HuntsVille: Arms Of The Alpha

By bella0803

487 17 3

Taylor May Atkinson, is a highly intelligent girl who's mother is blaming her for the death of her father. Ta... More

~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~

~Chapter 1~

91 3 0
By bella0803

Sitting in the car with my mother was worse than watching Nightmare on Elm Street. Scrap that, it was like I was in the movie myself. My mother didn’t spare a glance at me so I focused my gaze out the window watching different shades of brown and green pass in a flicker.

“Tree...Tree...Another Tree”

“Enough Taylor” My mother hissed.

“Oh look!” I exaggerated, pointing out the windshield “It’s a...bigger tree”

“Taylor” She snapped, glaring at me and turning the radio up to “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen and started singing along, avoiding looking at me, yet again. I and My mother used to have a close relationship; we would often go to the park every Saturday then go to my uncle’s ice cream parlour just down the road. It was your typical mother-daughter relationship, but that all changed within a month. How time flies eh?

An hour and a half later we approached a small town; it looked completely deserted as though no one actually lived there. It reminded me of this movie I once watched where  a group of kids move to this town which is completely deserted and about 5 minutes later they find the town is actually descended with Zombie’s and they are the only ones left. I think I was now in that situation, and I had my mother to protect me...yay!

A couple more blocks and the University came view, it was modern to say the least, and was surrounded by big black gates, protective much? My mother pulled up and talked to the man sitting in a big shed placed just before the gates and they opened up slowly. My mum said her thanks and started driving, following the turn into the car park.

 There were several cars parked which surprised me, many were cheap and tatty but there was a few at the very end of the car park glistening all in their glory, there were two sleek BMW’s, a  motorbike, and sat tightly in the corner was a blood red porshe. I felt my jaw hit the floor.

I jumped out the car quicker than you could say “bell bopper” and raced to the rear end of the car, popped the boot and lifted one of my suitcases out onto the ground, my mum joined me and grabbed the other suitcase and my duffel bag and shut the boot, and we turned around...and were lost already.

“Can I help you?” a voice appeared, breaking the silence. I turned and looked to see a petite girl around 5foot 2 stroll over, she had piercing red hair and was wearing a green strap top, with jeans that were ripped at the knees with some white sneakers. She gave a small smile as she stood in front of us.

“Yeah, I’m looking for the dorm rooms?” I asked.

“I’ll show you where they are, would you like me to take the bags for you Mam?” she asked glancing at the suitcase and duffel bag my mum was holding.

My mother handed the girl my bags. “Oh yes please dear, I best be making a move, be on your best behaviour, no drugs, alcohol or smoking. I’m expecting you’re usual grades” she ordered and stormed off to the front of the car and got in. We moved out the way as she reversed and drove off. Nice! I thought, not even a goodbye!

I turned around to the girl stood next to me and held out my hand “Sorry, I’m Taylor”

She took my hand and shook it, smiling “Sasha. Come on, I’ll show you you’re room.” She turned on her heel and off towards a building on the far side, so I followed in pursuit.

“So...who are the people to dodge the bullet around here?”

She chuckled and shook her head “Well there’s the queen bee. So I’ll start with her avoid her at all costs even if you’re dying out bleeding , she’ll just push the dagger in further. So avoid. You’ll most likely find her with the rich kids and around campus. So just look for hot jocks and there’s the girl”. She chuckled “You’re safe in the science department; it will blow her ego to be caught in there.”

Chuckling along with her “Okay check, whose the next batter?” giving her a quizzical look.

“Well it’s your typical jocks and players. They’re everywhere, I actually thought they were becoming the new plague” she sneered, and I chuckled at her reaction.

“I’ll keep that in mind...I’m getting a robbery alarm” I implied, making her chuckle again.

We made it through the doors and lifting my suitcases up the stairs was a nightmare! She eventually struggled up to the last floor! Damn, who decided to put me on the top floor! I gently put my suitcase down and dug in my bag to find my room card. I slotted it in after catching my breath and opened the door.  Stepping inside was like walking straight into Dracula’s lair.

