Holding Onto You (On Hold)

Door loving_daniella

478 71 0

Sophie always wanted to become a singer and she succeeded. But what happens when her crush from high school... Meer

Chapter 1 (Double Bonus)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 31

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Door loving_daniella

Justin's P.O.V.

Walking out the kitchen, I closed the door.

Okay, this is easy.

I know Sophie isn't ready to let go of me, and neither am I. She keeps telling herself that she wants to breakup with me, but deep down she knows that she still loves me. I still love her and I still want her, and I'm gonna work hard to get her back. But that will be easy since she is particularly heartbroken.

I know I shouldn't be doing this, but she needs to understand, to feel the pain she causes me when she dances with other men in front of me. She needs to learn that it will tear her apart when she sees me with another woman.

Sophie is a strong woman, she sticks to her word, but at the same time she can never deny what she feels for me. We love each other, and once she realizes that she actually needs and wants me, it'll be easy to reclaim her.

Claire, Kyle's sister, walked up to me, wearing bum denim shorts, with a white crop top and a black chocker necklace.

"Hey, thanks for invite me to this party, it's so relaxing," she whispered the last part in my hear seductively. I threw my hands around her waist. "Well I'm really glad you came because tonight you might just help me with one of the biggest changes In my life,"

Sophie's P.O.V.

With tears blurring my vision, I slid down the counter, that I was pushed against, and let my feelings get the best of me.

I cried and cried, I have never cried so much in one day as I did this night. I had no idea that I had been in that kitchen for 3 hours unil Victoria came in. 

"Honey, oh my Goodness! What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked as she bent down on the floor where I was lying.

My hiccups didn't help my situation as to lie to her and tell her that I was fine. "Have you been crying?" She asked as she looked at my smudged makeup. "I'm fine," I said as I sat up. "Your fine? My fucking ass is fine! What the fuck happened to you? Are you okay now?" She asked.

"Justin is here," I said softly. Victoria's face turned into confusion. "Justin Rosa? The one who you came here to forget about? The mothafucker who said that nasty shit to ya'?" She reconfirmed. I gave her a look that said, 'who else, bitch?"

"How is he here?" Victoria asked as she helped me stand up. "Josh threw the party, and he invited you and Justin told him to tell you to bring a friend meaning Alex and I," I repeated Justin's words, in a shorter paragraph.

"Okaaaay, so he spoke to you," Victoria said as she gave me a weird look. "So what'd he say? From the look on your face,  it's telling me that son-of-a-bitch is gonna get his fucking ass whipped tonight." Victoria stated.

"I asked him what he wanted to talk about since he grabbed me out of the crowd when I was dancing with Caleb-"

"You were dancin' with Caleb?"

I gave her a straight face.

"Dancing with Caleb, hmm, got it,"

"And then he brought me into the kitchen. I asked him if he wanted to talk the kids and when he gets to see them, but then he cut me off and said that he wanted to talk about us, so I said that there wasn't an 'us' -"

"Wait! You said what? How could you say such a thing?"

"Cause it's true," I stated as if it's was a common sense thing, and in my situation, it is!

"So how did he react?"

"He said that a break up needed both partners to agree," I said. I looked at Victoria who was nodding her head, yes!

"What the hell?"

"What he is right!"

"Oh God," I said and walked out the kitchen.

You know what? This man has hurt me too much! I have stood up with it for too long! Not anymore! No mothafucker gon' stand in this bitches way, because she ain't take shit from nobody. He is now no ex and will stay that way until he becomes my enemy, and It looks like both of those things can happen in one night,

Justin's P.O.V.

It's been 3 hours since I spoke to Sophie in the kitchen and I haven't seen her come out. The kitchen is a dangerous place for a heartbroken woman to stay in, just now she gets hold of the knifes and starts cutting herself.

But she should be fine.

After dancing with Claire for 3 whole hours straight waiting for Sophie to come out, I gave up a little bit.

"Why you dancin' so good for so long, all of a sudden?" Claire shouted over the music. "What? I can't dance with you for a long time?" I asked avoiding her question. "I never said you couldn't, why? Did you break up with Sophie?" She asked.

