Blue Ice | Larry Stylinson

By purpledandeli0n

628K 21.3K 45.7K

❝Don't ever try to get near me! I don't wanna see you.❞ Harry had slurred in his face looking him in the eye... More



32.9K 984 2.3K
By purpledandeli0n

This chapter has it all in. Since it's the last one, I wanted everything to be included. It's one of the longest ones, and I wanted to make it special. I really hope you enjoy it.

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(Last Chapter)

After his father had left Harry had begun to shut down and start putting up walls again. It had taken Louis a lot of cuddling and whispering comforting words to gain his trust in Louis again. Eventually, they had talked more about what had happened.

Harry had felt the need to apologize again last night over and over, but Louis had assured him that everything was fine now. It didn't excuse Harry's past actions, but at least now Louis knows why Harry acted that way.

Louis had suffered for months, but Harry had endured that type of psychological abuse for years. It didn't give Harry the right to do the same to Louis, but for so long that was the only behaviour that Harry knew. You either hurt or get hurt was the motto he lived by.

Harry's cruel and rude personality was just a coping mechanism to deal with his childhood pain, thinking that he would never end up being the victim. Louis had taken his abuse without having to, and that made Harry realize that he didn't want to be that type of man again.

He had fallen victim to the deepest darkest recesses of his mind, and it took a lot of healing, trust and willpower to confront his father. Harry took the initiative to make a change and chose not to be that depressed and dark person any longer. Harry was brave enough to let Louis in. Harry wanted to prove to Louis that he wanted him in his life and that he trusted him more than he trusts in himself.

Harry owed Louis seven months of his life back for the pure psychological and emotional torture that he inflicted. He owed Louis mornings filled with love and encouragement and he owed him nights filled with passion and meaningful whispers.

Harry allowed Louis to see his vulnerable side, the one that his father saw as a sign of weakness and cowardice. He had embraced turning back to his childhood self, the kind and loving one. The one he had buried so deep within himself, he did all this just for Louis.

After their honeymoon, they had slept in Louis' room at his insistence, due to not wanting to sleep where Harry had slept with others if they wanted to start anew. The lover's room should only be shared by them and no one else.

That morning, Louis had dragged Harry into the bathroom to take a shower, rubbing his shoulders and washing his hair. Louis had started with a few innocent kisses over the width of Harry's shoulders, and things had escalated pretty quickly from there.

That's how he found himself, getting fucked against the shower wall, by his overly eager husband slamming into him. He tangled his fingers in Harry's hair, bringing his mouth close to his. Their kisses were sloppy and uncontrolled, Harry moving in him and Louis moaning in ecstasy.

"Oh, yeah...!" Louis chanted as his back collided against the tiled wall of the bathroom.

Harry was pounding into him hard and vigorously. He had Louis' thighs in his arms, planting kisses everywhere he could. The warm water cascading down his back, their bodies slightly covered with traces of soap suds.

Louis had his arms around Harry's neck, holding on tightly, his eyes closed shut. He inhaled deeply through his nose, the air punched out of him with each deep thrust.

He could feel Harry deep inside him, his length filling him in and brushing against his walls.

"You feel so good..." Harry groaned, fingers gripping his thighs harsher, light bruises probably already starting to show on his skin.

Louis just moaned a reply. He had missed having Harry inside of him. The first time, Harry was gentle and caring, assuring Louis that he was safe every second, showing him what it felt like to be taken by the one he loved most and who loved him back.

Harry was doing something similar, but this time his thrusts were harder and firmer. Harry was giving him the passion and wildness of sex.

He was mystified at how well Harry was standing, taking him wildly, but still steady and sure that he wouldn't drop Louis. Having sex in the shower, while the water was still running, probably wasn't the best idea they had, but he wasn't afraid. Harry made him feel safe and secure that he wouldn't harm him.

Louis had reached the point where he couldn't scream any longer, only small whimpers escaping his lips. He rested his head on Harry's shoulders, nails scratching Harry's skin.

The water trickled into Harry's eyes, but he wasn't going to stop what he was doing. Louis felt great, his soft skin and intoxicating smell. He was a compliant, shuddering mess in his arms, letting Harry do what he wanted to him.

