Broken Fantasy

By DiamondLoverGirl45

81.5K 2.1K 885

"Grandpa, a marriage contract? Are you serious?" "Audriana, you have no choice but to marry him. Listen, he c... More

Authors Note
Broken Fantasy
Prologue ✔️
Chapter One ✔️
Chapter Two ✔️
Chapter Three ✔️
Chapter Four ✔️
Chapter Five ✔️
Chapter Six ✔️
Chapter Seven ✔️
Chapter Eight ✔️
Chapter Ten ✔️
Chapter Eleven ✔️
Chapter Twelve ✔️
Chapter Thirteen ✔️
Chapter Fourteen ✔️
Chapter Fifteen ✔️
Chapter Sixteen ✔️
Chapter Seventeen ✔️
Chapter Eighteen ✔️
Chapter Nineteen ✔️
Chapter Twenty ✔️
Chapter Twenty-One ✔️
Chapter Twe️nty-Two ✔️

Chapter Nine ✔️

1.4K 86 39
By DiamondLoverGirl45

"Then why are you marrying Audrey if you are with Sarah?"

C H A P T E R    N I N E


My phone buzzed, breaking the awkward silence. It's Kylie.

Bring cake to my grave and dig it beside me.

I laughed at the thought. I didn't think the car ride with Lauren would be that bad. My phone buzzed again but it was Sarah this time. The tension in the air rose as I pressed her name.

Break this marriage and then I'll believe you.

This is my only chance to do this.

"How do you know, Sarah?" Connor asked.

Should I tell him? But I promised and it's not any of his business. I think it is better to stay quiet.

"Aren't you gonna answer?" he asked annoyed. He ran his hand frustratedly. His hair now messy, gone all over the place making me laugh because his hair resembled Edward Scissorhands.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked. I tried to tell him but I couldn't. He stopped the car making me jerk forward and then backwards. The sound of my laughter died and I straightened myself up.

"Stop laughing, you're so fucking annoying. You need to break this marriage at all costs. I can't break it so-" I laughed bitterly o and this time it was because I was frustrated and annoyed..

"What do you think I am doing, Connor? What have I been doing the past two days? I have been trying." I told him.

"It doesn't seem like you are trying. It seems like you want to marry me and-"

"Oh god, you are so full of yourself. I want to marry you? Are you kidding me? I will tell you this once so get this through your thick skull, Siccorhands. I don't want to marry you and heck I would never want to. Your dating Sarah, even if I did ike you I would never do taht to her. If you don't understand that may the lord help you," I spat out. No one seems to believe me.

"What do you mean you wouldn't do that to her. What are you to her exactly? I saw some of the things in the box but didn't go threw it. And mo one knows that we are dating, and who is Scissorhands?" He asked confused.

"That's none of your business," I said, looking out the window I ignored him for the rest of the ride.

We were almost at school but out of no where he stopped the car causing me to jerk forward, "Ouch what was that for."

"Get out," he said.

"Why?" I asked and that's when I remembered and instantly smiled. They are going public today. I took my seatbelt off before he could say anything.

"I'll go but you look messy you can't go out in public with Sarah like this, Scissorhands." I know Sarah and I aren't on the best terms right now but I still care about her and her happiness. This day means a lot to her; it is something that she has been looking forward to for years.


"Shut up also what the hell is wrong with your hair?" I gave him a disgusted look as I inspected him.


"Shh," I said to him. I grabbed his face so it was facing towards me and I fixed his hair by running my hands through it. He wacked my hand as I tried to fix it. I hit his hand in return and his eyes widened.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you are annoying, Connor?" I smiled and in return he just glared at me. He listened and placed his head down so that I could fix it. How does it feel now Connor?

"Good boy." I pat down his hair. He tried to look up and instantly knew that he was gong to argue with me but I pushed his head back down. The smell of his cologne intoxicated the car making me uneasy. His hair had a combination of roughness and smoothness and I couldn't help but touch his hair. I lightly pull his hair. I shouldn't be thinking about this.

"What-" He looked up at me and I realized that our faces were really close to one another. His face heating up, rosey cheeks and his ears were bright red. I touched his ear and it was really hot. He looked cute. A small smile made its way on my face but instantly disappeared. What was I thinking. I dropped my hands and moved back to my seat. This is no good.

"Good luck," I gave him an awkward thumbs up and opened the car door but stopped and turned around.

