The Whitlock Girl (A One Dire...

By Sheeblelise

30.5K 676 132

Elegance. Wonderful. Lovely. Rich. These are all words to describe Lillian Whitlock, daughter to one of the m... More

The Whitlock Girl (A One Direction Fanfic)
Who are you?
Not Lady Like
Can you say awkkkkwaaarddddd?
Let Us Pretend
Under Control
Getting into a cab
To be, or not to be? That is the question.
Lillian Genvieve Whitlock and Blake William Carter
Paris. The City of Love.
Explanations and hearts breaking.
The Big Day(Part One)
The Big Day (Part Two)
Words Spoken Too Well
Mrs. Lillian Carter And Mr. Horan; Their seperate ways.
Author's Note


1.9K 44 9
By Sheeblelise

Lillian POV:

I had just read Niall's message when I entered the door to my house. The sound of my heartbeat pounded in my ears. Why did I feel so...perplexed? A lot of men had hit on me, even before I was with Blake. I wasn't that unattractive, and having all the money a person could want and need kept it that way.

What am I thinking? He's just being nice since he knows I have no plans.

Pausing, I saved the boy's names and numbers to my phone. When all was done, I sat my bag down on the table before crossing the foyer, and down the hall too the dining room.

"Mother?" I called out as I entered the room. Everything was as I left it, papers and pictures strewn about, yet my mother was nowhere to be found. Hmm. Oh well, probably on the phone or talking to Father somewhere.

Settling into the mahogoney chair, which creaked under my weight, I looked at everything before me. Everything a wedding needed...everything my wedding needed. Everything the wedding Blake and I needed. Not that he cares. Personally, I would rather have a nice, quiet wedding on a beach somewhere in the Bahamas, or Hawaii, but mother said a big wedding is what the public was looking for.

Funny, the public always seemed to demand everything from me. A huge sweet sixteenth birthday bash, one for eighteen too. They never eluded my life.I hated it.

Breathing in deeply, I made a decision that could affect my life for the best...or the worst.


Niall POV:

When we got back to the hotel, dozens of girls were lined outside. Security had to hold them back just so we could get inside. My ears were still ringing as we got into the lift.

"So, who else thought that Lillian girl was pretty fit?" Harry said as the doors slid close.

I watched as Zayn rolled his eyes, checking his hair in the reflection of the mirror that hung on the lift's wall, "Is that all you think about Harry? Besides, you can't go after her, she's engaged to another man. Off the lot for you."

Red flushed my cheeks, Yeah, an engaged woman.

"OOH! Is Niall blushin'?? I think he's got a crush on the bride to be!" Oh No..

"No Louis, it's just really hot in 'ere, that's all." I shot back, looking down to the ground, attempting to hide my face from the rest of the lads.

But Louis HAD to continue on, "Niall fancies Lillian! Niall fancies Lillian!" I could feel the tips of my ears burning at this point.

"Aye!", Harry interjected, "how much you wanna bet that if we asked Lillian who she fancied more she'd say me!"

All this time Liam stood in the corner, rubbing his temples, "We are SO not going to bet over an engaged woman. I repeat, engaged!"

The lift stopped, opening up to the eleventh floor, which we rented out. Everyone piled out, and I quickly rushed to my room so I wouldn't have to deal with dafts like Harry anymore.

Drawing my door key from my pocket, I slid it into the slot, and quickly entered the room, shutting the door behind me. Phew, getting some alone time would be nice. 

As I flopped down on my bed, I pulled out my phone, noticing I had a few new messages.

One was from my mum, saying she loved me, and one was from our hairstylist, reminding me to condition my hair if I wanted to keep it healthy. But when I saw who the last text was from, my heart skipped a beat. I silently prayed that it wasn't a rejection text.

From: Lilly(:

Sure. What did you have in mind?

Swiftly, I replied.

To: Lilly(:

Well I cant rlly go outside without a disguise on. U saw what happened earlier.

From: Lilly(:

Yeah, I don't know how my parents would feel if the press caught me out to dinner with a guy who's not my fiance..