He nuzzled Louis' hair and raised him up slightly making sure he had a firm hold on him. Louis' body obeyed with whatever Harry wanted. His whole body vibrated with pleasure.

Louis made grunting noises, as Harry continued his motions, His head fell back resting on the tile, mouth hanging open, toes curling. He felt that electric sensation enveloping his whole being, the hot feeling in his body exploding as he came without making a sound. The world looked beautiful for a few seconds as his length spurted all over their chests, covering their stomachs.

Harry's mouth latched on his throat, biting on his neck and then sliding to his sweet spot under his ear. Harry bit hard on his skin when he exploded inside of Louis, filling him up with come, his shaft shooting over and overcome. He smiled to himself knowing that this was another way to claim Louis as his and no else's.

They had wanted to wait a while before becoming intimate again, but after what happened yesterday, Louis had sensed that Harry needed the warmth of his body. Harry needed to feel loved and his gentle touch. Harry needed to clear his mind from ever going back into that black hole again, but Louis promised to catch him before he falls.

He had been tested a few days back, making sure they were okay to have sex without using condoms. Louis had loved their first time together with a condom; however, nothing felt better than Harry coming in him, making him feel full.

Panting against each other's skin, Harry put Louis down carefully. He placed kisses all over his face, brushed his hair off his forehead. Louis' feet wobbled and felt a bit numb from the unconventional way he was wrapped around Harry's torso.

"Thank you, baby," Harry said, turning Louis in the direction of the shower and started cleaning him up.

Louis smiled, "You don't have to thank me for sex, Harry. If it wasn't obvious," Louis pointed to their chests, "I quite enjoyed it too."

Harry raised his brow playfully, "Quite?"

"Okay, I totally loved it," Louis rolled his eyes, and Harry pinched his hip.

"Ouch, that hurts you giraffe," he splashed water in his husband's face. Harry stared at him fondly. He continued cleaning them both, noticing Louis' trembling limbs every so often.

It was early in the morning and they hadn't even had breakfast yet. Last night, being lost in their own world, they had forgotten to eat,

Louis tapped his shoulder, "Harry..." he raised his arms.

Harry smirked, "What?"

"Up." He stuck his tongue out, tapping his foot on the floor and fluttering his lashes.

Harry pursed his lips, "What makes you think I'll carry you?" He had an amused glint in his eyes. Louis knew that he was not serious about what he just said.

Louis rolled his eyes, "Shut up and carry me. You love to manhandle me. Besides, it's your fault. You've spoiled me now."

Without saying anything else, Harry grabbed him and carried him bridal style, walking into their room and placing Louis on the bed. Louis giggled and smirked at Harry for following his command. Harry wanted to take him again.

He cuddled closer to his husband, then an idea came to mind. Slowly, while keeping a blank face, he placed his hands on Louis' middle and started tickling him.

Louis let out a shriek, begging Harry to stop, but Harry kept tickling him and smiled while looking at Louis' face.

"I-I'll give you a-anything you want, just p-please stop!" Louis said breathlessly trying to grab Harry's hands to make him stop. The corners of his eyes were filled with tears, his stomach muscles hurting from laughing.

"Hm..." Harry thought, "What do you have to offer me?" He continued tickling while waiting for an answer.

"K-Kiss. I-I'll gives you a kiss."

"Just one? Sorry, but that won't do," Harry shook his head, despite Louis pleading for him to stop.


"I think you love being tickled, huh?" Harry started raising his hands to his side under his nipples, tickling him harder, feeling Louis' body vibrate under his.

"A-as much as you w-want. P-please Harry, please," Louis closed his eyes, grabbing Harry's wrist.

Harry stopped what he was doing, and kissed him with all he had, feeling Louis' mouth against his.

"I would've stopped at one kiss," Harry mumbled against his lips and shut him up again with his mouth.

"I would've offered to have sex again," Louis smiled when he heard Harry's breathe hitch. He wiggled his brows when Harry gave him a not-so-satisfied look, and then grabbed Harry's neck and kissed him again.

