
By XharoldsbabeX

192K 8.2K 2.8K

Red-eyed vampires have taken over the world and have captured all humans. Or so they thought. Ellie and her s... More

Vacation Styles
Ch. 19 *The Search is On*
Ch 20 *Reading Letters and Lips*
Ch. 21 *Nothing for Me, Something for Her*
Ch. 22 *Three Days*
Ch.23 *Begging for Forgivness*
Ch. 24 *Too Soon*
Ch. 25 *Fights, Friends, Foes*
Ch.26 *Unplanned Escapes*
Ch. 27 *Point Down*
Ch. 28 *Alone*
Ch. 29 *Into the Woods*
Ch. 30 *Brothers*
Ch. 31 *Jealousy Comes From Love*
Ch.32 *Good Terms*
Ch.33 *Black and White*
Ch.34 *No Love, No Life*
Ch. 35 *Sacrafice*
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Very Important
Thirty Eight
Thirty nine
Fourty three
Fourty Four
Fourty Five
Fourty Six
To be continued...


5.3K 194 38
By XharoldsbabeX

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What the hell does he mean by he can't wait till he can run his hands all over my body. He doesnt mean... No. I'm not going to a sex slave of his, right? I gulp at the thought. Oh fuck. He was saying in the bathroom that he gets what he wants and he was kissing my neck while saying it, but I thought that he was just making a point. I didn't think that he was going to touch me anymore after that, but clearly he wants to. Hopefully, I'm just over thinking it. Maybe he just means when he sucks my blood again, he will run his hands all over my body. Yet, then again, I don't want him doing that either.

"Miss Strong, are you there?" The familiar accent of the Vampo, Liam, pulls me out of my running train of thought. How long have I just been standing here?

I bring my attention to him and he is pointing to the open chair next to one of the other humans. "Take a seat, now!" His voice becomes more loud and harsh. I quickly oblige and sit down on the comfy chair. Although, I can't even relax.

I look to my right and three chairs are placed in a line next to me, with a human on each of them. The boy next to me looks my age and so do the other two girls sitting on the other chairs. "Welcome to Shadow." He greets with a fake smile. "You all our all eligible to stay here, which is a good thing. I doubt any of you would like to go to Storage or the Drainers. Unless you do, then please, do speak now." Nobody says anything and he grabs a marker off of the movable white board. "That's what I thought." He mumbles to himself.

He turns around and starts scribbling the board. I can't see what he's writing because his built body is covering most of the it. A few minutes and a long awkward silence later, he shows us full view of the white board. I notice that he has drawn a tree graph, separating everyone here from the highest to the lowest. He picks up a long wood stick that was against the wall and slaps it on the white board where Master Harry Styles is written. Harry? That's a weird name. He looks like he would be called something more scary or bold, but no. Harry is his name. Ehh, I kinda like it.

"This is everyones' boss. He is the highest vampire here. Everyone obeys everything that he does no matter what it is. Seriously, if he tells you to go jump of a balcony, you best be running off of it." He says seriously, but I hope he is some what joking. Harry wouldn't really make someone jump to their death, would he?

He slaps his stick down to the next row of names. Sir Niall Horon, Sir Zayn Malik, Sir Liam Payne Sir Jack Teller is sloppily written across the board right under Master Harry Styles.

"These are also important people. You must treat them with as much respect as Master Harry. Also, if you didn't notice my name is right here." He smacks Sir Liam Payne with the his pointer stick. "So you guys treat me with respect." His tone is way too serious. All these vampires are such jerks.

He continues to tell us about the importance of people and who we treat with respect. He tells us that, us humans, are the lowest in Shadow. Ha, what's new? Humans are the lowest in the world. Animals have more freedom than us. He then begins to talk about our blood and we have to let a vampire suck our blood. No matter what. And if we resist, we get sent to the Drainers.

His long lesson turns to talking about the duties we have at Shadow and how we have to clean and other stupid shit that a slave would have to do. I don't pay too much attention though, for I start to zone out of Sir Liam's teaching. I let out a small yawn and feel my eyelids getting heavy. Shit, I'm so tired. I rest my elbow on the chair's arms rest and push my cheek to my hand. I try to stay tuned to Liam, but my eyes keep closing. My head drops forward without me realizing and I open my eyes and bring my head back up. I probably look like an idiot. Fuck Ellie, stay awake! I look over to make sure no one saw me. Luckily Liam was facing the board writing something, while the three other humans were fully tuned into him.

