Forever forbidden Opposites a...

By Dragontearfrisk19

11.4K 295 140

Two people see the same thing. A Destroyer and a Protector. One views mockery and spite. The other views love... More

chapter 1.
chapter 2.
chapter 3
chapter 4.
chapter 5.
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17

chapter 8

475 15 7
By Dragontearfrisk19

(Paint's p.o.v.)

That's was weird. Ink just ran out the door. Maybe it's cus he has some new ideas? No that's not it. I've seen him with new ideas this is not it.

Maybe it could be someone he likes? Who though? Dream? No, he was just as confused. Outer? No, he already has a boyfriend. Wait, who is his boyfriend? Is it ink? No, outer said that it wasn't. Then who?

I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts. It's mostly nothing just some new cool ideas.


(Error's p.o.v.)

Today was the day! I think. I hope so.

I was about to head out to outertale when I remember something that I forgot to do before I left. I walked over to blue "h-H-h3¥" I waved.

Blue waved back "IM GLAD YOUR BETTER BUT I MUST INSIST THAT YOU EAT FIRST!!!!!" "D○n'T w-₩-W○rR¥ b[u3 ! @l[ r3@d¥ @t3" I said "ALRIGHT WHAT DID YOU NEED ME FOR!!!" "! N3ed y○u t○ d-D-d!$tR@cT dR3@m f○r m3" "WHY?!?! AND WHY NOT INK TOO?!" "! ₩@nt t-T-t○ h@v3 @ l!tTl3 c-C-cH@t ₩iTh !nk @nd ! D○n'T ₩@nt d-D-dR3@m t○ c○m3 @l○ng @nd m-M-m3s$ !t uP" "YOU WON'T HURT HIM TOO MUCH?!?!" "○f c○urs3 ! ₩-w-W○nt hUrT h!m t○● mUch! I jUsT w@nt t-T-t○ h@v3 @ l!tTl3 ch@t" "FFFIIINNNEE! JUST MAKE SURE NOT TO HURT HIM TO MUCH!!!!" "w-₩-w!lll d○"

And with that, I left him in search of either cross or nightmare.

I was walking around the giant mansion, I mean seriously!!!! Why is this place so big!! It does not need to be this big!!!!

I finally found cross in the kitchen trying to get a chocolate chip cookie from the cookie jar with a chocolate bar in his mouth.

"H@nd c@uGhT !n tH3 c○●k!3 j@r?" "What?!?!" Cross said looking quite annoyed

"what do you want?"

"! N3ed y○u t○ di$tr@ct N!ghtm@r3 f○r m3"

"why should I?!?!"

"! D○n't c@r3 h○w y○u d○ !t ju$t kEep h!m ○fF mY Tr@!l"

"why?" "! Ju$t ₩@nt t○ g3t @w@y fR○m y○u @s$h○l3s"

"Alright I've always wanted to have some fun with senpai"

Cross smiled and I walked away out of the mansion.

The best thing about being a glitch is that I can exist in multiple places at once for only a few seconds. That way it's easy to lose anyone that's on my trail. After I made sure no one was on my trail I teleported to the original outertale where ink and I first became friends.

And waiting for ink to come.

"Aawww, what happened to cross and nightmare?" "! D○n'+ kN○₩"

(Sorry for the republishing the first one was on accident and the second time I just couldn't go to sleep so I fixed it I'm sorry for it. I hope you like this, sorry this so sort I wanted to do a cliffhanger also it's now 12:30 am and I have to get up early tomorrow so I'm going to bed but I hope you like it. The art above is not mine and I hope you like and support the original artist for their work. The song error is singing is I'm glad you came by the wanted. Anyway I hope you have a great day/night)

542 words

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