37.9K 872 65

Rule of seduction number four, set the stage and make sure it looks real, if you get caught up in your own we... More

Chapter 1: The Cottage by the Lake
chapter 2โœ”
chapter: 3โœ”
chapter: 6โœ”
chapter: 8โœ”
chapter: 11โœ”
chapter: 12โœ…
chapter: 13โœ….
Chapter: 11โœ…
Chapter: 14โœ….
Chapter: 15.
chapters; 16๐Ÿ‘ฃ
chapter: 18๐Ÿ‘ฃ
chapter: 19๐Ÿ‘ฃ


1.6K 48 3

Dedicated to smartchick009 your votes made my day.

The next day I enrolled in ballet classes satisfied that I had finally thwarted my mom in something, but I found out the routine was tedious it was harder than I thought and because I was always quiet in class no one wanted to be my dance partner and moreover they always snickered, kids made fun of me because I was too chubby moreover it wasn't really my fault I ate as much food, it was one of my escapes from the pain and loneliness.

The second week, I mistakenly tripped the queen of ballet, and the schools sweetheart twisting her ankle she was super bitchy normally and snobby, and I had attracted her and her hoards attention in the wrong way possible making her lose her role as the lead dancer,to put it nicely my life literally became a living hell.

The worse part is she always got all the lead role while I got to play the really minor roles. I apologized getting her sweets as compensation all I received as reply was a slap, she was the first person that had ever slapped me and the sweets were thrown at me.

"Look you oversized monkey why do you keep deceiving yourself, getting into ballet class, what a joke, look every ballerina knows that sweets are detrimental to us, I have a figure to maintain but what would you know about that, when you're just an oversized monkey, are you even fifteen or twenty?".

Without waiting for an answer she walked out, even if she had stayed I doubted I would be able to give an answer, I couldn't even think coherently my ears were still ringing from the shock, insult and humiliation, The mocking laughter literally made me want to crawl into a hole. I could still feel the stares boring holes into my back as I walked away, every one of them snickered as their eyes followed my departure, there was not a drop of empathy in their gaze.

There and then my dream of dancing ballet died a natural death my mother had won again, she would laugh if she knew the fate I had suffered, in fact after the incident I knew if I continued ballet dancing ,I would die if the glares doesn't kill me first then Helen would stab me with a knife and rip my heart out or worse. Other parents came to cheer their kids on and since mine never ever turned up to cheer me , I gave up again as always . It was a repetitive cycle I was used to it, but it did put a huge dent on my self-esteem and  in class I would hear Snickers of the dancing Carmel or elephant I eventually learned how to tune them out.

When I got to the age of sixteen I became obsessed with being a cheer leader, they were pretty and perfect and all the guys wanted and admired them, and they got to hang out with the hot football guys so being as stupid and as pig headed as I was always, I immediately enrolled the next summer and I was horrid no matter how hard I seemed to practice, I always got the moves wrong and the only role I ever got was that of the carrier because of my darn baby fat, so again I got kicked out when I complained I didn't like the role I was given.

" You slug, you clumsy thing I let you into our circle, and you dare complain fine get out big show".

They all taunted me and after that nobody wanted to be my friend in fact I went from middle popular to nowhere. It became so bad that the mere thought of school was torture there was no one to talk to or confide in. Maya was always too busy running the house and moreover she also had a life and her own children to cater for.

Now this is where my crush for Max started when he stood up for me in high school, I was so fed up I decided to jump off the school roof and hopefully come back to hunt them, I thought maybe that would squeeze out a drop of sympathy, but it didn't, instead I was called a coward and fatty, and I was begged to jump, to rid the world of my useless self. So I closed my eyes and took a step backward and another and the taunt became worse "you better jump, or I would push you myself". My tormentors taunted, I slowly took in the faces of people who I had known, the angst teenagers who had tormented me for years.

The thought of jumping from such a height made me break up in cold sweat, giving up was also not an option. When I wanted to give up and advance forward, I noticed that the exit had been effectively barricaded and there was so much faces that it made my head swim.The tears and snot had begun to pour down my face and my show of weakness only served to make me appear weaker and more of a prey.

In the sea of faces that gazed down upon me there wasn't a single shred of remorse or pity.The scent of my fear and dread was hanging heavy in the air, but the excitement from my audience was palpable, and I had seemed to gather quite a lot of. There was anticipation, excitement, the thrill of a kill the hhidden bloodlust that was embedded in all humans.

The crowd was beginning to grow larger closing in on me and the taunts were beginning to turn to painful shoves. From the background I heard someone snarl "bitch get it over with we ain't got all day". I looked from the rooftop to the ground, there was no way in hell I was surviving this fall.

The drop was too long my whole bones would be crushed and mangled on impact and I would be really unrecognizable. I had often times envisioned death, but I thought I would atleast be a few older before I died, and maybe I would die a peaceful death in my bed surrounded by loved ones,but of course fate had other plans.

The voices of my audience had faded to a faint buzzing sound and my mind whirled with endless possibilities.Taking a deep steadying breath I made up my mind. Muttering to whatever deity that existed up there, I begged to be given a chance to come back for revenge. I hoped that my body would really be as gory as I imagined it, so that when I came to haunt everyone that had a hand in my death, that they did die of their own fear and I would give them a death far worse than what I was being given.

A certain calm seemed to encompass me, acceptance I guess, and I closed my eyes and let go of admists the screams and flash of cameras.

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