By asvpkilla

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Works #1 : Kimberly James, a typical 23 year old with a successful occupation. What'll happen when sh... More

10 :: ep·i·logue


521 24 2
By asvpkilla


After finding out that I'd be having a girl I was more than excited. Leaving the doctors office I went to a few stores to grab some things. I haven't yet decided on a name for her yet, since August would be released in 1 month and judging by his attitude towards me I don't think he'd want to input any ideas for baby names I was looking along the lines of Juliette, Jahliyah, or even Julie.

4 hours later and I returned home, with several items for the baby, when I walked into the living room I saw Vanessa and this guy I remember seeing a few weeks ago studying. As I sat the items down on the floor in my room my phone began to ring.

"If you'd like to take a collect call from New York State P press one..".

I pressed one already figuring out who it was
"Hello?." I answered annoying and trying to get to the point.

"Come by I need you to pick me up I'll explain when you get here." Was all he said before the call cut off.

Sighing I lazily got up once again and put on my shoes not even acknowledging if they were the same pair, I left the house to go pick up August.


After going through the long process of officers searching me I saw August, I was kind of happy to see him come out but yet sad because I knew he'd most likely start seeing other women like he was doing before.

As I stood lost in my thoughts he gave me a warm hug and rubbed my stomach, I was confused, kind of angry and annoyed all in one. I should've felt happy but literally not too long ago he basically cut me off.

After having our small moment I turned around raising an eyebrow.

"What are you doing and don't touch me." I said wiping my eyes.

"Look it was for the plan just relax I'll tell you when we get to my place." He said.

I didn't bother arguing so I just nodded and took my keys out of my pocket, arriving to the car he took them and insisted on driving so I just complied instead of having to go back and forth with him.

Sitting in the passenger seat I didn't feel like speaking until I had a full explanation as to why he was acting that way towards me.

"I'm sorry Kimberly, I'm sorry for being less of a man you expected me to be, especially when you needed me." He sighed. I could tell he was glancing at me.

I didn't respond, quite frankly I didn't feel I needed to anyway, fuck his sour ass apology.

As we pulled into his driveway I got out then heard him kiss his teeth.

"I would've opened that for you, just quit allat for a lil." He said.

I still didn't answer I just walked to the front door as he strolled behind me. He sighed and opened up the door as he walked in and noticed the note I left on the counter a few days ago.

He turned to face me "What's that about?." Referring to the note.

"You were moving weird, you stopped calling me and when I visited you, you basically told me off and just cut me off then on top of that but I told you I was pregnant with your child you shrugged me off." I chuckled and shook my head. "I'm glad you brought it up because I've been dying to talk about this for a fucking hot minute, seriously do you have no heart? No sympathy for someone other than yourself? Like are you shitting me?." I said tearing up, truth be told I was lonely my parents and I were not on speaking terms however my mother would continuously spam my phone for what ever twisted reason she had, Vanessa had her own life, and Chantel was on vacation.

He sighed and sat beside me, wiping my eyes and putting my feet in his lap.

"Alright listen I planned on coming home sooner but unfortunately I had got into several fights with these niggas, to cut a long story short I was in isolation for some time that shit drove me fucking crazy Kimberly! . When I stopped calling you that was the reason why. And then when I saw you I was just lost for words, I was angry, lost, and depressed I missed seeing your pretty face and I guess Ian' know how to speak to you, all in all I was just frustrated and I'm sorry if I hurt you, now reading that letter I see how much I hurt and I'm sorry but if you feel the need to move on then I understand." He said sighing a rubbing his hair that needed a much needed cut.

I just looked blanked at him just taking in all that he said in.

"By the way what we havin?." He asked.

"Well I'm still upset and it's gonna take a lot of ass kissing to get back to where we were but I feel I can eventually look past it in due time, but since you've left there's been so much drama." I said sighing.

"First things first were having a girl, uhm I wanted to name her Juliette but if you have any input then I'd like to hear it, Vanessa turned out to be my sister, Christopher raped me and ugh." I rolled my eyes as old feelings and emotions began to resurface.