My heart stopped ad those words came out of her mouth. Shit! I did break up with her!
What the fuck was I thinking? I must've broken her heart so badly.

Then suddenly I realised what a creep she seemed to be acting like, " How did you know about Sophie and me breaking up? Did she tell you? No wait! She couldn't have! She hasn't came out of the kitchen since."

Claire pulled us to a table and sat both  of us down. "Firstly, you saw Sophie dancing with Caleb and you knocked the shit out of him. Secondly, you pulled her into the kitchen and spoke to her for about an hour and a half. And lastly when you came out of the kitchen you looked absolutely heartbroken yourself. You must've thought you did a good job covering up all that emotion, but I gotta tell ya', you do a fucking shit job at it." Claire said.

I rested my elbows on my thighs and ran my hand over my face as I sighed. "Shit, your right." I said, running my hands threw my hair. "You know what would make me feel better?" I asked. Claire's face lit up, "what's is it?" She asked, her fake tits almost falling out of her tank top. "Dancing with me," I said and I pulled her up from her seat and straight onto the dance floor.

"But what about Sophie?" Claire asked. "Don't worry about her, she's a big girl, she asked for the break up and now she got it, now she gonna feel the pain," I said. "You can't just do that to her," Claire almost shouted. "Would you calm down, please? Your causing a scene!" I said as I pull her into my arms, "Sophie is none of your concern, right now. Understand?" I said. "Okay," she sighed.

Suddenly the kitchen doors swung open and out came Sophie, looking heartbroken as ever. Her mascara all smudge, her jacket wet from her tears. Suddenly she looked over in my direction and I avoided her eye contact at first.

Once I could feel her gaze wash over me, I looked straight into her eyes and I grabbed Claire's ass, somewhat, less juicer than I remembered Sophie's, and squeezed it.

Well that's the best I could do for now.

I placed my lips on Claire's neck and closed my eyes for a split second before reopening them. I did a bunch of sexual stuff to Claire in front of Sophie, before Sophie ran away in tears, to the nearest bathroom.

I gently pushed Claire out of my way and headed for the bathroom. Claire's hand fell on my shoulder as she tried to pull me back. "Where are you going?" She asked as she turned me around to face her.

My mouth felt dry as I tried to speak about Sophie. I pointed to the directions that she ran in. Claire looked at my face before heading in that direction. "Where are you going?" I asked pulling her wrist. "Your such an Asshole, Justin! How could you just break her heart like that?" Claire shouted. She dug her manicured nails into my hands before walking towards the bathroom.


I spotted Justin dancing with another woman, all sexy like, his hands on her hips, her hands firmly placed on his chest while they danced up and down the dance floor.

I tried to ignore the huge lump in my throat as the beat of my heart increased. The music pumping threw the house got my body vibrating to the beat, as I had no control over my body as I completely blanked out and went numb as I saw them dancing together.

My heart literally stopped when Justin looked over in my direction, he stared right at me and reached for the ladies ass and squeezed it, still continuing to look at me. He placed his lips on her neck and closed his eyes for a slip second before he reopened them and continued to do things that tore me apart.

I couldn't stand it, it was like he was picking every piece of my heart and breaking it into tiny pieces before standing on them, then throwing in the fire to burn. I ran to the nearest bathroom and cried.

I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore. I'm trying to be strong, but how can I be strong when I'm still in love with my enemy, when my enemy is playing a game that I'm too weak for. When he knows that I'm weak but he'll continue to break me with everything that he's got.

Sophie, we can do this!
Your World doesn't revolve around Justin,
You don't need him and your gonna show him when you get out there and grab a dancing partner and tease him just as bad.

But what if he doesn't care about us anymore?

We don't care about him anymore!
He's a mothafucking retarded Asshole,
Who doesn't give a fuck about us,
So why should we care about him?

But what about his children?

That's a problem we can sort out later...
Right now though, you need to get out  there and enjoy the party,
We didn't come here to get heartbroken,
We came here to forget about being heartbroken, tonight could be a start of a new relationship,
See, you ended one tonight and you'll being another one tonight,
Every end is a new beginning

I guess! *Sigh*

Look, You obviously still love Justin,
But you gotta let me him go, cause you've dived too deep, and if you just keep swimming, your gonna get hurt.

