Underneath The Hidden Stars

By _unicornslayer

111 31 1

"WORK HARD, LIVE WELL, AND YOU WILL RISE!" After a nuclear war, the people that survived gather to a giant to... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XIX - Final Chapter

Chapter III

6 2 0
By _unicornslayer

Mira opened her eyes and looked around. She was lying in a pristine white bed which was surrounded by multiple people she had never seen before. She tried sitting up but the stinging pain in the back of her head made her fall back down.

"Miss Fader, was it?" the doctor inquired, looking through her file.

"Yes, but-"

"It seems you have suffered a hit in the head."

"What? I mean it does explain why my head hurts so much, but I don't remember being in any kind of fight!"

After her words, the doctors and nurses just glanced at each other and continued.

"You weren't in a fight, Miss Fader. We believe you may have been attacked."

"I was at school, who and why would anyone even want to attack me there?" Mira replied, rubbing her face in confusion.

"Wait, did you say you were at school? What were you doing there?"

"What do you mean what was I doing there? I was learning of course. We had Mrs. Muth's history lesson and then..." Mira froze, dazed.

"And then what, Miss Fader?"

"I- I don't... I was sitting in class and then... Did I fall asleep? No, not during Muth's class I wouldn't... What did I-?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I don't remember! I don't remember what happened in the class! I can't even remember how it ended, it's just... blank." Mira answered, waving her hands in confusion. In reply to that, the doctors just sighed. Without even saying a word to each other, they left the room, leaving Mira alone.

"Where are my daughters? I demand to see my daughters!" A man yelled out as he waltzed in through the main door of the hospital. His clothes were messy and covered in dirt, while his hair looked even more gray than before, with dust and ashes covering the top. He looked around for a moment and saw a few doctors standing and chatting. He ran to them. "Where are my daughters?" He shouted out, but the women responded with shrugs. Glazed, the man ran to a few nurses, but they had the same response. Finally, he saw a few doctors and nurses leave a room and jumped towards them. "Have you, uh, have you seen my daughters?" he asked, out of breath. "I'm Fader, Emerson Fader, and my daughters, Mira and Terra, I was told I need to come here for them, do you, by chance, know where they are?"

The doctors looked at each other and one of them stepped forward.

"Hello Mr. Fader, could I call you Emerson? Yes? Okay, well Emerson, I'm Dr. Carl Newfield, but how about we go to my office first and we'll talk about everything there, alright?" Carl inquired and Emerson, although hesitantly, nodded. They entered a room right next to the one they were just in and closed the door behind them.

Mira sat up in her bed. She heard faint chatter outside her ward. She looked around, but the room looked extremely boring - snow white walls, light grey tiled floors... There were 3 other beds in the room, but all the of them were empty. "Well that's not really surprising," she thought to herself, "barely anyone has the money to even get treated at a hospital." Mira froze for a moment. "This will cost my dad a fortune! How in the world will we be able to get food?" she quietly shouted and then immediately put her palm on her mouth. "I'll have to get a job. No way am I letting Terra starve, that's not going to happen." she whispered to herself when she heard a loud voice coming from the hallway.


Mira sat on the edge of the bed. The voice sounded extremely familiar, but she couldn't wrap her head around it. It was only when the door to her ward opened that it clicked. "Dad?"

"Come here honey, we're going home." he said with visible tears in his eyes.

"What did you mean out there?" Mira asked with a quizzical look on her face.

"What? Oh, that wasn't me. There was an attack in the store this morning and apparently some children were injured, so their parents weren't very happy about it." he answered, while trying to discreetly wipe his tears off. "Let's just go home now, okay?" Emerson said and helped her stand up. He placed her arm over his shoulder and helped her walk. They left her ward and continued through the dark and unsanitary looking hallways of the hospital. A few doctors tried to stop them saying that she hasn't finished her treatment but he ignored them and kept walking through. Only at the door did he think to stop as Mira fainted and almost fell to the ground before he caught her. Nurses rushed to her aid and immediately took her back to the ward she was in. Emerson, whose face showed he was in a clear panic, did all he could - that being following his daughter and the nurses back to the ward he took her out of.

"Today we are gathered here to remember the children that had their bright futures ahead of them," a woman stated from the podium, "their lives were taken away by those who should not have had a say in it at all. Their lives have been cut short, but they will never be forgotten, as their innocent souls will live forever in our goddess' Vetos' kingdom. They will see the stars none of us have the chance to witness and most importantly - they will be happy." She said and numerous people in the gathered crowd started crying. The woman took a deep breath and continued. "Let us remember them by the names they received when they entered this world: Kellen Siegal. Rose Ayers. Kyle Shedden," a guy with dark brown hair and freckles started crying. "Corbet Betti. Karena Gunn..." the woman named the children with teary eyes, but her voice stayed clear. People in the crowd stood with their heads lowered. "... Floyd Muth..." 

