Untold Secrets

Od crystailrain

708 41 29

Living life was always blissful and ecstatic for Milan. That is until the day the girl she shared her secrets... Více

Untold Secrets
Chapter 1- Untold Secrets
Chapter 2- Untold Secrets
Chapter 3- Untold secrets

Chapter 4-Untold Secrets

51 4 2
Od crystailrain

Ch 4


"What's your problem? Did you want me to crash?"

As Leanna clenched the steering wheel and slammed on the break, I thrust open the passenger door when we came to a stop and began storming away. Not long into my walk, Leanna jogged to my side.

"Milan wait!"

With my arms crossed and smug expression, I continued stomping forward, ignoring her pleading yelps.

"Hello? Are you going to answer me or what?"

With my insides bubbling with anger, I bit my bottom lip anxiously trying my hardest to keep control of myself. As upset as I was, when I blew on someone there was no such thing as self control at that moment, believe it or not. But it was the next thing Leanna did that made me burst.

"Hello! I'm talking to you!" She pushed my shoulder sending myself stumbling slightly off the sidewalk. I glanced down at the road with my hair draping over my face, as I breathed heavily and clenched my fists, completely unaware that my knuckles were turning white. Seconds later, I stood straight and brushed my hair out of the way and coldly stared in Leanna's direction. Her pursed lips and blank expression of the eyes showed no emotion. She looked as if she weren't sorry for anything she did. And to be honest, she looked kind of amused as if all of this were a joke to her. I thought twice about my next action but without thinking it thoroughly, my fist flew towards her face.

All the rest seemed to happen in slow motion. Her lips curled into a 'O' shape and her hands flew up to block her face but her reflexes were to slow. My fist landed flat out on her jaw sending her face turning in the other direction. She clutched her face and swore loudly, earning us a couple glares from older couples strolling on the sidewalk hand in hand.

"Are you crazy? What the hell was that for you crazy-"

"What comes around goes around. Ever heard of the quote Leanna?" I held up the letter I was pinching between my fingers as I dangled it in front of her face.

"Now, can you explain what THIS is?" I asked, dropping the paper near her, completely disgusted.

"I have no idea what it is!"

"Cut the act Leanna. You know exactly what this is."

"No I don't. Care to enlighten me a bit?" she said neatly folding her tanned arms across her chest, challenging my abilities. She didn't seem the least bit intimidated or terrified that I punched her flat out in public.

I strolled forward and glared at her as I clenched my teeth. Sarcasm and attitude was not a good mix...but I decided it was best to stay chill. I fluttered my eyes closed, inhaling the afternoon breeze trying to calm myself down. After a relaxing moment, I reopened them and replied to Leanna.

"If you don't already know, my best friend Paige disappeared. The kidnapper left a note not to long ago..not asking for money but just telling us she has secrets. Do you know how hard that is for me? And you know what? This is the same exact letter I got from them. Spitting image."

"So what are you saying? I kidnapped your little friend?" She raised her voice and threw her arms in the air as a sign of frustration.

"Well what am I supposed to believe? Why was it even in there?" I questioned, carefully placing my hand on my hip as I tried to peer into her eyes.

She slid onto the ground and placed her head in her hands, breathing heavily as cars whisked pass us. Her back rose and fell with each breath she took and she looked as if she were in a deep thought process. Seconds turned into minutes as I watched her hunch over without saying a word. Hesitantly, I stepped forward and asked if she was okay in an attempt to comfort her, but there was no response. Moments later, she jerked her head up with an expression so distressed, I felt a tinge of guilt for blaming it all on her.

"All I remember is that Tiffany left it in my car when I was-"

I held up my pointer finger, signaling her to stop as I scrambled to collect my thoughts. After a uncomfortable moment of silence I spoke to her in my most calmest voice possible.

"What was...Tiffany doing in your car? I mean, no offense but...you guys don't seem like the type of people to hang out."

She took a deep breath before pushing herself up so she stood in front of me. She stuffed her hands in the back pockets of her jeans and cocked her head so that her eyes were trained on the concrete. Her initial reply was muffled, but eventually she managed to spit it out.

"Well Tiffany is my...cousin. And I take her home after school because believe it or not she hasn't gotten a car yet. But she doesn't want anyone to know about the car situation OR that I'm her cousin so basically your the first person I've told."

"I'm flattered...but I'm not buying it." I turned on heel, having no clue where I was going as I walked forward. All I knew was that I had to get away from Leanna. I swayed my hair and glared ahead, blocking out the rest of the noises the world had at that moment when a hard grip grabbed my elbow and yanked me back. I didn't even have enough time to yelp because Leanna grabbed and turned me around so quickly. I stared at her in shock, dazed that a human was even capable of doing that.

"Thats all your going to say? How are you going to get back home? We're like miles away from our town." She said still gripping my arm. I moved my arm frantically in an attempt to get free until she finally unclasped her hold from my arm.

"Yes that's all I'm going to say and I'll find a way home." I replied through clenched teeth.

I rudely ended the conversation at that, as I turned back around once again. I stomped ahead with more speed, determined that Leanna wouldn't stop me this time. She asked me once more where I was going and I simply replied by saying,

"To get answers."

She watched in disbelief as I whistled for a taxi and crawled into the back seat, not even taking one last look at her.

"Where to?" The taxi driver gnawed at his gum open mouthed and patiently waited for my response.

I pressed my forehead against to window, trying to collect my thoughts as each person walked by. Where should I go? I was in no mood to go home and I couldn't just show up back at school without a note from a parent, doctor, etc. All of a sudden, Images of Tiffany popped into my head and I knew where I had to go.

"To the city please."

"You got it." Her turned back around and pulled the gear into drive, zooming into the city where hopefully more answers would start to piece together.


Sorry it's so short :( I'll try to make the next chapter longer and trust me it gets better..just hang in there :)

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