Short Stories

By EmilyIsAnEmu

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I love writing short stories because they get the general ideas out for people to interpret on their own. And... More

The Travelers
The Whisperers
How I Want To Leave
Why She Never Speaks Part 1
Dear Butterfly,
Good Mother
The Wise Owl

The Haunter & The Haunted Part 1

3 0 0
By EmilyIsAnEmu

Dear diary,

I am writing to you now because...well because I saw a ghost. Not a hallucination or a figment of imagination...but a reality. Life. Ghost.

I first saw a cup move straight from the counter and into the air like the drink was being sipped in mid-air. Then, as soon as whatever was holding the cup saw me, the cup dropped to the ground, shattering like a porcelain doll just being thrown across the room and into a wall. Funny description, I know. That's just how I saw it.

The next day, as I walked into the bathroom, I saw the water running and thought that my dad had just left it on. Silly dad, I thought. However, whenever I went to turn it off, I heard a squeal of embarrassment like what a small child would sound like.

At first, I thought this must be some kind of a joke because I definitely did not believe in ghosts. Furthermore, my parents would totally do something like this. Only, when I asked them about it, they just told me that they weren't doing anything and that I needed to stop daydreaming. And even though my parents are capable of pulling a prank like this off, they wouldn't lie to me and make me feel crazy on purpose. Or would they?

Today was very different from the past few days...because today, as I was just beginning to succumb to sleep, I heard a faint, slow knocking on my door. As I've already said, I don't believe in ghosts, but when I opened the door...

"Come play with me!" I saw a young girl with a pink lace dress and long pigtail braids. Oh, I must be dreaming already, I thought with a start. I decided I would play along with this dream and follow the girl who was now giggling and skipping down the hall towards my parent's room.

"Shhh! Don't wake them!" I whispered loudly. All the girl did in response was let out another few giggles.

She disappeared through the door and I followed, opening the door with a small creak. I saw my parents snoring their lungs away whilst the little girl simply nodded towards their alarm clock, which said it was 10:30 PM. Weird, I thought that I was just falling asleep a few minutes earlier... I sighed inwardly.

To be continued...

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