All That Matters

By asimplechick

163K 7.3K 2K

Spin off from My Bad Ass White Boy. Tiana Harrison is a shy girl on campus. Most people don't really know she... More

A/n :)
Wassssuh . 🤗


4.4K 180 46
By asimplechick

A/n: the next story I'm writing, I'm reusing Justine lol. I have about two hundred pictures of her in my camera roll. I'm currently procrastinating so I wrote this crappy ending. I didn't proof read either.
Instagram by Tiana

Liked by Seanhenderson, Nxlanrxbinsxn and 1,302,780 others

tianarobinson: I'm that boujee Auntie on Thanksgiving... "oops my husband died and left me all if his money? Tragic 💀"

Nxlanrxbinsxn: gold digger 😒. You're forgiven because you're so cute 🙈

Instagram by Nolan

Liked by tianarobinson and 894,384 others
Nxlanrxbinsxn: Love you 💜🙈... @tianarobinson #wifegoals
Tianarobinson: I love you more 💜
6 months later


"Titi, are you sure you want to get married right now?" My mom asked. I know it was very risky to get married when you're so close from popping out a baby.

"I'm very sure." I smiled. My hair and makeup were finished, all I had to do was to get my pregnant ass into my wedding dress.

I really cannot believe the I was getting married to Nolan out of all people. After all of these years, I don't even know why I had a crush on him.

My mom zipped me up in my dress. I took a look in the full length mirror. I've been dreaming of this moment ever since I was little girl. At age 23, almost 24, I'm proud to start the next chapter of my life with Nolan.

"You look beautiful." My mom had tears in her eyes.

"Mom stop crying before I start to." Fuck these hormones. I tried to fan my face. She dabbed my eyes with a Kleenex.

"Jesus you were like me when I was pregnant. I cried over the littlest things."

"It's more me being irritable. I yelled at Nolan last week for not picking up his socks on the floor." My mom redid my mascara.

"You have a few weeks left baby. Then you can get your tubes tied."

"I low key want one more kid." I laughed. "Hopefully a boy." Yup, Jaylin is a girl. My mom finished up with the mascara. She looked at Rolex watch I brought her last Christmas. "I should probably head out there." I hugged her. My dad walked into room, all dressed in black Tux.

"Hey baby girl." He kissed my forehead.

"Hi daddy." Is it weird calling your father daddy after moaned the same name to your husband right before you left for your bachelorette party?

"Last day being a Harrison?" I shrugged.

"I guess so." I said. "My life is about to change forever." I said. I fixed my veil.

"Not really. You're just switching out titles." He shrugged. He escorted me out to the doors of the sanctuary.

"If that white boy breaks your heart in anyway, I'm snapping his neck. I would get a more descriptive but this is a church." My dad says. He hasn't really given me or Nolan the "tough fatherly" talk because he trusted Nolan.

"Not if Lo doesn't get to him first." I mumbled.

I heard Here Comes the Bride play through out the sanctuary. I took a deep breath. I felt my body get hella hot from nervousness. It's conquering stage fright all over again.

The doors open. My dad and I walked down the aisle of the very hot church. Why am I having a wedding in freaking July is beyond me.

I looked at Nolan who stood examining my every move. He look good in his tux. A little too good. My mans even got them caterpillars he calls eyebrows waxed. All I had to was walk up some damn steps to be greeted with my soon to be husband.

I swear it got hotter in here. I feel myself sweating from under my veil.

My dad helped me up the four steps. He gave me a kiss on my forehead and gave Nolan a firm handshake. I heard Nolan yelp out in pain from the firmness of my dad's grip.

Nolan moved my veil from over my face. I noticed he was crying. He better stop before I cry next to him. He wiped his tears.

"You're beautiful." He said and grabbed my hands. I smiled slightly. I felt light headed from the heat of the church. Maybe it was just my imagination or the fact I didn't eat breakfast because I was too nervous to eat. I just wanna speed this along before I vomit all on the Minster. "Are you ok?" I nodded.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today..." The Minister started. I ignored everything he said due to the fact my head was killing me. Nolan was looking at me intently. He knew something was up. He just the minister continue you with the wedding.

We finally said our vows and our I dos. "I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Robinson. You may now kiss the bride." Nolan pulled me in for the kiss. I felt his lips on mine but I saw black after that.



I went in to kiss my wife but she felt limp in my arms. She passed out.

"Is there a doctor?" I panicked. Someone from the crowd came and examined T's vitals.

"Her water broke." He said. "She passed out from dehydration. Did she eat?"

"She ate last night before we went out and that was before 7." Lauren spoke up. "She was awake pacing around out of nervousness. I wasn't aware if she ate or drunk water this morning." I carried Tiana bridal style. Was was rushing her to the nearest hospital.

I saw Tiana stir in her sleep. She was waking up.

"Baby, you're ok." I smiled.

"Yes I am." She reassured me. "What happened."

