Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITI...

By niallsbabe_xx

2.9M 57.5K 26.1K

(Kind of Niall/ Luke book, but only a little lol) Good grades, full scholarship, rich lifestyle, what more co... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Not a chapter
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Epolgue 1: Move-in Day
Epilogue 2: Along Came April
Epologue 3: Promise
Epilogue 4: June 12, 2018
Epilogue 5: Better Days
New Frat boy Niall book!

Chapter 36

34.9K 590 159
By niallsbabe_xx

Niall's POV*

  There comes a point in time where what was once was a little game becomes a battle, and then that battle becomes a war. A war that doesn't just kill one person, but kills a whole army. Time is like a bomb. It just keeps ticking and ticking, never going back- only forward- and one day, that bomb is just going to go off, and no one is going to survive it, killing everyone including myself.

  I could have done something to prevent it. That day when I caught him with my sister, I could have just left and walked away. I could have missed the opportunity to take action and prevent all my screwed up mistakes. I probably would have gone that whole day not knowing. Maybe I would've heard it around capus the next day, or maybe not at all. Maybe, just maybe, if I decided to stay that night with Harry instead of at Annie's I could have missed the whole thing.

  He didn't know I was there when he pushed through the wooden door. He didn't know that I was in that bathroom, listening to their heated argument. I could have spared myself from everything if I had just decided to listen to Harry for once.

  But I didn't. Instead I sat there, my blood boiling hot as I watched the drunk psycho shred the clothing off my sister. I watched as he pinned her to the wall, not giving a shit about the fact that she was trembling and screaming.

  My only problem was that she was screaming my name and all of a sudden, my toes were nailed to the ground. I sat in the hallway staring at the two, fuming, but that hurt in my chest had over powered my movement to the point where I was too stunned to move.

  It wasn't until he had started to pull his pants down that was able to move. I remember tackling him to the ground, as my sister slide down the wall, covering herself with the white sheet that rested at the end of her bed. After that, everything was a blur.

  "Niall?" I shook my head and glanced up to Louis who was leaning against the sink. "You alright, mate?"

  I blinked, staring blankly at him for a second before I gave a slight nod and rested my head into my hands, placing my elbows on the cold counter top. Goosebumps ran up my arms, chilling my spine and their way down.

  "Yeah, um, sorry. Continue." I don't even remember what we were talking about. Something about the party tonight, I think.

  "Anyways, since it's your twenty first birthday, do you want to legally go out or do you just wanna throw another party?"

  I glanced back up to Louis who was still standing across the kitchen with his known smirk on his face and his arms crossed. "Can we sneak in Harry?" I chuckled as Louis smirk turned to a mischievous smile.

  "Of course we can, little toad." I gave him a funny look, chuckling. What?  "We have before, so why can't we now?" Smiling, I stood up straight and walked out towards the living room.

  After my little walk to cool down earlier, I had decided to just come back here to the frat house. No point in me walking to the dorms just to turn back around and walk another fifteen minutes this way.

Plus, I kinda wanted to see the nice marks I had left on Luke's face, however, he was already gone to the doctors by the time I had came back.


  As I entered the living room, the only boys I came face to face with were Zak, who was sucking face with Liz(El's friend), and Collin who was cuddling with his girlfriend on the couch.

  "Hey Collin, Emily." I decided to talk to them over interrupting Zak and his little friend. I turned my eyes back to Collin who was releasing a small yawn. "Have you seen Harry?"

  "Uh, upstairs, I think."

  "Thanks.", I took off towards the stairs, only to be called back by Collin.

  "I'd be careful going up there if I were you. Once Liz and Audrey got here, Harry and her both sprinted up there." He smirked, making me laugh. I noticed Liz chuckle out of the corner of my eye before she leaned back into Zak.

   "Fuck it.", I chuckled, receiving small chuckles from everyone else.  I need to talk to him, so she can either put her pretty ass on hold, or get the hell out.

  I began two steps at a time to get up faster.

  He's walked in on me before, so what's the difference if I do it to him? Plus, I've already seen her ass naked.

  "I'm coming in!", I yelled from outside Harry's door, giving them a couple seconds to stop before I opened the old wooden door. One thing I honestly love more about the dorms than the frat is that there are actually locks on the doors. These doors here are all shit when it comes to locking, however the sound proof room, itself, seems to make up for it. I don't think I'd really enjoy hearing girl cries all night, every night. Yeah, they're sexy as hell and they'd probably get me off, but after a while it'd be way to fucking much.

