Women, God And Everything In...

By misstahee

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Chapter One: Who am I to Love?
Chapter Two: When No Should Mean No.
Chapter Three: Who Is God To You?
Chapter Five: Love, Faith, Woman And The Society.
Chapter Six: Who Are The Demons?
Chapter Seven: Agape Love, What Is It?
Chapter Eight: The Tough Love Syndrome.
Chapter Nine: An Angry Woman And God.
Chapter Ten: God Is Love, His Love Is Us.
Chapter Eleven: Heaven Bound Behaviors.
Chapter Twelve: Praise, As A Form Of Prayer
Chapter 13: Issues of Consecration

Chapter Four: Inner Peace And Family.

81 2 0
By misstahee

Women are made to worry. In this chapter we'll talk about why we have decided to be the kind of mother that we are and still strive to be ourselves.


Many views that the life that is fast and furious will give them what they want but in actual fact, it can make them go crazy. It mostly lead people to see their life as a life that has no purpose; the kind of life that follows a trend and is based on what others are doing.

When we say that our life is going nowhere, it means that we lack direction and the result or solution to this is not farfetched. We need to retrace our steps and take a new path.

It is not everyone that has the ability to know what their mistakes are but when you know what you are doing wrong, it is easier for you to know how to correct it. We live in a complex society, so peace and calm is not something that will just create itself. We need to find it so that we will find ourselves in all the madness around us. Many of us lock ourselves in the search for worldly comforts that might not even give us the peace of mind that we crave.

We work very hard day and night and for what purpose? Is it money? Money does not bring happiness to everyone that has it in their pockets. We need to find time to discover what really makes us tick and what can define our innate being. We need to create time for our minds to be calm and enjoy what it has around it. We all need to find that thing that really makes us happy no matter what it is or how ridiculous it might sound to people. We need to re-evaluate the direction our life is going and re-discover who we are and what we want to do for the rest of our life. If it is what we are presently doing, then I would say that we are on the right path and all we need do is to make ourselves to see why it makes us happy and endeavor to do it well.

The world is a big place with millions of people like you and I going through the same thing. Strange and negative things happen every day to everyone and we all end up more confused than ever. This singular fact should make us realize that we are not alone. We need to take a breath and take up a new interest in happenings around the world. Start a charity if you can, go on a trip to discover the world. We should pause and listen to others for a change. Make yourself see that there are others with even greater problems than yours that are living peacefully with it.

I will continue to say that we as women, need to stop being selfish and be thankful for the life we have and the peace we can find in it if we try harder. We should see through the eyes of others and this way we can see our peace and solutions in the eyes of those that trust in us.

The peace that we think we seek in our daily life and not getting might just be because we are looking for it in the wrong places, at the wrong time and for the very wrong reasons. Having peace of mind like my husband always hammer takes more than being a submissive wife or a doting mother with a career that is doing well. No, it takes overlooking the excesses of life and living and embracing the simplicity of family and that faith in God. God is the only one that can guarantee anything in this life and when we ask Him for direction as the being that created us and knows what we don't know, and then we cannot go wrong.

Doors will be opened to those that seek His counsel and those that heed His words. Peace is achievable when we simplify the reason for it and want it hard enough and hold on to it when we do have it. It might just be the solution to our worries no matter how ridiculously huge it is.

Our families are the most important factors in our life that can make life as we seem to know it mean more than what it is. A happy family will have no problem finding peace within them. A woman is the one that can really give it. The husband might provide all the necessities of daily living but when the woman of the house is in turmoil, it spreads like wildfire among the other members.

So, we should learn to be peaceful with the dealings we have with our husband, children and even the extended family. The church or mosque should start to mean more than just a place of worship. It should be a place where we can really find solace and worship truly. Being in the presence of God should cease to be a time of remorse but a time of praises and thanksgiving of being a worthy child of God.

Inner peace is a tool that can help women to live a more fulfilled life and have a happier family. This is a fact.

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