retort back at her.

"First of all, you know I hate my name. Secondly, don't try to change the subject." She finishes the sentence with her pointer finger in my face. If there is one thing Camie hates, its secrets. Those that she isn't apart of anyway. Fully aware that she won't let up, I decide to tell her everything . . . it's not like it's a secret.

"Okay-fine. I'll tell you. I was at my locker trying to retrieve my books, but like always it wouldn't open, which is just so beyond annoying-I mean come on! Every locker for the past fou-"

"Ashlyn. Focus," Camie interrupts me. I shoot her a look of annoyance before continuing.

"Anyway, I was trying to open my evil locker and Dylan showed up acting like his overly egotistical and completely oblivious self. "

"Wait. Dylan Talon?" Camie infers. I nod my head.

"The one and only. The jerk had the nerve to apologize to me, but not for the reason he should be sorry for. And before you say anything, I know that's not something to angry about, but he didn't stop there. When I tried to walk away, he yelled at me for a reason can't even comprehend at the moment and then just left."

When I'm finished, Camie purses her lips like she wants to say something.

"Go ahead. Let it out." I say, trying to assure her that I won't get mad at whatever she says.

"Maybe he did want to apologize about Bryn, but he was afraid. Maybe he's not as bad as the others. He did get them to leave us alone during lunch." I ponder what she says for a moment, letting it sink in. Maybe she's right. I scratch the thought from my mind, suddenly feeling angry. Not at Camie. Not at anyone in particular.

"So you're saying I should be grateful to him?" I question her. Taking out my newfound anger on Camie.

"You know very well that's not what I meant."

"Well then what did you mean? Huh? H-he took part in the bullying of my sister. Whether it was him who did the bullying or not, he knew about it. And he didn't stop it. He didn't tell anyone. It's because of that that Bryn did what she did. It's because of him that I have to feel this way!" I practically scream at Camie. It's not her fault. I know that, but I need to get this out.

"I'm sorry." She looks down. I didn't mean to make her feel guilty, but that's what I've done.

"Don't. You don't have to say you're sorry. You're right. I just-I think . . . he wanted to say he was sorry about Bryn, but I stopped him. I thought that's what I wanted, but I don't. I don't want him to feel better. If I can't do it, why should he get to?" My eyes are threatening to release a stream of tears. I feel like crying is all I do these days.

Camie tilts her head and gives me a small smile.

"You're right, Ashlyn. He shouldn't get to feel better, not before you get to anyway. None of them should. They deserve to pay for what they've done. And before you apologize for yelling, you don't have to. You don't ever have to be sorry with me-unless you mention my awesome driving skills. Then, you'll be sorry." She assures and then threatens me before bursting out in a fit of laughter.

"Camie? Were you serious, about wanting them to pay for what they did?" I ask after a moment. She nods her head. "Theoretically, how could we make that happen?"

"Well, I didn't really get that far. All I'm sure of is that soon, that won't just be a theoretical question."


"You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me!" Camie screams in my ear. Currently, we are shopping at Camie's favorite clothing store and she has just discovered for the third time, that there is nothing in her size.

"Camie, can we just go get food now? If I am remembering correctly, you promised me no shopping and frozen yogurt."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I just can't stand to go to the mall without buying something." Camie says before turning back to the racks of clothing.

"Well, you could buy us some food. That counts right?" I try to counter. Camie lets out a groan.

"Finnneee, if you insist. What do you want to eat?"

"Everything," I say, my face deadpan.

"Haha, very funny Ashlyn." She laughs, slightly irritated.

"You actually think I'm kidding? Do you even know me at all?" Her expression turns to a look of pure horror. In my defense, she is the one who offered food in the first place.


"Did you see the look on his face? He literally looked like he was constipated and about to explode."

"Ew," Camie crunches her nose. "Well, you're the one who told me to call him a 'Butt Faced Miscreant'"

"I am so sorry about that. My mind just went completely blank, it just came out!" I try to explain while trying to hold back a fit of laughter.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Camie says before spooning more frozen yogurt into her mouth.

