A Gifted Bunch (Danganronpa V...

By Andraix

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How are you going to fair against a class with Astronauts, Inventors, Robots, Magicians and Supreme Leaders... More

Chapter 1: Lucky... Not so Lucky
Chapter 2: Second Times a Charm. Or is it the Third?
Chapter 3: A Slight Mistake
Chapter 4: The Annoying Inventor
Chapter 5: The Invention
Chapter 6: Now you See it, Now you Don't
Chapter 8: Raining on your Parade
Chapter 9: Recital Prep
Chapter 10: The Night
Chapter 11: Secret's Out
Chapter 12: Lets Talk
Chapter 13: Virtual World
Chapter 14: Level Up
Chapter 15: D.I.C.E is Nice Pt. 1

Chapter 7: Bad, Bad Bears

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By Andraix

(Chapter 7)

(3rd P.OV)

"Is that black and white bear talking?" Y/N asked.

"He sure is." Tsumugi replied.

"Did that soup just turn everyone into a bunch of horny teens?"


"Oh my god! What is that model chick doing to that poor gamer girl!"

"I already told you Y/N, her ultimate model talent is just a cover up. She actually the ultimate analyst who also becomes ultimate despair. She's one of my favourites."

Due to the fact that it had been raining for the entire day and it was still coming in strong, as break came along for the school instead of going outside and playing sports in the field or going off the school campus to do something else, most members people decided to stay inside their classrooms and mingle.

Y/N actually ended up chatting with Tsumugi which lead to her talking about her favourite series, which then lead to her showing him some episodes of the anime to him on her phone.

"So let me get this straight. This mode-... lady, decided to do all these horrible things which would plunge the world into a complete hell hole, just because she was bored?" Y/N asked.

"Well if you had the ability to predict everything wouldn't you be a little bored too?"

"I don't think I'd want to turn the world  into a giant cess pool." Y/N and Tsumugi continued to watch the brutal display on the phone. "One more question. Why is the blood pink?"

"Censorship turned to artistic highlight ."


"I know."

Kokichi secretly slid behind Y/N and watched Tsumugi's phone. "Enjoying your nerd stuff you two?" he asked.

Tsumugi gasped at the comment he made. "I'll have you know that this 'nerd stuff' is actually inspired from our school... save for all the blood, massacre and suicide that occurs in the anime."

"... So nerd stuff." Kokichi continued.

Tsumugi just adjusted her glasses and ignored Kokichi's remark. "Oh this is the part when the 77th class come in for the rescue... not gonna lie it's kinda anti-climatic."

While continuing to watch the anime Tsumugi was so fond of, in the corner of his eye Y/N saw Kaede pin up a purple sheet onto the bulletin board in the classroom. He also saw her take out a large amount of the same papers. "Hey Kaede, what's with all the papers?"

"Oh I'm just posting up some flyers around the school for this little recital they'll be doing. It happens in two weeks. Students are free to join and if you want you can bring guests."

Kokichi takes one of the flyers from Kaede's stack and has a look on it. "Hmm, could be neat... it wouldn't be a problem if I brought a few friends of mine to the music recital, would it?"

Kaede took her stack of flyers. "These... friends of yours wouldn't happen to be from this evil society you mentioned before?"

"Nishishi. Maybe, maybe not."

Kaede shook her head slightly and focused her attention on Y/N. "Are you going to turn up Y/N?"

"Sure, I guess I could give it a watch. Since you play the piano, will you be preforming at the recital?"

Kaede shrugged her shoulders somewhat bashfully. "Well the school asked me to preform due to me being the ultimate pianist, so yes." Kaede started to leave the room. "Anyway, I better get these flyers around the school." she then left. Y/N continued to watch the anime with Tsumugi.

While watching, Y/N noticed that Tsumugi was drawing something up in her book. "What you drawing there?"

"Oh they're just my OC's"


"Yep." Tsumugi held up her book. In it there where five bears that were similar in appearance to the one in the anime he was watching except they where all different colours. "I call them the Monokuma Kubs or Monokubs for short. I came up with the idea of what it'd be like if the bear of despair had his own children."

"I see. Impressive line work."

"Thank you."

Miu, for the first time, came to the table Y/N and Tsumugi were sitting. She peaked at Tsumugi's drawing. "Hah what a bunch of nerd stuff. What are those things even meant to fuckin be."

