Daydream • K.M.

By RejectsandDirections

169K 5K 717

"Baby, I'm a sociopath, Sweet serial killer. On the warpath Cause I love you just a little too much." In whic... More

Disclaimer & Playlist
(3.1) In the Mourning
(3.2) Young Heart
(3.3) Moonlight
(3.4) Witch Hunt
(3.5) The Wolf's Den
(3.6) Lineage
(3.7) Pack
(3.8) Family Dinner
(3.9) Brotherly Bonding
(3.10) The Matriarch
(3.11) Midnight Memories
(3.12) Anger Management
(3.13) In-Laws
(3.14) The Hunt
(3.15) Girl Talk
(3.16) Guilt
(3.17) Hail Mary
(3.18) The Breakfast Club
(3.19) Research
(3.20) Reunion
(3.21) Bonfire
(3.22) Wishes
(3.23) Reunited
(3.25) The Muskateers
(3.26) Man Down
(3.27) The Pact
(3.28) Ceremony
(3.29) Bickering
(3.30) Boom
(3.31) Here Comes The Bride
(3.32) Two Years
(3.33) The Countdown
(3.34) Details
(3.35) Birds and Bees
(3.36) ...And Something Blue
(3.37) The Dress
(3.38) The Mikaelson Family
(3.39) The Last First Dance
(3.40) Waiting
(3.41) The Missing Mikaelson
(3.42) Backstory
(3.43) Paranoia
(3.44) Headmistress
(3.45) Finders Keepers
(3.46) Possession
(3.47) Get Out
(3.48) Idle Chat
(3.49) The Great Debate
(3.50) Heart
(3.51) Dog Days
(3.52) The Reveal
(3.53) Consequences
(3.54) The Silence
Interlude. Homeward
Life Update

(3.24) Shark Tank

2K 74 12
By RejectsandDirections

After talking to Hayley and Jackson, Eden realized that she needed some space to be by herself. In order to preform this little ritual that she had so stupidly agreed to do, she would have to tell Hayley, who would in turn end up telling Jackson that Haven was in fact, alive and well. She hated to say it, but she didn't know if she could trust her pack leader with that kind of information and she was now confused on what she should do.

Taking a breath, Eden squared her shoulders and exited her and Klaus' room to walk downstairs, only to find Marcel and his crew along with Aiden and other wolves littered around the courtyard.

"What's going on here?" Eden asked as she made her way down the stairs. Hayley looked up at the sight of her and made a face; she hadn't liked the way that Eden had excused herself from their previous conversation.

"We are negotiating a treaty, between the wolves and the vampires against the witches." Hayley answered. Eden hit the bottom of the stairs, crossing her arms together as she tried and failed to find Klaus in the crowd.

"And were you planning on letting either Klaus or myself know that this was going on, right in our own home of all places?" Hayley gave Eden a hard look as a few heated whispers ran through the crowd.

"Not everything that goes on in the Quarter needs to involve a Mikaelson." Hayley said coolly. Eden gave her a stiff nod, instead turning to Marcel.

"And what, pray tell, have the vampires agreed upon?" She asked instead. Marcel hesitated, glancing back at Hayley before looking again to Eden.

"My vampires and I have agreed to stand with you against the witches, in return, all I ask is that there be peace after Hayley's wedding." There was a scoff that came from a younger, black wolf.

"You're the one who spent the last one hundred years killing and cursing us." He accused, and Marcel nodded in agreement.

"Which means you might wanna listen to what I have to say." Marcel suggested.

Eden raised an eyebrow. "And what do you have to say on the matter Marcel?" Before Marcel got to answer that question though, another voice interrupted.

"So you're brokering a truce, between mongrel and parasites?" Finn taunted, moving between the two groups. At the sight of him, Eden immediately began to grow angry.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She seethed. Finn sent her a coy smile before turning back to the two groups.

"And just how long do you think this peace is going to last? A month, a week, a day? What you don't yet seem to understand is that the only thing that can exist between your two degenerate species is hatred, war, and death." With that he turned on his heels before blowing against his hand and hitting the wall which caused the whole compound to shake. Eden grabbed onto one of the beams, steadying herself as she locked eyes with Finn. She bared her teeth at him, speeding forward to pounce only to be stopped by an intense burning that she felt come into contact with her skin the moment she tried to get out the door.

"Aaah!" She yelped, grabbing hold of her hand as her wound steadily began to close. She looked up at Finn, who was now smirking gleefully.

"But I can imagine, given a little confined time together, you'll come to see things the way I do." And with that, he was gone.

* * *

Eden was not sure how much time had passed since Finn had locked them in the compound; for all she knew it could have only been five minutes. But Eden's mind was completely overrun with the idea that she may not ever see her daughter again. She wished with every bone in her body that she'd told Klaus that she was staying at the farmhouse this morning, and yet she hadn't. Now she was stuck in a house with two warring groups while she had to look over them to make sure that they didn't kill each other. Oh, how Eden should have killed Finn when she had the chance.

"What are you thinking about?" Came Klaus' voice to her left. She hadn't even heard him come over. Yet, Klaus could easily see that there was more on her mind than the standard irritation that she felt for his brother. Eden looked over at Klaus, meeting his blue eyes and telling Klaus exactly what it was that was plaguing her mind.

"I've been thinking about planning the wedding." Eden said instead, and Klaus knew that she was not going to tell him the extent of her worries. Instead, Klaus leaned over the railing along with Eden, watching as one of Marcel's crew helped hand out alcohol.

"Oh? And how has that been going?" Klaus asked her, Eden shrugged.

"I'll tell you when I find out." Eden sighed, and Klaus placed his hand over top of hers on the railing.

"Talk to me." Klaus requested, though his eyes were still focused on the group below them. Eden glanced at him before finally sighing.

