
By thatsshitwritingdude

85K 2.3K 888

Life's not been too great for Sam. His dad left when he was 9, his family's broke, and he's not exactly the... More

chapter one
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty

chapter two

7.2K 247 142
By thatsshitwritingdude

Authors note: thanks for all the positive feedback on the last chapter, comments are really appreciated! :)

Also, sorry this chapter is quite a bit shorter. Like last chapter, please let me know about any errors and I'll change them.

I'm probably gonna post on Tuesdays and Fridays from now on (if I manage to write enough) so check in on those days!

Anyways, enjoy :)


He ran over all the possible ways he could've avoided this situation:
-listened to his mother
-just said no to Nathan
-left the house instead of chasing that woman
Or, maybe, he could've just stayed in his own home and told Nathan he was sick. God, he wished he had the power to go back in time right about now.

Instead, he was stuck in the back of a cop car while some self-righteous policeman waffled on at him. Ugh.
He nodded and shook his head occasionally, but tried to speak as little as possible. 'Everything you say can and will be used against you' and all that bullshit.

It was times like this when he wondered why he was even friends with Nathan. He wasn't particularly nice to him, and actually made Sam feel bad about himself pretty often. But he had always just told himself it was all banter and that he was just too soft. He didn't really have lots and lots of friends, because he was busy helping out his family a lot of the time, (he had enough that he wasn't lonely, he wasn't a complete shut in) so maybe that was why he took Nathan's crappy remarks and insults. Oh well.

He stared out the window at the passing buildings and the starry night sky. Everything always seemed so calm at night. As a kid he'd loved going out on midnight drives, and often begged his dad to take him. Before he left, that was. He scoffed quietly, then looked up and hoped the officers didn't hear him - they didn't. He leant back in the seat and wondered how long it would be before he could go on a midnight drive again. He'd miss the stars. And the moon.

Then they were at a police station.
The whole situation went by in a blur, really. One minute he was having his finger prints taken, mugshot done (he looked like shit, so that was great) and then he had to give some 'personal information', (name, address, ect). He was searched and had all his belongings which were on him taken away (including his phone, whoopty-fucking-do) then he was put in a holding cell.

He was later on told that he could make a phone call, and he knew it was time to confess to his mother. It was around three in the morning now but he knew he had no choice other than to call her. He had no idea how she'd react.

An officer sat in the room with him, obviously monitoring his call, so he couldn't get all emotional. That would be embarrassing. He was already embarrassed enough, quite frankly.
He dialled the home phone, knowing his mum never answered her mobile.
One ring.
On the fourth ring she picked up.

He took in a deep breath.
"Hello?" She sounded tired, Sam felt the guilt sinking in.
"Hey, mum..." he greeted her, not really sure how to explain his situation.
"Sam?" She sounded a little more awake now, at least.
He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Yeah, uh, ok mum... don't freak out" he began
"What have you done now?" She sighed down the phone.
"Well, I'm kind of at the police station right now..."
"Oh, Sam" she sounded upset, which made Sam upset.

The officer got up and decided to leave Sam alone, instead opting to stand outside the door and give him some privacy.

"Nathan wanted me to help him out with something" he tried to explain, he heard her sigh again.
"What have I told you about that boy?" She sounded exasperated
"Well, I didn't know what I was getting myself into until it was too late"
"I'm so sorry mum..."
"It's okay Sam, just, stay safe okay? Can I come down there?"
He shook his head, although he knew she couldn't see him.
"No, I don't think so, I'm in custody" he explained "they just told me to tell you"

He talked to her a little longer, explaining that he'd be fine, and how Grace and Evan were old enough to look after themselves now. He asked her to tell them how sorry he was, too.

Then the  officer came back in and told him to wrap things up, he could feel tears beginning to build up. He blinked them back. Nope.

"I've got to go now, mum, I love you"
"I love you too sweetheart, see you soon"
He ended the call.
He had a feeling he wouldn't see her for a long time though, and the thought made his stomach knot.