"They're little robotic bears that are the children of Monokuma." Tsumugi answered.

"... The hell is a Monokuma."

"It's like them but he's black and white."

Miu looked up and down from the drawing to Tsumugi's face. "Tsh, what's so unique about taking the concept of a fuckin cartoon character and retracing it to look slightly different."

Tsumugi adjusted her glasses slightly. "Oh boy." Y/N muttered

"Ahem, first off, this show in an anime not a cartoon, there's a difference. Second, creating art of characters you wish to be in a show can be fun and interesting... granted there are some mixed results at times."

"Kyahahaha, well it's a shitty looking drawing to me!" Miu cackled while proudly placing her hands on her hips.

"Miu, knock it off."

Those words alone said by Y/N were enough to get Miu in her submissive state. "Heeeee, o-ok Y/N."

This happened quite frequently actually if Miu was insulting someone mercilessly Y/N would chime in to stop her by simply asking her to quiet down. That, or the person she's talking to might have a sharper tongue and insult her back resulting in the same effect.

Tsumugi wiped off some of the rubber specs that were on the page. "This actually took me a while to draw since I had to decide on all of their personalities too."

Miu swiped the book out of Tsumugi's hands and had a closer look at the drawings. "So these took you a while to draw to draw? Hah I could make these fuckin things in a pinch."

Instead of taking that as an insult Tsumugi seemed to be excited by the thought. "Could you really do that?"

"Tsh, of course I could."

"Well, could you prove it then?" Tsumugi asked while offering her book of drawings to MIu.

Miu swiped the book from her. "Fine then. Hey Y/N c'mon and give me a hand."

"Alright then." Miu packed her bag full of nooks and crannies then went to the tech room with Y/N.

"Ok Y/N boy while I'm start with the inner workings why don't you go dow to the art department and get some paint." Y/N had one last look at the drawing. He nod his head and went to the art room with a large collection of paint. Miu cracked her fingers and smacked some aluminium metal on to a table. "Now to create these lil' shits."

(An hour later)

"Hah, I can't wait for four eyes to see these." Miu said while taking a step back to admire her work.

Y/N was actually impressed. It was like Miu jus took the drawings from the book and placed them right in the real world. "I gotta hand it to you Miu, these look really good."

"Well of course they do, but now..." Miu held up 5 chips. "Now comes the real good shit. This is a basic maturing AI chip, I got these suckers online a while back and I figured I might as well use 'em for this kinda shit." She inserted one into each bear.

"You sure that's a good idea? What happened the first week when you created that thin with the arms?"

Miu just opened a large pack of batteries then stuffed the empty packet in Y/N's hands. "Who do you think I am, that fuckin religious nut? The stuff I make actually has to do something."

Y/N sighed. "Fine then."

Miu put the two large batteries in each bear. "I quickly added the names and personality traits from Tsumugi's book into each of their AI, so they should act the way they are." Miu flicked a switch causing some electrical power to go into the five bears.

Y/N and Miu watched in anticipation as the power flowed into them. After about a minute, they watched in awe as the five Monokubs sprung to life. The red one named Montaro looked around. "Where are we." His voice sounded very digitally and computerised.

Miu's expression brightened. "Hah! It worked."

"Gee, I don't now where we are." The pink one know as Monophanie said. Like Monodam, her voice was quite digitally, infact all of them appeared to speak like this, especially the green one called Monodam who had the most robotic appearance of them all.

All them started to talk and bicker with Monodam being the most quiet. Miu got irritated quickly and stepped closer to them. "Hey you little fucktards why don't you quiet down before I remove your voice chips."

The Monokubs all looked up at Miu and just stared at her for a bit. After some uncomfortable silence Monotaro spoke. "Are you our mommy?"

Miu could feel her body stiffen and she started to sweat when she heard this while Y/N just looked confused and a bit shocked. "W-What, M-Mommy?" Miu asked.

"Yes," Monosuke continued, "are the one who created us?"

A small smile slowly came to Miu's face and she started to shiver in happiness at the idea. "Yes, hehehe, I'm your mommy."

"Yaaaaay." The Monokubs began jumping around Miu while she looked down an them with a somewhat uncomfortable smile on her face.

Y/N watched the odd occurrence in silence before all the Monokubs focused their attention onto him. "Are you our daddy?" Montaro asked.

