Tangled Limbs (Shannon Leto...

By Lonecypress

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Music inspires many to persevere, hope, dream, laugh, cry and process a wide variety of emotions. Music was v... More

Chapter 1 - A Strange Awakening
Chapter 2 - Falling at Your Feet
Chapter 3 - Dancing Queen
Chapter 4 - Cinderella
Chapter 5 - Drum Lessons
Chapter 6 - Studio Rules
Chapter 7 - A Romantic Getaway
Chapter 8 - I Will Never Forget the Moment
Chapter 9 - It's a Brand New World
Chapter 10 - I Fell Apart
Chapter 11 - Is This to End, or Just Begin
Chapter 12 - Demon, Where Did my Angel Go
Chapter 13 - I'm Not Running from You
Chapter 14 - This Is War
Chapter 15 - Gone Yesterday
Chapter 16 - Chasing a Dream
Chapter 17 - Come Break Me Down
Chapter 18 - Was It A Dream
Chapter 19 - Closer to the Edge
Chapter 20 - Losing Sleep and All My Faith
Chapter 21 - Up In the Air
Chapter 23 - Stuck in a Moment of Emotion
Chapter 24 - I'll Be Your #1 with a Bullet
Chapter 25 - Darkness to Light
Chapter 26 - Take No More
Chapter 27 - Lost In the City of Angels
Chapter 28 - Can You Feel Where the Wind Is
Chapter 29 - Your Defenses Were on High
Chapter 30 - Here in Your Perfect Eyes
Chapter 31 - Going Forward Looking Back
Chapter 32 - Feeling Out Loud
Chapter 33 - Bring Me the Horizon
Chapter 34 - I Am Home
Chapter 35 - Mischief and Mayhem
Chapter 36 - Life in the Hills
Chapter 37 - Up Against a Wall
Chapter 38 - She Lives to Run
Chapter 39 - Frustration
Chapter 40 - True Confessions
Chapter 41 - Baby I'm Right Here
Chapter 42 - Am I More Than You Bargained For
Chapter 43- All of My Love
Chapter 44 - Thanksgiving
Chapter 45 - Walking a Fine Line
Chapter 46 - No, No, No, No
Chapter 47 - I Didn't See the Rain When It Came Down
Chapter 48 - Take Me Away from Yesterday
Chapter 49 - It Slipped Through My Hands
Chapter 50 - It's A Dark Embrace
Chapter 51 - Fight Through the Fog
Chapter 52 - My Baby Is Home
Chapter 53 - Taking Care of the Patient
Chapter 54 - Make Me Right as Rain
Chapter 55 - Getting Back to Normal
Chapter 56 - High
Chapter 57 - Between Heaven and Hell
Chapter 58 - Fun and Games
Chapter 59 - Scrambled Eggs, Sugar Plums and Flying Monkeys
Chapter 60 - Cookie's Cookies
Chapter 61 - Love, Lust, Faith and Dreams
Chapter 62 - Eyes on the Sun
Chapter 63 - Yes Master
Chapter 64 - We All Fall Short of Glory
Chapter 65 - All in a Season's Time
Chapter 66 - No Warning Sign, No Alibi

Chapter 22 - Out of My Head

150 9 3
By Lonecypress

(Trigger Warnings: Language and Sexual Content)

(Missi's POV)

I was frustrated that the repairs weren't going as quickly as I wanted, so I thrashed around in the laundry room until I found a hammer. Shannon watched cautiously as I went upstairs and then followed me.

'What are you gonna do?' He asked.

'I feel like hitting something, so I'm gonna take these poor excuse for shelves out of this closet.' I said and started whacking the hell out of them.

'Hey, Miss stop. What's really going on?'

'This is going too slow.' I snapped at him.

'I think you're expecting a lot. I know you're frustrated, but you have people in and out of here every day. You're really making progress.'

'I feel like I'm in limbo. I want to know where I'm going after this and when, but I won't know anything until this place sells. If it sells!' I said and started hacking away again.

He took the hammer away and I started crying.

'I understand. Just let it out Miss.' He said and hugged me.

'I don't think I could get through this without you.' I sobbed.

'I'm here, and I don't plan on going anywhere any time soon babe.'

(Shannon's POV)

The day didn't get any better when I tried opening the sliding glass door.

'This won't open.' I said tugging on it.

'Let me try.' Missi said and pulled on the handle. 'It feels like it's jammed.'