Oh no...was she changing her mind?

To: Lilly(:

we could always go to a thrift store and get a disguise? Become totally diff ppl?

I squeezed my eyes shut until I heard the ring of a new text message, hoping she'd go for it.

From: Lilly(:

Perfect. I know one on twenty-seventh and George street. Meet me there at six?

"Yeah buddy!" I said, fist pumping the air. I knew it was wrong to be taking a engaged woman on a da- wait, what was thing? I did ask her to dinner? Probably just thinks it's as friends. That's cause that is what it was! I knew she didn't have I was just being friendly. Breathing in deeply, I sent a message back.

To: Lilly(:

Cya then!(:

I looked at the time and sighed. Only two and a half more hours to go.


Lillian POV:

I stood in front of the store, I'd never been inside, but passed it quite a few times. Dark glasses concealed my face, a trench coat wrapped around my body, my head covered by a hat. I was exhausted from spending the last two hours arguing over what was 'right' and 'perfect' for the wedding.

"Lillian Whitlock! Why are you hear?!" A deep, ugly voice cried out from behind me. I froze, waiting for the flash of a camera. My heart raced as I turned around, only to come face to face with a guy wearing a beige fedora, and an obviously fake mustache on his upper lip. I couldn't conceal my giggle.

"Whatt?" Niall cried, " I think the 'stache makes me look beautiful!"

I could only nod as I bent over in laughter. When I straightened back up, I had to wipe away a tear of laughter.

Regaining my composure, I pointed to the store, "Shall we?" Niall only smiled and walked ahead of me, opening the door, "After the lady, of course."

After trying on a few...well a lot of silly outfits, Niall and I finally chose a serious outfit.

I ended up in a faded yellow, v-cut shirt with a big smiley face across the front. Niall had found me a pair of black skinny jeans, which felt weird since I'd never worn a pair in my life, and a pair of old converse that smelled like cheap perfume. But hey, it worked. To top it off, I pulled my long, flowing hair into a messy bun, and slid my glasses on my face. I had slipped my Prada purse into a old, yet kinda cute, large bag we found stuffed inside a large bin of bags and purses.

Niall ended up in a classic white 'I heart NYC' shirt, baggy grey pants, but kept his red supras on. According to him, no one would notice. He ditched his old fedora and mustache, replacing it with a grey beanie and large shades.

I was sure lucky it was summer and the sun didn't go down till nine. 'Cause wearing shades at night would be ridiculous and tacky.

We shoved out clothes in an old backpack that Niall found, and was now on his back.

As I looked into the mirror, I couldn't help but laugh. "Niall, we look like tourists"

He just smiled and grabbed my hand, "Yeah, we do! Let's act like 'em too!"

I swear, these boys would tear my arm out of it's socket very soon if they kept doing that! Yet, as Niall and I ran out of the store, and down the street, I couldn't help but smile really huge. In all eighteen years of life, I never felt so free. Free of the public staring me down. Free of My parents and Blake's judgement. Free to be me. I felt like an ordinary girl..and that felt great.

We ran about four blocks when we finally stopped. Niall's hand was still in mine, and both of us were breathing in and out deeply.

"I don't think ive ever ran that much..." I stuttered between gasps of breath, "Ever."

"I don't think I've ever been so...hungry in my life." Niall stated as he stood straight, his hand gripping mine.

Cocking my eyebrow, I stood up with him, although my heart still felt like it was going to pump right out of my chest, "How are you hungry? You had like four muffins two hours ago at the coffee shop."

"Correction mate, it was three hours ago," With his free hand, he proudly held up three fingers. Rolling my eyes, and with my free hand, I playfully slapped him on the shoulder. Which, need I say, was so unlike me. Something about Niall was making me act so..abnormal.

With my breath finally caught, I looked up and down the street. People were milling around, some on the phone, some looking into shop windows, and others just simply walking. Cars honked all around us, and dozens of smells floated into our nostrils, some sweet...and some unflattering.