Coming out the bathroom stall, I walked towards one of the sinks, when I heard humming. I looked up and saw Justin's slut standing there fixing her boobs, in the mirror, (sorry, did I mention that they were fake ?) You could totally see how the were completely uneven! Like who spends a shit load of money on getting bigger boobs, when your retarded surgeon can't even out your boobs?

I opened the tap and washed my face. She looked up at me and almost did a jumping jack, as she examined my face from my fucked up makeup.

"Oh sweetie, are you alright? Your makeup is all smudged. Do you need help fixing it up?" She asked politely as she pulled out mascara. "No I'm fine, thankyou." I smiled. "Oh no, honey buns, it's not a problem, besides it's the least I could for you, you looked like someone has crushed your heart are you alright? Do you need a shoulder to cry on?" She asked opening her arms wide and coming closer to me.

"I think I've done enough crying for tonight, but could I at least get a hug?" I asked. She gestured for me to come into her embrace, as fake as her tits seemed, she really gave nice hugs. I let out a sigh.

"I'm Claire by the way, what's your name sweet cheeks?" She asked as she began fixing my makeup. "I'm Sophie," I said. "Do you need someone to talk to about your shitty problems?" She asked. I looked at her with a dangerous grin on my face. "It's okay hon, everybody gets their days. God surely does know how to make us feel pain. He brings all the shit in one big hot mess, you burn yourself and sometimes it feels good to just let it out,"

"I just couldn't believe what my boyfriend said to me, well ex," I sighed. "What'd he do, hon?" She asked finishing up with my mascara and putting some eyeliner on.

"He threatened to cheat on me in my own house, in the same bed we share. And the worst part is that we have twins together." I sighed. "You what? My mama always said that men can be fucking stupid-ass retards when they wanna be-"

"Tell me about it,"

"But the real ones only make the big mistakes that hurt you the most, because you care about them so much, so every little move that they make will affect you because you wanna know what happens to them, you care. And because you care so much, the little things that seems major shit loads affect you badly.

And when you get fucked up like that, you realise that you need that person, when you realise you only love them when you let them go, that they complete you as a person, that they make you feel happy in every which way just because of who they are, you fall in love with then again.

But this time you lock them out of your life, afraid that they might hurt you again, only to realise the only person that hurtin' you, is your thoughts, you label them as the bad mothafucker. Your thoughts tell you that this bitch, he's the one that keeps hurting you. Your thoughts bring up all the bad memories between the two of you, Causing chaos in your mind.

You avoid him and you tell yourself that if you lock yourself in a room with no memories with you bad ass ex, that you'll forget about him, but you won't. Your so worried about all the shit that happened that you'll never take the time to remember how you meet for example, or your first kiss, or the joys of seeing him play with the kids.

Look Sophie, as bad as this mothafucker seems, I can tell he loves you. You both have spent enough time away from each other, you can't just end your relationship like that, you have a family together and the last thing you need is to fuck up your children's childhood. Let 'em live with their mother and father peacefully, let 'em enjoy sharing both their parents taste's. Let 'em experience how both their parents love each other, show them that fighting and arguments are normal in relationships,teach them that just because you fight or agrue with each other doesn't mean you gonna break up.

Give Justin a chance, he's just a boy playing with fire. He knows he'll get burnt, but he ain't scared to try. Sort your shit out," Claire said. "Thanks Claire, wait how'd you know it was Justin?"I asked. Claire smiled and walked out of the bathroom.

I took my pink jacket off me and threw It over my shoulder. I made sure my makeup was presentable, Claire surely does know how to fix really fucked up makeup, it looked like I hadn't been crying at all, well except for my red eyes.

I waked out the bathroom and into the longue/ dance floor, where everyone was dancing to All Eyes On You by Meek Mill, Chris Brown and Nicki Minaj,

Is you drunk?
Is you had enough?
Are you here looking for love?

I spotted Claire dancing with another guy, Victoria had found herself some white chocolate to keep her entertained for some time while Alex was jamming all by herself but in a cute way. Justin was nowhere to be seen from my line of sight.