“Oh” I breathed out, as I took in the side of my roommate stuff. Her walls were painted in black, and her bed and netting was all covered in black to with the same coloured rug perched in the middle of her part of the room. There was a photo frame on her desk, which was of a girl with shiny black hair pulled up into a ponytail and green eyes which were covered in a thick mass of eyeliner with cherry red lipstick.  

I glanced around as Sasha’s expression was flat out shocked. “I’ve never met a Goth” she muttered almost to herself.

“Neither have I” I replied as I sucked in a breath.

She shook her head and chuckled. “Right, I’ve got class so I have to head off, but after maybe we could hang out, show you around the town?”

I shook my head “Sure, sounds great” I replied as she turned on her heel and left, leaving me alone.

I shifted my suitcase over to my drawers and started pulling my underwear out and sorting them into my drawers, I jumped when my phone started blaring out “We Won’t back down” by Escape the Fate, and shifted to get my phone out of my jeans pocket, I stared at it, and huffed.

Taylor, babe I’m sorry it was a mistake I didn’t intend to hurt you. I love you and miss you-Garrett xx

Uh huh? I thought sarcastically because slipping a knife in someone’s back is really pain free, Jerk! I put my phone back down on the floor next to me and stalked over and put my stereo on the drawers, going through my suitcase I grabbed a CD and inserted it into the stereo, and dropped back to the floor, proceeding with putting my clothing in the drawers, two minutes later my phone went off again.

Babe please, just let me explain what happened; it really meant nothing to me, please stop ignoring me : -( -Garrett xxx

Sighing I turned my phone off and placed it back on the floor, and carried on. After I had finished putting my clothes away and sorting the rest of my luggage the song “Zombie Dance” Blared out and I squealed in excitement. I glanced at the hairbrush placed on my dresser. Hell no one’s here I thought, grabbed it and jumped on the bed.

I started singing at the top of my lungs using my hairbrush as a microphone, jumping and fist pumping the air, dancing like I had just taken drugs and carried on until my muscles ached and my heart beat was racing...and the fact that I heard the little beep of a camera. Crap.

I stopped jumping, dropping the hairbrush almost instantly and turned to face my intruder.

“Now I’ve seen everything” a high pitched voice muttered.

“You did not just witness that!” I shrieked, a blush growing on my cheeks and down my neck.

Sasha smirked “You’ll be pleased to find-I did”

I glanced at the camera that was being waved in front of her face “You didn’t-“

Cutting me off she laughed “Videoed and recorded” waving her pink phone again.

I jumped down from the bed and turned my stereo of and grabbed my phone from the floor and headed to get my shoes as she waited patiently by the door. We made our way out down the staircase, through the doors and across the car park as we made our exit out the gate.

“Have you met your roommate yet” She questioned as she kicked a stone across the path as we walked.

“Nope” I said popping the ‘P’ “I’m grateful, because if she walked in instead of you that would have made a fantastic first impression” I shuddered and laughed. “Hey, you must be my new roomie...What.The.Hell?! I shrieked the last part and put my hand over my mouth.

She laughed. “Uh.Hi, I’m Taylor-You’re roommate. This is awkward huh?” she impersonated me in a high pitched girly-girl voice making me laugh.

We made our way around the town within about twenty minutes and were wondering by a house-scrap that it looked like a frickin mansion! The bricks were a fine shade of red and it had a stream running down the side from what I could see. There were no cars around but I suspected they were in a garage somewhere. I was curious but didn’t ask.

We finally made it and went to the Ice-cream shop around the corner from the university. As we entered the door bell rang and we went up to take our orders. I ordered a raspberry ripple ice cream-my favourite while Sasha had a mint choc chip, we walked over and sat at the booth placed by the window.

“So, I’m curious, how old are you? Sorry” she asked fiddling with the bands on her wrist.

I simply shrugged “16”

“What!?” she shrieked, scraping her chair back as she jumped up, immediately sitting down as other customers looked at her, confusion clear on their faces.  

She raised her eyebrow, “Well if you’re 16, how the hell are you in university.”

“Early placement, my friend” I chuckled at her reaction.

“Well you must be a one heck of a frickin miracle genius then” she supplied and I just nodded. I looked up to see Sasha being moved over by a muscular guy wearing a blue hoody with white straps dangling down. I was about to the call the cops when I heard them my sceptical expression. “Hey Jayden, hey Hayden”.