  "Yes, Niall?" Harry asked, more like forced out. His back was turned to me, his lower half covered by his blue comforter. I could see blonde hair sprawled across the pillow underneath him and I silently chuckled.

  "We're going to the club tonight instead of a party, so make sure you clean up when you're finished." I started backing out before I quickly remembered something. "Oh, and don't forget to dress nice, so you can sweet talk the girl in." I gave one last smile, chuckling as I shut the door so they could continue.

  "Niall!" I took the last step off the stairs and made my way towards Collin, moving his and Emily's feet so I could sit down at the end of the couch. "Our first game is next Wednesday. Coach wants to be at the stadium at one. So, if you have a lecture or something, just collect the assignment and head down there." I nodded, taking in the information that Collin was reciting off his phone. "Anyone who's late will do suicides all of the following practice, and can't play in that game."

   "Looks like you better not distract him, Em." I laughed as she untangled her foot from his and nudged me in the side. "Hey, are you guys coming tonight? We're going to the club instead of throwing a party." I switched subjects, looking between Collin and Zak.

  Zak looked up from Liz, shrugging as he asked, "Who's all going?"

  "Louis, Harry, and I at the moment. Harry is under twenty one though, which means we kinda gotta still smuggle him in." He nodded before we both looked to Collin.

  "Emily allowed?" I noticed her smile and lean further into him. I nodded, waiting as they both agreed.

  "No one tell Luke though, or I will bust your ass too, got it?" Laughing, they all nodded.

  "Bring it on, tough guy." Zayn challenged with a smile as he walked into the frat house, pushing his black boots to the side.

  "l'll take you down, tough guy" , I mocked, both of us chuckling.

  "So, has Harry got any yet, or is she going to break down and cry again?" Collin spoke up, kicking my side with his foot.

  "Ha.Ha. Funny, guys. That was one time, and it was because of a pregnancy scare. I'd cry too!" Emily stated, her soft voice floating through the air. She grinned bigger as Collin pulled her deeper into his chest, planting a single kiss to her head.

  I wonder what it's like to sit like that. Isn't it uncomfortable to have a person that  close to you? Or is it actually comforting to know that someone fits perfectly into your chest? Shut up, Niall. Keep your head screwed on right.

  "Yeah, I'd hope my girlfriend would cry. I mean I wouldn't want her to actually be happy about being pregnant..." I stated, furrowing my eyebrows together.

  "Your girlfriend?"  Zayn snorted. "Best joke of the night!"

  Yeah, okay, maybe wrong use of vocabulary there. But, still. I wouldn't necessarily be happy about being a parent in college, and I wouldn't want the girl I knocked up to be either.

  "Whatever.. You know what I mean." I groaned, smiling.

  "So, party boy, is the plan on?" Louis whipped in a new topic trapping us in yet, another dimension as he walked into the living room, taking a seat on the other couch, next to Zayn.

  "Yes, just don't tell Luke. I'll be tempted to finish what I started." I laughed as I picked at the scabs from the dried blood on my knuckles. Louis laughed too, pulling out his phone to probably text El about the new plans. 


  "Hey, babe." Harry sent the blonde girl in a short gold dress a wink and the rest of our group watched as her cheeks turned crimson, sticking out against her pale skin. "What's your name?" She smiled and stuck her chest out, clearly proving that she's not shy.  Harry nodded for us all to go in, silently stating that he'll be in, in a minute.

  I followed after Zak, huffing and stopping to prove to the bouncer that since today was the thirteen, my license clearly states that today is my twenty first birthday, therefore, this is clearly fucking legal! The jackass finally agreed after five minutes of some wild explanation that really wasn't necessary. Louis laughed from behind, obviously just annoyed as I was, pulling El closer to his side as the music started to grow louder, the closer we neared.

  The room was dark, small lights illuminating the place from the DJ center and from behind the bar. My senses were automatically filled with the stench of sweat, cigarette smoke, alcohol, and vomit. I scrunched my nose, pushing my way through the people towards the bar.

  The club was semi-full for it being a Saturday, but the group of people that we had trailing behind us just completely filled it. To be honest, a ton more people showed than what I was expecting. I was thinking maybe the boys, Gemma and her friends, and maybe Seth and his group-yes, we are still friends. Friends sometimes get into little brawls too. But what I wasn't expecting was for the whole damn campus to show. It's almost as if we brought the frat party to the club.

