Turn of Life

By menaka92

86.6K 7.1K 2K

Our life is a mixture of love and hatred, happiness and sorrow, twists, blunders and many more...!! Though we... More

Turn of Life
2. Murder plan
5.Sneaking out of hostel
6.Kiran's birthday
7. Birthday celebrations
8.Teasing eachother
9. Meeting them
10. Confusion
11. Last
12.Thank you
15.Pranav's dad
16.Unexpected Proposal
19.The phone call
20. Game
21. Process
22.New Task
24.Unexpected support
25.Long time
27.Irresistable Attraction
28.First day
29.Treating him
31.Prince Charming
32.Unknown feelings
33.Little did I know
34.The day
37.Friends talk
38.Deadly virus
41.Her antics
46.The proposal
47.Unexpected care and comfort
48.(Un)Pleasent Surprise
49.Secret revealed
50. I know
52.The bet
53.Anything possible
54.A night to remember
55.Her reply
56.A day with her
57.Bad feeling
58.The news
59.I like him?
60.The meet
61.New member in the gang
62.Happy? Not happy?
64.The complete day
65.My heart
71.Can't be happening
73.Almost there
74.Peace at the end?
75.Not so romantic proposal
76.The final verdict
77.Fire girl
81.Dean to dad
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
Epilogue 4
Epilogue 5
Epilogue 6
Questions and Answers

45.First kiss

909 82 20
By menaka92

Shweta Pov

I slapped him hard across his right cheek. How can he say that? I know he wants me to be safe and sound but that doesn't mean I'll leave him suffer all alone in this struggle.

He's already faced all difficulties in his life all alone. Atleast now he wants someone to be with him. Though he asks me to go, I know he'll need me with him all the time.

I know he's very strong and brave to tackle everything on his way, but every person has his or her time when they'll long for someone to depend on. He hasn't had anyone like that since his childhood. But now, I'm here in his every step. I'll walk together with him, holding his hand not bothering about the thorny way we are going to travel on. I'll cherish every moment I spend with him. That's how much I love him.

"Shweta?" He whined like a child, rubbing his cheek where I slapped him.

"Idiot, you deserve more that this" I said, pushing him away, to pull myself away from him embrace.

"What? Why?" He asked in anger.

"How can you just ask me to leave you? Idiot! Just listen to me once and clear, I'll always stick with you like a parasite. I don't care whatever happens, but I'm not going to leave you alone. You are stuck with me life long" I said in a threatening tone. He moved back pretending to be afraid. I chuckled at his reaction.

"But Shweta, listen to me. What if...." I didn't let him complete.

I jumped off the bed and went to the study table where there was a knife kept along with some fruits on a plate.

I went to him with the knife in my hand. His face changed into a horror one within seconds.

I pointed the knife at him. He widened his eyes and got up from the bed with a jerk.

He stared moving towards the door and I moved in front of him. With every step I take forward, he took a step backwards. I guess I'm still tipsy, perks of drinking so many shots of vodka.

"Shweta,what the hell are you doing?" He yelled.

"I'm going to stab you if you don't let me stay with you" I threatened him, bringing the knife closer to him.

"Shweta, this is not a game. Just keep the knife aside, we'll talk and sort it out" he said and tried to take the knife from me but I held it tightly.

"Damn! I should have put her to sleep and talked about it tomorrow. I just forgot that she's drunk!" he cursed himself under his breath. I giggled at him.

He tried to open the door but I held his right hand with my left hand and twisted it around. In reflex, he turned around too and I now have the full control of him. His right hand was twisted and held by my left hand at his back, his front stuck to the door. I held the knife in my right hand and took it next to his neck from his front side.

"Shweta" he screamed in horror and I giggled at his reaction.

"Answer my questions and I'll release you from this" I said, pointing at the knife and he nodded like a school kid.

This is so much fun!

"First sit on the chair" I ordered him and started moving with him, still holding the knife. We settled on the chair beside the table, I in front of him, pointing the knife at his heart. He gulped audibly.

"Answer my questions honestly. Otherwise you very well know the consequences right?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Good. So my first question is, do you really want me to go away from you?" I asked him.

