The Chemistry of Loving You (...

By greatwizard14

972K 30.3K 8.2K

I am the famous and great... Luke Fayne Lewis. Well, if your definition of "famous" means you're the center o... More

The Chemistry of Loving You (Romantic Comedy)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 25*
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28*
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 36*
Chapter 37 (last chapter)
The Anatomy Of Seducing You (TAOSY)

Chapter 3

31.1K 971 242
By greatwizard14

Greatwizard14: Hi everyone. Welcome to chapter 3 of TCOLY. it's been a week since I started this story. I am so happy for positive feedback and the support I get. 

This chapter is dedicated to panda_lover_1996. I love his work The Betrothed.

---> Beautiful Emma Watson as Sarah Rodriguez. And Christina Grimmie and Adam Levine's Somebody that I used to Know

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Luke's POV

                                                    I met the New Girl


Oh my God! That’s the sound of hospital room. What happened? Did I get myself into an accident? This can’t be happening. I hope it’s not one of my experiments that lead me into this mess.  Ugh! I don’t wanna die. I still have lots of thing to do. I want to experience what it’s like to have a boyfriend, my own family and be a sexy model of… um, a toilet bowl? Ew! That’s gross. I can’t believe I can still have this silly thought when I’m practically on the point of death.

Well, I don’t wanna die. Lord, please! I’m still virgin. I want to have sex with Ethan before I die, we can still do this here in hospital bed. Oh, yeah here in hospital room, that’s kind of kinky. Stop that! You horn dog! Your dying remember?

Shit! If I died I can’t watch tv anymore especially the travel show ‘Things to Try Before You Die’. What an irony eh.


I was beyond grateful when my mom saved me from these fucked-up thoughts.

“Luke! Get up from your bed. You’ll be late for school” my mom yelled knocking on my door. I sat up on my bed then rubbed my eyes. I looked around. Thank God! I’m not dead.

“Sweetie, are you up? You need to hurry before Jacob and Jane gets here” my mom reminded me. Oh no! I forgot that Jacob and Jane gonna pick me up here today.

“Yes mom” I shouted back.

“Okay, hurry up breakfast is ready” then she went back downstairs. I sighed then rubbed my face and glanced toward where that stupid noise coming from.


“Shut your fucking mouth! You piece of shit!” I glared at my annoying alarm clock. I don’t know any more what’s better to wake up by. My volcano-apple alarm clock that gave me bruised yesterday or this infuriating alarm clock that almost caused me a heart attack thinking I was dying.

I threw my pillow to it from frustration and at last that damn thing stopped. I got out from bed. I glanced back to that evil alarm clock for the last time, I can’t wait till this thing rot and filled with dust and rust. That would serve him a lesson for making my teenager’s life harder. I smiled evilly at my revenge. Hahaha.

I went to the bathroom and do my morning rituals. After I showered I got out and threw my shirt and pants on. I decided to wear my usual, I don’t wear any fancy or eye catchy. I really suck at fashion. I checked myself in the mirror then put my glasses on. I don’t think if I still need these glasses. My eyesight was finally pretty normal.

I looked at myself from the last time. I look like some kind of out of fashion gay nerd. I don’t care what people think of me. At least I’m one hell sexy cute gay.

I made my way downstairs and went to the kitchen. As usual my mom was waiting for me. I sat down beside her then kissed her cheeks.

“Good morning mom” I greeted her then picked up my spoon and fork.

“Good morning too sweetie. I’ll be late for home later Luke. There’s a 15 bucks on the top of refrigerator, just buy or order your dinner.” My mom told me. She’s a nurse in the Hospital nearby and she has night ship today.

“Kay mom. Just be careful” I said back.

We finished our breakfast just about a honk of horn blasted outside. I almost jumped up from my seat to that sudden noise

 “Bye mom” I kissed her cheek.

I heard another honk of horn outside. . God! They’re so impatient. I hurriedly made my way outside. Jacob’s car was waiting for me. They both grinned when they saw me.

“Jeez! You don’t need to hurry. There’s nothing zombies chasing us” I whinnied to them. I hopped inside on the backseat then we immediately drove off.

“Good morning to you too!” Jane said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes on me. That bitch! How dare she roll her eyes on me? What kind of bestfriend is she?

“Yeah,yeah. We don’t need to rush. The school is not gonna take off for flight” I frowned at them. I looked outside as the world sped by. I saw a couple holding each other hand while they’re walking. The girl was pushing a baby’s cart. I remembered my thoughts a while ago when I think I’m gonna die. I’m so jealous of them. A straight couple, they can do whatever they want without eyes watching them. Someday, I want to have future children with my loving husband.  I sighed loudly.

“What’s with the mood today?” Jacob asked turning his head to me then quickly went back to driving.

“Nothing, just that stupid alarm clock” I answered him. I frowned deeply just thinking about that alarm clock. Who the hell invented that thing in first place? I bet if he’s still alive, all people especially teenager would search then kill him.

“So, what did the ‘alarm clock’ done to you Luke?” he spoke amusedly emphasizing the word alarm clock.

