SKY RUNS RED [Solangelo At Ho...

Par solangelams

57.5K 2.1K 6K

Tones of ruby streak the sky and wash everyone's pale faces with a bloody tint. • • • • Will and Nico are p... Plus

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Par solangelams

Hello! Just a few things before this chapter starts:

- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DARLING BOY NICO!! This chapter isn't about his birthday as that doesn't really fit into my plot so I'm sorry, but I didn't forget and I love my bab!

- I am so so so so sorry about the wait and am planning to implement a new anti-procrastination technique. I'm going to write a paragraph everyday, which will majority of the time turn into a few so we'll see if that works.


!sorry if the format is weird I typed this on my laptop!

↠ Nico ↞

I rubbed my temples and whispered harsh curses to everything that caused this newfound dilemma. Will and I had been searching frantically for any solution to this entirely unwanted situation but came up empty handed, though all I could see when I looked at my hands were the scars inflicted from running around trying to solve hundreds of other problems like this. It wasn't fair, not in the slightest, but that wasn't a new revelation. After I fully understood what my life as a demigod would entail, after I grew out of my naivety, after Bianca was snatched from me like a rug pulled from underneath, I was aware that my life would be like that for it's entirety. What was hitting me hardest was I had allowed my guard to drop, allowed myself to hope at new friends, allowed myself to think that I'd be able to just be with Will. I'd allowed myself to fall back into step with my old mindset, the mindset that got my sister killed.

Terrified screams tore my fingers from my temples as they clutched my head, my ears ringing and my perception spinning, making Will drop to his knees from where he'd abruptly stood, and worriedly place his hand on my shoulder. I shook him off and scrambled to my feet, stumbling down the staircase shaking my head as I went, as if it would clear the vicious headache I'd contracted from my worried thinking and the cries from below.

When I reached the end of my precarious descent and finally located the source of all the pandemonium. Seeing the scene that unraveled in front of me jolted me out of my weird brain-funk, and I pushed through the crowd that had congregated around some pale faced second years I'd talked to a few times before.

I leant down and tried to get the boy who looked the least shaken up to tell me what was happening. I vaguely remembered his name as Tony but that really wasn't my main concern. Tony met my eyes and mumbled out a barely coherent sentence but it sent shivers along my cold skin.

"The- the sky. Look a- at the sk- sky."

I quickly spun on my heel, trusting Will was following my actions and thoughts and made my way through the puzzled group, having a growing weight at the bottom of my stomach as I rushed out of the common room. Taking the stairs two at a time, hearing the comforting echoes of Will's footsteps resound behind me, I located the nearest window in my mental map of the school and turned a sharp corner to get there.

When I did, everything collapsed in a way I knew would leave casualties. The window was floor length, and gave me an astounding view of something I wished wasn't so painfully beautiful. The sky was where my focus was, like Tony had shakily told me.

"Fucking dicktits."

The horror-inducing moment was broken by Will's vulgar exclamation. Although not even his endearing spin on cursing could deter my mind from the sky.

On the other side of the glass I stood before, was a streaky expanse of tones. Tones not usually found painting the atmosphere. Tones of blood. Tones of death. The sky was a torn canvas of reds, all clashing together to create something terrifyingly breathtaking, but what really told me that the fighting wasn't at an end was the blatant message hanging over my head.

"The sky will conquer."

Dark slashes seemed to create tears in the very world as they repeatedly ran across the canvas of bloody shades. The black rips that spelt the message caused me to turn to Will, with a myriad of questions racing through my mind, and a staggering amount of terrible answers chasing them.

Will, despite the dire circumstances still looked stunning. His face was tilted upwards and his tan skin had a tint of scarlet washing over him, highlighting his vibrant eyes that swirled with fear and uncertainty. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed and met my unsure gaze. He spoke cautiously, as though being too loud would cause the swirling colours above us to shatter and impale us with it's shards.

"I think we should probably tell Chiron, you know, this seems like something that classifies as an emergemcy, right?"

I hastily nodded and since my mind was too preoccupied with it's unwanted game of tag between questions and elusive answers, I motioned for Will to lead the way to the nearest bathroom. He cautiously grabbed my hand and as quickly as he could pulled me to the bathrooms so we could tell Chiron about whatever the hell was going on.

I rushed past him when we reached the bathroom, fishing a drachma out of my pocket and nodding at Will to set up a veil of mist so I could IM camp. He waved at me to go into a shower stall where he unlatched the nozzle and tampered a little with it, allowing it to be able to cater to our needs.

I inhaled, letting the cool bite of metal against my clammy palm ground me, before beginning to recite the prayer to Iris. Although, I was cut off by an unexpected slam of massive doors and two recognisable voices carried through the echo inducing room.

"Are you pissing about, Ron? The bloody sky turns all red and you need the bathroom?!"

"Yes, Harry, I am pissing about, that's why we're here. Just because something cool happens doesn't mean my bodily functions are just going to bloody stop."

I glanced at Will who wearily turned the tap off and slowly stepped out, signalling for me to duck into the next stall over so as to avoid any misinterpretations. Will strode over to Harry after washing his hands for appearances sake and immediately started talking about the sky, trying to see if Harry knew anything. I grudgingly emerged from my stall too, annoyed and worried that our Iris message got interrupted, as now the camp wouldn't know what was going on. Harry didn't notice me as I too washed my hands and hastily made my way over to the boys, not wanting to miss any possible information.

Harry jumped a bit as I joined the conversation with a hasty "hello" but soon clued me in. Him, Ron, and Hermione had decided to go to the library in search of any valuable information about the situation at hand.

"We always do research whenever something weird happens, it's a tradition at this point, but we almost always leave better off so it's definitely worth a visit. Do you want to come?"

I raised an eyebrow in question at Will and he flashed a strained smile at us.

"Yeah, we'll come."

"Wait what's happening? What did I miss? Someone clue the poor guy who needed to piss in!"

Continuer la Lecture

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