By spidervinyl

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By spidervinyl

( my poor bby richie )

"YOU'RE CHEATING I SWEAR!" Ten year old Richie Tozier yelled at eleven year old Olivia Scott. Olivia just smirked back at him.

"Richie, you say that every time," Stanley Uris sighed in annoyance, "just give Ol your portion."

"That's cause she always cheats! C'mon, Ollie, where are you hiding the rest of your cards? In your shirt?" Richie started to look down her shirt which she pulled up, leaning back.

"I'm not cheating! And stop being such a perv. Now, pay up," Olivia smiled, and held out her hand. Richie rolled his eyes, taking his fifteen dollars and a Reeses candy bar and shoving it into Olivia's hand, who gladly took the money but gave the back the candy with a disgusted face. "I don't like chocolate."

"Seriously?" Eddie asked, "What's wrong with you?"

The losers club regularly met every week (usually at Bill Denbrough's house) to play games and bet all they had. Olivia had come up with the idea and tried to set up the first meeting at her house, but it ended in her mother cussing her out for not being the perfect, popular child she had wanted. Olivia cried and sent her friends home way earlier than she had planned. So they ended up mostly doing it at Bill's house in the cellar.

"I'm tired of Poker," Richie said, crossing his arms, "what else can we play?"

"I'm telling you, we need to play Dungeons and Dragons!" Olivia exclaimed.

"What is it with you and Dungeons and Dragons?" Richie sneered.

"Coming from the person who spends at least ten hours a week at the arcade," Eddie Kaspbrak said.

"Y-yeah, Richie, you can't talk," Bill defended.

"Hey, guys, don't gang up on me, Street Fighter is serious, okay?" Richie put up his hands in mock surrender.

"Come on, can we please just play Dungeons & Dragons already?" Olivia pleaded. "I used to be friends with this one kid named Lucas who played it all the time, until he moved away."

"Well, Lucas sounds like a major dweeb and it's probably best he moved away," Richie said, taking all the cards and shuffling them.

"We've been sitting at this table for five hours in Bill's basement playing card games while watching [insert stupid 80s tv show here] reruns. Do you really think he's the dweeb?"

The table was silent for a bit until Eddie shuffled a bit in his seat next to Richie. "Can you not sit so close? You're making me claustrophobic."

"What does claustrophobic mean?" Richie questioned to which Stan was about to answer, but Olivia spoke up first.

"It means he's afraid of Santa Claus," she stated matter-of-factly.

"A-actually, it m-means-" Bill was about to correct her, but then was interrupted by Richie.

"Ho ho ho!" he yelled in Eddie's face with a mischievous smile. Eddie sat there looking very uncomfortable, inching away from the obnoxious child next to him.

"Stop it, Richie, you're scaring him!" Olivia cried out, pulling him away from Eddie.

"You fucking idiots, claustrophobic means you get scared in a tight space! God, you people are fucking morons," Eddie rolled his eyes at them.

"Well, to be fair, Santa Claus is pretty scary," Olivia responded, crossing her arms.

"How is Santa Claus scary?" Stan asked.

"How is he not? I mean, he sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake? I'm getting major pedophile vibes."

"Maybe you're just a wimp."

"Maybe you're gonna get abducted one day cause you spent too much time relying on a fucking fatass who indulges on cookies to distract himself from the fact that his wife is getting some dick from one of his shrimpy little elves."

Stan and Olivia continued to argue until Eddie yelled out, "Okay! We're done here! My mom's probably waiting for me to come home now, I mean, it is Sunday and we have school tomorrow, so I'm gonna leave now."

"Same here." Olivia yawned and stretched, realising just how tired she actually was. "Bye losers." She started walking upstairs and opened the door.

"C-c-call me when you get home!" Bill yelled from downstairs.

Olivia grinned. "As you do!" she called back, and walked out the door with Eddie by her side.

They walked in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company when Eddie suddenly asked, "So what's going on between you and Bill?" Olivia was taken aback.

"What do you mean?" she said nonchalantly.

"Call me when you get home!" Eddie mocked Bill, then switched to a much higher voice to mock Olivia. "You know it, sweetheart! I love you so much, Billy Willy, mwah!" He proceeded to make kissy faces until Olivia playfully shoved him.

"Shut up!" she laughed, embarrassed. "What's going on with you and Richie?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he made a face.

She then decided to mock Eddie, "Oh, Richie! Can you not sit so close? You're making it almost impossible to resist you! We can't share our homoerotic love with the others just yet!"

"What the fuck, Ol?!" Eddie squeaked. "You seriously think I'm some gay fucker who'd stoop so low as to be in love with Richie Tozier?!" Olivia stayed silent with a big smile on her face. "Hey! What is that supposed to mean?!" She shrugged innocently, the smile never leaving her face.

"Let's just say you two have a lot of chemistry..."

"God, you're so fucking disgusting."


hi so uh i wrote this back in 2017 and i just downloaded wattpad again and i love this so i'm just gonna post it without editing it cause why not.

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