Sugar Daddy

By Mekzuri

872K 3.7K 818

This story is completed on my Google Docs! Josiah is a twenty year old boy look... More

2. Dinner and a Kiss
3. Wet Dreams [NSFW]

1. Online Catch

54K 1.3K 308
By Mekzuri

"Josiah, it's Friday night," my roommate yelled from behind the closed bathroom door. "You should come clubbing with us." I didn't pay her any attention as I kept typing away at my computer, "Josiah," she whined. "Come with us, it'll be fun. You might actually meet someone."

"No, I'm fine Tessa," I huffed out. She was already out the bathroom now and was slipping on one of her slim-fit dresses. I never understood the hype of clubs and parties, they're all the same, go dance, get drunk, get lucky sometimes.

"You're always on that damn computer, you need to get out and meet actual people. When was the last time you went out?"

"Remember I went to the store to pick you up a pregnancy test because-"

"That was years ago," she yelled. "Come get laid." I mocked her in my head as I kept searching the web. She always used the same speech whenever she wanted me to go out with her and her friends, but truthfully speaking, I didn't want to hang out with her dumbass friends.

I looked over just in time to catch her posing in the mirror. I looked at her short cut, brunette hair that hang just below her shoulders and sighed. We were total opposites; it was strange how we ended up being best friends. While she was loud and outgoing, I kept to myself and shied away from long eye contact. She rolled her hands down her dress, smoothing out the wrinkles caused from her unorganized drawer. Her deep brown eyes met mine, and for a second, I thought she was going to continue to harass me. "Got more to add?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Whatever," she mumbled gathering all her things. "You stay here and have your fun masturbating or whatever. I'll be back later tonight depending on if I find a hot guy or not." As she left out the front door of our apartment, I got up behind her to lock the door. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I made my way back to my chair and stopped.

I knew my lack of guys wasn't because of my looks, I was pretty cute if I'd say so myself. Hazel eyes, Caesar cut hair, and a nice body, I had the looks. The real reason was because I was picky. If a guy had one thing I didn't like, it just turned me away completely. I have to change, I thought as I stared at myself.

My computer made an interesting noise, pulling me out of my thoughts. It was the dating site that I signed up for a couple days ago. It was specifically made for older men to meet guys around my age, which I found very inviting. I'd had my fair share of men on this site, none of them excited me like this one though. I looked at the inbox from the man named Ryan, and the subject only read 'Hook up?'. I wasn't one for hookups, I found it to be very tacky and desperate. I knew I had my fair share of tearing down my friends for their one-night stands, but it looked as if I was about to have one of my own.

Tacky and desperate...

I clicked on the man's profile and scrolled through, looking at his information. Thirty-five, stocky build and his relationship status read single. He only had the required fields filled out; how did this man expect to get any play? I went back to his message and finally opened it. It took a while for it to load and once it finished, I realized why. It was a picture of him lying on his bed, legs wide with his hands behind his head.

I felt myself gasp as I stared at the picture. The man was beyond bulky, he was just the right size I often associated my dream men with. His eyes were icy blue, so clear it looked like he was right in front of me. Thirty looked good on him, aging definitely was in his favor. The hair over his body looked freshly trimmed, along with his facial and head hair. If I was desperate before, I had no words for what I was now.

I found myself reply to his inbox with a yes and a small smiley face. This was definitely a long shot trying to hang out with this man. I had no clue who he was or what the hell I was getting myself into. It didn't take long for him to reply back with his address, and I found myself smiling at my computer screen. I began thinking about the things I was getting ready to accomplish with this man, but I also started to realize how crazy some people were now-a-days. I knew the site had various types of verification, so I shouldn't be worrying about getting kidnapped. If that was the case, he probably wouldn't have given me an address that could be tracked back to him. Just as fast the haunting thoughts came, they faded my head and I got up to get ready.


It took me entirely too long to get ready. From the hour-long shower and twenty minutes I took to find clothes that probably would be ripped off as soon as I got to his house. As I sat in the back seat of the taxi, I tried my best to ease my nerves. A first time for everything, right? The ride was short, I had no idea he lived close to the university I was attending.

"Is this the house?"

I looked out of the window at the large house that he stopped in front of and I found myself nodding. "Yes?" I said not really knowing if it was or not.

"It'll be twenty," he said making eye contact through the mirror. I reached into my wallet and pulled out a twenty for him. I would have tipped if I had some extra cash, but being in college, I was forever broke. I quickly jumped out his cab before he could say anything and proceeded to the gate that was separating the sidewalk from his home.

I walked up the four steps that were connected to his porch, and rang the doorbell. He didn't take long to get to the door and once he opened it I felt myself become a little lightheaded. He looked even better than the picture. "Hey," I said trying to keep my eyes up at him. As hard as I tried, they kept drifting down to his exposed chest and loose pajama bottoms.

"You're cuter than the picture," he mumbled pulling me into his house. "You've got a cute name too, Josiah." The way my name slid off his tongue made goosebumps cover my entire body. He led me into his living room which looked to be furnished by someone who did it for a living. A lot of the things didn't look like he would choose them, starting with the floral decorated lamp that hid in the corner. He took a seat on his recliner and patted his thigh, "come sit." I was hesitant with his request at first but I nodded my head and gently lowered myself into his lap. "So, how are you?"

"I'm alright," I said trying not to seem too rigid in his arms. I wasn't too sure about this awkward meeting we had going on right now. I knew for a fact he wasn't wearing any underwear from the hard erection I felt pressed me, and I was impressed at how fast I was able to arouse him.

His hand slowly slid up my thigh and I wondered if this is how things always went. Was I just supposed to come in here and spread my legs for a couple hours and then go?

He cleared his throat and sat up a bit, "Do you want to strip for me?"

"I'm not much of a dancer," I mumbled trying to focus on where his hand was going. He stopped halfway to my crotch and the heat from his palm left my nerves on edge.

"I have a feeling you're new to this," he said with a small laugh.

"Pretty much," I said back trying to force a fake smile. "This is the first time I'm doing anything like this." I guess my words started to sink in and he looked shocked.

"Like, you're a virgin?"

I waited a minute, thinking of a way to respond. Would this be an awkward situation if I said no? I was already sitting in his lap with his boner trying to do a cavity search through our clothes. I looked back at him and I realized his features had dulled from the sexy lust look he had on his face when we first came in contact. "What if I say yes?"

"Well I won't force this on you," he said removing his hand off my thigh, "I'll just sit here and we can talk... or something." I secretly wanted to pull his hand back on my thigh, if not higher, and move on with this process.

"I'll leave if you want to call up another guy," I said getting up off his lap.

"No," he said pulling me back down on him, "we can talk, it'll be new for me too."

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