"Your water broke and you passed out."

"Damn." She looked at the IV coming from her arm. "She's still inside of me."

"Yea. They wanted to wait until you're fully dilated." She hissed in pain. I'm guessing from her contractions.

"Get the doctor now." She groaned. I ran put of the room before she breaks my arm like she almost did last time when she going in labor with Blair.

"We need a Doctor." I called out. Soon enough a doctor came in with his gloves. I don't know how I feel about another man looking at wife's vagina before her actual husband did.

"Alright Mrs. Robinson, Imma have you sit up, with your legs spread apart so I can check if your ready to give birth." He said. She did as she was told and he checked under her wedding dress which she still wearing.

"Ah." She moaned in pain. I grabbed her hand but she had a death grip on it. It's a good thing I don't use my hands in soccer.

"Alright, in a few minutes we'll be ready for you to push. Sir would you to stay and help give birth?"

"He doesn't have a fucking choice." She said with rage.

"I guess I don't have a choice." I told the doctor.

"I'll be right back." He left to get prepped for birth.

"Nolan, I fucking hate you for putting this fucking big ass child in me." She groaned in pain.

"You're the one who didn't deny the dick." I shrugged.

"Whatever. I'm not having another one."

"That's not what your mom told me. She told me you wanted millions." I smirked.

"Shut up. This child is about to give me a hernia by the way she's sitting on my anus."

"Just a few more minutes."

The doctor walked in prepped in his scrubs and gloves. He lifted up her dress.

"Alright on the count of three push." The doctor commands. "One, two, three push." Tiana pushed as hard as could. Her nails were digging through my hand.

"You're doing great baby."

"Give me another big push, Tiana." The doctor said. "Ready. One, two, three." T pushed even harder than she did. I hissed out of pain from my hand. I swear I heard a crack. "I see the head. One more push." Tiana was breathing heavily.

I wiped the sweat off her forehead and gave her a kiss.

"Stop fucking kissing me." Tiana screamed.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Shut up."

"One, two, three push."

"Fuck." She screamed. I heard crying.

"Congratulations for your beautiful baby girl." I watched him cut the umbilical chord. Tiana was worn out and I'm pretty sure my hand is broken.

"You did great."

"You said that five minutes ago." She breathed.

"You also broke my hand." I held my left hand up. "I can't even feel it."

"Sorry drummers grip." She shrugged.  The nurse gave Jaylin to her. "She looks like you." Jaylin yawned. She did look hella good. I looked up at the nurse.

"Is it ok if can check out my hand out?"


I finally arrived back home with my two day old daughter in my arms and my two year old daughter in my husband for two days arms.

"Dada can I hold her?" Blair asked her.

"When we get into the house. I promise." He said. He put her down and opened the front door.

"Blair go into the kitchen. I'll be there in a minute." I said.

"Ok mommy." She ran in the direction of the kitchen. Jaylin was awake in my arms. Her big brown eyes were piercing into my soul.

"You know." Nolan put his right arm around my shoulder. "Those are the same eyes I fell in love with." He smiled down at our smiley daughter.

"And that is that's same goofy smile I fell in love with." He looked at me with offense.

"It's not goofy. It's cute." He gave me a cute smile. I rolled my eyes. We walked into the kitchen.

"Blair, what do you want for dinner?"

"Pizza." She smiled. I scrolled through all my social media. They were all congratulating me on my marriage and new addition.

Seanie💙: Vogue wants you on their cover. Not just you, your whole family.

"Babe." I called Nolan. He was too busy to teaching Blair how to hold Jaylin.


"How do you feel about being Vogue with me?"

"Vogue?" He questioned.

"I know you hate doing 'modeling' thing but it's  been my dream of being-"

"Yea, I'll do it. Under one condition."

"What's the condition?" He played music through the Bluetooth speaker. Nirvana by Sam Smith. The song that resulted in our first kiss.

"I never got my dance with my bride. Dance with me." He held his hand out. I smiled and gladly took it. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt his cast on my lower back. My head rested in the crook of his neck.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"You're sorry? What did you do?" He chuckled.

"For breaking your hand." I laughed.

"You pushed two of my big headed daughters out of your tight vagina." He whispered the last part. "This is nothing." His hand traveled down my butt.

"Stop. Blair is over there watching us." I whispered. "And I'm not allowed to be involved with sexual activity for the next couple of weeks."

"Who said I wanted you to be involved with sexual activity?" I pulled away from his neck and looked at him with disbelief. "Alright I'm caught." I laughed. "When you're well again, we can have our reception and go on our honeymoon." He kissed my hand.

"Daddy I want to dance." Blair said. We walked towards her. I grabbed Jaylin. He grabbed Blair.

"I've never felt so happy in my life with my three beautiful girls." He said. I smiled.

"I love you." I said. He leaned over to me and gave me a kiss.

"I love you too wifey."