Y/N started backing away. "Um, yeah that's a n-"

"Yes he's your daddy." Miu said while wrapping her arm around his neck and pulling him closer.

"Awwwr hell yeah! We got a mommy an daddy!" Monokid yelled while ripping on his guitar. All the Monokubs continued to bounce up and down while cheering as high as their automated voices could take them.

Y/N separated himself from Miu. "Could I Speak with you privately?" he asked.

"Sure. Wait here kids." Miu and Y/N went outside the room and closed the door. "Soooo, what did you wanna talk ab-"

"What are you thinking!?" Y/N asked in a stern tone.

Miu backed up into a corner with her cheeks going pink. "Heeee, w-what did I do wrong this time?"

Y/N sighed and calmed himself down. "I just want to know why you thought it'd be a good idea to insist to them all that we're there parents. I thought you just wanted to make these to prove that you could make these guy to Tsumugi."

"I-I dunno, I just got this... feeling in me. Can't we just pretend to be their parents, just for a little while?"

"Eeeeehh... fine, just for a bit. But what do you intend to do with them once you're done?"

"I'll just rework there memory chips and they'll forget everything." Miu reassured while opening the door for the room. "Now get on in there and be a good dad."

Y/N sighed and re-entered the room, the five Monokubs were right where they were, waiting for them. "So, Mom and Dad, what are we gonna do?" Monosuke asked.

Y/N gave it some thought. "Well..."

(A little bit later)

"So the big bad wolf said "Or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down!" but the pi... pi... zzzz."

Monophanie pinched Y/N's cheek a little. "Papa don't fall asleep, this is my favourite part."

"H-Huh? Oh but the pig said "not on the hairs of my chiny, chin, chin." "

All the Monokubs cheered when he read that sentence from the book. Miu had made Y/N go to the school library and get an extremely juvenile book to read to the little robotic bears. Miu came back in with a tray full of mashed potato from the school cafeteria for any students who didn't feel like making their own lunch.

"Heya. Mama's back and I brought food."

The Monokubs bounced over to her. Miu gave each a spoonful of mashed potato. "Umm, you're sure that a good idea Miu?"

"Pssh, I don't really know, but I figured they gotta eat something."

Suddenly all five of them regurgitated the mashed potato onto Miu and Y/N while making a mechanical chugging noise. "... I'm gonna get cleaned up." Y/N walked out to find the nearest boys restrooms while Miu stayed behind to look after the Monokubs and work on some inventions.

Unbeknownst to her one of the Monokubs had gone missing and not only that, but the others had found Tsumugi's book lying on the floor. They to read through their own pages including full details on their personalities as well as the series that Tsumugi loves to watch. "Despair..." they say eerily.


Y/N had just finished washing himself up and was walking back when he just so happened to approach by Tsumugi. "Hello Y/N. How's the inventing with Miu?

"Well actually-" Y/N was suddenly interrupted by an audible gasp from Tsumugi. "What is it?"

"Is that who I think it is?"

"What are you talking abou..." Y/N looked behind himself and saw Monodam clutching onto the back of his shirt."


Y/N jumped slightly in surprise."Have you been here this whole time?"


Tsumugi squeed in delight and lifted Monodam up in the palms of her hands. "I can't believe I'm seeing one of my own characters in real life. Actually now that I think of it, you two didn't give them their actual personalities, like they haven't shown any aggressive traits."

"No they don't seemed to have any signs of aggression."


"Father?" Tsumugi asked while looking at Y/N in a questioning manor.

"Yeah, they all think that I'm their father."

"Oh... well, where are the others? I'd really like to see the rest of them."

"Guess I might as well take you to them. Follow me." Y/N and Tsumugi went on their way to the creation lab. "Hopefully Miu can put an end to this whole parent thing when we get back." he thought.

Back in the lab, Miu was just doing some finishing touches when she heard her four 'children'. "Mommy, can we have a word with you?" Montaro asked.

Miu turned around to them. "Sure what is."

Monophanie bounced up and down. "We've figured out our purpose."

"...What are you talking about."

Monosuke held up Tsumugi's book. "This book gave us all the answers and now..."

"Were gonna do exactly what we're meant to do." Montaro continued.

"Rise and shinue ursine!" they all beamed. They then started to slowly approach Miu with their lightning bolt shaped eyes glowing red.