We went outside and saw the locking mechanism was mangled.

'You need to report this. I bet Brian did it.'

'The only major thing that didn't need replaced.' She said disgustedly and called the police.

There weren't any fingerprints, which wasn't too surprising. The officers told Missi they'd keep an eye on the house since she wasn't staying there and left.

'God Shannon, what if he'd get in here and ruin everything?' Missi asked franticly.

I opened my mouth to answer and a call from Wayne interrupted my reply. I told him what happened, and he advised us to take pictures of all the rooms in case something would happen.

'I was calling to let you know we almost got Brian today, but the terrain is pretty thick here and he got away.' Wayne said.

'Dammit! I want this guy nailed.'

'I already know where we're going to start tomorrow though and I'm getting two more men to help.'

'Let me know how it goes.' I said and hung up.

'I take it he eluded them.' Missi said.

'For now.'

(Missi's POV)

I was fed up and wanted to work off my anger in a more appropriate way than pounding the hell out of things.

'I need a walk.' I declared.

'Let's go then.' Shannon said.

Shannon had trouble keeping up with me until we came upon a dog park.

'Aw, look at all the dogs. Oh my gosh. There's a moo!' I said excitedly and headed over.

'What's a moo? Is that a breed?'

'No silly.' I chuckled.

The dog had her sights on me as well and stuck her nose through the fence.

'Hi sweetie. You're such a pretty girl.' I cooed sliding my finger through the fence to scratch her nose.

She licked my fingers and wagged her tail.

'You can come in and pet her if you want.' Her owner said.

'Thanks' I said, and the dog greeted me enthusiastically.

I bent down and she licked my neck, wagging her tail so hard it made her butt wiggle. She was just like the dog I'd lost years ago. The waves of fur around her neck felt identical to my Moo's, as well as her velvety ears.

'I've never seen her take to anyone so quickly. You must be a real dog lover.' Her owner said.

'Especially a dog like her. I had one once. What's her name?'


'Oh my, that's a lovely name.' I said and Zarina rolled over.

She let me scratch her belly and her tongue hung out the side of her mouth.

'You're a real princess.' I chuckled even though I was starting to tear up.

Zarina got up and I gave her a big kiss on the head.

'You have fun now big girl.' I said and thanked the lady for letting me play with her.

We continued walking until I couldn't hold back my tears any longer.

'Hey, what's wrong?' Shannon asked pulling me to face him.

'What were the odds that dog's name was Zarina?' I blubbered.

'What do you mean?'

My dog was my oldest son's until he decided she wasn't a good hunting dog. He named her Putzy—which I hated—so I called her Putzarina instead. She loved this park.'

'I understand. You probably saw it as a sign. She did take to you quickly Miss, the lady even said so. Let yourself believe and take comfort in that.' He said, holding me until I composed myself.

We went back to the hotel since I'd had more than enough for one day. I had a fair amount of wine and eventually passed out.

(Shannon's POV)

Missi grabbed her phone and jammed it under her pillow to drown out her alarm. I slid it out from under her pillow and hit the snooze button. She didn't even flinch when it went off again, so I turned it off. I knew it might not be easy getting her awake after last night since she'd consumed quite a bit of wine. I did the morning caffeine run and she was still asleep when I returned.

'Miss I got your tea.' I said brushing her hair away from her face.

'Thanks, but homey doesn't want to play this today.' She groaned.

'Doesn't homey want her new patio?'

'Oh that's right.' She said and sat up smiling. She grabbed her tea and started drinking it down.

'Isn't it hot Miss?'

'The heat gets you awake quicker than the tea. Spill your coffee on your hand once. You'll see.'

'Only you.' I chuckled.

'My uniqueness is unparalleled.'

'Uh huh.'

She threw her nightie over my face on her way to the shower. I just happened to be taking a sip of coffee and it burned my hand when it spilled.

'Ow. Dammit Miss.'

'See what I mean?' She chuckled.

'You're not behaving today.' I said following her. I wanted her to kiss my burn boo-boo as well as a few other things.

(Missi's POV)

My son Tom and a friend were coming to put a new concrete slab in. I met them at the door and ushered them inside.

'Nice carpet. I see the walls are fixed too.' Tom said.

'Yeah, it's been pretty hectic lately. The painters and plumber are coming next week.'

'How can you afford all this?'

'I got an advance on my book.'

'You wrote a book?' He asked and I nodded. 'No way. Seriously?'

