Team Fortress Story

By ChristoffRed

5.2K 83 60

I published this a while ago but created new account since I haven't been on for some time. Please enjoy. Lot... More

Tf2 - Part 1
Tf2 - Part 2
Tf2 - Part 3
Tf2 - Part 4
Tf2 - Part 5
Tf2 - Part 6
Tf2 - Part 7
Tf2 - Part 9
Tf2 - Part 10
Tf2 - Part 11
Tf2 - Part 12
Tf2 - Part 13
Tf2 - Part 14

Tf2 - Part 8

209 5 0
By ChristoffRed

Once you counted down to zero, you immediately heard gunfire building up from the outside of your hiding spot. You jumped, even though you knew something was going to happen once you reached zero. There are cries of insults and yelling from everyone. But you couldn't quite make out what they were saying because you were too busy feeling scared and tense. Facing towards the bushes in front of you, you take a step back only to feel something pushed against your back. You try to scream but a gloved hand covers your mouth, and the other hand holds your arms behind your back. You could only get out a muffled yelp. Dropping your gun.
'Shhh... Scream and I'll make your death painful.' You hear the whisper of a French voice to your ear. Your eyes widen and you look down at the glove to your mouth. It is red. Definitely a Red Spy.
'You're a Red!' You manage to say pulling your head over the gloved hand. Unable to do more to escape.
'Yes... I am.' The Red Spy says in an "obviously" tone, sounding annoyed.
'Let me go.' You demand starting to breath faster of panic and alarm. The last thing you want is to die on your first battle at Fortress.
'Umm... No. But I am a gentleman... So I'll kill you quickly.' He says turning you around, still having his front on your back, with a hand covering your mouth, and a hand holding back your arms. The Red Spy starts walking forwards out of the hiding area, and over to a small cave. It is dimly lit by golden sun rays. He stops at the doorway and throws you in. Shuffling on the floor, you try to quickly run, but a revolver was placed to your head from above.
'Stay still now... I want to get a perfect shot.' The Red Spy smiles and clicks back the revolver. Your eyes widen more knowing there is no way this could happen, not this early. You karate chop his leg making him fall to the ground, he makes an "oof" once he hits the hard stone floor. He has surprisingly thin legs. You quickly pick up his revolver and aim it at him, standing a step away not wanting him to do something like that. The Red Spy flinches and raises his hands. Then he stops and looks up, smiling... More like a creepy grin.
'What?!' You yell at the Red Spy, grasping the gun tighter.
'It's just that I 'ave never seen you before. What is your name?' He asks questioningly. He continues making that grin at you, making you feel a little uncomfortable. But you thought you might as well tell him, he's going to die anyway.
'I'm Selena, I've just joined the Blu team.' You reply in a strong voice, not wanting to sound weak around this enemy team member.
'That was an impressive move, mon ami.' The Red Spy said as he got up and dusted his suit off, looking back up at you with that grin, he raises an eyebrow. You clutch the gun tighter with both hands in the hopes you would look threatening. 'Oh come on. We're just getting to know each other!' He said as he took a few steps forward until he felt the gun pressed against his chest.
'But you're an enemy Spy!' You scold at him looking angry.
'We can still be friends! What do you say?' He puts his arms out beside him in a hugging manner. You narrow your eyes.
'How about hell no.' You pull the trigger. But before it hit him, the Spy vanished. Presumably turning invisible. The bullet clangs on the wall of the small cave and flew right past your face, feeling the air against your skin. You lower the gun and look around for him. 'We will try this again some other time, then.' The Spy said from behind you. You spin and throw up the gun, but he was still invisible. You lower the gun and catch your breath, realising he must have left the cave. You stuff the gun into your pocket and turn around, looking on the ground for the gun Sniper gave you. You see it and pick it up, inspecting it. Then you hear a voice out of a loudspeaker which made you jump.
'30 seconds remaining.' You turn around and realise that must have been the "administrator". The woman who works for both teams on the company. That session you had with the Red Spy must have taken a bit longer than you thought. You run out of the cave and jumped into your hiding spot behind the bushes. You take a deep breath and heighten the pistol Sniper gave you. You jolt forward, but a strong hand from behind you grabbed your shoulder. You make a small scream, turn around quickly, and press the gun against the intruders chest. But you realise it was that Medic guy. His face turns alarmed and he throws his hands up.
'Fraüline! It's just Medic!' He says trying not to move. A sweat drop rolls down the side of his head. You look at what he's wearing. It's blue. It's ok.
'Oh, sorry Doc.' You lower your gun. 'What do you want?' You asked with a slight angry tone, slowly getting yourself out of the fright state.
'I need to make ze über heart transplant on you!' Medic says quickly, almost too quickly for you to understand.
'What?' You ask him. Pocketing your gun.
'I need to make ze über heart transplant on you.' Medic said slowly, this time making every word he said clear for you.
'Why? What does that do?' You ask Medic, confused.
'It vill make you respawn if you... If something bad vere to happen.' Medic explained pushing up his small round glasses.
'What do you mean?' You ask, but Medic grabs your arm and starts to run with you in tow.
'I cannot explain in such an open area.' Medic said while looking behind him whilst running. You nod your head. You take a breath out, and know you can trust your team mates... Hopefully. Medic stops at the side of the Blu base, and stands against the wall. You stand in front of him wanting him to explain this "über heart thingy", you watch as he takes a look out to the battlefield. He was examining everyone and scanning the field for any nearby Reds. None were close. He takes a breath out, and you watch him turn his head back to look into your eyes.
'You vill need zhis über heart transplant because otherwise... You vill die on ze battlefield.' Medic lowers his voice a little, but kept his head up looking at you.
'Die?' You ask. Medic nods, creating a pause. 'I'll die?' You ask, even though knowing that in war people die, but hearing it from someone else made you think more clear about it.
'If you don't have ze übercharged heart, Ja. But if you do, you vill be able to respawn in our base if you die. Everyone else, in both teams, already has vone.' Medic said with a serious face. Then you start to smile.
'So I could just run out there and kill everything without dying? Because I could just respawn over and over?' You ask feeling excited.
'Vell... Not exactly.' Medic begins, but is interrupted by the Administrator on the loudspeaker.
'Time is up! The battle was... a Tie!' A strong woman's voice said. Medic looks away, hearing this. Suddenly all of the noise of gunfire, explosions and yelling stopped. Medic turns his head back to you.
'Come on, I vill tell you more about zhis in ze infirmary.' He grabs your arm and starts running alongside the building with you. Both of you turn around the building and are faced to big white double doors. Preferably the infirmary. Medic pushes them open and walks inside with you. He starts leading down a long, quite dark, white hallway. You hadn't realised until now that Medic was holding your hand, as you two walked. You turn your head and look slightly up to the man. He has a serious face on, but he still looked innocent. In his eyes you could see years of pain and the watching of the suffering, which made your heart sink a little. The hallway is silent. Medic and you eventually reached double doors at the end of the hallway. He pushes them open, and you wince at the sudden brightness of the white room. You open your eyes and notice that Medic is at the other side of the room, washing his gloves in the sink, as they had some spots of blood on. You stepped in, shutting the doors behind you. You looked around the tidy place and examined everything, getting used to the surrounding. You had never been in an infirmary since you were twelve.

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