“Seriously, why does the alarm clock was invented? People should work any time they want as they please. Students should study and go to school anytime as long as they were studying. If I have chance to choose what time the school hours should be, I would like it to be 10am-5pm” I pouted then waited for their response.

They slowly looked at each other then they both erupted into laughter. Oh God! What the hell was happening to these people? I ignored them to the rest of the ride.

“You are going to sit there all day?” Jane asked me. I hadn’t noticed that we’re already at school’s parking lot. I climbed out of the car then followed them.

We made to the hallway and everyone was staring at us. No! Not us, they particularly staring at me. Yeah bring it on baby. I walked with Jacob and Jane between them with my chin up. I’m loving this.  We finally made it to our lockers without any trouble. We quickly grabbed our books that we needed for classes. I leaned on my locker and waited for them.

“So, you liking the attention you get?” Jane questioned me. Jacob finished to grab his thing then joined us.

“Not bad eh?” I said grinning. I’m not attention seeker but I like it.

“Maybe you can attract more guys from now on even without your sense of fashion” Jane said half teasingly. I rolled my eyes to her. What’s wrong with this girl? I already told them that I only want Ethan.

“I don’t like anyone aside from Ethan” I whinnied at them. We’re done with this topic.

“Okay, okay. Relax, we were just suggesting other options. We know that you’re head over heels for Ethan” Jane raised her hands in surrender. Thank God! I don’t know what to do with my two bestfriends anymore.

“We don’t want you to get hurt if Ethan… you know” Jacob said with concerned look. I don’t wanna think about what he said. If Ethan doesn’t give in a smooth way, I’ll get him in Luke’s way.

The bell rang and we headed to our classes. I entered the room and sat down on my usual chair in front. Mrs. Cruz checked the attendance then started lecturing about quadratics and factoring. 10 minutes later the front door opened. Mrs. Cruz stopped writing on board.

A blonde girl appeared then slowly closed the door. She smiled nervously to Mrs. Cruz then looked around. Mrs Cruz had the stern look at her. She hates late comer, so goodluck with that girl.

She’s really beautiful and cute at the same time. She has a baby face with brown tantalizing eyes. She’s wearing a buttoned black shirt and white jeans. I’m gay but she’s so sexy and hot. I noticed also she has some accessories in her wrist and arm. 

“Who are you to interrupt our lessons?” Mrs Cruz asked glaring at her.

“I’m Sarah Rodriguez and I’m the new student here” she answered politely. Mrs Cruz’s expression changed when she heard her surname.

“I assumed that you’re the daughter of—“she said with worry in her tone but Sarah cut her off.

“Yes. Can I sit now?”Sarah asked her.

“Okay you can sit anywhere you want and I don’t want you to be late next time” Mrs Cruz told to her. Then she continued writing problems on the board.

Sarah looked around then her eyes fell on me. Then she turned he gaze to my side’s vacant chair. She walked beside me then sat down. I looked at her even more, wow! She has a flawless skin. She turned her head and smiled at me.

“I’m Sarah and I’m new here” she held her hand out. Then I grinned and shook it.

“I know, you just said that a few seconds ago” I said a matter of factly. “I’m Luke. Luke Lewis by the way”

“Nice to meet you Luke. I like you now” she whispered smirking at me.

 “Err, you’re hot but I’m gay. Sorry” I informed her. Ew! I can’t imagine having sex with girl or even kissing them. That’s gross! I would never try it. Just picturing their female reproductive, oh no! I think I’m gonna puke.

She chuckled “I know. That’s why I chose to sit beside you”

“How… di-did you?” I stuttered. Do I really look like gay? Yes! Because you are gay. Look at yourself, just put on a wig then BOOM! Your instant girl. Yeah, yeah thank you for encouragement, stupid mind. Stop talking at yourself before she thinks you’re twisted!

“I have a strong gaydar” okay, she’s weird. You both are. Oh :o she got a handy talent. She could audition on America’s got talent. How’s she gonna do it? Um… maybe she can pinpoint every gay on the audiences. Just thinking about it, Hahaha that would be so funny.

“Mr Lewis! Can you share us why you are laughing?” Mrs. Cruz demanded me. I quickly covered my mouth. Damn! I think I needed to fix my trigeminal nerve. It has an involuntary control.

 “Um… I was thinking about your face” I blabbered. Smooth as ever Luke. But everyone burst out laughing. I looked at my classmates then to my side. Sarah had an amused look chuckling.

“What so funny about me Mr Lewis?!” Mrs Cruz glared at me. Shit! I’m in a deep trouble. “On the board, Now!” she yelled. I nervously got up then walked toward the board. “Answer all the problems!” she smirked evilly.

 “If you don’t answered correctly, detention after class” What’s wrong with these teachers? Did they think asking or making me do some hard questions would let me down?  

I mentally had my victory dance. I sighed in relief, I thought she would give me detention, never! If you think I’m a science nerd but I’m also a math genius. I love numbers and equations. I quickly solve the 10 questions within 5 minutes. Some of them were so easy that I can solve it mentally.

“No detention” I said smugly. Haha it’s really fun to outwit someone who thinks you’re not good or moronic.