They kissed for a few more minutes, and then Harry rested his head on Louis' stomach. He was smiling rather foolishly at the room, feeling content with what he had, and thankful to God for permitting him to have all of it and enjoy his life.

"I couldn't stop thinking about your lips, since the first time I kissed you. Your mouth is like morphine; taking all the pain away from me and the ache in my heart, "Harry mumbled, knowing he could be opening a few old wounds again.

Louis hummed, a little grimace appearing on his face, "Then why did you make me feel like I was not good enough, that our marriage was a mistake?"

Harry shrugged, feeling guilty. He turned his head and look at his husband, "Because I was afraid, that you'd think that you had the upper hand, and start treating me like garbage."

"I would never have treated you like garbage."

"I know you didn't," Harry quickly add, "but my dad did the same thing to my mom when they first got married, and then he turned out to be a completely different human being as the years passed. He became vile, disrespectful, and hungry for power and money. I didn't want to end up the same as my mom."

Louis ran his fingers through Harry's curls, "Well, I am sure your mom suffered the first few years when she found out who your father truly was, but I don't think she isn't happy now. She has two great children..."

Harry snorted.

"Look, in her eyes you are great. Yes, you were an utter twat to me, but you always loved her, respected her and you were there for her when your father wasn't and Gemma was at uni. Gemma is a great kid too, she's happily married and has the most amazing daughter. I think, your father is the only loser here."

Harry furrowed his brows and looked at Louis, "How so?"

"Well," Louis gave him a half smile bopping his nose, "Your father will never feel accomplished. His greediness will eat him alive. He wasn't satisfied with having just a successful company, so he ordered you to marry me. Do you think he felt great then? Absolutely not, he still ordered you to take me on our honeymoon."

Louis sighed, "He probably wanted to control your mom too, but when she didn't let him he sought other women, and he still doesn't feel happy. He knows he will never, ever be happy. He's mad with having absolute control. Craves it."

Harry looked down, "And I gave it to him."

Louis raised Harry's head placing his finger under his chin, "You were a kid, you didn't know any better but you broke that cycle from ever happening twenty-four hours ago. That's why he was so angry and bitter. He may think you're weak, but you aren't. Some people spend an entire lifetime without facing their deepest fears, but you did. For you," Louis placed his hand on top of Harry's heart, "And for me too."

Harry smiled at him, revealing his dimples, and Louis knew it was genuine. He could see tears forming in Harry's eyes, but he quickly wiped them away, trying to push away the tears that up until now had been missing.

They had shed enough tears, painfully getting back on their feet with and without help. They needed each other now, and that was what mattered the most. It had been so hard for Louis to trust Harry again, but Harry was winning it back, slowly but surely; mending his wounds with love and compassion.

There will come a few times when Louis will question Harry's love, but then he thinks about everything that they had gone through. All the pain and heartache, suffering to try and mend each other's fractured soul must have meant that they were destined to be together.

Harry raised his head and kissed Louis's chest, a lingering peck just above Louis' heart, "I love you and everything about you, but mostly," Harry rubbed the spot that he kissed, "I love your heart. It has been so good to me." Harry gave it a kiss again, and then pecked Louis' lips, tasting the salty tears.

"When you took care of me that week after those bastards beat me," Harry broke the silence, "That's when you started chipping away at my soul. You got under my skin so quickly, there was nothing I could do about it."

"Why did you push me away then?" Louis asked quietly out of curiosity. He no longer hurt, since every scar on his heart vanished day by day.

"I couldn't understand how you could still take care of me when all I did was hurt you. I couldn't imagine someone being so sweet, caring, and thoughtful to someone who had been nothing but an absolute jerk. It frightened me to my very soul." Harry sighed, kissing the V-shape of Louis' throat.

Louis kissed his forehead, hugging him close against his body, no longer afraid to show Harry that he needed his warmth too. Harry's body engulfed him against his larger frame.

He didn't comment any further on what Harry said, he had gotten an explanation, about a lot of things that happened in his past. The fact that Harry most willingly gave him those answers was the greatest testament of them all.



"I've been thinking a lot about something, I think and also hope you'll agree with me on this," Harry looked him in his eyes.

