The Chronicles of Narnia: The...

By last_queen_of_narnia

191K 5K 684

The Pevensie siblings think they can't return to Narnia, but what happens when they're sent back to Professor... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Hey, I got a question for you...
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Thank You!!!! XD
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen-Part Two
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Just to Clarify
Chapter Eighteen
Watty's 2014!

Chapter Fourteen-Part One

4K 151 8
By last_queen_of_narnia

Chapter Fourteen

Professor Cornelious's POV

I knew exactly what was wrong with her. Jadis had stricken her with her powers and now she was slowly, painfully freezing from the inside.

King Peter helped her to her feet once again, and I caught another flash of the snowflakes in her pupils. That was a side effect. If it hadn't been for that, I never would have known.

"Professor?" I turned to my right to face Caspian. He had a worried and anxious look on his face, as if he had seen my expression and could tell something was wrong.

I swear, that boy could read me like a book since the day I met him.

"Professor?" he repeated, "What's wrong?"

"I know what happened to Elsa," That sent her snowflake­-decorated eyes shooting right at me.


Peter's POV

"Well? What is it? What's happened to her?" I asked, probably in a manner that seemed overly pressured, considering I had only just met the girl in question.

"I believe that when Elsa was back in the Western Wood, Jadis struck her with her powers."

"Is that all?" Susan queried, "That can be easily fixed, can't it?"

"Oh, but it is much worse than that, my queen," the Professor replied, "You see, I wouldn't have known any of this had I not seen your eyes, dear," Now he turned to Elsa.

"My eyes?" she repeated.

"Yes," he replied, taking a step closer to her, "You see, your eyes have snowflakes in the center of your pupils, which indicates, sadly, that when Jadis struck you, presumably in the stomach area, considering that seems to be the source of the pain, she started a reaction inside of you, and now you are slowly freezing from the inside, which will most likely be a very painful experience on your part," His face was grim as he explained everything.

"But there is a way to stop it, isn't there, Professor?" Lucy asked.

Professor Cornelius took in a sharp breath. "I'm afraid not, child, unless of course by the grace of Aslan."

Well.... There's part one for you!

Although, just to leave you guys with a bit of a cliffhanger, I may not update part two until after my summer vacation starts.... *cough, cough* June 5th *cough, cough*

So that'll leave you with a three-day cliffhanger at the least. By the way, I already have the ending planned out in my head almost to the every detail, so.... yeah....

Well, bye!

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