By A_Regular_Person

2.1K 60 76

I've been reading them long enough, time to write some shit. ONE SHOTS! I take requests! Let's get on with it... More

Draco's Snake... Oh, god! Not like that!
Authors Note
Baby, It's Cold Outside
Authors Note Hahaha yeah another
Haha You'll Hate Me

idek part 1

192 6 7
By A_Regular_Person

Warning?: Mentions of suicide, and self harming.
Takes place in supposed 8th year

Draco Luscious Malfoy was out doing his nightly prefect rounds. Looking for students out of bed and sneaking around in the halls. He had already caught two Ravenclaws in a corner with their tongues shoved down each others throats. Draco shuddered at the thought.

Draco walked a little further and found himself by the Astronomy Tower. He heard a small sniffling noise and decided to go check it out. He slowly climbed the stairs, being sure not to make any noise, as to alert the person upstairs. The door was slightly ajar, so a little push would give Draco enough space to slip in, unnoticed.

Draco didn't know what he expected by it wasn't to see a small Hufflepuff girl, sitting in a pool of her own blood, a knife in her hand. Draco gasped and the small blond haired girl turned, eyes wide and teary. The girl sucked in a breath at being caught like this.

"You're... You're Draco Malfoy..." The girl covered up her bleeding arms.

Draco slowly walked to the Hufflepuff and kneeled next to her. He reached forwards and held her hands, "Yes, I am. And what's your name?" Draco couldn't believe this.

After a moment of tense silence, the girl answered, "Perry."

"I don't want to hurt you, okay?" Draco said, trying to roll up the girls sleeves.

She backed away a little bit, looking scared. "You don' wanna laugh at me, do you?"

"No, no. I want to help you."

Perry nodded and let Draco roll up her sleeves. Draco didn't think he gasped, but judging by the look on the Hufflepuff's face, he apparently had.

Draco muttered a spell to stop the bleeding. "There." Draco didn't let go other arms. Both students were shaking. Perry looked up at Draco and hugged him. Draco hesitantly wrapped his arm around the third year. Perry began to sob on Draco's shoulder and Draco began to rub her back soothingly. The knife that was in her hand dropped to the floor.

Needless to say, Draco spent the rest of the night with the sobbing girl, keeping her from hurting herself any more.

-The next day-

Saturday. Harry's favorite day of the week. Especially when Hermione and Ron weren't with him.

Harry had slept in for once and missed breakfast. He got dressed and made his way (downtown) to the kitchens for a late breakfast with the house elves. He found his way through the endless corridors and staircases to the painting of the fruit bowl.

Harry reached up and tickled the pear, and almost got hit in the face in the face when the door swung open for him.

The boy casually strolled into the kitchen and greeted the elves happily as they crowded him in excitement.

"Three visitors in the same hour!"

"How lucky we are!"

"Busy, busy!"

The elves brought out seemingly endless plates of breakfast and dessert foods for Harry to eat, which they could have been, this being a magic school.

"Wait, wait." Harry denied the food at first, putting dejected faces on some of the elves.

"There's more people here?"

"Yes, Master Harry." A house elf spoke up from behind Harry, causing him to jump.

"What? Where?"

"In the cellar. Would Master Harry wish to join them?" A different house elf spoke from Harry's left, surprising him again.

"Yeah, sure. But who is it?"

"Mistress Perry and Master Draco." The first house elf replied.

"Perry? And... Wait!? Malfoy!?"

"Yes Master Harry."

Harry looked embarrassed for a moment but quickly regained his composure, "Yeah. I'll eat with them."

•  •  •

"Eat. Go on, if you don't I'll force feed you." Draco said looking up at Perry through his white blonde hair.

"I'm not hungry," Perry complained, pushing her plate forwards.

"You have to be starving. All you've eaten is half a biscuit."

"That's the point." Perry added quietly.

Draco sighed and scooted his chair closer to Perry's side of the table and brought her plate towards him and picked up her fork. Perry crossed her arms and turned her head.

"Don't be a child about it, eat."

Draco scooped up some egg on the fork, "Choo Choo, here comes the Hogwarts Express."

Perry giggled and looked at Draco who wore a smile. He had made her laugh. She took the fork from him and spilt the eggs on her lap. That made her giggle more. Soon enough Draco was laughing too. That had led Perry to fling a small spoonful of jam at Draco's face.

Draco looked up and said, in a very serious tone, "Oh it is on."

Draco threw a handful of scrambled eggs from his plate at her. This led to a full on food fight, which Draco was winning of course.

Neither had noticed when Harry had slipped in while they were talking. Harry just smiled and left, unnoticed.

•  •  •

Harry didn't actually eat anything so he took a biscuit to go. He still had on a stupid grin when he got back to Gryffindor and had to remember to keep a neutral face when he stepped in the common room.

"Harry, mate, you alrigh'?" Semus asked, "You look like a puppy that got kicked."

Maybe he was trying too hard.

"Yeah, M' alright." Harry said, looking calmer.

"Kay, mate. If you need ta talk we're here for ya!"

The boys next to him nodded and smiled at Harry. He smiled back and went up to his room.

"Why am I smiling so damn much? Because Malfoy isn't the icy bitch he's been made out to be? Yeah probably. It just makes me happy to see those acts of kindness in other people. I know I'd do that, but 'Mione says its my hero complex. Maybe I wouldn't go as far as to throw eggs at the poot girl, but yeah. I would help her." Harry thought.

"Malfoy has a really cute laugh."

"What's that?" Ron said.

"Oh nothing, just talking to myself. How was the research project with 'Mione?" Harry said, quickly changing the subject. He hadn't realized he was thinking out loud.

"Oh, mate, it was brilliant! We 'studied' so hard!" Ron laughed at his disgusting pun and wiped a fake tear from his eye.

"Oh gods, that's disgusting, Ron!"

"You did ask..." Ron was distractedly rummaging through his trunk as he spoke.

"Whatcha looking for?"

"Uh- stuff."

"Oh gods, are you guys going for round two or something?!"

"Technically its seven, but we ran out of condoms."

Harry made a sound that resembled a dying whale.

"Just go! Get out! Don't speak of this again! My poor virgin ears!"

Harry ran out and into the common room. Harry shook like there's was something disgusting on him and plopped into the nearest unoccupied chair. He picked up a random book and started reading. Ironically, it was Hogwarts, A History. Harry skimmed it, trying to get the mental image of... You-know-what... Out of his brain.

About two minutes later, Ron came down and snuck out. Multiple of our friends wolf-whistled and laughed. They knew what he was up to... Sickening...

After about five minutes, Harry's eyes began to glazed over and he began to think about Draco again. "His laugh really is cute. Especially when its not directed at something you did wrong. He even looks cute with raspberry jam on his face. Man. I am so gay."

Harry couldn't deny it because it was true. He had a crush on Draco ever since he realized he was gay and stalking the boy. Harry could've laughed out loud. He was so oblivious he hadn't realized he was stalking someone.

Harry fell asleep a few short minutes later because just thinking about how gay he was drained him.

Stupid way to end it, I know, but I haven't updated in, like, years. I'm really liking this one though, so I will continue! Maybe not in a row, but yes, I will continue. Bye.

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