Louis furrowed his brows, "You've been thinking about what?"

"I want to sell this house," Harry said in a breath, "Most of our memories here have been bad ones, filled with tears and resentment. I want to buy a new one, a bigger one. A house where we can build new memories, better ones. A home, where we can grow old with our kids."

Louis widened his eyes, his insides warm from what Harry said, "Kids?"

Harry sat up quickly, turning his back to him, "I mean if you want them. If you don't, it's okay."

Louis smiled at Harry's back in endearment. He loved how big and broad his shoulders are, but also saw how small he looked in moments like this.

"Harry," he placed his hand on Harry's shoulder, "I would love to have kids. It's just I never thought you would want to have one with me."

Harry smiled when he turned around to look at Louis, "One? I want as many as possible. I never thought I would want kids of my own either, but seeing you with Kathy has completely changed my mind. I want to be like you. I don't want my niece to hate me anymore," Harry pouted.

Louis chuckled shaking his head, "She doesn't hate you. You just haven't been able to find the proper way to approach her. She is part of your blood, of course, she'll love you as soon as you show that you want to be there for her and show her how much you care."

"You think?"

Louis shook his head again and kissed his shoulder, "I know."

Liam's birthday had come faster than they had expected. Liam had not found out yet about his friends' surprise, so everything was going according to plan.

Niall and Zayn made sure everything would go smoothly, checking every little detail. They discovered that a business partner of Harry's and Louis' owned a yacht and gave them permission to use it for the day.

It was sunny outside, the yacht still anchored to the dock, as the guests waited for Zayn to arrive with Liam. They had decorated the boat with white balloons and velvet streamers on the railings. Two long tables filled with all sorts of alcoholic beverages and appetizers were on each side of the deck.

A few of their acquaintances were dispersed throughout the yacht, a few were inside the cabin, some at the bow and others on deck. Niall was currently taking care of the music, advising the DJ on the type of music the man would play.

Dua was by his side, Niall's hand never leaving her waist. The couple radiated happiness. They were both wearing navy blue outfits that complemented each other, already looking like they had been together for at least twenty years.

Harry and Louis were on the bridge. Harry is showing him how the wheel and every function of the controls worked.

"So, the first thing you do is," Harry said as he tucked a strand of hair behind his ear with a light beer in his other hand, "push this button right here, and then you can take care of the wheel. Actually, the steering wheel of the boat is called a helm."

Louis looked thoughtful, taking in a number of buttons and numbers in front of him. His head was dizzy after Harry's whole explanation, and after listening to him talk for about five minutes, he had given up and decided to just nod in agreement and act as if he had understood everything Harry had just said.

"Where did you learn how to sail?" Louis asked, pushing his sunglasses further up his nose. He licked his lips absentmindedly and smiled when he saw Harry's eyes on them.

"Oh, my Uncle Jared taught me when I was a kid. He used to take me with him on his outings, that's when I fell in love with the sea. The way he was so patient with me, and the way he explained his love for the deep blue sea just stuck with me," Harry said looking at the view in front of them, placing his hands on top of the helm.

The day had just started the sea warm and looking calm. Harry smelled the light salty breeze, bringing him back to those childhood memories of the fun times he had sailing with his uncle. Making him feel like a kid again.

The best part now is he can share those memories with Louis. He would try to create new and memorable experiences, like these, to fill their lives with joy and happiness.

The couple talked some more, sharing memories and jokes looking at the sea in front of them. It was calm, the chattering of their friends surrounding them. More and more people were crowding the yacht as time passed, greeting Niall who stood at the top of the stairs to make sure everything was going smoothly.

A half-hour later, they heard Niall climbing the few steps to where they were. Harry took a sip from his beer, his arm placed on Louis' shoulders.

They didn't miss the slightly judgmental look Niall gave them, but after the stern look, Louis gave him, a hesitant smile crept on his face.

Louis's friends knew they should trust him more about his decisions. Louis and Harry were a couple, and everything they had gone through belonged to them and no one else. They knew that if Louis had been comfortable enough to share with them the true nature of his relationship a few months back, he was comfortable enough to tell them that he and his husband were good now and they were working on it.