'Your mother still has a few brain cells floating around up there.' I chuckled.

'What's the name of it?'

'It's nothing you'd be interested in. It has a lot of touchy feely stuff.' I said, not wanting to tell him anything more.

My relationship with Tom wasn't much better than it was with Ian. Tom rarely displayed emotion and refused to talk about anything from the past. He'd kept everything stuffed inside since his father chose drinking over staying with his family. Since I'd given his father that ultimatum, Tom blamed me for him leaving. Things were never quite the same after that and he shut down whenever I tried talking on a personal level. My hope was that he'd let go of whatever he'd harbored all these years and come to terms with it someday.

'That's great Mom. Congratulations.' He said, and I was surprised that he seemed truly happy for me.

'Thanks honey.'

'What's wrong with this?' Tom asked when he tried opening the sliding glass door to access the patio.

'Someone tried to break in and messed up the lock. I didn't want to pry it open since it might not lock again until I can get it fixed.'

'Did you call the cops?'

'Yes, they're looking into it. I've been having some other issues lately too.' I said and filled him in briefly on some of what happened with Brian.

'I told you from the beginning I didn't like him!' Tom exclaimed, and I knew I was going to hear it in stereo once he got started.

Luckily Shannon returned from the store before Tom got started on a rant. I'd told Tom I was seeing someone when we'd discussed the patio replacement, so he wasn't totally shocked when Shannon walked in. I made introductions and then Tom and his friend went outside to start working.

Shannon went out to watch when they started chopping the old patio into pieces. Everyone took time out for lunch after I had some food delivered. Tom seemed to like Shannon and it was nice watching him enjoy himself for a change. I went out to take a look when they were finishing up.

'I can see the little squirrel foot prints now.' I chuckled.

'That costs extra.' Tom said grinning. 'Well that's it for now. I'll check on it tomorrow and see if the footers can come out.'

'Thanks honey. Don't forget to send me a bill.' I said and gave him a quick hug.

'We'll see.' He said and waved at Shannon as he left.

'That went well.' Shannon said.

'It actually did. Tom seemed to enjoy himself and he didn't even cringe when I hugged him.' I said smiling.

'Why are you grinning?' I asked Shannon.

'I was hoping you might want to christen one of the remodeled bedrooms.'

'Not really.' I sighed, then dashed upstairs and hid.

'Princess, where are you?' He called out in that delicious voice. I snuck out from behind the door where I was hiding and darted away.

'You know you can't escape.' He said deviously.

I edged my way past the walk-in closet and watched him go around the corner. He must have changed direction, and suddenly appeared in front of me.

'Gotcha princess.' He said grinning.

'What took so long?' I said smirking.

'I think we both know good things are worth waiting for.'

'Yes, I think we do.'

I slid my jeans down over my hips and stepped out of them, then sauntered towards the bedroom. I glanced back briefly as the last button on my shirt came undone. I let it slide down my shoulders, pausing to cradle it around my breasts before letting it drop to the floor.

'Are you coming?' I purred.

'I'm well on my way.' He said huskily.

I laid down on the pristine carpet and grinned seductively as I slid my panties down my legs. His tongue ran across his lips as he slid his pants off, revealing a splendid view of his willingness to proceed. I slid my fingers over my clit and moaned, having never done so in front of anyone before.

'Let me assist.' He said lustily as he laid down next to me and took my hand.

I was coming undone rapidly as he pushed both our fingers inside me, then licked them after he withdrew them.

'Sit on my face princess.' He said hungrily.

'But I've never...' I uttered.

'I know baby. I'll guide you.' He said reassuringly.

I hesitated, watching him lick his lips as I slowly positioned myself over him. He guided me down gently and the first flicker of his tongue over my folds made me groan. Once he captured my clit I moaned wildly and it didn't take much for my release to overtake me. He took one last taste before gently rubbing his face on the inside of my thighs, leaving trails of slick wetness behind and grinning contentedly.

He maneuvered me onto my back and thrust deep inside me, pushing his tongue in my mouth at the same time. His rapid strokes were overpowering, and I wrapped my legs around his back and rocked with him.

'Oh yeah baby. Fuck yeah...FUCK.' He growled as he came boisterously. 'I think you're emerging from your comfort zone.' He said breathlessly as he rolled onto his back.

'You're luring me out.' I said leaning over and kissing him.

'I'm definitely loving it princess.' He said and returned my kiss.

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