He took a minute to think. I grew impatient by every passing second. Usually I'm a calm and a patient girl, but now it's the alcohol effects.

"Fast" I roared.

"Yes, I want you to go because I want you to be safe and happy" he said and I felt a sigh leaving his lips.

"But..." He cut me off.

"I'm not lying Shweta, I'm very serious. I really don't want you to enter this mess. Already we lost Yamuna, we can't afford to lose you too" he said and that caught my attention.


"What? What did you say?" I asked him, confirming again.

"Shit!" He mumbled.

"Answer me now Harish" I ordered him, pointing the knife at him.

He held my hand, trying to pull away the knife but I bite him hands.

"Devil!" He yelled.

"Answer me idiot"

"Yamuna died a year and half ago" he said and what?

How come I didn't know about it?
Why didn't anyone tell me?

But how?
How did she die?

"What? How? How.. I mean why? Umm..who...?" I blabbered, not being able to form any words.

"She was mistook to be Kavya and was attacked by the politician's goons" he said.

"When Kavya was supposed to go to her college to collect her certificates of her graduation for distance education, Yamuna offered to go in place of her. Kavya was pregnant that time and she vomited earlier. So Yamuna forced Kavya to stay at home and she took Kavya's car and went to her college.

She collected her certificates and was on the way back home when the accident took place. Her car was crashed by another car, from behind and she hit the street light losing her conscious on the spot. She was rushed to the hospital and was done a surgery. But she didn't make it through the surgery and died" he said and I found tears rolling down my cheeks.

Yamuna was always like an elder sister to me. She was there whenever I needed a support. She was my well wisher, my guide, my best friend and more like a sister.

Gosh! I can't believe she's no more now.

"Shweta, don't cry" I was brought back from my thoughts as I felt Harish wiping my tears away.

I quickly controlled myself and pointed the knife at him, seriously this time.

"What the hell? Why didn't anyone tell me? Why wasn't she brought to me when her surgery was done? At least I could have done anything to save her? Why didn't you people didn't meet me when all this was going on? Am I nothing to you all? Do you people don't consider me as your friend?

All of you, literally all of you just ran away leaving me behind. I was so clueless about everything. You all just disappeared after high school. I was searching for you people like a maniac but you all were in constant touch and even had each others back in tough time. Why was I not included? I don't mean anything to you all, right?" I shouted at him in full rage, throwing the knife away, to some corner of the room.

I stood up from the chair and started throwing away anything and everything that came in my sight. I am so mad now!

They all considered each other as best friends and even more than that, and here I'm treated like a stranger all the time. I wanted to scream on top of my lungs, telling them I won't mind doing anything for them. I mean Anything!

Why can't they just let me in?

Trust me, if I was told about Yamuna that time when she was fighting with death, I would have begged my Dean to do the operation assisted by the best surgeons all over India since my Dean has connection with all the top most doctors of India. But why didn't they tell me?

If I wouldn't have forced Harish to tell me now, even he would have hidden everything from me. Does he even love me? I really doubt it because anyone who loves, opens up everything to their partner and here, Harish is avoiding me in every possible way.

"Why damn it? Why?" I shouted with all my strength, throwing the plate, the cups, the weights, and just everything.

"Shweta, calm down. It's not want you think like. We all love you and consider you like a best friend" Harish said, trying to calm me down. He held my hand tightly, preventing me from harming myself by throwing things.

"Leave me. Just leave me. I mean nothing to you all,then why do you care about me? Stop acting like I'm important to you all. You just want to avoid me and act all strange towards me. I know you'll give some stupid excuse and defend you and your best friends. But I can bet you that, even if you had a chance to meet me or come to me that time, you wouldn't have done that. Even if Priya or Preeti approaches me, you, only you Mr. Harish, you would have stopped them. I never know you hate me so much that you don't want my presence in your life anytime" I yelled at him, releasing my hands from his grip.

I have had enough!

I can't tolerate it anymore. If he doesn't acknowledge me or my presence and doesn't want it, it's better that I leave him and my so called friends and take my own path. I don't want to be a burden to them.