"Zayn texted that they'll be here in about five minutes. If you can, please tell the others," Niall gave them a big grin while nodding his head.

Harry smiled back, just to show him that he understood where Niall was coming from and that he respected that he didn't trust Harry yet.

Niall went back to where he was and the Styles smiled at each other before they took the same route too. They informed a few people so they could go back on deck. A few moments later, Zayn's car came into view.

Liam was in the passenger seat, blindfolded and waiting anxiously for the surprise his boyfriend had prepared. He hadn't stopped asking Zayn where they were going and Zayn almost yelled at him in frustration.

Zayn helped Liam out of the car and silently shushed the guests by putting his finger in front of his lips. He gave Niall a bag with Liam's clothes for the party, because Liam was wearing a tux. Zayn tricked him into wearing proper attire to the event, to throw Liam off from the real surprise.

Zayn helped his boyfriend with the steps to the yacht and counted to three with his fingers before he untied the blindfold on Liam's face.

Liam looked on in shock, as he smiled when everyone shouted "Surprise!"

He stood in front of his guests speechless, without knowing who to thank first for taking their time to be there or accepting to be a part of the amazing get-together.

He decided to give a deep and passionate kiss to Zayn, because he had been the one behind the idea, and both of them laughed into their kiss when everybody cheered them on.

Louis and Harry both clapped, happy for Liam and feeling proud that they had been part of the idea, as well. They knew Liam deserved that and more. Liam didn't go and change immediately, deciding to greet all his guests first and thanking each one of them personally.

He gave Harry a hug and clapped his back and proceeded to thank him.

"Thank you so much, guys. I know Harry must've been the one to get the yacht for Zayn," Liam said after he hugged Louis too, standing in front of the couple.

Harry smiled at him, "Don't even mention it. If I could, I would have done so much more. You have always been there for me, so I had to do something to pay you back."

Louis rested his head on Harry's shoulder, "It's true, Liam. When everybody seemed to give up on us, you didn't. Harry told me everything and how much you wanted us to work out. When I felt alone and didn't know what to do, you were the only one who didn't give up on me, even though Harry was your best friend, so I know it must have been hard for you."

Louis' eyes were filled with tears, faking a wet laugh to hide them. He hated how easily he become so emotional, but Liam needed to hear what Louis had to say.

"I did only what I felt was right. You don't have to thank me. I am so very happy that you guys made it. I wish you both nothing but happiness. You've been sad and hurt for too long," Liam gave them both a hug.

"Happy birthday, and may all your wishes come true, brother," Harry said while Louis rubbed his hand on Liam's arm.

"Thank you so much once again, but I'm afraid I have to go and change or Zayn will not stop complaining," Liam laughed and the couple joined him too.

They waited for Liam to disappear inside of the cabin before they started talking to some of the guests. A few of them were employees of the firm but were friends with all three of them.

Finally, Liam came back wearing his clothes that Zayn picked out when a tapping sound from the mic was heard.

Niall was in the DJ booth, making sure the guests could hear him. They all winced when the mic gave some feedback, Niall quickly apologized for the horrific sound.

"Hello everybody, I'm Niall, the captain of this ship," he smiled.

"It's a yacht!" Zayn shouted, causing everybody to laugh.

Niall rolled his eyes, "It's the same thing! Jesus! Now, since we finally cleared it up that this can be called a yacht or a ship, Zayn, I'm happy that we managed to throw this epic birthday party for our friend Liam."

"Boyfriend!" Zayn shouted again.

"Our friend and Zayn's boyfriend, Liam," Niall quickly corrected letting out a huff, "Now, please enjoy yourselves and let's wish the happiest birthday to Liam!"

Everyone cheered, while Niall gave back the mic to the DJ and let him know to start playing the songs they had chosen. Everybody soon started to move around the vehicle and picked up from where they left their interrupted conversation.

Louis went to grab something to eat, since they had been there for a couple of hours. Harry followed him deciding to get something to eat, also.

They were in the middle of enjoying a few of the delicious appetizers when Harry suddenly stopped, and his eyes darkened at something he saw behind Louis.