Miu started backing away. "Uh... uuuuuhh..."


"Ooooh I can't wait to see the others. How where you able to do this?"

"Honestly you should ask Miu on that, she did most of the hard stuff."

Out of nowhere, Miu could be heard yelling. "What the." Y/N muttered before running ahead with Tsumugi following close behind still clutching Monodam tight. When Y/N got back into the room he saw Miu's body on the ground with rope tied around her body and a ball gag attached to her mouth. "What happened to you!?" he asked while untying her from the ropes.

Miu's cheeks went pink and she fiddled her hair while looking away submissively. "Those... little dominant finks."

"What are you talking about?"

"Those Monokubs did this to me. They went through my bag and did this."

Y/N really wanted to ask why she had this stuff in the first place, but he like part of him didn't want to know the answer. Tsumugi entered the room. "So where are the others?" she asked while putting Monodam into on a desk.

"They've gone away. Miu, do you even know why they did this?"

"No. I turn my back for a minute or two and then they start gabbing on about despair n' shit."

"Despair? ... yeah that sounds more like them." Tsumugi added.

"HOW-INTERESTING." All three of them looked towards Monodam. He was reading Tsumugi's book and all of its pages related to the show she watches along with the drawing of the Monokubs. "MY- SIBLINGS-MUST-LEARN-TO-GET-ALONG-OR-ELSE." Monodam them sprinted out the room leaving the Y/N and Miu in confusion.

Tsumugi placed her palm against her cheek. "Yeah that's Monodam alright."

Miu crawled to Tsumugi's book and had a more in depth look at the other pages. She could see several pages of some of her characters based on the show she liked as well as the Monokubs. Some of the pages dived deeper into their personalities and traits. Miu growled in frustration and pointed an accusatory finger at Tsumugi. "Your fuckin book messed with the heads of my kids."

"H-Hang on a minute! Shouldn't you of been taking better care of it anyway?" Tsumugi defended.

"Let's just stop the bickering quickly. Miu can you fix this?" Y/N asked.

"Dyoh I can."

"Ok, so we bring them back before anything happens and you can make them all friendly again."

Miu pulled up some small fabric bags from the corner of the room. "Fine start looking around for them and Y/N..."


"Be gentle with our kids."

Y/N just rolled his eyes. Before Tsumugi could speak he answered. "Just let her have this for a bit longer." He then went in search for the five robotic bears. For a while he was just slowly walking through the school halls seeing if he could find any sign of them.

After a few minutes of nothing Y/N heard Shuichi's voice. "Hey! Give that back!" He could then hear the robotic laughter. Y/N quickly followed the sound of the commotion. He eventually saw Monosuke running around Shuchi with his hat in his little paws.

"Upupupupu, does it bring you despair not having your hat mopey man?" Monosuke asked while jumping around him.

"Hey Monosuke! Give that back to him." Y/N said while stomping closer.

"Sorry, but I no longer take orders from you, you're not my real papa." With that said Monosuke dashed off with Suichi's hat.

Suichi was visibly distressed. "Are you responsible for this?" He asked in a surprisingly loud and angry tone. Y/N was used to him being so quiet.

"W-well I-"

"Yes or no?" Shuichi continued while cutting him off.

"... I'm partly to blame I guess, but don't worry I'm gonna fix this." Before Shuichi could ask him anything else Y/N dashed in the direction Monosuke ran off in. "Come on, where are you little devils?" he muttered to himself. While running down the halls, Y/N could hear the faint sound of someone knocking on a locker door.

He stopped and looked the line of lockers to his right and could see that one of them was shaking slightly. "Whoever that is, do you mind  letting me out?" a voice asked from the locker. Y/N walked to the locker and opened it. As he did the ultimate tennis player Ryoma Hoshi slowly stepped out of the locker. He looked up at Y/N while adjusting his hat. "Thanks." he said in his usual deep solemn voice.

"No problem, umm... what where you doing in the locker?"

Ryoma turned his side to Y/N gazing  down the hallway. "If I told you, you'd think I'm crazy."

Y/N felt like he already knew what happened now. "Go on you can tell me."

Ryoma sighed while getting a cigarette from his pocket. "I was shoved into that locker by these two little teddy bears. I let my guard down for maybe a second before they got the jump on me."

"Mhm I see..." Y/N didn't know what to say. He had to find the five before they caused even more trouble.