God, he was tired.
He knew not to get Nathan involved with all this, as he now knew how dangerous Nathan actually was now, and he didn't want to put his family in danger. He'd rather be locked up himself, than be free and have himself and his family at risk.

He was taken into an empty room with a table and a few chairs, opposite two officers. Interview time, he guessed.

The interview went by frustratingly slow, Sam answering 'yes' 'no' yes' to most of the questions. He had to lie a little though, and said that he just needed some extra cash, not that he was helping Nathan out. He tried to guilt trip them a bit, explaining how his mother had to look after three children and needed the extra money ect, ect, but they weren't having any of it.

To make things even better, he wasn't only charged for burglary and assault against the woman, he was also charged with assault against her husband, when that was Nathan and he hadn't even touched him! He was internally boiling with rage. Fucking Nathan.
They also found the knife at the scene, fingerprint clean, but oh, guess what! Sam was wearing gloves.

Once the interview was finally over with, he was informed he'd have to attend court, but that they'd let him go home on house arrest until they could book him in. So at least he'd see his family again before he was undoubtedly locked away.

This whole thing was a joke, really. He was just trying to be a decent person and help out his friend and now he was gonna go to jail. Great.

Well, time to face his mother.


When he had got home that morning his mother was distraught, asking about what had happened and if he was okay. He reassured her that he'd be fine, and explained to her the whole situation. She seemed to understand, but he could tell she was putting on a brave face. Grace and Evan were upset beyond belief, too.

He knew they'd miss their big brother.

They'd been extra nice to him lately, and only complained a little about him not being able to drive them to and from school anymore. He let out a small laugh, but the idea just reminded him of his situation and it turned into more of a sob. He'd miss waking them up and driving them, even if it was painful some days. He'd also been hugging them and his mother more than usual, which seemed to worry them a little. But they didn't complain, and he was sure they understood.

It had been about two weeks since he'd been put on house arrest and he was starting to go insane. His mother and siblings were both out all day, (Grace and Evan at school and his mother having to work twice as hard to make up for his lack of money making, which made him feel terrible) which meant he was alone all day everyday, with nothing to do.

He knew he shouldn't contact Nathan, so, he didn't. He didn't use his phone in general, really. Who knew what would be used for evidence. So he wiped it.

He watched tv, slept, ran up and down the stairs a few times just to kill some time....slept. Tidied the house, cooked everyone's dinners, breakfasts, made fancy lunches, and basically did all the household chores just for something to do. He was used to being busy and being out of the house most of the time. His house was really only a pit stop for him, most of the time. Now he was stuck in it 24/7. He was going mad. He even started talking to himself at some point... He really needed some human interaction.

But today was the day he had to go to court.

He knew he'd be found guilty, he couldn't even attempt to lie. He was found outside the house looking, well, extremely dodgy. There were also two eye witnesses, the couple. Nathan must've said something to the man before knocking his lights out, though, as both of them seemed convinced that it was only Sam on the scene. Great.

Sam wasn't sure how he felt, really. He was bloody terrified, to say the least. All he knew about prison was from movies and tv. And he was sure they weren't very accurate, so he didn't know what to expect. He planned to just keep to himself and not bother anybody. Then he wouldn't get beaten up or anything - hopefully.

Would he get beaten up? Were prisoners actually like that? Or would they just be misunderstood like him, opting for the easy route instead of lying?

He tried not to overthink it, otherwise he'd work himself up into a big mental mess.


He said his final goodbyes to his mother and siblings, telling them all to stay strong. That he loved them, and that he'd miss them.
God, he'd miss them.
He'd miss Grace's cheeky smile and Evan's loud chatter. He'd miss his mothers baking, and her gentle hugs. Her kind words. He'd miss just, being with them.
He didn't want to leave them.


"Guilty. 10 years."

And that was it. Court was over.

He'd pleaded guilty straight away, thinking that his sentencing might be slightly fairer than if he'd attempted to lie and just be found guilty later on.

But ten years.

He'd miss out on his entire twenties.
He'd expected to be settling down with his own family by the time he was thirty one, not just beginning his free life.