I place my head back on my cheek and doze off again. My vision goes completely black from my eyelids being shut and Liam's voice is fading.

My body jumps up from a large stinging pain in my thigh. "Ow, fuck!" I cry and look down at my lap. A long red line is across my top leg. I look up and Liam is hovering over me with his board pointer in hand. He looks pissed.

"Are you seriously sleeping?" His voice comes out more calmer than I thought it would. "Do you know how disrespectful that is Ellie?" He leans in so he's right in front of my face, making me scared to speak.

"I'm sorry, I just, I didn't really get much sleep." I almost whisper. He stands back up straight, letting me breath my own air again.

"You better stay awake for this part." He says walking back to the board. "It concerns you." He keeps his eyes on me.


"Well, for all the girls in Shadow."

I sit up straight and pull my full attention to him. What does he mean all the girls in Shadow?

"Okay girls. We have a system here. When we send away the humans that get too old to live here anymore, we need to gain more, so you may be chosen to get pregnant. Just be aware of that."

Oh shit. I forgot about this. I don't want to get pregnant! I didn't even want kids when the world was normal, now I am going to be forced to have kids in this fucked up place.

"So does that mean that there are kids here in Shadow?" The boy next to me asks.

"No." Liam's answer comes out blunt. "We send them to a separate house where they are raised until sixteen, then they are tested to see if they are healthy and if so they come here and repeat the process."

"That's so cruel!" I blurt out before stopping myself.

Everyone turns to look at me and instead of looking mad, a smirk grows on Liam's face. "And why is that Miss Strong?"

"First of all you make us have kids, which I doubt nobody wants to and then you take them away from them! They can't even raise there own kid? That's so evil!" I yell and my subconscious is screaming back at me to shut the fuck up.

Liam continues to smirk which makes me less scared from my sudden outburst. "Who said we were nice?"

I scowl at him, but he ignores it. "Well that concludes everything you need to know. We will send everyone a schedule of your jobs around here." He motions for us to all stand up and leave. We all do as he says and jump up from our seats at the same time. "Oh, I almost forgot. If a vampire wants to use you for their pleasure, you must do it, just as if they were asking for your blood. That goes for you too boy. We have some horny girl vampires here, that love the helplessness of a little human." He explains and I gulp. Fuck.

Once again everyone stays silent. We start to move towards the door and Liam follows behind us. We all leave the library, or whatever it is and enter the hallway.

One by one Liam takes us back to our rooms. Leaving me last. We reach the end of the hallway in front of my door.

He jiggles the keys into the doorknob before forcing it open. He grabs my arm and pushes me inside, slaming the door closed, right after. I flick him off even though he can't see me. "Fucking prick." I mumble under my breath.

At least I can get some sleep now. I turn around to walk to my bed, but I jump in fear when I see Niall sitting on it.

"You scared me." I say out of breath.

He chuckles as he gets up from my bed and walks towards me. His eyes look down to my leg and I follow his glance. Sure enough a skin welt is on it. "Who did that to you?" He asks when he reaches me.

"Liam." I say and he narrows his eyes. "Sir Liam Payne, Sir."

He hunches over and runs his hand on my leg over the bruised skin. "Tsk, Master Harry is going to be upset. He told me he wanted you to himself."

"Wha-What?" My word comes out sputtered. To himself?

"Well, all the slaves here can get sucked by any vampire. Master Harry told me though, that he isn't going to let anybody touch you. Only him." He explains before straightening his stance. He looks me up and down before looking back into my eyes. "Too bad."

I guess I like that nobody will get to touch me, but that means Harry is going to touch me and I don't like that. Ha-ha okay. My inner-self sarcastically states. God, does she ever shut up?

"What are you doing in here?" I ask as he walks past me and towards the door.

"I am here to take you to Madeline." He opens the door.

"Who's Madeline?"

"She's going to make you look nice for Master Harry."


We walked through the huge mansion, going through an amount of doors I can't even count on my fingers.

We go through one last door and enter a room that almost looks like a salon. Though it is much smaller and only has one of everything a salon would have.

A tall brunette woman is cutting a girls hair. Niall walks towards her and I follow behind him.

She notices us and puts her shears on the table in front of her. "Sir Niall." She curtly nods before looking at me. Oh, she's a vampire too. "You must be the new girl, Sandy?" She brings her hand out to shake.