"So, changing the subject, what should we do about this revenge thing? Oh wait, we should like throw food at them or something." Camie raises her eyebrows.

"Throw food at them? What are you five? I was thinking more along the lines of giving them a taste of their own medicine." She counters.

"And how exactly are we gonna do that, huh? Pretend to be their friend and then expose all their dirty little secrets?" I joke.

"Ashlyn! That's perfect!" Camie exclaims.

"What? N-no I was just kidding. There is no way in hell they would let me into their little circle." I explain, my eyebrows furrowed. How could she not see that I was kidding?

"I guess you're right... But. They may not let you in, but someone else, someone popular. That might just be possible."

"Camie that makes no sense. Everyone who's popular, they already know." I say with a very confused expression. She scowls at me.

"You didn't let me explain. You could pretend to be someone else. A new kid in the school. You'd just need to drop out of your AP classes, get a makeover, and I could hack into the school system to change your name." Camie explains, her face in an expression of realization. To be honest, I think she is pretty proud of herself for coming up with that.

"Camie, that sounds cool and all, but there is no way I could pull that off. I mean come on, I don't look that different with makeup, and who said I want to drop out of my A.P classes? I need that on my record for college applications. I loved Bryn so much and I would do anything to avenge her, but she wouldn't want me to destroy my career in the process..."

"Ashlyn, I know this is hard and if you don't want to do it, you don't have to. But, it's not just about Bryn. It's about everyone else that they have done this to, who they continue to do it to and throwing food at them isn't going to change that. They need to know what it feels like. As far as the makeover goes, we could dye your hair, and get you a prescription for contacts. That is if you decide to do it." Camie leaves me with the choice.

  If I do this, I could ruin everything I've accomplished in these past three years, but I could stop what happened to Bryn from happening again. I don't know if I can pull it off, but I think I have to try.

"I'll do it... but I'm not dying my hair. That crap will ruin my hair." 

She's probably not even serious anyway. 


When I get home, my mom is waiting for me on my bed. In her hands is a photo of Bryn and I. If she clutched it any harder, the frame would probably snap. She doesn't say anything at first, but she knows I'm here.

"I remember this day like it was yesterday." She sniffles, referring to the photo. "Your Dad was away on a business trip and we decided to have a girls day. We went to the mall and you girls tried on a bunch of cute little dresses, and I couldn't help but buy one for each of you. And the-"

"Then we went to the beach, had our own little photo shoot, and ended up ruining our dresses... That one was my favorite picture... Bryn made me the frame last year for my birthday." She loosens her grip on the frame before closing her eyes and smiling softly.

When she opens them again, she pats the spot on the bed next to her, signaling me to take a seat. I hesitantly walk over and sit down.
"Mom, about this morning. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for what I said to come across that way. I got so upset and you know how Dad pushes my buttons." I let out a small laugh.

She nods her head in understanding. "I'm sorry too sweetheart. I know that it's been hard on you, especially because of happened that day. I do love you, and your father does too. He just doesn't know how to show it. He did not handle things in a good way this morning, but what he said... it still stands."

"So he was serious then? Then what was this conversation, huh? Were you just buttering me up so I react better? I genuinely thought that you were still on my side, but you just keep following him. I thought I could count on you, but I guess when Bryn died, our relationship died with it." I try to hold back tears as I speak in a cold tone.

"Ashlyn-please-" she starts, her eyes teary.

"No, I cut her off, "You don't get to explain yourself. J-just get out. I'll be gone by the end of the week."


I honestly don't have that much to say about this chapter, lol. This chapter kind of kick-started the whole book, so woohoo! I really hope you guys enjoyed it. I know I sort of pulled a bit of a disappearing act and that is due to partial laziness and not a whole lot of time to write. I would love to say I will update soon, but I cannot guarantee that. I will try though.

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