I was just about to go to Alex and ask her if she wouldn't mind dropping me off at home, when someones hands wrapped my waist, comfortably, and they rested on my hips.

I looked up to see Caleb starring down on me.

"Yeah cutie, where you been? Haven't seen you for 3 hours. You okay?" He said as he slowly brought his face closer to mine. I nodded. I danced to a couple more songs before Alex came to me and asked if she could speak to me privately.

She took me to the corner of the room where it was isolated from everyone.

"Is something wrong?" I asked scanning her face. The only emotion I found was excitement.
"Nah, everything is great, Sof!" She exclaimed. "Okay, I think you've been drinking too much, let's get you home, it probably lat-"

"No, I'm fine, bitch! Just having fun!" She cut me off. "So is that what you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked.

What is up with people and interrupting me when I'm dancing with Caleb?

"Josh just wanted me to ask you if you could please make some snacks?" Alex said.


"What do you mean?" I asked confused. "He says that he's heard that you prepare the best snacks and his chef left an hour ago, the snacks that the chef made are already finished and he really trusts you." Alex stated.

"Okay, sure. What snack do he need?" I asked. "Anything you can find." Alex stated. "Okay, I better get going then," I said walking towards the kitchen. "Josh said he'll send somebody to come and help you in a minute," Alex said.

I walked Into the kitchen and there was a note on the counter,
Hey Sophie,
I'm so sorry to be asking you to do this when I know you were invited here to party. I heard you wanted to forget about Justin and what he said. So I figured since you love cooking why not keep yourself busy right? If you have a problem with it, or your feeling tired or you just don't wanna do it, just send me a message , my number is 540 5656 , please let me know ASAP. My chef let half an hour ago, and Justin tells me that you cook like boss! There are cook books on the shelfs if you could help me with a small gesture by making a fucking awesome snack plate, I would appreciate it so much.

Why not?

Josh is a sweet guy, and I do enjoy cooking just as much as I enjoy singing.

I searched the cook books for easy recipes to make. I got all the ingredients together and turned on the oven.

The kitchen door opened and someone walked and said, "okay, I'm here ready to help cook,"

Is that who I think it is?          JUSTIN?!

I stood up and saw who it was.

Yep, definitely him.

Just then the kitchen door closed and the sound of it locking caught me off guard.

"I am so sorry, Sophie, but I have to do this. Vicky told me that you guys Finally decided to break up, and it tears me apart to know that you two are separated by stupid thoughts that both of you are forcing yourselves to think of." Alex said from the other side of the door.

"Alex? What the fuck is going on here?" I said as I waked to the door. "Sophie, I wouldn't call myself your friend if I didn't help you out of the this situation-" "I don't need help out of ANY situation, open the fucking door!" I said as I tried to open the door. "You need to sort your shit out," Claire said from the other side.

"Claire? What the fuck?" Justin shouted. He banged his fists against the door. "Yeah, like banging your fist on the fucking door is gonna get us out of here, you retard!" I said to Justin. "Well what's your idea, little 'miss I so fucking smart'?" Justin yelled at me.

"We're not opening this door until you two learn how to fix your shit. So the more time you waste fighting, the more time you'll be stuck together." Josh said. "Why?" I asked already sobbing. "Because. I said so." Alex said. "Alex, mothafucker open this fucking door, before I beat your fucking ass! Come on, your a lawyer for fuck sakes, you should know better ways to sort shit out. God Dammit!" I sighed.

"This is the best way, I'm sorry Sophie," Alex said sighing. "You don't sound sorry, mothafucker!" I shouted. "You'll thank me later," she said. "How about I thank you now, with a punch across you face." I said. "Come on, it's not that bad. Tell you what, if you and Justin can finish the snack together, peacefully, without fighting, we'll let you out. Sounds like a deal?" Alex offered.

Peacefully? The only thing that will be happening peacefully in this room, is me having peace with my ex while I kill him!

"So your telling me that if Sophie and I do the snacks without fighting, you'll let us out?" Justin asked.

Fucking retard! She just said that!

"Yes, it's that simple." Josh said. "Great let's get started, the less time I have to spend with you, the better." He said looking at me.