Three years later



"Yes Dada." Jaylin said. We workout together while Blair follows in her mother's footsteps with her talent. Well dancing instead of singing.

I was training with her for soccer. Aside from my good looks and charm, soccer runs in her blood.

"Ten push ups go." I got into full plank. I went all the way down. Jaylin followed. Then back up.

"One." She said.

"All the way down." We went all of the way down.

"Two." After eight more, we finished up our work out.

"High five." I held my hand out and she slapped it. T knocked on the door. "Hey baby." I said. I was about to give her a hug but she held her hand out.

"Nope you're sweaty and gross."

"Mommy." Jaylin ran to her. T picked her sweaty ass up and kissed her. I looked at her and crossed my arms.

"What? I changed her diaper." T smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"So did I." I went to hug her. She pointed her finger at me.

"Nuh uh. You pushed the diapers at me. She's still cute." She pinched Jaylin's cheek. "Go upstairs to your sister's room." She nodded and ran upstairs. Tiana shut and locked the door to the gym.

I wrapped my arms around her waist. "She looks like me." She smirked at me.

"And Blair looks like me." She said.

"You have a smirk on your face. I know that smirk." She was wearing an olive green dress. She moved my hand under her dress. "No panties?" I gave her that same smirk she's giving me.

"We have an hour before we have to go Blair's recital." She whispered in my ear.

"But the kids-" she put her finger over my mouth.

"Are playing in Blair's room." She pecked my lips. I lifted her dress up above her hips and backed her up to the wall. I kissed her roughly.

"You want another child don't you." I said in between kisses.

"Spoke too soon." She mumbled against my lips. I pulled away.

"Again?" I smiled.

"Mhm." She kissed me. "Not once one have you put a condom on since we've gotten married mister." I chuckled.

"How far?"

"Three months. Now, Nolan," She pecked my lips. "I'm horny and we have to hurry up before we're late for our daughter's recital."

"Say no more."

"Mommy I don't want to take a bath." Jaylin pouted. I stood in the doorway in all cleaned and dressed while biting into an apple.

"Jaylin, you're stinky and we have to get you into the bath tub." T asked calmly. I knew she was getting angry.

"No." Jaylin faced away from T. I bit my apple in amusement.

"Jaylin Olivia Robinson, I'm going to count to three and if your stinky ass isn't in the tub, I'm going to-" I sat my apple down and grabbed my daughter.

"Ok Tiana. Go check on Blair before we leave for the recital." I kissed her cheek. Tiana got up and walked near me.

"That is your daughter alright." She whispered then walked away.

"Jaylin, let's go get you clean." I carried her into the bathroom.

"Dada I don't want to get cleaned."

"Jaylin, do you want to make mommy happy?" She nodded. "Mommy wants you cleaned and dressed for your sister's recital. Please for for dada?"

"Ok dada." She smiled. I put her down and she ran into the bathroom.

"Jay, I'll be right back." I yelled.

"Ok dada." I waked across the hall to Blair's room. Blair was dressed her tutu while T was doing her hair.

"I got her in the tub." I said.

"I'll be there in a minute."

After we got Jaylin washed up and dressed, we drove straight to the school the recital was held.

"Alright baby." Tiana bent down to Blair. "I wanna wish you luck on your very first recital and mommy, daddy, and JayJay loves you." She gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Break a leg." We stood up and took our seats. Tiana shifted in her seat.

"Nervous?" I asked her.

"I was Blair's age when I had my very first performance. What if she freezes up like I did?"

I kissed the side of her head and put my hand on her stomach. "I'm sure she will be fine. Ever since that VMA performance, you've been confident as ever. Both of our daughters worships your confidence. She will be fine." I reassured her.

The curtains opened and the music played. I watched all the other six and seven year olds dance. They soon cleared the path for Blair's solo. Blair didn't miss a beat at all.

"Yea baby." Tiana cheered as Blair danced perfectly.

After the recital, Blair ran into Tiana's arms. That's Tiana's child just like Jaylin is my child.

"Good job baby." Tiana said. She let go of her.

"Here Beautiful." I handed Blair a bouquet of flowers.

"Thanks daddy." She gave me a hug. I picked her up.

"Daddy and I have a surprise for both of you guys." Tiana said. She picked up Jaylin. "We're having another baby." We smiled. They cheered.

"Can we eat?" Jaylin asked.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Shake shack." They said at the same time. These are definitely our children.

"Shake shack it is." I smiled. "Anything for my beautiful girls, I'm sorry women." I gave beautiful wife and children a kiss. "I love you all."

"Love you too." They all said simultaneously.


A/n: what no cliché title reference?

Nah son, I'm better than that. I'm wide awake at the moment because there's way too many Philly fans around me ATM... lol there's your title reference.

Any whore, there's your ending, very corny ending lol.

If you hadn't already, check out Love You Better, Losin' Control and Wanna Be...

Lol I officially tap out with this book. Deuces ✌🏾.

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