The Black Knight

By LindseyM17

27.4K 637 28

Faylen Adwynn comes from a troubled past which landed her in Rivendell 10 years ago. She found a new family a... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: (Prologue)
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Authors Note
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31: (Epilogue)
New Book

Chapter 17:

738 17 0
By LindseyM17


In the morning, my clothes and armor are back at my bedside and I change into my ranger garb, not needing to wear my armor today. I strap my sword to my side and decide to leave my other weapons behind. I silently leave the room so not to wake Éowyn and head down the corridor. I pass servants and men and guards in the hall and head outside to the warm sunshine. I navigate the grounds from memory and find myself in the royal gardens where Éowyn took me before. I don't think she or the king would mind if I stayed for a while, taking in all the scenery. While the shadow and darkness of Mordor is still at the back of my mind, I am able to push it away for once as I stand content to take in the flowers and the smell of the country. Footsteps sound behind me as I admire a butterfly sitting on a branch. I turn to see it is just Legolas.

"Hey," I say.

"Hi," he says kindly. "I take it you are glad to be out of that dress?"

I laugh and look down to my feet.

"I guess it wasn't that bad," I say.

"Well you looked beautiful in it," Legolas says as he moves to stand closely in front of me.

I look into his blue eyes in shock, my heart beginning to rapidly beat.

"What did you just say?"

"You heard me and it's about time I said it."

His soft but callused hands grab my own.

"I have waited a long time to tell you that you are beautiful, strong, fearless, kind, smart, and a fighter. Ever since the day we met eyes at that party I cannot stop thinking about you."

"Legolas," I whisper and look down at our joined hands.

Gently he places fingers under my chin and lifts my head up to look back at him.

"I soon realized that I am in love with you Faylen Adwynn. Every time I look at you my breath is taken away. Each time we speak I long to continue hearing you're voice and your laugh. I want to be yours and stay by your side as long as you will have me."

"Legolas, I am flattered. But I am a danger to be around and surrounded by darkness. Those who stay with me end up getting hurt," I say, sad that I have to push him away.

"If you don't feel the same then I-"

"That's the thing though, I do feel the same for you."

I grip his hand tighter and even brush a stray hair from his face, beginning to smile thinking about how he affects me so much.

Tell him the truth so you don't lose him.

"I have slowly fallen in love with you, Legolas Greenleaf, since we became friends. I made myself be open to you and to trust you. I am in love with the way you say my name, how safe I feel around you, how I love your blue eyes that I always seem to get lost in. I have never felt this way for someone before or had them like me in this way. I just... I can't see you get hurt because of me," I say.

"Oh Faylen," he murmurs and runs a finger down the side of my face.

I revel in his touch as he raises my head to meet his and slowly leans in, not looking away for a second. His warm hand cups my face and his other hand moves to the small of my back. Then his lips crash into mine and he kisses me gently. I close my eyes and at first I hesitate but then open up to him and kiss him back. I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms wrap around my waist to pull me closer. He kisses me more urgently, murmuring my name between breaths. My body is filled with heat and an electric-like feeling at his touch, making me forget everything but him. He pulls away and presses his forehead against mine as we breathe the same air. I can't help but smile back as I look at him, never believing this would happen to me. He grins back and moves in for another kiss before pulling away again. He moves my hand to rest over his heart.

"You have my heart Faylen. I am yours and you are mine. Im mel tye.

"I love you too," I say, feeling happier than I ever have before.

He kisses my forehead, then my nose, and teases me by giving my lips a small kiss. I just shake my head and lead him over to a stone bench, feeling weak at the knees. I take a strand of his hair in my hand and run it through my fingers, something I've longed to do, and see him close his eyes at my touch. He entwines his hand with my own and I don't stop looking at him for a second.

"I am yours and you are mine," I say to him.

He grins and runs a finger down my arm. I shiver at his warm, gentle touch.

"I don't know what this war will bring, but I will be there for you. I want to go on adventures with you and show you so many places," he says.

"I have your back too and I would love that," I say and lean in to kiss him this time, not being able to help myself.

"There is something I need to tell you," he says.

"Okay. What is it?" I ask.

"It might sound a bit weird."

I let out a small laugh.

"You can tell me anything."

"Before we met, I had a dream about a warrior dressed in black armor I've never seen the likes of with their face in shadow from a hood and a flaming sword at their side," he says with a smile.