"No. This one is Ellie." Niall corrects her for me. "I'm bringing Sandy in next."

She lightly gasps, "Ohh, you are Ellie. The one Master wants for himself hmm?" She grabs my hand and shakes it before grabbing her shears and cutting the girl in the chairs hair. I could see through the mirror in front of her that her eyes are a brown almost as dark as her hair. Human.

"Well I am just finishing up this girls hair and then we will fix you up." She says and I nod. "Just go sit over there. I am almost done." I walk over to the open chair and Niall follows behind me.

"I am going to leave. Don't try anything stupid."

"You already told me that once before." I try to joke.

"Yeah, so that means don't try anything stupid." His tone is so serious. I see vampires can't take jokes, jeez.

I nod my head and he leaves the room without another word.

It only takes five minutes before Madeline is done. The human girl with a fresh hair cut leaves without anybody by her. How come she doesn't have to have a vampire carrying her around her everywhere.

"She doesn't need a Vampo to take her back to her room?" I ask as I stand up after seeing her motion for me to come over to her.

"No, she's been here for a while. She's built up her trust. You will too soon." She smiles before scoping my body. "We have a lot of work to do. Harry likes them perfect."

"Uhh Madeline?" I ask as she checks her wax. Shes taken me to the back so she can wax all the hair on my body. She made me remove my shorts and sit on the table. I'm scared, I've never gotten waxed before.

"Oh, call me Mads. Please. Madeline is so lame." He says before pushing me down and making me lean back on the bed table.

"Okay, Umm is this going to hurt?" I stutter and I feel her leave a warm line of liquid on my leg.

"Only a little." She says then rips off the strip of paper she placed over the wax.

"Shit!" I screech in pain as my leg starts to sting.

"Maybe if you wern't so hairy, jeez." She says as she hold up the strip showing off all the hair she ripped from my leg.

Esmay and I have shavers back at the shack, but I let my legs grow a bit too prickly for anyone's liking because I only shaved when it was really bad.

Way too many painful rips later, she was done with my legs. She tells me to take off my underwear so she can do my private area. "Do we have to do this?" I wine and she chuckles.

"Yes. Harry doesn't like 'em hairy." She laughs and I slowly pull my underwear off.

Oh my god. This is so embarrassing.

She waxes all the hair off and I cry in pain with each tare.

Two hours later and all my body is hairless,vall my nails are cut and painted, my body and hair is fully washed, eyebrows plucked, and my hair is trimmed.

"I think you'd you look pretty will a shade darker on your hair. What do you think?" Mads asks me while looking at me through the mirror in front of the chair I was sitting in while she cut my hair.

"No." Both Mads and I look back at the low voice that just boomed through the room.

My stomach clenches and I loose my breath when I see Harry walking towards us. He is wearing wearing a white v-neck that is almost see through and I can see that he has many tattoos. He's wearing balck jeans and to top it off black boots. Oh shit. Why is he so hot? There I said it, he's hot. Way to give in.

"I like her hair like this." He says when he stands right next to me. He runs a hand through my hair looking at !me the whole time. He looks up at Mads and smiles.

"Good job, I will take her from your hands now." He says before grabbing my arm roughly and pulling me out of the chair. Fuck.

Harry's grip gets tighter around my forearm as he drags me out of the "salon." I look back at Mads and she as her arms crossed and a big smirk on her face. She tauntingly waves at me before Harry and I exit. He drops his graps when we walk down the corridor. We walk in silence with him slightly in front of me. He walks way too fast.

"Where are we going?" I ask while taking quicker steps so I can reach him.

"To your room." He states and my stomach drops.

"Uhh, Why?" Please just be dropping me off so I can sleep!

Instead of answering me he keeps his fast pace all the way back to my room. He swings open the door all too quickly, but I hestiate and don't enter. He turns around and grabs my wrist and pulls me inside. He shuts the door and locks it. I gulp and my knees weaken.

"Get on the bed."

"What? No!" I shout and he narrows his eyes and his nostrils flair. Liam's voice plays in my head. Everyone obeys everything that he does no matter what it is.

I look down at my feet before making my way over to the bed. I sit down on the it and lean my back against the headboard. Is he using me for his "pleasure" like Liam said. I hope not. My body starts to shiver with nerves. He stays standing by the door and I look down at my nails that are now painted a dark red.

There's a knock on the door and I look up to find Harry opening it up.