"Don't worry about the marriage thing, I'll take care of it. Just take care of Sarah okay?" His eyes softened a little and nodded.

"Thank you." He whispered.

I got out of the car and made my way to school. I checked my schedule to find my locker number and what class I have first.

Oh god. It's math. I groaned internally. I absolutely hated math. I grabbed my stuff and made my way towards my classroom. Why would they give math class first thing in the morning. I walked inside the classroom to find Connor and Sarah laughing with their friend group. Of course, they are in my class. Sarah was sitting on his lap, while he had his hands wrapped around her waist. The laughter died down whe they saw me. I gave an awkward smile and sat down.

I just need this period to be over. I looked around for Kylie and she was

Kylie was nowhere to be found. Speaking of the devul she bumped into the teacher spilling iced coffeeaq1'ay and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to!" She said nervously. She continued to apologize until she sat right beside me.

"I was going to let you sit where you all are currently sitting but since my mood is now off-" she stopped and glared at Kylie who slumped down on her chair. "So I will be the one choosing." She said while clapping her hands, making a few students groan.

"Audrey, I don't want to move," Kylie whispered.

"I don't either," I whispered back.

"Audrey can stay,'' she said. Hold on a second how does she know my name without the attendance sheet?

"You, the one who spilled coffee on me, sit behind her," Kylie looked at me and gave me a sad smile.

"Connor, you're sitting next to Audrey and you guy with the big head, sit behind him,'' she said.

Ryder's jaw dropped and said, "I don't have a big head!"

"You do, you look like pearl from spongebob ," Connor said and Ryder slapped the back of his head.

Connor stood in front of the desk.

"Well that's it for now so class-", before she could finish Connor cut her off.

"What about the rest of the class? Aren't you going to move them as well? How do you only know our names and-" as if he realized something, his face hardened. He slammed his backpack on the table making people jolt in shock. He grabbed his phone and called someone.

"Connor, you can't call someone during class", the teacher said. Connor scoffed, glaring he said,"I don't care."

"You will-" he cut the teacher off by talking to whoever he called.

"You did this didn't you?... What? You are lying... you know what... I'm done." He ended the call and sighed. He was about to do something but his eyes met mine which seemed to anger him even more.

"Come with me." He grabbed my wrist, pulled me practically dragging me out of my chair.

"What are you doing?" The teacher stuttered shocked by his outburst.

"I know who you are, so please cut the act." The teacher didn't say anything and he dragged me outside the classroom. I tried to release his hold from my wrist but it seemed to hurt even more because each time I would try he would tighten his hold.

"We have the same classes because of your parents," he spat out. He ran his hand through his hair and was about to say something but I beat him to it.

"I'll talk to them. I can switch out-"

"They said it was your idea," Connor said. My parents said that I wanted to have the same classes as him? I didn't say that though. I would never, why would they say that to him. I shook my head back and forth realizing that it was a misunderstanding and that he probably thinks that I am trying to get close to him.

"You have to believe me I didn't-"

"I am so done with your bullshit. Sarah told me not to fall for your lies and I did anyway. I thought it was just a misunderstanding but I guess not. I can't believe I trusted you I feel like a dumbass right now," he said. Before I could say anything he went back to class. Great, just when I thought we were getting along.

I sat outside for a couple of minutes thinking about the past two days and how it escalated pretty quickly. I felt lost and I didn't know what to do. I made my way back to the classroom and sat down in my seat. Before Kylie could even ask me what happened I told her I'd tell her later.

After the bell rang the next couple of periods felt like a drag because Connor and I had to sit next to each other. We ignored each other the entire time. We didn't want to be sit next to eachother but we had no choice. Now I had gym and I was kind of excited because it's my favorite period of the day, even though I hated physical activity. I put my stuff away in my locker, and made my way towards the gym room but bumped into someone along the way.

I rub my shoulder to find Connor's friend. Jake, he had blonde hair with dark grey eyes. Aaron who stood right beside Jake has dark brown eyes just like my own with chocolate brown hair. Aaron looked more built that Connor, he cheeky smile, resembling a kid.

"Sor-" Jake stopped midway and smirked.

"It's her right?" he asked as he pointed at me.

"Sorry," I said. I moved out of their way but they both stopped right in front of me.

"So you're the girl that's getting married to Connor, right?" Jake asked. Did he tell them? Why would he tell them? What should I do? I don't want to speak to them about this right now. I'm not sure what he told them.