I feel my breath taken away again.

"When I came to Rivendell and saw you, heard about you, I knew it was you. Later in Lothlórien I found out the Lady Galadriel gave me this vision."

"She sure is a match maker then because she kept urging me to open up to you more and said that we would be side by side in this war."

Legolas dazzles me with his smile and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I love you so much," he repeats.

"I love you too," I say and wrap my arms around him, burying my head in the nook of his neck.

His strong arms hold me as he buries his head in my hair. He pulls away and looks past me.

"What?" I ask and turn around.

Then I realize there are voices shouting urgently. We both leap from the bench and move towards the commotion, staying hand in hand. We reach the front steps of the hall where Gandalf and Théoden are rushing through the doors with children in their arms. One look at my love and we are rushing in after them. Aragorn and Gimli are already there, taking in the scene. Éowyn comes into the hall and orders the children to be set down at a nearby table. I rush over to help, kneeling down next to the young boy who looks protectively down at his sister.

"What is your name?" I ask him.

"Eothain," he says quietly.

Blankets are brought over and both Éowyn and I wrap them around the children. Éowyn tries to ask questions of how they got here as gentle as she can, only getting small answers from them. Food is set in front of them, the boy hungrily eating. Gimli and Aragorn sit at another table and I move to stand back with Legolas.

"They had no warning, they were unarmed," Éowyn says to her uncle. "Now the Wild Men are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go. Rick, cot, and tree."

I freeze when hearing about those men, knowing very well that my scumbag of a father is with them and now very close. Legolas moves to hold my hand again and I am grateful for him.

"Where is mamma?" the girl, Freyda asks.

Éowyn begins to soothe her again.

"This is but a taste of the terror Saruman will unleash. All the more potent for he is driven mad by fear of Sauron. Ride out and meet him head on. Draw him away from your women and children. You must fight," Gandalf says to the king from his side.

"You have two thousand good men riding north as we speak. Éomer is loyal to you. His men will return and fight for their King," Aragorn says.

Théoden rises from his throne.

"They will be three hundred leagues from here by now. Éomer cannot help us. I know what it is you want of me, but I will not bring further death to my people. I will not risk open war," he says.

"Open war is upon you," Aragorn tries to convince. "Whether you risk it or not."

Théoden gives my brother a look that I do not like.

"When I last looked, Théoden, not Aragorn, was King of Rohan," the king replies.

They both just stare at each other, silence filling the hall.

"Then what is the King's decision?" Gandalf finally asks.

Théoden sighs.

"We move to Helm's Deep," he says.

Aragorn turns back to give me a look, both of us communicating to each other that this is not a good idea. Then his eyes fall to my hand joined with Legolas's and he turns back around with a small smile. The king leaves the hall with guards immediately going outside to spread the news of the king's orders. Commotion fills the hall. Aragorn comes up to the two of us and puts a hand on Legolas's shoulder.

"So you finally got brave enough to tell her then?" he teases.

I look up to Legolas who actually begins to blush. I squeeze his hand tighter.

"You knew?" I ask Aragorn.

"Oh come on, I'm not blind," he laughs. "I gave him my blessing but also gave him a warning to kick his ass if he hurt you."

"Don't worry about that," I say. "He won't. But even if he did I would be the one to do it myself."

Legolas lets out a loud laugh and with a pat on his back, Aragorn walks away. Gimli is grinning behind his red beard from nearby and holds a thumbs up. Legolas just shakes his head and gives me that smile of his, leading me back to the hall's doors. I wrap my arm around his when the reality of the king's decision comes back to me.

"This decision to go to the Hornburg worries me," I whisper to him.

We stay silent until we are past the guards by the doors and we move down the steps.

"Me too. Yes, the Rohirrim are in danger here and cannot stay but Helm's Deep isn't a good option either," he finally says when people are out of earshot.

"I read that the place is a fortress but only has one entrance and one exit. What if the Orcs penetrate the entrance?" I say and shudder at the thought, gripping onto Legolas's arm tighter.

"I found out that the Orcs from Isengard call themselves the Uruk-Hai," he says and the stables come into view ahead.

"Now knowing they are so much more powerful and made from sorcery it's no wonder I could not sense them at Amon Hen," I say.

"Éomer said him and his riders were headed North. There is no way word will reach them in time and there aren't enough men to hold the Keep."

