Roar | George Weasley

By JadedScripture

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When Aurora's brother, Julian, accidentally sends her and himself into the past, Julian can't help but feel l... More



347 9 1
By JadedScripture

This chapter is more so a filler one... with all the D.A meetings kind of squished into one chapter. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy. Remember to vote and give a comment. Don't be ghost-readers :D


It was October ninth, 1995; the D.A's first lesson. We thought we had to be careful at the beginning, but now... even more so. Umbridge had caught wind of our little group and had made a twenty-fourth decree; banning all student groups.

"Woah!" I exclaimed. I ducked quickly as Neville's wand came flying back.

His wand wedged itself within a groove, blue sparks omitting due to the force behind it, I shared a look with Julian. It probably doesn't help that he uses his father's wand, but there's a sweet sentiment in it.

"I'm hopeless," Neville dejectedly spoke.

"You're just flourishing your wand too much. Try it like this," Harry evaluated. "Expelliarmus."

Harry did the spell perfectly, and the black mechanical figure was disarmed of its wand. The clunk of the object meeting the marbled ground echoed around the room.

"Try and copy that, Neville," Harry said.

A few of us realised that passing the word around verbally concerning the next meetings for the D.A wasn't a secure method. This led to the idea of bewitched coins with a Protean Charm. When Harry activated it, numbers on each coin would change to inform the bearer of the time and date of the next meeting.

I was the second-hand of Harry, implementing suggestions if he was busy. Everybody helped everybody, but since I was more knowledgeable, alike with Harry, we were the main helpers.

"Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. It's a wizard's bread and butter, really." Harry began.

There were two lines, everybody having an opponent. I was faced with Julian, and I was smirking quite happily. He's going to get it. Harry walked down the middle, stopping at the edge of the contenders. He turned around, facing a young boy. Alike with Harry, he was lined up with him in the middle.

"So, come on, then, Nigel. Give it your best shot," Harry instructed.


Harry was thrown back, alike with the wielder, Nigel. Harry steadied himself on the ground, slowly getting up.

"Good. Not bad at all, Nigel. Well done," Harry heavily breathed out in discomfort.

I started to talk, giving Harry some seconds to gather his bearings, "Quality and quickness are levelled here. You want to get the opponent frozen, before they do so to you. But, quickness doesn't mean you necessarily win. You could be doing your opponent a favour. Such as, what Nigel displayed. If you're not completely focussed or if you miss your target... you could throw yourself backwards." I threw a look to Nigel, "You did a brilliant job though Nigel, considering that was your first time. So be proud." I took my focus off him, looking around at the line I was in and the opposite one. "So, everybody... keep that in mind."

"A valuable point Rory," Harry nodded. Silence passed for a few seconds, before Harry spoke again. "Now, everybody take form. Wands out."

I took a deep breath in through my nose, slowly letting it out of my mouth as I angled my body towards Julian's. I focussed on Julian, ears ready for Harry's indication to go.


I wielded my wand, thrashing it forwards with my hand. "Stupefy!"

Julian was three-quarters through his spell when he flew backwards. People on different sides of the two lines followed and I let out a triumphant cheer. I looked towards George who was sprawled on the ground, near Julian.

I looked beside me, eyes trying to find his opponent, Fred. He wasn't there though. I looked behind me expectantly, finding him in a similar state to George. They got each other at the same time, didn't they? I laughed aloud at the two. They seemed to be twinning in looks, and abilities alike.

"That was exceptional Rory," Harry commented.

I pulled my attention away from the funny scene and gave Harry a light smile. "Thanks."

It was awhile later and we were doing pairs one at a time. This let Harry and I evaluate the duals more critically. Ron and Hermione were the next pair up, and I excitedly settled myself between George and Fred.

"One sickle," George whispered over me to Fred.

I rolled my eyes at the two as they always seemed to be placing bets.

"You're on," Fred gambled.

"On who?" I questioned.

"Ron winning," George answered.

Ron and Hermione were both facing each other, head on. I leaned into George momentarily, "That wasn't a good bet. Hermione's going to win..."

I adored Ron to death, but I knew Hermione would beat him. She had greater knowledge, and she often put it into good use. Ron... he needed more practice.

As I had predicted, Hermione was quicker than Ron. Hermione had excellent form and she was ready. Ron, on the other hand... he was... cocky. George handed a sickle over to Fred begrudgingly from his pocket.

"Thank you," Fred said, a smirk lacing his lips.

"Shut up," George muttered in annoyance.

"I told you so," I mused.

George grabbed me, pulling me to him sideways. He rested his chin on my head lazily.

"You good?" I laughed.

"Exceptional," he smiled.

"Ay! Rory! Give me some pointers or something. Stop canoodling with your boyfriend," Ron huffed.

"I agree I should be giving you pointers, but stop being so pissy that Hermione won."

"I-I'm not!" He came closer to where I was. "It was completely intentional," he mumbled. He gave all the boys around me a directive nod, hoping the boys believed his lie.

He totally did not give her the win. Agh... boys.

George nodded his head in fake understanding, his chin digging into the front of my head.

"Yeah, totally," Fred sarcastically chimed.

Ron sent a small glare to Fred, "It's good manners."

I sat in the Gryffindor Common Room, briefly thinking about the covered wall outside of the Hall. It was filled with decrees, which left me wondering when she'd run out of space on it. With how much she loved decrees, it wouldn't surprise me if she suddenly wanted to implement them into our uniform.

"What're you thinking about?" George queried next to me.