Louis furrowed his brows in confusion and followed Harry's gaze behind him. He huffed his fringe away from his forehead when he understood why Harry had suddenly stopped.

Chuck had just stepped onto the yacht, wearing a loose white shirt with washed out jeans paired with black converse. He had rather big sunglasses on top of his had, clutching his phone in his right hand. He looked around the place, smiling from time to time seeing some familiar faces while he slowly walked around.

"What is he doing here?" Harry asked, his eyes never leaving Chuck's presence.

"I think he's here for the party, like you and I." Louis tried to joke unsuccessfully.

Harry pressed his lips into a thin line, "He's not a friend of Liam, so I don't know who invited him."

Louis nodded, "I think it must have been Niall or Zayn. Most probably Niall since Chuck is his boss."

"How can he come here when he knows like three people?"

Louis placed his hand on top of his, making Harry look at him, "Look," he said slowly, "He's a friend of mine and Niall. He's here for the party and is trying to enjoy himself. Do not make this uncomfortable for everyone."

"He's not your friend," Harry countered.

"Yes, he is," Louis spoke sternly, placing his plate on the table and crossing his arms, "I promised that to him when we spoke over the phone a few days ago. You heard it."

Harry bit the inside of his cheek, "I thought you just said that to him so he wouldn't be too hurt."

"No, I didn't," Louis raised his brow, "I didn't lie to him, nor am I lying to you now. I know it's hard for you to accept that, but you must that's all I ask."

"Do not ask me that," Harry sighed, and rubbed his index finger on top of his brow.

"I am asking you nicely because there is nothing you can do to stop me from being his friend. He doesn't deserve to never hear from me again. It's not right, and you know it!" Louis huffed, trying to even his voice so he wouldn't draw attention to their conversation.

"Louis..." Harry started, trying to come up with anything that would change his husband's mind, but Louis interrupted him.

"No," Louis softened his voice knowing he would not achieve anything by shouting, "Harry, come on. I made my decision. I chose you. If I didn't want to be with you, then I wouldn't be here with you right now by your side."

"He'll try and snatch you from me," Harry rolled his eyes.

Louis let out a laugh, "You're talking about him as if he is an eagle."

"He's a husband kisser. He kisses other people's husband. That's what he is," Harry huffed pursing his lips.

Louis tried pressing his lips together, hiding his laugh. The look on Harry's face was priceless a.

"You're mocking me," Harry faked his hurt placing his hand on his chest.

"Come on, you big baby. You'll be fine. You're stuck with me now, you did that to yourself," Louis gave him a hug, "Let's go say hi."

"But I don't want to," Harry pouted.

Louis placed his hands on his hips, tapping his foot on the pavement, "Either you come say hello with me or I'll go without you."

"Fiiine. Conniver," Harry grumbled placing his beverage on the table and then followed his husband.

He curled one arm around Louis' shoulder, gripping it hard while they walked.

"The only thing left for you to do to claim me now is to pee around me," Louis whispered as they walked in Chuck's direction.,

Harry faked a smile too, "If I have to I will." He let out an ouch when Louis elbowed him but quickly fixed his posture when they were in front of Chuck.

Chuck looked their way, politely ending the conversation with the acquaintance he was talking too. He smiled at Louis, not even sparing a look at Harry.

"Hello," he said going for a hug, but when he saw Harry wasn't letting Louis go, he stuck out his hand instead.

Louis took it, giving it a little shake, and greeted him back. He then looked at Harry, ordering Harry to speak with a stern look.

"Good afternoon Chuck," Harry nodded his way, his smile looking more like a grimace.

"Hi, how are you?" Chuck asked. He looked uncomfortable, and Louis couldn't blame him. Although this was a better alternative than trying to avoid Chuck for the entire party.

"We're fine, thank you. Niall invite you?"

"Yes, he did. I thought it would be impolite to not come, even if it's just for a few hours," Chuck smiled.

Louis nodded, "I think it was a great idea too for you to come."

Chuck nodded, then he exhaled looking around and then finally met Harry's eyes, "Look, maybe this is the worst time to bring this up, but I don't know if I'll have the chance to see you again."