Ryoma seemed to notice Y/N looking slightly on edge. "Did you have any idea on this?"

Y/N started to back away to continue his search. "Umm well Miu and I kinda made them but this behaviour isn't exactly our fault but don't worry I promise we'll fix this."

Y/N then went in a full sprint more worried about the damage these bears could bring.


Kaede was making her way to the music room. Since it was still raining and there wasn't much else to do she figured she might as well do the thing she could do best. However as she turned around a corner she saw Monophanie and Monosuke ripping of the flyers for the music recital that would be happening soon and tossing them out a window and into the stormy weather outside.

Kaede was understandably baffled at what she was seeing as she was finding hard to comprehend what to do. However when she came to realise the bears were ripping the fliers that she put up around the school. One was also holding onto Shuichi's hat. "H...Hey!" was all she could muster du e to her confusion. The two bears stopped in their act and looked right towards the pianists. "W-What are you do... what are you?"

Monosuke eyed Kaede from head to toe. "We're the Monokubs, the children of Monokuma."

"And we're here to bring despair and mayhem, just like our real father." Monophanie

"How come you're ripping off all the flyer for the music recital? It actually took me a while to put those all around the school." Kaede asked still confused that she was talking to animatronic teddy bears.

"You put these up? Well we did it for despair of course and it's good to see this is your work, makes it more satisfying. Now Monophanie, if you'd please...?" Monosuke said.

"Okie dokie, but no blood and gore please." The bears bolt shaped eyes glowed red as they slowly inched closer to Kaede.

Kaede was even more uncomfortable now, she slowly took some steps back but she was suddenly blind sided by something that landed right on her head. "I got her guys, I got her" Montaro cheered. The other two pounced onto Kaede and started tugging at her hair and clothing.

"Hey! Get off me!" Kaede started to shake around and push the Monokubs off to break free of them but no matter what she did they just seemed to hop back onto her.

Y/N could hear the ruckus happening from down the hall and quickly ran towards it. When he saw what was happening he wasted no time to spring into action. "Get off of her!" He grabbed onto Monsuke and tugged with all his might but the small bear had a surprisingly strong grip on Kaede's torso.

With a final tug to managed to pull Monosuke off making Y/N go flying backwards with the bear and making Kaede stumble back with the other Monokubs. Monosuke started flailing his little arms in front of Y/N's face in an attempt to scratch him. "Why does this thing have little claws?!"

Kaede being freed from her assault returned the favour to Y/N by quickly booting Monosuke right out the window and falling on the concrete floor with a smash. "Uh oh, retreat!" Montaro cried. He along with Monophanie ran from taking Shuichi's hat with them.

Y/N stood up and in no time Kaede started asking him questions. "Y/N what's happening? Did you and Miu have something to do with this?"

"U-Uh well... kinda."

"Can you guys just not make something more normal?"

"I swear things did start of relatively normal. Miu wanted to prove she could bring these characters that Tsumugi based on this anime she like to real life so she did. So she did, but then they thought Miu and I were there parents which is slightly true I guess, but then they read Tsumugi's book and now they've gone crazy!" Y/N took a deep breath after his massive explanation.

Kaede just looked in disbelief. "Huh?"

"Look I promise we'll fix this." Y/N started running in the direction of the Monokubs . "Talk to you later."

"Y/N wait." Kaede quickly tagged along.

While running Y/N had to come to a screeching holt to stop himself from bumping into a familiar face yet again. Maki. She turned around and faced him and Kaede. "... Why are you running through the halls like a couple of idiots."

"Maki I know this might sound crazy, but have you seen any animatronic teddy bears bouncing around here.

Maki's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she reached behind her into her back pack. She pulled out the  shattered remains of  Monokid. "You mean this?" She said with a hint of anger in her voice.

Maki might of had a slightly threating appearance with her ever present frown but she didn't look particularly big or strong so Y/N and Kaede where slightly surprised at the amount of damage she'd inflicted onto the bear. "How did you do this?" Kaede asked.

"What does it matter. I was minding my own business and this thing came up and started pulling my hair." Maki said as she dropped the remains of Monokid at their feet. Maki the looked right at Y/N. It seemed like she was about to ask something but before she could Miu could be heard screaming.

"Oh great." Y/N muttered. He and Kaede quickly followed her screams leaving Maki on her own.