"I'm gonna kill you for this, Alex!" I said looking straight at Justin. "I love you too, Sophie." Alex said.

Justin walked over to the cook book. "Okay, we need: Chips, cookies, pudding and Jelly." Justin looked up at me. "I don't know where all the shit is, why you looking at me?" I said and I sat down on one of the chairs. "So find it," Justin said. I looked at him to see if he was joking. "Why must I look for it? I'm the one whose suppose to be cooking, your here to help, remember?" I said. "So get off your fat ass and come and cook, while I 'help'," he said, air quoting the words, help.

I stood up and pulled the middle finger at him. "Shove it up your Vagina!" He said. "Oh, I'm pretty sure my Vagina has had enough fingering for now. Remember?" I said. "I was just warming you up, and you know you enjoyed it." Justin said defending himself. "I wasnt enjoying myself, you did it in a fucking restaurant!" I stated. "I took it to the bathroom." Justin said. "No, I had to get away from you, by leaving the table because your dirty little hands couldn't stay in your bubble. I took myself to the bathroom, and then you followed me!" I said.

"I was having fun, okay!" Justin said turning his back to me. "Justin, there's a difference between having fun, and crossing the line. And you crossed the line, big time! How dare you do that to me in public! I felt so violated!" I said. Justin turned around. "You felt violated? Since when did you ever feel sexually violated? We used to have sex all the fucking time, never once did you tell me ,'Babe, I feel violated,' or 'Babe, please don't do that, it makes me feel uncomfortable,'!" He said.

"Cause I didn't need to! Did you ever have sex with me in public, in front of people, or did you ever have sex with me in restaurants bathroom?" I asked. Justin rolled his eyes. "Try finding a brain back there while you roll your eyes." I said meaning it. "What is your problem?" Justin shouted while banging his hands on the counter. "I'm stuck in a kitchen, alone with you, when you just broke up with me a few hours ago, you tell me what my problem is!" I said.

Justin lifted his index finger," if I remember correctly, you were the one you broke up with me, days before. I was fighting for my relationship with you, and then you got what you wanted. So honestly tell me, what is your problem?" Justin said.

"I can't believe I had children with you! Now I have to deal with shitty attitudes like yours when my kids grow up," I said after a long silence, while taking a seat. Justin looked up at me. The mention of his kids lit his face up, but he tried to keep an angry face,  because he was still pissed with me.

"How are the kids, Mike and Vanessa? I miss them." Justin said. "Maybe if you didn't say nasty shit to me, you wouldn't miss them!" I shouted. "For fuck Sake Sophie! You know I didn't mean what I said to you! You know the sex connection we had! Then all of a sudden, you just didn't want it anymore?" Justin shouted, he banged his fists on the table as he 'spoke'.

"I'm not your fucking sex toy! I didn't want sex because you keep giving it to me, nonstop, for so long, you get annoyed after a while. Besides, you came to a point where you just wanted my cum!" I said banging MY fists on the table.

"Is asking for a good sex life, a bad thing, from you? You act like you have never had so much sex in your life! Sex is the best thing, for me. And sex with you was the best, baby. And take it from me, I was a fucking player, like I had sex with so many woman-" Justin looked at my straight face and cleared his throat before continuing," I just wanted to fuck you. And I enjoyed it so much that I didn't wanna stop. And I thought you felt the same way. We were having fun after what I did it the restaurant and then as I recall, you said we could continue the next day. The next day, all of a sudden you don't wanna by close to me, I try talk to you and then you say I'm using you, I don't understand you!" Justin said.

Another long silence passed us and Justin broke it this time, "where are the kids now?" "my sister is taking care of them. The only reason I decided to come tonight was to forget about us. You hurt me so much. And I needed a break. Dancing with my friend's, dancing with strangers, all part of the plan. But then somebody had to fuck that up for me!" I said, giving Justin a nasty look. "Why did you punch anyway?" I asked, curious to hear his stupid answer. "I didn't like the way he was dancing with you. Or should I say, I didn't like that he was dancing with you in the first place."  


