Dance of the Moons

By tmnprockon

15.9K 672 70

Sequel (sort of) to The Art of Mending Memories. Leila is a witch living in a house with an over protective... More

Dance of the Moons
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Author's Note

Chapter 4

561 24 0
By tmnprockon

Chapter 4

I looked at myself in the mirror, trying to decide if I wanted to buy the new top or not. It was a bright red tank top, with a lower swoop than I usually wore. It showed just the top of my breasts and hung loosely down by torso. Still, it made me look feminine and pretty. I almost wanted to buy it, but I didn't know when I would wear it.

Witches dressed conservatively, my mothers voice sang in my head, a memory from all her repeated lectures.   She had always been afraid I would succumb to lecherous habits from the influence of public school.

But I wanted to have something nice to wear, something pretty.   Feeling pretty gave someone confidence.  I always felt pretty after the new moon.  Was it really fair that I only felt pretty for two days every month?

I signed, knowing I wasn't going to get this shirt.  Pulling it off, I replaced the store shirt with my own loose button up grey blouse before walking out of the changing room of the store.

            I didn't really have a reason to go shopping, but it was a Sunday afternoon and I didn't feel like going home just yet. Anyway, it was a nice day out, and in a small town there wasn't much to do besides shop along the main street.  This particular store was a small clothing shop that I liked to visit, but rarely bought anything.  I liked the environment of the store and the clothes.

I walked over to the rack I had been picking through before to put the shirt back where I found it.  I took one more look at the shirt and sighed before putting it back on the rack.

"I think you should get it."

I jumped at the familiar voice, my breath catching for a moment.  I turned around to glare at the familiar face.

"Really," David's deep voice continued, "I think you would look nice in it.  Red would look good against your skin."

I frowned at his compliment. "What are you doing here?"

He smiled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "A guy can't go shopping with a friend?"

"We're not friends!" I snapped. "And no, he can't. Guys just don't go shopping with girls."

"Not yet, but we will be soon,” he said, referring to us not being friends.  “And I never got that.  Girls dress to impress guys, right? So why don't girls ask our opinions when shopping?"

"If girls let guys tell them what looks good, we would all be walking around in lingerie."

"You'll hear no complaints from me," he stated in a serious tone laced with tease.  I turned and glared at him, but all he did was crack a smile before turning back to the rack.  He pulled out a purple silk top. “How about this one?”

“When would I ever wear something like that?” It was pretty, sure, but not something I would wear.  It was sleek and nice, but not ‘me.’  It looked to be cut lower than the red one I had tried on.

“You could wear it on our next date.”

“There will not be a next date,” I said quickly.  A moment after, his words caught up with me and I snapped at him. “Wait, ‘next’?  We’re not even on a date now!”

            “Of course!” he exclaimed as he hit his forehead dramatically, “where are my manners?”            He grabbed my two hands in his and tugged me forward so we were standing closer than comfortable.  I was hyperaware of my hands in his larger ones, the heat making my hands begin to sweat.  His brown eyes peering into mine with intensity and a seriousness I would never have associated with David.

            “Will you have dinner with me?”

            I ripped my hands out of his. “Of course not,” I snapped, more surprised than anything.  I was suddenly aware of my heart beating in my chest.  My face heated in a flush, although I wasn’t sure if it was because of David’s ridiculous question, my response, or the fact that I knew he could hear my quickened pulse.

            He laughed humorlessly, his eyes looking off to the side. “Wow, Leila, you really know how to let a guy down gently.”  There was a biting sarcasm in his tone.

            I gulped and took a step back, by shoulder hitting the clothing rack behind me.  I exhaled sharply. “What are you doing here?”

            He smiled, returning to his former self, the one who teased and played games.  The glint returned to his eyes. “I saw you through the window and was drawn to your sunshiney presence,” he replied lightly.

            I glared at his mockery.

            “What, a guy can’t shop?”  He lifted his hands, gesturing to the racks of clothing around us.

            “Not in this section of the store,” I replied stiffly, my hand grabbing at the women’s clothing on the rack behind me.

            “Maybe I’m finding a gift for my girlfriend.”

            I stiffened for a second before my wits returned to me. “You have a girlfriend?  How much does she cost per hour?  Or is she a robot, like in Buffy?”

            He stuck his tongue out at me like a child and before I could stop myself I smiled.

            “Neither,” he told me, his tone becoming smug, “I won her over with my charm.”

            I threw my head back and laughed.

            “Hey!  What’s so funny?”

            “The idea of you having charm.”  I laughed a few more times before controlling myself.

            He coughed once, lightly. “You won’t be laughing once you realize you’ve fallen for me.”

            I nearly snorted. “Wanna bet?” I challenged.

            Suddenly he stepped closer and grabbed my upper arms to hold me in place.  The laughter evaporated from my throat at our closeness.  His collar bone was right in front of my eyes.  I felt the heat coming from his body and I gulped.  My heart beat picked up, and I could hear the pulse in my ear.  An odd feeling stirred in me that was hard to ignore.  I felt David’s hand rub against my arm gently.  His hand traveled up my neck, and I felt a shiver travel down my body.  His hand grabbed my jaw and turned it up so I was staring into his brown eyes.

            “Never make a bet with a Shifter.  We always win.”

            I gulped, trying to hide the fact that I was not as confident as I wanted to appear. :I’m sure I could stand up to you,” I managed to reply softly, a slight shake in my tone.  I was mad at myself for not seeming more confident.

            David smiled. “I do love a challenge.”  His eyes fell down to my lips and I felt my face flush even more, although I didn’t think that was possible. “Especially one as spirited and delightful as you.”

            I let out a shaky breath and pulled out of his grasp.  I gulped again, reminding myself of what I was and what he was.

            “What are you doing?” I asked softly.

            “Looking for something,” he replied quietly, staring at me.

            “Well, I don’t know what you’re looking for, but whatever it is, I don’t have it.”

            He smiled, a sight I was getting too used to expecting. “How do you know you don’t have it if you don’t know what it is?”

            My breath caught in my throat and my mouth hung open.  I was at a loss for words to say.  I was lost in the discussion, no longer sure what we were talking about.

            David took a step back. “I’ll see you around, Leila,” he murmured.  I watched as he turned around and walked out the store, leaving me standing alone and confused.

            After a minute, I shook my head, trying to regain control over my thoughts.  What had David meant at the end?  And why did he always leave me speechless?  Why couldn’t I be the one to leave him without words for once?  What was with the whole close contact thing, anyway?  He obviously had a girlfriend, as he was shopping for her.  Something uncomfortable stirred inside me at the thought of him having a girlfriend, but I ignored it and pretended not to feel it.

            I exited the store, still thinking about David.  Why did my pulse race around him?  Was it because he was a Shifter, and my natural instinct was to fear his kind?  Was it anxiety?  Or anticipation?  But what was I anticipating?  I had an instant flashback to the moment we were standing closely and he was staring at my lips.  I shook my head.  I couldn’t go there, not in my thoughts and certainly not in my actions.  Not that I wanted to, of course.  David was not charming.  I would not fall for him.

            I repeated this to myself as I walked down the street to my car.  I didn’t know what game David was playing, but I would not let him win.

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