Mrs Cruz stared at me in awe. She tried to look unaffected but failed. Before she could reply back, the bell rang signalling the end of class. The students immediately grabbed their things and got up.

I went to my chair to get my bag but I looked at Sarah. I thought maybe she could join our gang.

“Hey Sarah, would you like to join me and my friends this lunch?” I invited here.

“Thanks, that’s kind of you. Since I don’t know anyone here, well, except you that would be great” she said sincerely.

“Nah, you’re my friend now. I like you too.” The final bell rang for the next subject. So, I quickly snatched my bag “See ‘ya at lunch” I said then headed outdoor.    

The lunch came and I headed at the cafeteria. I went to my friends and sat down immediately. I looked around and search for Sarah.

“You’re looking for someone?” Jane asked me curiously.

 “Yeah, I invited Sarah to eat lunch with us” I replied while I keep searching.

“Who’s Sarah?” Jacob asked while eating. Gah! This boy seriously has a stomach problem. He can’t even wait for us.

“The new student I just met a while ago” Finally she emerged to the cafeteria door. I waved at her and she spotted me instantly. She moved toward us. Jacob paused eating while his spoon was right away to his hanging mouth. Jane looked self-conscious. I can’t blame them. If I was straight, I would definitely go for her.

I grab a chair for her then she sat down with us.

“Hey Luke” she grinned at me then looked to Jane and Jacob. A moment of silence.

 “Ops! Sorry. Sarah meet Jane” I pointed at Jane “and this guy with his mouth open is Jacob” I introduced them. Jacob quickly closed his mouth then blush looking embarrassed.

“Jane and Jacob, this is Sarah. The new girl to this school” they shook their hands.

“So, you’re new huh? Where you came from?” Jane interrogated her. I hope she’s not jealous, this would be mess.

“New York” she answered.

“What brought a New Yorker doing in this town?” Jacob asked her.

Sarah shifted on her seat uncomfortably “Family business and I want a new environment I guess”

 I don’t want them to pry and ask more questions so I changed the topic quickly.

“Want to buy something to eat?” I asked Jane and Sarah. They both nodded and we grabbed our food then went back.

We exchanged stories and questions to know more about each other during the entire lunch. I made a joke about something and they can’t stop laughing it was so hilarious. It was like we’ve known Sarah for long time. We finished our lunch and we exchanged numbers then went to our classes.

The time passed and it was already time to go home. I made my way to my locker and waited for Jane, Jacob and Sarah. We put our books back then head to parking lot.

 When reached the parking I asked Sarah “Do you want to ride with us? We can give you a lift and drop you home” I suggested at her.

She shook her head “I’m good. I got my own car” she pointed at Pink Luxury Audi A8 parked at the corner. I stared at it with my mouth open. Jane and Jacob have the same expression.

“You’re rich?” I asked her.

“Not me. My parents are” she answered us like it was nothing. She’s really down to earth and acted like normal person.

“Okay. We gotta go. See you tom” we said our byes then Sarah went to her car and we drove out of the parking lot.

Jacob and Jane dropped me off in my house then leave. I grabbed my keys and open the door then locked it. Mom was still in the hospital. I ran upstairs and went to my room changing into my comfortable clothes. After I worked on my assignments I headed to the living room then I decided to watch a horror movie.

I’m in a mood for Chinese so I made a call and ordered spicy chicken with fried rice and wanton noodles. While waiting for the delivery I picked the Conjuring to watch it. After few minutes the doorbell rang and I went to get my food then paid the delivery boy.

I finished my dinner before the scene got to the scary part. I keep shouting to the little girl “Don’t open that closet you idiot!” I covered my eyes then peeked through my fingers. Why those characters always open it when they know there’s something evil inside? They should have run and go to safe place.

30 minutes later I heard the door creaked open and I immediately tense. Since every lights were off and the only light was coming from the screen. I shrank to the couch deeper and covered my face. I heard the footsteps getting louder and going towards me. Oh my God! I hope he doesn’t kill me whoever he is.

 The light was suddenly flicked on and I covered my eyes. “Please don’t rape me I’m adorable and I’m still virgin. I have STD, you’ll get infected!” I cried out.

“How could you get STD when you’re still virgin?” The criminal asked. I know that voice. I uncovered my face then looked up to him, not him it’s her.  

“Mom?” I asked.

“No, I’m Michelle Obama and advising you to eat healthy foods and have proper diet” my mom said sarcastically then rolled her eyes. She looked to the screen. “You know that shouting at tv will not change their actions right?” How did she know that?

“I’m your mom and I know you better than you do” I knew it she’s a mut—

“I’m not a mutant and your talking out loud again if you’re wondering Luke” I covered my mouth. Damn! I should fix this problem soon.

“You should sleep now it’s getting late, you have school tomorrow” my mom told me then kissed my forehead.

“Goodnight mom” I turned off the tv then went to my room. I flopped on my bed and think about what happened today.

I realized that I haven’t seen Ethan today. And I’m more afraid that Xander didn’t do anything to me. That’s odd. Maybe Xander is planning for his strike back.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _  __ _ _ _ __ _ _  _ _ _  _ _

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What would be the role of Sarah to Luke's life?

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