"... Idiots." she sighed.

Miu's screams lead Kaede and Y/N to the sports hall and they could see why she was screaming. Montaro a had somehow rigged a baseball machine to be firing non-stop at Miu with Monophanie cheering him on in the background. The only thing protecting Miu was a training matt she managed to scrape up. "H-How dare you lil' shits do this to me, I created you!" she cried.

"Sorry ex-mama , but we don't follow you anymore, only our papa Monokuma." The machine stopped firing baseballs. "Sis, quickly go get some more."

"Okie dokie." Monophanie started dragging a bag full of baseballs across the floor.

Y/N realised this was his chance. "Ok, I'm gonna go for it Kaede."

"Wait maybe we should think th-" Y/N dashed towards the machine in order to turn it off but Monotaro saw him coming a mile away. H e jumped right of the machine onto Y/N's face. "Hiiya! We shall no to stopped!" Monotaro scrambled all around Y/N's face as he stumbled onto his back.

"Oh come on Y/N, fight like a man. You're getting owned by a little bear." Miu said while still keeping behind the gym mat.

"What!? I don't see you doing anything." Y/N managed to pull Monotaro off and chuck him at a wall. Kaede ran to Y/N's side as he stood back up.

"Sis help me out here. Put the balls into the machine and fire away!"

"But Monotaro that's so violent. Cant you do it?" Monophanie said.

"B-But you're so close to the machine?!"


"Huh?" Monophanie turned to the voice she heard only to get shoved out an open window by a suddenly appearing Monodam. The rain instantly took an heavy effect on her as they could all see her jittering around as her circuits fried out. Eventually she just dropped to the floor. "Oh yeah. I kinda forgot to make them water proof." Miu commented.

"Gaaaah! Monodam! Why'd you do that?" Monotaro asked as he waved his little arms about.


"B-But-" Miu, Kaede and Y/N watched what was happening in front of them in complete disbelief.

"Seriously, what type of stuff is four eyes writing in that book!" Miu questioned.

"I-SHALL-FURFILL-YOUR-REQUEST-BROTHER!" In an instant Monodam put the bag full of balls into the machine and aimed it at the exposed Y/N and Kaede. "FAREWELL-OLD-PAPA."

"Oh god." As the Y/N heard the machine click his first impulse was to cover Kaede but the impact of baseballs never came. They looked and saw that Monodam was violently shaking in a slightly similar fashion to Monophanie before falling to the ground motionless.

"...Huh?" was all Y/N could say.

"Oooooooh. His battery must of run out." Miu said, coming out from under the mat.

"B-Battery?! What do you mean ba-" Monotaro collapsed as he suffered the same fate as Monodam.

"Hah! That's what you get for messin with this beauty."

"Guess you no longer care to be there mother now..."

"They were pissin me off."

Y/N sighed in relief. "Glad that nightmare's over."

"Um Y/N." he heard Kaede say. He looked and realized he was still hugging her in a slightly defensive manor. "You can let go now."

"Oh yeah, sorry." He let go. There was a slight pink hue on both of their cheeks.

"Fuckin perv." Miu commented to Y/N.

"You're one to talk."

The three where interrupted by Mr. Katashi coming into the sports hall accompanied by Shuichi and Tsumugi. Shuichi spotted his hat near Montaro's lifeless body. "My hat!" He cautiously went near Monotaro's body and retrieved his possession. "Much better."

Tsumugi looked at Monotaro and Monodom. "Aww it's a shame they went out in such a way."

Mr. Katashi looked at the mess in the place. "Umm Mr Katashi we ca-"

"Don't bother." he said cutting in. "I've already heard multiple complaints from students getting assaulted by a some teddy bears."

Miu and and Y/N exchanged a nervous glance at each other. "Yes but-"

"And I'm guessing you two were involved in most of this." Mr Katashi continued.

"...Yes." Miu and Y/N say in unison.

Mr. Katashi sighs. "Come. The principal wants a word with you both."

Both of them started feeling nervous as they followed their teacher to the principals office, thinking that they've really done it for themselves this time.


Flyers for the recital that were thrown out the window by the Monokubs. blowed around in the wind as the storm continued to go. One of these flyers was eventually caught by a member from Lost Potential. He read the details carefully.

"Hey, what's that?" One of his comrades asked.

"... I think it's an opportunity for us."


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