"This was what I was telling Jupiter about. Every time I try to think about normal stuff like wedding planning, something comes around to make it seem like I'm not allowed to have that." She lamented.

"Eden, if you think that planning a wedding is going to be the hardest part about being a Mikaelson then I'm afraid that I may be marrying the wrong woman." Eden raised an eyebrow, turning to look at Klaus.

"What do you mean?" She asked. At this, Klaus finally turned to face her.

"In all of the time that you were inside my mind, it never occurred that there was always some force or another that kept my family from being truly free from adversary?" Eden thought back into the time that she was inside of Klaus' mind, and saw that he had a point.

"You were happy when you were here though." Eden pointed out. Klaus smirked.

"I am my happiest when I'm in New Orleans yes, but that doesn't mean this city did not give me problems." He took Eden's hand in his, "Continue to plan the wedding luv, and I will make sure that on the day we say our vows, there won't be anything to worry about." He promised her. Eden granted him a small smile and Klaus placed a kiss on her forehead. Before Eden could say more, Klaus' phone began to ring. Klaus pulled the device out of his pocket and frowned when he saw the name.

"Elijah." He said, letting Eden's hand go and answering the phone as he walked toward his study, leaving Eden alone. Eden ran a hand through her hair in frustration. She was frustrated that she couldn't just be like a normal bride and only worry about if she would be able to lose five pounds by the wedding, or if she would be able to get centerpieces that she wanted. Eden was frustrated that she couldn't kill Finn, because believe it or not, she knew that Klaus would genuinely be upset if his brother died and she was upset that she couldn't feed because man was she growing increasingly hungry and WHY ON EARTH WAS SHE THIS HUNGRY?

"Nik!" Eden called, racing down the stairs to find Marcel, Josh and Marcel's second in command hunched over, probably feeling exactly how Eden was feeling only worse, seeing as Eden was only part vampire.

"What on earth is going on?" Eden asked, trying to avoid focusing on the strong smell of blood that was entering her nose.

"Something is going on, it's a spell." Marcel explained and Eden groaned in annoyance. Eden could not wait for the day that Klaus gave her the okay to kill Finn.

"You have got to be kidding me." Eden mumbled, turning on her heels and exiting the room.

"What's going on?" Hayley asked before Eden had a chance to make it up the stairs. Eden turned back to look at the vampires holding their stomachs.

"Apparently trapping us in the compound wasn't the worst of Finn's plans. He's spelled all the vampires so now they're feeling extreme hunger, an all consuming hunger." Hayley looked at Eden.

"And you and Klaus?" She asked, causing Eden to raise an eyebrow.

"What about us?" She asked the werewolf.

"You and Klaus are the strongest ones in the house right now with your hybrid status. If the two of you are experiencing the same hunger then I need to know." She told the younger woman. Eden hesitated, but shook her head.

"Klaus is one of the oldest vampires in the world, he's had a thousand years to control his bloodlust." Hayley nodded her head before examining Eden.

"And you?" She asked. Eden faltered slightly, feeling her hunger rise as though to dare her to lie.

"I'm managing." She answered, and then turned on her heels and headed into the dining room where she found Kol, Marcel, and Klaus.

"We need to do something." Eden told the men, shutting the door behind her.

"Vincent's boundary is too strong. But what Davina and I can do is cast a disruption spell. It would temporarily neutralize all magical objects including the compound itself. If it works then it would give us sixty seconds to escape whilst the boundaries were shut down."

"Alright, sounds good to me." Marcel agreed.

"If the spell works it will suppress all magical objects in the vicinity, including your rings." Klaus told Marcel.

"If we go out without our rings we're dead." Marcel groaned.

"Unless you wait until nightfall." Klaus suggested. Eden frowned.

"Nik you know that's not an option. The vampires are starting to look at the wolves like an all you can eat buffet. If we don't get them out soon, we're going to have a bloodbath on our hands." Eden told him.

"Well then, please, tell me what your plan is." Klaus retorted. Eden sent the hybrid a glare.

"The best thing that we can do is get the wolves out now and just have the vampires wait until nightfall when the boundaries can be put down again."


"You know, you don't have to watch over us like children." Kol commented as Eden stood next to him and Davina while they drew out their circle.

"Contrary to popular belief, I actually trust that Davina is going to do the right thing. So it's more so that I'm watching over just you." Eden shrugged, crossing her arm together. From behind her, Eden could hear her other prison mates getting testy, but it wasn't until she smelt blood that she intervened. Seeing that the blood was coming from Aiden, she was about to take action, only to find that Josh had beaten her.

"Josh." Eden called, seeing the veins appear under his eyes.

"Joshua!" Klaus scolded, standing in front of the young vampire. "You get away from him right now."

"Davina start the spell." Eden called over her shoulders as she watched the vampires begin to get testy again. If they didn't start soon, then this house would be scattered with bodies.

As Davina and Kol began their spell, Eden walked over to Klaus, taking his hand in hers. The gesture itself was more to make sure that she didn't do something she shouldn't than out of affection. There was a gust of wind that blew through the compound and for a moment there was complete silence. As a test, Davina raised her hand up to the boundary.

"Davina no!" Kol scolded, but when he tried to stop her, their hands met.

"It worked." Eden heard Hayley whisper.

"Jackson, Hayley, go now!" Eden called to them.

"Come on." Jackson called to his pack, rushing them out of the compound. When Hayley was the last one left, she looked to Eden.

"Go," Eden insisted, "I'm right behind you." She told her. Hayley sent her one more fleeting look before she too, disappeared out the door. In a sudden movement, Klaus had pulled Eden to the other side of the door along with him, keeping their hands interlocked.

"Slight change of plans brother." Klaus said aloud, placing his hand on Kol's shoulder and pushing him back inside the building.

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