"Well Juliette is a cute name I like it honestly whenever you say is fine by me. and damn so ya parents been finessing you the entire time? but I could've told you that y'all look the exact same but It's sad that you had to find out like this and he what he did?." He said growing angry.

"I don't want to talk about it, he said he's schizophrenic and I'm slowly trying to forget it." I said

"Kimberly Giselle James, if you don't tell me I'll find out  anyway so just tell me now, I knew he been schizophrenic because back in high school we use to get into random fights all the time and then he'd calm down and act like it was nothing and that ain't shit happen." He said seriously.

I sighed although I remembered vividly of what happened that day.

"Well he kissed me then threatened me, soon he pulled down his pants and forced himself into me, also saying that he'd been wanted his way with me for a very long while. Then while I was crying he slapped me and all bunch of shit like I need to stop crying and if I don't then your sentence could increase and my baby would die." I sighed wiping my eyes once again.

I could tell August was getting angry because he was dangerously quiet.

I held his hand trying to calm him down  "Before you start going berserk, just relax and you look a mess I can redo your braids if you'd like?." I offered.

"I can't believe all that shit happened." He shook his head and sighed.

He sat between my legs and I got my comb out of my bag and to began to comb his hair. In about 20 minutes I was finished the neat braids and he motioned for me to follow him upstairs.

When we made it to his bedroom I laid down only to feel a slap to my ass I mugged August and he smirked.

"You're not off the hook yet uglyass." I clapped back.

"I know and I'm sorry, I will make it up to you just let me get myself together first." He said rubbing his eyes.

"But hold on a second." He got up and ventured off to the bathroom where he started to take a shower.

An hour later he came back with the towel around his waist, and water dripping from his abs.

He eyed me and started smirking "You look so sexy pregnant and I can't wait to meet babygirl." He said wiping his face.

"Me either, and thank you." I said.

"You haven't been to work?." He asked.

"No, I've been on maternity leave." I answered.

He came onto the bed and got behind me and that's when we both fell asleep.


I'm now 8 months pregnant and honestly I don't even know if I'm fit to be a mother to another person, hell I just met my own mother.

I looked over at Antwan as he was playing 2k19, he was so into it yelling and everything.

Over the course of the few months of knowing him he's been such a great help to me like accompanying me when I'm going to my appointments, helping me with my work at school, bringing me food, and even putting up with my emotional episodes that were almost everyday. However we aren't together but I better not catch him cheating on me.

"I can see you watchin' me you creep." He said chuckling with his thick New York accent.

"Because your beard is distracting." I laughed.

"Yeah yeah whateva' excuses, I'm sexy as fuck just admit it." He fanned me off cockily.

I laughed and shook my head and sat behind him while laying my head on his back, wrapping my arms around his waist.

I recently found out that I was having a girl I didn't yet have a baby shower and neither did Kimberly. I tried to reach out to Nahmir the baby's father but all he said is that he wanted nothing to do with her, I didn't bother to argue with him however since he was so fixated on the fact that the child wasn't his, he even when to the extremes to say that we wants a DNA test done when she's born however, Antwan said he'd be more than glad to assist me in taking care of her, I insisted no because that wasn't his responsibility but he actually genuinely wanted to do it which I also had no problem with. But all that was on my mind now was the birth of my child, graduation and then a nice suitable job.

Soon enough he turned off the game and turned around to face me, he kissed me and gave me that infamous smirk.

"Have you thought about any baby names yet?." He asked holding me in his lap while rubbing my stomach as I looked at my nails that needed a refill.

"I was thinking about Elora or even Camilla."
I suggested.

"Elora Reign Davis." He said smiling.

"Aww that's so cute I like it, and you really want to give her your last name?." I asked looking up at him.

"Of course, I'm 24 I ain't getting any younger."

I laughed and started to run my fingers through his beard.

"Baby I'm h-." I was saying but was cut off.

"Hungry?, yeah I could tell I felt her kicking and that's what you say almost every few hours." He said smiling.

I laughed as my eyes got wide. "That is not true." I defended my self while laughing. I got up waddling to my closet to get my coat on, and a few moments later we were both ready and on our way to Domino's pizza.

Look for updates on his jealousy & Mistress II .

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