Turning my head back to Niall, I caught his gaze for a split second. Both of us looked the other way, and I quickly dropped his hand. Heat swept across my cheeks and tipped my ears in a split second. After a few awkward moments, Niall finally spoke up.

"So, uh, I think we passed a hot-dog stand a block back. Wanna double back and get one?"

When I looked up at him, a light pink was swept across his cheeks like blush, but a cheeky grin was plastered on his face, "hot-dog stand?" A questioning look across my face. Didn't he know how bad hot-dogs were for you?

"Yeah, a stand where hotdogs are sold? Usually a dollar or two." I arched my eyebrow at him, and gulped.

"I've actually...never eaten a hot-dog before."

Niall just stood there in disbelief, "You've got to be kiddin' me. Never eaten a hot-dog? You're an American!"

Crossing my arms over my chest, I looked up at him, "Well, when one is rich, you don't eat simple food as hot-dogs. "

All Niall did was laugh, a good, hardy one at that too, "Well c'mon then Lilly, we've got to get you a hot-dog," With that, he came behind me,pushed on my shoulders, and made me march on forward.

Niall got a hot-dog with everything on it, but got me a simple one to start off on. Just ketchup and mustard. Staring down at the greasy..slab of meat tucked between a warm, wheat bun. All of it nicely wrapped in foil.

Looking over at Niall, he had half of his scarfed down, a bit of relish on his chin. When he finally noticed I hadn't touched mine, he stopped eating.

"Well, go on. It aint gonna hurt you."

"How do I know if that man washed his hands??"

"Just eat it Lilly."




"Yessss." Niall whined.

"Whyyy?" I retorted.

"Because I paid for it and I said so!"

"Oh, because you said so I have to eat it? You sound just like my mother!" I looked down at the hot-dog once again.

Niall POV:

The look on her face was priceless, she actually looked scared. Eating the last few bites of mine, I walked over and tossed the foil into a nearby trashcan. Sauntering back over to her, I stopped and plucked the hot-dog from her hands, "Well, if you're not going to eat it, I sure will."

Lillian pouted, and I cracked a smile. As quick as I snatched it from her, she snatched it back. Sticking my tongue out at her, I was almost appalled when she stuck her tongue back out at me.

After a moment, she shrunk back, and I couldn't help but think how adorable she was. You know, I will still aloud to think a girl was attractive, even if she's taken, right? It doesn't make me a bad person. Besides, we're just here as friends. Not a date..friends.

Gulping, I took a step back, "Well, eat itttt." A whining tone in my voice.

Lillian looked like a scared puppy as she leaned in for the first bite, but as she chewed it, her face lit up like a candle. My eyebrows were arched as I waited for her to say something...anything. When I thought she was going to say something, she just smiled widely and took another bite.

"Told you so!", I exclaimed, yet she just let out a laugh of happiness after she swallowed.

Lillian looked at the hot-dog, at me, at the hot-dog, and all I could think about was kissing her. A little voice popped up in my head, it kinda reminded me of Liam, reminding me she was taken. Although right now she was dressed a whole new it didn't count..right? Bloody hell.

"You were right, I'll give you that. You know, I never thought I'd be here, with a famous boy band member, eating a hot-dog." A few people stared as Lillian spoke, but none of them really paid much attention to her, and went on with their day.

All I could do was smile.

Lillian POV:

Wrapping my soft comforter around me, I smiled, thinking about the days events. After the hot-dog, Niall and I ended up running around some more before finally stopping off at a bench, overlooking the statue of liberty.

I told him a little about me and my life. Who my friends were, how Blake and I met, etc. He told me about how he came to be One Direction. He even let me listen to a few songs he had downloaded onto his phone. I never really listened to much other then Mozart and Beethoven, but boy..the music was a little addicting. I'll have to make a point of it to go and get a copy of the album.

-buzzz buzzzz-

Looking to my left, I picked up my phone, I had two new messages.

One from Niall, and One from Blake.

From: Niall Horan

Just thought Id say sweet dreams!(:

From: Blake Carter

Hey! So, how about dinner tomorrow night? Promise I won't cancel! I love you, goodnight sweetie.

I am so screwed.

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