He had no words.
Except...goodbye, freedom.
Goodbye, family.
Goodbye, Nathan.

If he ever gets out, he's punching Nathan square in the eye.


He was taken out the back of the courtroom by a few guards (like he could even try anything without the guards there, he was scrawny with little to no muscle and 5'7 on a good day) and led into yet another waiting cell, with a few other people. They were all in the same position as him, confused as fuck about what would happen next and dreading it whatever it was.

There were a few seats scattered throughout the 'room' (if you could even classify it as that, it was bare and void of anything colourful) so he sat down, and waited. And waited. And...waited.

He was getting more and more anxious by the minute. Someone came in and gave them all some food, which he accepted because lord knows when they'd get anything else. Although it didn't quell the everlasting, nauseating knot in his stomach.


Finally, they were all lead somewhere.
Into the back of a van, it seemed.

It was windowless (except for a window showing the two front seats) and four seats lined either side. He sat down on the one closest to the front, then crossed his legs. Then uncrossed them. He felt awkward.

About four others joined him, and he was thankful that the van wouldn't have to be full. He was already internally panicking, and being squashed in with a load of strangers wouldn't help.

The journey took roughly half an hour, but Sam didn't have a watch so it could have taken an hour for all he knew. Maybe more, maybe less.
They waited a while before they were able to get off, and then he was being led out of the van.

In front of him was a huge brick building, with small barred windows spread out in lines. He could hear people shouting outside, so he guessed that the prisoners were outside.


That's what he was now, right? He still hadn't processed this properly. Ten years, being a prisoner in prison. Locked away, unable to see his family when he'd like. His life was, to put it simply, ruined. He cringed at the thought.

He was lead across the drive way, into the building. Which he was thankful for, it was cold and he only had a jacket on. He would've dressed up to go to court, but he didn't exactly own any suits. He'd always wanted to, though.

Once he was inside, he was led away by another guard and split up from the other new prisoners. He had to repeat to them the same basic details he had been giving for the past few weeks, then he was told some information about the prison and his stay, then they led him into yet another room and stripped and searched him from head to toe (a bit demeaning, but whatever). Next he was given his new uniform to wear. Orange.

Then, he was given his 'bundle' (blankets, cup, plate ect) and sent off to see the prison doctor, for yet another checkup. Then he waited around for a while, while they sorted out a cell for him.

And then it dawned on him. He'd have to share a cell, wouldn't he? Crap.

His mood went from zero to the lowest point possible, really.
Then all of a sudden, he was being led to his cell.
And the reality of the situation hit him.

He was in prison. He was a prisoner.
Stay calm, he told himself. But it wasn't easy.

He was lead by a guard down a big corridor which had hundreds of cells either side, containing, well, prisoners. Sam tried not to stare, but there was just so many people. He had never felt more out of place. And he'd been to a lot of new schools. This was a little different from school, though.
To make things worse, they were all jeering at him. He felt his face heating up and just acted as if he couldn't hear them (even though it was pretty fucking obvious he could).

The guard finally stopped and he sucked in a deep breath, expecting the worst but hoping for the best. Maybe his cell mate would be really nice? Or maybe they just wouldn't talk to him, which would be bearable as well. Or maybe they'll beat the shit out of you- he stopped the thought before it could continue.

The cell was pretty small, 6 by 8 feet with white walls. It had a metal framed bunk bed with navy blue bedding on both bunks on the right side and a few shelves on the left wall (a couple of them filled up with books, paint supplies and cards, ect). Opposite the bed and underneath the shelves, was a white wooden table and two chairs. On the table was a kettle, a few cups and a small tv. At the back of the cell there was a sink, a toilet (which luckily, was at least guarded by a grey curtain) and a small barred window which was close to the ceiling. Next to the sink was a small set of drawers. There were a also few pictures stuck on the wall above the unmade top bunk of the bed, so it was clear someone was already staying there. Sam could think of one word for the place, cramped.

The guard opened the cell door.
Sam stepped in, the door closed again.
Finally, he looked up and saw his cell mate.

Oh boy.

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