Eddies of Life

By MunindraMisra

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Poems on the Eddies of Life Munindra Misra website www.munindramisra.blogspot.com More

1. Love & Strength - 1.01 MY PRAYER
2. Humanity & Peace - 2.09 The Nuclear Question
3. War & Peace - 3A.01 WAR - What It Be
4. Ditties of Life - 4.01 Time
4. Ditties of Life - 4.17 LOVE

1. Love & Strength

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By MunindraMisra

7 Precious Are Things Of Utility

Give to eat mare some meat,

Leaves for lion - its freak,

Water for the parrot to dwell,

Air for the fish - it is hell.

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Precious are things that be,

Prized by and of true utility,

Water for fish, parrot for air,

Meat for lion, leaves for mare.

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You are the Queen of the queens,

A matchless beauty the kind unseen,

Your face is pure the kind adored,

Your eyes, your lips – bewildering.

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You are no diamond, you are no pearl,

You are my fancy, you are my girl,

You are no silver, you are no gold,

You are my love, not new but old.

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Diamond is coal, coal is stone,

Pearl is stone and partly bone,

Silver is crust from the dust,

Gold is dust and not must.

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You are no bird, you are no fawn,

You are the beauty of the dawn,

You are no flower, you are no fruit,

You are the kind of my suite.

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The birds are cruel and timid too,

Fawns are timid and wild through,

Flowers short-lived – though a bliss,

Fruits are bliss where pests exists.

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You are nothing that people imagine,

Be it the moon, star or the universe,

You are something consolidating all,

Unbound beauty – matchless for all.

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No power can hold your nature wild,

Simple and true, loving and mild,

No days can pass or woods dance,

Without your memories godly long.

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You do leave your memories in me,

Which be long-lived, forever true,

You be the one who captivates me,

Not for years but centuries too.

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The rains may go a thousand times,

My love loses not a single shine,

We meet now or at later dawn,

And if not – in the life next born.

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You are a girl, who is not beautiful,

To be compared to any one,

You are the divine of all beauty,

Who is seconded by just none.

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You have a heart, you have a face,

You are a girl with a grace,

You are simple, you are true,

You are catching and I love YOU.

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