You've Taken All of Me

By CamBerryBlue

58 4 3

I was told I wasn't enough, and I was told that I was ugly, until you came along. Who knew that being hit by... More



33 3 3
By CamBerryBlue

Tylers POV

There are a few types of people that I can name in a hell hole they call high school. There are people like me, who are just there, the kids no one cares enough about to bother with. Then there are the kids who are thrown against lockers, and the kids who throw them at the lockers. Then there are people who are in the center of it all and don't even care. They're known and loved by everybody and yet therere so oblivious to all the people flying around them.

I was never that kid. I was the boy that who got punched and threw at the wall. I guess now I'm that quiet kid that brings his ukulele to school everyday because he has no one to sit with at lunch.

All that shit doesnt matter anymore though because its summer break. Summer break is perfect because I have more than enough time to strum my ukulele or unleash my anger on my piano. I usually play at home, but my mom was at the hospital and it was a perfect cloudy day. One of those summer days that its still warm, but the clouds are covering the sun so its gloomy enough to venture outside.

When I woke up this morning there was just a note on the counter, Had to cover for Eliza, I'll be back at 4. Love you, Mom. So, taking a granola bar with me, I started out to the park to work on a new ukulele song. I plugged my earbuds in and pushed shuffle on my playlist for the short walk to the park.

After a quick ten-minutes, I could see the park on the other side of the street. I was half way across the street when I heard the screeching of tires and when I looked up I saw a black Chevy coming straight at me. I felt the hard metal collide with my body and send me flying in front of the car. I saw the trees of the park and the pavement bellow me and before I knew what was happening I felt a searing pain in my head and my vision blurred to black.

Joshs POV

As soon as I slammed the car door shut Debby grabbed me by the hand and pulled me into her families' mansion. I heard her mother yell hello from the other room as she pulled me up the stairs to her bedroom. She turned to push me onto her bed but I grabbed her wrist.

"Deb, you know I don't want to do this!" I told her with a hint of annoyance in my voice that she was always so oblivious to.

"But Joshy..." she sighed, "You said this summer and it's summer now." I rolled my eyes, this girl just couldn't get a clue. Ever since we started dating, three years ago, all she wanted to do was get in my pants and the more I say no, the more she pushes. She's a great girlfriend and all but sometimes she can get a little too pushy. She likes to have a very... physical relationship and I guess I never really got into that shit.

She then proceeded to saunter toward me and run her hands down my chest. When she leaned in to kiss me I jerked my head back and turned away.

"I think I have to go to the bathroom." I muttered, turned around and nearly ran into the bathroom. I turned to the sink and splashed the cold water on my face. It felt refreshing and as I turned my head up from the sink, water still dripping from my face, I saw a small, square bottle. Quickly drying my face, I picked it up. I turned the small rectangular, glass bottle around in my hand. The front said CALVIN KLIEN, and scribbled messily on the bottom in sharpie was a name, Peter. I racked my brain for people who I knew named Peter and when I finally remembered, I knew that I never wanted to see this house again let alone the girl who lives in it.

I barged out of the bathroom clutching the cologne bottle tightly in my hand. "You're a cheater," I told Debby calmly, "You cheated." I knew that my voice was calm, but I could feel the tears rolling silently down my cheeks and the salty water in my mouth.

"Baby, no just let me exp-" she tried to say while reaching her hand to my cheek. I slapped it away.

"No!" I yelled. "You cheated because I wouldn't have sex with you! You screwed up everything because you just couldn't stay away from your precious little Peter! I knew you would always run back to him. I guess what they say is true, you never forget your first!" I screamed, abandoning my calm façade as I smashed the bottle on her bedroom floor then turned and ran as fast as I could.

"I never wanted to see you, or this retched house again!" I bellowed out of the car window to her as I pulled out of the driveway with tears streaking down the face, blurring my usual perfect eyesight.

After three years you would think that someone could be faithful, but I guess sex means more than faith, well to Deb at least.

I was driving no less than 60 mph through the unfamiliar neighborhood. I didnt care about getting home anymore, all I wanted to do was get away. I made a few turns and nearly slammed into a truck when I forgot to hit the brakes. I don't know how much time had passed but the sun seemed to be getting brighter in the sky.

I was speeding past a park and had it not been for the tears in my eyes I would have slowed down, but I was twenty feet from the dark blob on the street when I slammed the brakes as hard as I could. I felt a big clunk on the front of the car and little jerk. I watched in horror as a human flew through the air and landed face down on the pavement.

Hey, so I'm posting a fic for the first time and I'm sorry that its actual shit, but if you did read it then yay and thank you I guess. Sorry this is such a short chapter.


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