"No English," I said in Bulgarian. Maybe if I keep saying this, they will leave me alone.

"Oh really, what language do you speak then maybe we can help you out?" Aaron asked and a small smile crept up on his face.

"No English," I repeated. I hope they are buying this because honestly, I wouldn't believe it myself. Jake and Aaron both looked at each other appearing confused.

"Jake, Aaron what are you two doing here? And with Audrey?" Ryder questioned.

I think I should take this as a chance and leave. I didn't waste time. I walked away and went to the gym room; I'm late. I slowly opened the gym door, well, at least I thought I did. The sdoor made a loud screeching sound catching the student's attention. The two coaches had their backs faced against me, so I hoped that they wouldn't turn around. They both turned around and I facepalmed internally. This is so embarrassing.

"It's the first day, not only are you late but you disrupted the class so I am letting it go but if it happens next time you will get detention," he said sternly.

"Sorry coach, it won't happen next time," I said.

"All of you go sit down." All. What does he mean by all. I turned around to see Aaron and Jake's eyes widen, oh god, I knew they were going to find out eventually, but I didn't think it would be this soon. I made my way towards Kylie but stopped when I realized she was sitting with her friends. Her friends were never fond of me; they said some pretty hurtful things. I stopped sitting with them because there would be a lot of problems because of me. I sat down in the corner where only a few people were sitting.

That's when I realized something was off. Aaron and Jake were looking at each other mischievously. They both were walking towards me while Ryder walked towards where Connor's sitting. The sat down on either side of me and I realized that there was no way out. Great.

"So, you can't speak English huh?" Aaron asked.

"No English?" Jake questioned.

"What do you want?" I asked hoping that they both could leave me alone.

"We just want to talk to you. Isn't that right, Jake?'' Aaron questioned. But I don't want to talk to any of you so please just leave.

"We know you are getting married to Connor. We just wanted to get to know the girl who he is marrying," Jake whispered so that no one else could hear him. Why are they happy about it? Don't they know that Sarah and Connor are dating?

"Did Connor not tell you?" I questioned. They both looked at me confused and shook their heads.

"He said he had to tell us something during lunch. Do you know what it is?" Aaron asked.

It is best if I stay quiet because I have already ruined everything. I can't ruin their friendship as well because it will only make it worse. They both waited patiently for me to continue but I did not say anything and looked at the coach.

"Okay, class. So that's it for today we will start basketball tomorrow," he said.

"Do you-" Aaron got interrupted by one of Sarah's friends, Vanessa.

"Oh my gosh is that you, Audrey? I couldn't recognize you, it seems like you've gained a couple of tons! But how are you?" Vanessa said cheerfully. Fake.

"Vanessa, how can you ask her that? Of course, she isn't fine, she's as big as a whale," Stacy said while gesturing her hands far away from her body as if she was carrying a large weight. In this case it meant my stomach is what she was carrying. "Chunk, chunk, chunk," she said while squeezing her non-existent belly. With that both Stacy and Vaneessa burst out laughing. They both have been bullying me for as long as I could remember. My eyes teared up, knowing that I will break down any second now.

"Vanessa, your hair looks like a rat's ass," Aaron said.

"Damn, Stacy! I thought your eyebrows are where your hairline started. I mean they look like a bunch of caterpillars on your face!" Jake said while laughing.

Stacy's cheeks turned red and she quickly left before anyone could say something, "Stacy where are you going I wasn't done." Vanessa glared at the both of them and walked away as well.

I sighed now feeling guilty, "Hey, that wasn't nice." I said as I watched them both laugh.

"They both deserve it, trust me," Jake said.

"Look at what we have here: a two-faced, low life, bitch. What happened? Is the innocent act not working anymore," Sarah said while walking towards us.

"We are wasting our time here, come on guys." They both had their eyes wide as they looked at Connor's hand which was intertwined with Sarah's.

"What the hell is going on?" Aaron and Jake said in unison.

"Did you know about this?" Aaron asked Ryder.

"Yeah, he just told me right now. He was going to tell you tell the both of you but you two were sitting here," Ryder said. I think I should leave before it gets worse and more awkward. I was about to leave but Aaron grabbed my arm forcing me to stay.

"Then why are you marrying Audrey if you are with Sarah?" Aaron asked with concern. 

Q/A: No English? What would you all say? 

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