"Say it," Harry said the same time Louis replied, "Of course we will see each other again."

Chuck snickered, "Louis told me about his decision and I have nothing left to do but respect it, even though I don't agree with him."

"Your opinion to us does not matter," Harry fake smiled.

Chuck nodded, "Maybe not to you, but Louis is my friend. I know that you know we shared a kiss, but that's all. I liked him, I really did, but I cannot force my feelings on to someone who doesn't feel the same about me. I hope you know, Harry, how lucky you are. Cherish and love him as much as you can, because people like Louis don't come around often."

Harry started feeling bad after that. He didn't blame himself for being too protective of Louis around Chuck, but as much as he hated to admit it, Chuck was a good man. He could have used his kiss with Louis to make Harry jealous and persuade Louis to leave him. He could have pushed Louis away, calling him hurtful negative words, but he ended up supporting him. Why couldn't he be evil, so Harry could hate him easily and punch him just once?

He nodded and gave Chuck a genuine smile, "I can't believe I am saying this, but thank you. I genuinely appreciate it. I know it must have been hard for you to say this to me. I know Louis is a rare find, and I promise I'll always take care of him."

He shook Chuck's hand, while Louis gave him a hug. He felt better as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Without adding anything further, they continued enjoying the party and being around one another.

Everything went well after that, and they could easily consider it one of the happiest days of their lives. The day went on pleasantly, everyone wishing the day could be longer.

They sang Liam 'happy birthday' while he blew out the candles and said that he had nothing to wish for since he felt happy the way he is now.

As the evening wore down the other guests had left the yacht while Niall, Dua, Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Harry had decided to stay the night there. The yacht was big enough to accommodate them all, so it was an easy decision to make.

The three couples had separated to find their own corner for some much-needed privacy.

Louis and Harry were on the deck, sitting on the soft white couch, their feet resting on the railings. Louis was in between Harry's legs, laying back on Harry's chest.

Harry had loosely curled his arms around Louis, kissing his husband's forehead from time to time.

"Remember our first date?" Harry asked while watching the yellowish sunset in front of them. It was surrounded by a deep orange and a dark blue sky, Soon the night would take over. The first star of the evening had made its presence known in the night sky above them.

Louis hummed, his eyes closed feeling everything that surrounded him, while Harry gently rocked their bodies to the splashing waves against the ship.

"You asked me what my fondest memory was," Harry said to Louis.

"I did."

"Ask me again."

"What is your fondest memory, Harry?" Louis repeated.

Harry kissed his forehead, before answering, "The warm blue of your eyes the morning we woke up together in Santorini."

Louis smiled at the view in front of him and then turned his head seeking Harry's lips. Harry met him halfway, connecting their mouths in a sweet and tender kiss.

"What made you change your mind about us? I mean, what made you think that you wanted to change our situation and be with me?" Louis asked as he looked at the view in front of him again.

"I couldn't stand the way you looked at me. Your eyes reflected the hurt I had caused you, and the colour of them changed."

"How so?" Louis furrowed his brows.

Harry thought about it for a few seconds, trying to come up with a way to explain it better.

"They weren't the same vibrant blue they used to be. They turned into a cold, dull colour; Like ice. Blue ice."

Louis grabbed one of Harry's hands into his and kissed the inside of it, his lips warm against Harry's slightly cooler skin.

"I love you," he whispered against it, and he felt the vibration of Harry's chest from the intake of breath Harry took.

"I love you too. Remember, I love your heart more," Harry kissed his head, inhaling the sweet scent of home.

"We will work it out, right?"

"I'm sure we will. We will be just fine."



Hello my beautiful readers!

As you may know and obviously see this is the end of this story.

I want to thank all of you who supported it and made my day with your lovely comments and messages.

I hope with all my heart that you enjoyed this last chapter. I literally took a deep breath as I typed the last final letters for this one.

It has been a beautiful adventure writing and sharing this story with you for the past seven months.

You can also check my other books:
The Wrath of the Emerald Eyes (complete)
• As Sweet As You Are (complete)
• Don't forget to remember me (complete)
• Fragrance (ongoing)

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