Emerson stood in the back. His dark hair that was frosted with age was combed to the back. He wore clean clothes this time. He stared at the cold stone ceiling while waiting for the inevitable. "... Jenna Haywood..." The man looked around when his eyes caught something. In the middle of the crowd, around 100 feet away from where he stood, was a familiar woman. Without even giving it a second thought, he pushed his way through the crowd, trying to reach her. "... Louis Persad..." Emerson strode through the crowd, but kept his eyes on the woman. "... Nicole Bunker..." He was so close to her he could shout her name out and she would definitely hear him. "... Natalie Bunker..." He was only a couple of feet away when he froze in place and turned to the podium. "... Terra Fader..." Emerson's eyes filled with tears. He only now noticed that there were photos of each child going on as a slideshow behind the podium. He saw Terra's dark, silky hair braided in plaits fall on her shoulders as she smiled brightly. Only a few moments passed before his cheeks were soaked. But then the photo clicked to the next as the presenter said another name. And then another. Names and pictures changed while Emerson cried on the cold rocky floor. It was only when a man that stood next to him helped him up that his mind started clearing up a little bit. He glanced back at the podium and remembered the woman whom he had followed before. Emerson started frantically looking around but she was nowhere to be seen. It was as if she had disappeared without leaving a trace behind. It was as if she was a ghost.

Mira packed up her things and was ready to go back home. Now that she was all well, the hospital ward she had spent over a week at didn't look that clean - it was far from the pristine white she saw when she opened her eyes. She still didn't remember what exactly had happened that made her get brought here, but it didn't bother her much. What did bother her though, was when her dad told her that Terra went on a school trip to Level 5, as from what she knew people aren't really allowed to travel between levels, unless it's part of their job. But more than the legal bit, she was more so pissed that trips like that didn't happen when she was in primary school. Putting all that aside, she was really happy she was finally getting out of the hospital. She was eager to get back to learning, pass those exams and go up a few levels. At least she could then one up her sister, who will have been at a higher level already. Mira picked up her bag and headed towards door, behind which stood her dad, who immediately took the bag straight out of her hands. Her dad smiled at her, and although his smile look sadder than usual she smiled back and walked out of the ward.

As soon as they walked out of the hospital, the evening announcement began playing through the speakers. Instinctively, they picked up their pace and started walking faster. They walked past the the park and were about to turn to the road that lead straight to their home but Mira froze. Confused, she walked a few steps back and saw the primary school in ruins.

"Dad," she started, "what is the meaning of this?"

"Hm?" he replied, confused as to what she's talking about. He went a few steps back and looked to where she's pointing. "Oh that, uh... Didn't I tell you? They're, uh, rebuilding the primary school! That's why Terra's on that trip now, it's because they don't have a place to host classes in while it's torn down." he replied and picked up the pace. "Come on, we won't be able to get home before curfew if you keep hanging around!" he said and Mira followed, although shaking her head in disbelief.

Just as they walked into their home the speakers started playing the tower's anthem to show that the curfew had started. They both sat down on the sofa and laughed at their disrespect. "They'd probably hang us if they knew we weren't standing with our palms on our hearts," Emerson giggled as he scooted on the couch so it'd be more comfortable.

"Shush dad, you don't know if I'm bugged or not," Mira whispered as she pointed at a button on her shirt. "I told them to make it match my shirt so it would more natural," she said with a wink as her dad stared at her with a haunted look on his face. "Oh come on dad, I'm kidding! Live a little darn it," She said and heard the ending chords of the anthem. "Oh look, it's over - now we're slouching here legally! How does it feel to do something that's definitely legal for once?"

"Well if I would say so myself, it feels rather boring. There's no adrenaline rush! There's no sirens in the back that would indicate I'm definitely screwed over! Where's the fun in that?" He asked rhetorically and stood up. "Okay now, giggles aside, it's time for bed. I know you had fun with no school for almost two weeks, but you've got lessons tomorrow and you have to be in your best shape as exams aren't that far away," he said in an extremely fatherly voice. "Bed time. Now," he whispered, waving his arms towards her room.

"Okay, okay, I'm going," Mira replied and reluctantly stood up and made her way to the bedroom. "Night night dad."

"Night sweetie." he answered and waited for her to close the door. After that he stood up and went to the kitchen. He opened one of the counters and took out a board that covered the end of it. Out of there he took a bottle and a small glass, placed the board back, closed the counter and sat at the table. He opened the bottle and pour some of the clear liquid in to the glass. He stared at the glass blankly for a few moments and downed the drink in one sip. He repeated the same action a few more times, washed out the glass, opened the counter, removed the board, put the drink and glass back in and neatly closed it back off. Emerson looked at the board again, making sure it's neatly placed, and walked to his bedroom to at least attempt to fall asleep.

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