"you try and imagine your boyfriend dancing with another chick, all sexy like, right in there your eyes, when you still love him. When you still want him back, when you want him to forgive you for what he said."

I didn't imagine him dancing with another woman, I saw it with my own two eyes. And yes, I did still love him. Yes, I still wanted him back. Yes I wanted him to forgive me for even bringing up the breakup in the first place.

A single tear slid down my face as I realised that Justin and I are really over. That I was the one who was too sentivve, over what he said.

Is Justin really done with me? Are we really fighting over the past, which we can do nothing about? Why aren't we in each others arms, embracing one another?

More tears running down my face as I began thinking about a future without Justin.

After crying silently for a while, I stood up and washed my face. Justin had made himself comfortable on the floor behind the counter. His knees were bent, his arms resting on his knees and his head was down.

I looked at all the ingredients I had already set out on the counter. I followed the recipe, half way until I needed to get to the oven. I put the cake in the oven.

I think Justin was sleeping because I heard him groan as he lifted his head up to look at me.

My phone began ringing, only then did I realise I had a song Justin and I recorded together, the bestselling, as my ring tone.

"What is that noise?" Justin groaned looking at me.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and checked the ID caller before answering, My Sister.

I answered the phone,
"Hey Sis, what's up?"

"Hey Sophie. I'm just calling to know what time you'll be coming home. I just finished bathing Mike and Vanessa. I'll be putting them to bed in a minute, I'm waiting for the milk to cool down. Is everything okay?"

"No, not really,"

"What's wrong?"

"I'm locked in a room with my ex," I said looking at Justin, whose head slowly rises as I finished talking.

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing!" He said.

"Is that Justin !?"

"Yep, the one and only,"

"Are the three of you locked in a room together?"

"What? The three of us? No! It's just me and him."

"No, I think I heard wrong then, you said you were locked in a room with your ex ."

"No Siena, you heard me correctly, he Is my ex."

"What you guys broke up? Why? When? How? What about the kids?"

"I see I'm the only one concerned about my kids," Justin said still sitting on the floor.

I just looked at him. "I told you what was gonna happen with the kids, and then you cut me off, by saying that you wanted to talk about us, which lead to us breaking up!" I said straight Into the phone, but I was talking to Justin.

"Okay,okay. Calm Down, Sophie! I really don't wanna be the cause of you two fighting."

"We were already fighting an hour ago, so technically it won't be your fault, you would have made us start fighting again,"I said.

"What are you fighting about?" Siena asked.

"The things that I considered when I thought about breaking up with him." I said.

Justin looked up at me with a hurt expression on his face but he didn't say anything.

"So, your fighting about the past, which you can't change?" Siena asked.

There was silence.

"Yeah, I thought so. Look, I think that you two need to sort your problems out, okay? It's better for everyone. No body has to be in your way. Just do what you need to do, and please send me message when your leaving the party." And she ended the call.

I looked at my phone, the battery was about to die.

Just great! My phone is about die, and I'm still stuck in a room with my ex for 2 hours already!

"You know, your sisters right. We are fighting about the things we can't change. It would be better to talk about the future, instead." Justin said.

What did he become a genius or something?

Now all of a sudden he starts making sense?

"What future is there to talking about, Justin?" I said. "We're done. And there's nothing you can do to change that." I said, a single tear rolling down my face again.

More tears running down my face as I slid down the counter with my back, falling straight on the ground with my butt. Sitting a few centimeters away from him on the floor.

"But it doesn't have to be over. I can see you still want me, it hurts me enough to know that you wanted to break up with me. Where did you think I went when you asked for no sex, when you said you were going to your sister?"

Silence filling the room, as I was still crying, silently.

"I came here. I was with Josh. He was helping me, while I was crying. While you were planning on what you were gonna send me to break up with me over the phone! Like how cheap is that?"

"I don't wanna let you go. You know I would never do anything to hurt. I never meant what I said, to be honest, I don't even know why I said it. I was just angry!"

I slowly began to stop crying.
Silence fulled the room once more.

"Baby, I wanna be that type of father that helps with everything possible. I don't want you to raise the kids on your own. I care about them just as much as I care about you, about us, about our relationship."