I sigh as we enter the empty stables, everyone out in town to prepare for the departure. I see Ashkin's white head popping out from one of the stalls and make my over to him, petting his snout. I need to do something with myself so I pull out some brushes and step into the stall. Legolas leans against the door, his intent eyes on me.

"Faylen," he says gently.

I turn to him as I brush Ashkin down.

"Are you worried that he is so near?"

I try to understand the emotion that I felt in the hall. It was fear but also what I believe was anger that he is even alive to take more lives.

"I am angry that he is causing more devastation but also know that I will have to face him sometime," I say and hesitate before going on, Legolas needing to know something about myself. "That night during the fire, the only way I thought to save my mom and brother was to kill him. I had grabbed his bow and arrow, and though I was not a good shot back then, didn't hesitate to shoot. It didn't kill him and only made him more angry. What scared me though was that I did not hesitate to take his life."

Legolas steps into the stall and leans across Ashkin.

"It was self-defense Faylen. Do not ever be sorry for doing what you must to protect yourself and others," he says.

"It was just so different. I don't hesitate when I have to kill my other enemies but I don't know what will happen when I face him. I also don't like him being so close because he might get word about you, Aragorn, and Gimli. He promised to take everything away from me."

Legolas puts his hand over mine as I stop brushing.

"Like I said before, I will not let him hurt you. We have each other's backs and he will face our wrath together. He will not touch anyone."

I smile at him.

"This is why I love you," I say.

We both lean forward over Ashkin and he gently kisses me. Fast footsteps sound our way and we break apart. I move to the front of the stall to see Gandalf storming into the stables, Aragorn right on his heels.

"Helm's Deep!" Gandalf says angrily. "They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight. Who will defend them if not their king?"

"He is only doing what he thinks is best for his people," Aragorn says as the wizard turns to face him. "Helm's Deep has saved them in the past."

"There is no way out of that ravine. Théoden is walking into a trap. He thinks he's leading them into safety when what they will get is a massacre. Théoden has a strong will, but I fear for him. I fear for the survival of Rohan. He will need you before the end, Aragorn. The people of Rohan will need you. All three of you," Gandalf nods to Legolas and I before entering Shadowfax's stall. "Their defenses have to hold."

"They will hold," Aragorn says confidently.

"The gray pilgrim, that's what they used to call me," Gandalf says as he jumps into the saddle. "Three hundred lives of men I have walked this earth and now I have no time. With luck my search will not be in vain. Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the east."

"Go," Aragorn says and pulls the stall door open.

Gandalf rides out of the stables in haste, all of us moving out of his way. My eyes turn to Éowyn who enters the stable and comes over to us.

"Éowyn," I say and step out of Ashkin's stall to move to her.

"I am here to help load up the horses so they are ready to go," she says.

"I'll help," I say and we both move to work together.

Éowyn's chestnut brown horse struggles against his ropes and rears back on his legs. She clears before it comes down onto her, the horse going wild. Aragorn walks over to it calmly and slowly.

"That horse is half mad, my lord," someone says and I turn to see a stablehand nearby. "There's nothing you can do. Leave him."

Aragorn ignores the stablehand's words and begins speaking to the horse in Elvish, just in the way he taught me to do when connecting with a horse.

"Faeste, stille nu, faeste, stille nu. Lac is drefed, gefraegon," he coos.

The words are familiar to me, 'Fast, be quiet now, fast, be quiet now. A battle is stirred up, they heard' as I have said similar words to a frightened horse. It begins to calm down a bit, Aragorn releasing the ropes which gets the horse to settle and quiet.

"What is your name? Hm? What is your name?" Aragorn continues to speak in Elvish.

"His name is Brego," Éowyn says as she watches him. "He was my cousin's horse."

"Brego? Your name is kingly," Aragorn says.

I smile at him, seeing some of the stress falling away from my brother as he focuses on the horse and begin saddling up Ashkin with the help of Legolas.

"I have heard of the magic of Elves, but I did not look for it in a Ranger from the North. You speak as one of their own," I hear Éowyn say.

"I was raised in Rivendell... for a time," Aragorn says and gives me a grin, him being the one who taught me the language. "Turn this fellow free. He's seen enough of war."

Aragorn leaves the stables with a final pat to Brego. I don't miss the look Éowyn gives him though, a longing stare. I think of Arwen, knowing Aragorn is devoted to her, and know that he misses his love terribly. I too miss my sister.

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