We were on the couch relaxing, staring into the pits of the flaming fireplace. It was after one of our D.A lessons, and most students had resided to their beds; tired after the school day.

"Just wondering if Umbridge will hire somebody to think of decrees when she runs short on ideas."

He let out a small laugh, "It's a possibility."

"Filch's face was a view at dinner."

"The Fever Fudge worked a charm, eh?" He mused.

George and Fred had taken the initiative to prank Umbridge's number one fan; Argus Finch. The Fever Fudge was boxed in a pink love-heart. It had given Filch the impression that his love had gifted it to him. But, all that was gifted was huge boils.

I grinned, head leaning against his shoulder. "I suppose it did."

"Next year, you'll be dating an entrepreneur," George said, changing the subject.

I looked away from the fireplace, my eyes finding his brown orbs. "I'm so proud of you and Fred," I started. "You've put so much effort into it. Juggling seventh year, the D.A, and then using your spare time to practice on your products... you've taken up a lot."

He smiled brightly at me, deliberately raising his pitch, "Don't make me blush, Rory." He jokingly bumped into me and I giggled.

I bumped him back, and he slightly narrowed his eyes at me. He was looking at me... differently. It seemed as though he was thinking of something, or he had just realised something.

"What are you thinking about?"

His lips parted a little, as if he was going to say something. He let a few seconds pass before answering, "I was just thinking about your smile."

"My smile?" I grinned.

He leaned down so his lips could meet mine. I closed my eyes expectantly, but the rocking of the couch broke us apart. My eyes snapped open, and I got out of my sitting position. I looked behind the couch to find Fred.

"What the hell are you doing?" I questioned him.

"I didn't fancy hearing you two smack lips," Fred stated.

He was on his knees, looking up at the two of us. George sprang from beside me, crashing off the back of the couch to grapple onto his twin. The two of them wrestled teasingly, and I found myself watching the both of them.

A small smile lingered on my lips as I observed the two brawling figures on the carpeted floor. They undeniably brought joy to my life, especially George.

Months flew by, filled by D.A meetings. The class had progressed through the Impediment Jinx, the Reductor Curse and the Stunning Spell. Studying was also a major factor, a pain in my backside, along with Umbridge herself.

She had made a 'High Inquisitorial Squad,' which Draco had joined as well as other Slytherins. He had already walked around as if he owned the place before Umbridge, and I had started to find that tolerable. But, with the Inquisitorial business in the mix... he had his wand up his arse most of the time.

I was standing beside the Christmas Tree in the Room of Requirement. My eyes were searching through the members of the D.A, examining their performance of the spells. Alike with the members in the D.A, these lessons had given me practice to furthermore improve my skills.

My endurance and power had progressed into something more menacing. It made me feel adequate to fight if I was faced with a Death Eater again. I could at least defend myself more proficiently, as well as my attacking.

Angelina and Lee were practicing some spells on each other, switching out from time to time with Alicia and Katie Bell. My eyes moved to George and Fred who were conjuring spells that wasn't necessarily... anything to do with practice.

"Expelliarmus!" Neville casted.

I zeroed in on Neville's advance on one of the Parvati twins' wand. Neville was successful as he disarmed the girls' wand perfectly. A big grin sprouted on his face and I clapped.

He's finally got it!

"Fantastic, Neville. Well done, man."

Harry patted his bicep, and a small crowd formed to congratulate Neville on his hard work that had finally paid off.

I had just finished up on giving advice to a girl and boy, when Harry gestured for everyone to gather in front of him. This was our last lesson as the Christmas holidays were nearing. So, I had a rough idea on what Harry's finishing words for this lesson were going to be about. I stood to the side of Hermione, momentarily crossing my eyes jokingly at George and Julian.

"So that's it for this lesson," Harry started. His hands were on either side of his wand, subconsciously bending and twirling it as he spoke. "Now, we' re not gonna be meeting again until after the holidays. So just keep practicing on your own as best you can. And- and well done, everyone. Great, great work."

We all clapped for Harry and the success within the D.A. Everybody grabbed their things, wishing everybody a happy Christmas. 'Thanks' filled the room, some of them even directed towards me.

I found myself next to George, grabbing my backpack half slipped over his shoulder. Fred had orange boxes in his hands which was most likely filled with the Weasley twins' wares.

We were on our way out, but George and Fred were set on talking to Harry.

George started to talk to him in excitement, "We've been thinking. We could always slip Umbridge some Puking Pastilles."

"Or Fever Fudge. They give you massive, pus-filled boils-" Fred's passionate description was halted to a stop as Harry interrupted him.

"Sounds great, guys. Would you excuse me?"

Harry went around us, and I soon found the reason why. Cho Chang. They had grown increasingly close these past months, and their interest in each other was easy to see. This was clearly visible when Cho had lost her concentration on levitating a boy when Harry had touched her hand. The boy had fell to the ground in a heap, due to the small distraction.

"Stop standing there like a creep, and move," Julian said.

I arched an eyebrow at him, "I'm no creep."

Julian clasped me on the back, pushing me forwards to get me out of the room. "Hurry along, your boyfriend and your friends are waiting for you."

"Ooh, that reminds me! I need to bring up the Voldetort prank."

"The Voldetort prank?" Julian asked confused.

"I can't tell you. It's top secret," I told him.

"Let me guess... it has something to do with tortoises?" Julian conjured.

I sent him a small smirk, "Maybe." I started to walk away, but thought better and turned around, eyes narrowing in on his dark orbs. "Keep my idea down low... or you'll get it," I threatened.

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