  I quickly made my way towards the bar, ordering two shots. Start out simple, then save the going hard for later. I want to remember at least some of this.

  About two hours later, I was drunkenly dancing with a brunette. At least, I think she's brunette.. She had big brown eyes, instantly reminding me of khloe. I gripped her waist tighter, moving our bodies even closer as the space start to close around up.

  Little black dots floated through the air, blocking my already blurry vision. There was a faint glow coming from across the room and everyone started cheering.

  I stood taller, pushing the girp away a little as I felt an arm sling around my neck. I noticed Harry across the room, chatting with the same blonde, so I'm guessing that plan worked out.

  I glanced up to Louis, who was smiling big as everyone started to sing. He pulled me towards the front of the bar. I gladly followed, dragging the brunette, whose name I'd forgotten, behind me.

  Two tall girls clad in short blue dresses, one blonde, and the other brunette, made their way to me, carrying a giant white cake. A smile made its way to my face as I noticed the five shots on top that were lit with fire.

  Everyone cheered as the finished the birthday song, and my smile widened once the blonde girl handed me a shot. I downed it, letting the burning feeling fill my mouth and my throat.

  I downed the next three with the help of Louis who put down one.

  My vision was toast, and I was toasted.

Well forget the whole remembrance thing.

I needed this though. I needed to just for get about everything for a little, from Luke, to Khlo, to fighting, everything. And this had sure done the trick.

  It wasn't until about four something that we finally arrived home. Even though the club closed at two, Louis and Collin insisted that we go swimming at the lake, so us being the dumb asses we are, we all went. However, once we realized that the girls had followed us there, a small swim session quickly turned into a skinny dipping one.

  I tried to be as quiet as possible when opening the front door to the frat house, but it's kind of hard with a girl on your arm, and ten drunkards following behind while laughing hysterically at something that probably isn't even that funny.

  I motioned for them to be quiet just in case Zayn, who had left early, and Luke were sleeping. I do not want to upset them during their sleep. But I was puzzled to say the least when I flicked on the living room light to see Luke half naked on the couch in a heavy make out session with a curly red head that was fully naked under him.

  Fuck no.

  I was suddenly sober as all the blood drained from my body. He is not making this any better for himself. Didn't he learn by the look of his deep purple cheek and busted lip?

  He glanced up to meet my eyes, and suddenly everyone around us were dead silent.

I'm guessing that Luke never said a word about why we fought in the first place, because by the looks on their faces, I'm assuming they only knew about Luke and Khloe.

  "Shit." He mumbled, as he jumped off the couch and put his shirt on. She scrambled to sit up and put her shirt on as well as her pants. "Why you look so sur-"

  "Shut it, Luke! You do not even want to fuck with me right now!" My voice was rough and scratchy from the flaming alcohol I had consumed just hours earlier, as well as harsh from all the thoughts that were now running through my head.

  It's one thing to hear that he's cheating on her, it's another to fucking see it.

I looked to the girl, still fuming. Her shoulders shrunk and she looked intimidated. "You. Get the fuck out." She nodded quickly, practically sprinting out the door.

  "You can't-"

  "I can do whatever the hell I want! I may be out of the damn house, but it is still my fucking frat house, so you can just fucking leave!" I pushed against his chest, but my hands were quickly restricted as I tried to do it again.  "Zak, let me go!"

  "Go to bed, Niall. I'll take care of it." He shoved my towards the stairs and if I wasn't so mad to the fact that I could kill him, I wouldn't have obeyed, but I really don't feel like going back to Ireland to beg my bastard of a father to get me back in, again.

  I threw myself onto my old bed, not even knowing what to do with myself. I've never wanted to kill someone so fucking bad! I gently closed my eyes, trying to calm myself before I do something irrational. My eyes closed, my heart calmed, and I was quickly pulled under by a tidal wave of sleep.


  I sat at the table, just starring at my phone. The frat house was quiet this morning as everyone had gone out.

  I guess Luke left last night after our heated conversation, but I don't even really care anymore. He's literally driving me insane.

  I looked out the small kitchen window towards the sun, however it didn't feel very sunny around me. I was being weighed to far down in the deep end that it was too hard to even see light anymore.

I glanced back to my phone again, debating with myself about if I should do it our not. I glanced back to the window, then back to my phone.

  Okay, I really don't give a shit if he tells about the fight last year. Fuck it, I'm not going to hurt her like this.

  To: Khloe

We need to talk.

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