"Shweta, listen to me once for god's sake" he yelled back at me.

I took the fork placed on the table and threw it on the ground. It cut my palm and I hissed in pain. Blood was flowing from the cut, since it was pretty deep.

"Why should I huh? Why? What do you have to say this time? Some stupid and worthless excuse right? Go on! I'm all ears" I crossed my arms across my chest, glaring at him whole time.

"Shweta, I know we all have done a mistake. But we didn't even want Priya or Preeti or Kiran or Yamuna to enter this. They all happened to enter due to circumstances. I wanted this thing to be within Yash, Kavya, Dhanush and myself. But God made our paths cross eachother and eventually all our friends came to know about it and steadily offered their help and as a result it grew more complicated. I always warned them to stay out of it, but they never listened to me. I never wanted anyone to suffer. I was genuinely thankful that you weren't involved in it.

I never wanted you to go through any of our troubles. You were always special to me and I always had that urge to protect you from everything. You too know about it since our highschool. Also I didn't know about your where abouts until Priya said that you were the doctor incharge of Kavya's operation.

Do you remember our first meet in the parking area of your hospital, after so many years? I was so shocked to see you and couldn't help but hug you so tightly. That was the moment I realized how much I missed you and now much you meant to me.

That was also the moment I decided not to tell you anything as I was prioritizing your safety over anything. Instead of me protecting you after you knowing everything, it's better for you not to know anything at all.That's the reason I asked our friends not to tell you anything. It's not that you aren't our friend. You mean a lot to all of us Shweta. We just wanted you to live happily without any stress and trouble" he said and I listened to him patiently.

But the anger in me rose with every word that came from his mouth.

What does he mean by my safety when all of them had already risked their life? Why can't I risk mine too? I don't want to be a special one. I want to be a part of them, sharing their pain, their sorrows, their scars, their everything.

"Done with your so called explanation?" I snapped at him.

"Shweta?!" He looked at me, puzzled.

"Harish, I really didn't expect this from you. I... I thought we were friends. But now you proved me I'm nothing to you all. I'll just leave. I really feel like a trouble to you all. I'm sorry for involving in your personal matters though I don't deserve to know it. I thought.... I.. I.. Never mind, bye" I said completely disappointed and heart broken.

"Shweta, Shweta wait" he called me. I didn't stop and ran outside his room, banging the door behind me. I wasn't in my right mind.

How can he think like that?

It's hurting me so much! His words, his actions, everything.

I thought he loved me but now I understood I'm no less than a stranger who doesn't deserve to know anything about him. The very thought is piercing my heart. It stabbed me so hard that I felt myself breaking into a million pieces.

"Shweta, wait. It's not what you think like. Listen to me, just wait" he said, running behind me.

He was trying to catch me but I don't want to hear anything from him. I was running towards the main entrance. I don't know where I'm going but this minute, I just don't want to see him or hear anything from him. He has already broke my heart and I don't want anything from him now.

I was running towards the passage which connects to the main entrance when he suddenly grabbed my hand by holding my elbows from behind, tightly. I panted as I was trying to remove his hold with my other hand.

He didn't budge in, but forced me to turn towards him. I used my full strength to push him and did so. He stumbled on his feet and I took this opportunity to run, removing his hold successfully.

"F**k" he cursed and ran fast, quickly matching my pace.

He caught me again and this time, he pinned me to the wall, holding my hands in his, pinning it high above my head.

He was looking straight into my eyes, while I was looking everywhere but his eyes. We both were panting heavily.

I looked at him with rage and pain in my eyes.

"....." I was cut off by a strong pair of lips attacking mine.

Realisation dawned on me when I felt his lips moving in perfect sync with mine.

There goes my... my !

My first kiss!


Hey lovelies!

Hope you all liked the update!

Sorry to say, but can't promise an early update...
Anyways will try my best.

My board practicals are on, so studies are a must!

Please pray for me!

Sorry for not updating yesterday. I wasn't in the right mind to write a chapter. My cousin passed away unexpectedly yesterday. There was a lot of fuss going about.
This chapter is dedicated her. God bless you soul dear! RIP!


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