"Here you go Master. Here is all that you asked for." The voice behind the door is familar. I think it might be Zayn.

"Thank you, Zayn. Bring me water as well." Harry says and proves me right.

"Yes, Sir." Zayn says.

Harry closes the door with his foot and I see he has a plate with a metal cover over it. The smell of something delicious fills my nostrils and my mouth almost waters from the smell. I haven't eaten in what feels like forever.

Harry makes his way over to my side of the bed before sitting down on the edge right next to me. I scoot over to give him more room and also, so that I don't have to sit so close to him.

He places the plate onto the bed and pulls off the cover, revealing two pieces of grilled chicken with a variety of vegtables on the side. He grabs the fork on the plate and cuts a piece of chicken before bringing it up to my mouth.

"Eat." He brings the fork right by my mouth.

"I can do it myself, you know?"

"I know, now eat." His voice comes out more demanding and I open my mouth before he shoves the tender juicy chicken in. I chew slowly before closing my eyes. I moan in pleasure at the taste.


I open my eyes and see Harry watching my mouth move. I nod and swallow. "It's delicious."

"Good." He cuts another piece and places it in my mouth.

He continues to feed me in complete silence, making sure everything is off the plate. My stomach is full which is such a weird feeling. I haven't felt like this in so long.

"How's your bite?" He asks me while placing the plate onto the nightstand next to my bed.

I put my hand up to the bandage. I totally forgot that it was even there. "It's fine. I don't even feel it."

He smiles and reaches for the bandage and rips it off. I lightly screech and place my hand on my neck to feel it, but it's not there anymore. I look at Harry in disbelieve and try and look at my neck, but I fail miserably.

"It's gone." Harry says and I rub the skin and wonder how it disappeared so fast.

Before I can ask how Harry opens his mouth before me, "It's guaritore. It means healing in Italian. The Italians made it. Its a serum that heals vampire bites fast." He explains, but I still look at him puzzled. "The chef put it in your food." He adds, obviously because of my expression.


"Because I asked him too, but you won't always get it. It's very expensive and we don't have a lot of it. We only ever use it if someone got bit very bad." He shitfts on the bed to get more comfortable.

"Then, why'd you give it to me?"

He looks up at me in my eyes, then down to my neck. "I wanted to have another taste, but just a small one because I already took too much blood from you today."

My stomach drops from his words and I can feel my heart hitting my rip cage. I want to cry out and tell him no, but I know I'm not aloud. Yeah, that and you want him too.

I tell her to shut up even though I know it's true. I don't want him, but then again I do. Fuck Harry for making me want this shit. He starts to move his body and he straddles me. He places his firm hands on my hips before pulling me down so I am laying on my back. He repositions himself on top of me and completely hovers over me, holding his weight on his elbows. I feel his breathing fan over my neck. He tilts my neck with his hand so he it's fully exposed to him.

"Mine." He hums while tracing the skin with his fingers.

His grabs my chin and brings our eyes together. "Remember Ellie, this is going to feel good."

All too quickly he brings his teeth in to my skin. I feel the small puncture before the familiar pleasure takes over my body. My hands fly up to his hair once again without thinking. I let out a moan when Harry pushes his teeth into my skin more and sucks harder. This feeling is so good. I don't ever want it to stop. Though I know it has to.

I can feel my head start to spin and my body becomes weaker. I open my eyes and my vision is even slightly blurred with black spots. I hear Harry groan and push in deeper, if even possible. My hands leave his hair and go to his chest. "Master, stop! You're taking all my blood.. I.. I'm going to.. I'm..." My words trail off. I can't even speak anymore. I feel like I'm going to pass out.

A knock sounds at the door and Harry's teeth leave my skin. "Master, I have the water you asked for." Zayn says through the door, though I can barely hear him.

I look up to Harry and he looks confused or freaked out. I can't really tell. He wipes his mouth then moves off my body and rushes to the door. The door flys open and Harry grabs the water from Zayn before pacing back over to me. He places it on the nightstand and looks down at me.

I'm becoming weaker and weaker. I feel so tired and sick. This doesn't feel good at all. "Go get Louis now!" Harry yells at Zayn.

Zayn quickly nods his head before shutting the door. I look back up at Harry and he is tugging at his hair. "Fuck. I'm sorry. I couldn't stop. I didn't even realize."

I open my mouth to speak, but I'm too tired and weak to say or do anything. I close my eyes and the last thing I hear is Harry yelling, "Fuck!"

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