I looked across to see another boy wearing a red hoody with straps dangling from the side like the other boy and I moved over making room, he nodded in what I guessed was appreciation and placed myself next to the Window as he took the seat next to me.

I scanned over the boy next to Sasha, he had emerald green eyes kind of like Sasha’s but lighter with light brown hair that was cut at the nape and the fringe had a small black highlight down the front. To my surprise he was actually, really...attractive.

Looking over to the boy in the red, I noticed one thing. He looked Identical to the hot guy sat opposite.

“This is Jayden” Sasha interrupted, pointing to the boy next to her who stuck his hand out: in which I shook and gave him a small smile.  She pointed over to the other boy “This is Hayden” I shook his hand as well. “And their identical twins” she smiled brightly watching my reaction.

They all chuckled at me as I felt myself turning red, “boys Meet Taylor”

“Hi” They said in Unison. Oh god! Twins were my worst nightmare! I could never tell them apart!

As if reading my thoughts Jayden smiled and said “its okay, if you can’t tell us apart just look for a lip ring, Hayden is the one that has it”

I smiled at them both and the waitress brought over our ice cream, and placed it in front of us. I grabbed my spoon and started eating like a homeless mad man, well women.

As I was just about to dunk my spoon in, Hayden’s hand quickly swabbed at my ice cream, as I pathetically attempted to swat his hand away, he stuck his finger in his mouth.

“Hayden” I shrieked as he attempted to get my ice-cream again, missing him miserably again. “Do you mind?”

He smirked “No, do you?”

“Yes, you could have coogies for all I know!”  Instead of swatting at his hand as he laughed, I decided to use my strong point. I bite him on the finger.

“Ouch” he squealed pulling his hand back like it had just been put in hot lava. “You bit me” he said putting his hand over his heart, mocking being hurt.

I turned and winked at him, hearing Jayden and Sasha’s chuckle “No, my Ice cream did. You know you could just go get a spoon instead of getting your dirty fingers in it” I smirked back at him.

“My fingers aren’t dirty, I licked them clean”

“Great now coogie man could possibly have rabies” I faked shuddering only to hear him laugh. He got up and walked back over, with a spoon in his hand and sat back down next to me and started helping me demolish my ice cream.

“So Taylor where you from” Hayden asked, looking up at me. I noticed he was more the outgoing and talkative brother while Jayden was the shy one.

“Camden Town, a few hours from here” I replied

“I heard it’s a nice place there” Sasha said interjecting in the conversation as well.

“It’s alright I suppose” I replied no really wanting to talk about home, I was just glad to get out so I didn’t have to face Garrett...

“Excuse me, I have to use the bathroom” I said, smiling politely as Hayden stood up and let me slip out. I found the toilets by the counter to the side and went into the cubicle, slipping out my phone and turning it back on. After a moment it buzzed telling me it was on, and it buzzed again...And again. I looked down at the screen, 16 new messages, all from Garrett.

I sighed going through them all consisting of the same thing.

Taylor, I love you. Come back home

Babe, she doesn’t mean anything to me.

Babe. I miss you, stop ignoring me.

Damn right, that’s exactly what I’m going to do Bubba! I will just keep on *accidently* on purpose ignoring you Jackass! I thought. A knock sounded through the cubicle door and I cleared my throat.


“Taylor, open up.” Not wanting to argue with Sasha, I opened the door and stepped outside. She grabbed my phone and looked at the messages from Garrett and she got a smug expression tugging at her face.  

She grabbed my hand and led me back to where the boys were waiting and she passed Jayden my phone. He smiled as he read them and then started tapping on the touch screen.

Oh God! This can’t be good!

I looked over to Hayden who was wearing the same expression as his brother. Definitely not good!  

Jayden passed my phone back over to me and I scrolled through my sent messages and laughed at what Jayden had sent.

Asshole, this is Jayden-Taylor’s new boyfriend so look here: have you ever heard of the song “Fuck you” by Cee Lo Green, well listen to it because it “ignoring” is what happens when someone doesn’t want to see or speak to a certain someone-you.  So by Ignoring Taylor is telling a certain someone-you- to leave her alone .So please do it before I get involved.

Hugs and Kisses ;)

Sincerely Jayden.

I laughed so hard I snorted.

“Hugs and Kisses?” I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

“Yup, I was being polite”

We all made our way out of the Ice cream shop, laughing and joking. The sun was setting down into an orange, pink and yellow landscape reflecting of the buildings as we made our way into the campus. We gave the twins hug- I was amazed at how quickly we got along, personally I didn’t think I was going to have any friends because of my age, though I was proved wrong. Hayden and Jayden left to go to their dorm room. Leaving me and Sasha walked up the dorm stairs, while the sun was setting.

“I’ll meet you tomorrow so you can get your schedule?”


“I’ll meet you outside your room” Sasha smirked then added “Have fun with your Roomie!” and turned off at her door.

I laughed as I walked up the stairs, catching my toe and falling up the stairs. I cursed under my breath softly as I held my toe as it throbbed. After a few moments I stood back up grimacing, as I walked the last few steps. I inserted my card into the slot and entered, only to be presented with my new roomie.

Her hair was pulled back into two piggy tales and was dangling down her shoulders; her eyes were heavy with make-up, covered in black and she was wearing black lipstick as well. Her clothing scared me, she was wearing a net top over another top and guess what that colour was? You got it – Black, she was wearing fishnet tights and a purple puffy skirt blocking of some of the black.

I had been in the same room as the girl for less than 10 seconds and she scared the jaheebies out of me, literally.

Taking a shaky breath, I held out my hand “I’m Taylor” I said just as my phone went off.

She shook my hand firmly and shook, “I’m Ebony” she said, again my mouth hit the floor you could fit an arctic truck in it. No duh! I thought, but I don’t think now was the time to start cracking jokes as she glared at me. Poop.

“Sorry, it’s nice to meet you” I implied giving her my winning smile.

“It’s okay, I get that a lot” she said, and giggled herself. It wasn’t overly threatening like I thought it would be, it was welcoming; child-like in a way.

“I would be careful though, you wouldn’t want to be out there after dark. It’s dangerous”

I raised an eyebrow “Like most places are at night time”

“No, here it’s worse. I don’t want to find my roomie dead by the end of the week with her body drained of blood. Trust me, it’s not the first time it’s happened” I was waiting for the “Kidding” at the end but it never came. I was waiting for the “happy early April Fool’s day” that also never came but part of what she said was the one thing that caught my attention. You can’t leave a body completely drained of blood, can you? Better to ask, I thought.

“Drained of blood?”

“Yeah, you know Vampires” I laughed, I didn’t intend to, but she sounded so nuts.

Her expression was serious, making my laughter worse. “Huh uh, great I’m living with Dracula’s wife herself” I cracked.

“I’m serious” she continued, her voice guarded. “People go missing in this town; their life’s sucked away by vampires. There’s bodies are never found unless the vampire’s sloppy”.

“Yeah he drank too much and got bloated” I chuckled, grabbing my Pj’s – which consisted of a tank top and some shorts and went into the bathroom and got changed. When I came back she was sat on her sofa across her room. But what struck me was she didn’t have a bed.

“Where’s your bed?” I asked, slightly curious.

She shrugged “I don’t have one”

“Then where do you sleep?”  

She got up and picked up a sheet that was....oh holey moley, lord bless the Virgin Mary!

“You sleep in a coffin!” I screeched, trying to fight the bubbling laughter wanting to escape. She just gave me a sour look. “Sorry”

“Look just consider what I said, don’t go out after dark, unless you have protection, otherwise you’ll become a walking snack shack”

“Protection from who, Dracula himself” I choked, looking away.

“No from the Werewolves. A vampire can’t touch if you have protection, but sometimes protection doesn’t always seem to work. Just think it through okay?”

“Sure” I muttered, lying back down on my bed while my phone lighted up saying it was charging.

I checked my messages saying I had two: one from Sasha the other from Garrett. I deleted Garrett’s not even bothering to read it and clicked on Sasha’s.

How’s the roomie? ;)

I replied back instantly. You haven’t seen everything just yet.  

I put my phone back and Shut my eyes, waiting for tomorrow. 

Picture of what the twins should look like -->

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