He's trying to play me, like he did like a dozen times before.

"Why should I believe a player like you?"

"Did you really think that I enjoyed dancing with Claire?" He said looking into my eyes.

"It's surely looked that way."

"Please Sophie," he said his hand reaching out to touch my face.

I stood up. "It hurts me, Sophie. Your hurting me. Why does it have to be this way?" He said looking at the ground.

"Because I can't trust you anymore, Justin. I've tried to trust you over the years, but I couldn't. When we had sex for the first time, you had a fiancée, when I came back the next day, she's pregnant. I can't live a life with no trust. Trust is something I look for in a person, never mind a lover, if you have trust, if I can't trust you, I don't wanna know you.

You broke our trust. We had trust in our relationship. But now," I sighed.

The timer on the oven went off.

I bent down and open the door. Justin was still on the floor. The smell of the cake, that was just made filled the room. Justin put his hand on the small of back.

"Justin, please remove your hands from my back." I asked.

His touch still sent shivers down my spine.

"Sophie please. Give me one more chance," He said, his hand not moving.

I couldn't stand up, because if I did his hands would fall straight on my butt, so I had to stay put.

"Please, just one more chance. That's all I'm asking." Justin pleaded.

"Can we talk about this after we have made the snacks?" I asked.

"No, because when we are done, they'll let us out, and you'll most probably run to the bathroom, or just ignore me." Justin said, his hands now trailing up my back.

Justin wrapped his arm around my stomach.

"Justin please let go of me." I said.

Justin just brought his other hand round and put me in his lap.

"Im not gonna hurt you," he whispered in my ear. "I'm not worried about that, I'm worried about that fact that I might hurt you," I said.

He let me go. I took the cake out of the oven and placed it on the counter.

"What else needs to be made?" Justin said standing up. "There's a list of the things we need to make on the paper over there,"I said pointing to the paper.

Justin walked round to the paper. He took his shirt off. I looked at him with a look that said ,'what are you doing?'  "What? It's hot in here." He said placing his shirt on the table.

"I'm not gonna be able to work with you in the kitchen with your shirt off. Please put it make on." I said looking at his abs, I mean, face. "What's wrong? Do I still turn you on, baby?" He said flexing.

I tried to ignore my inner's tingle at such a sight. That's one thing that I'm proud to say I love about Justin, was that he always looked so good, with No clothes on. And when he was half naked was a major turn on to me.

"Okay so it's says here, we need: Chips, cookies, pudding and Jelly." Justin said. I took a deep breath. "I've made the cookies, they're done. They just need to cool down." I said. I looked up at Justin who had a dirty smile on his face, "how long does it take to cool down? You know, before I can eat it," He walked round the counter to where I was standing.

"Well if you keep talking dirty like that, you might never get a taste again." I said. "Come on, just one little taste," Justin said as he stood behind me.

I looked at the flour in front of me.

I dipped my fingers in the flour and said, "okay here," and I threw the flour in his face and I ran to the other side of the table.

"I see what your doing. Didn't your parents ever tell, not to play with your food before you eat it?" Justin said. And then he dipped his fingers in the flour and threw it at my face.

I removed the flour from my eyes, but when I opened I them I didn't see Justin. Suddenly I felt his hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who?"

"The easter bunny?" I asked.

"Yes, well done!" He removed his hands and cracked an egg on my hair.

"Ew, " I said as the yoke from the egg dripped down on my forehead. "Your disgusting!" I said removing the egg shell from my head. "Say cheese," Justin said and he threw some more flour on my face. The yoke was still wet so the flour stuck to my face. Suddenly I heard a *snap* Justin just took a photo of me with flour on my face.

I ran to the fridge and grabbed the milk. "Justin? I've got a  suprise for you," I said. "You do?" I thew the milk over his head, well from what I reached. "Hey! That's not fair!" He winned. "EGGXACTLY!" I said and I cracked an egg on his head. "Ew!" He said. "Yeah, doesn't feel nice does it?" I asked. "Wait, I don't think you've had enough," I said. "No, please! I smell like shit!" Justin said. I took the sugar and threw it in his face.

I slid down the counter laughing at how silly he looked. I heard the fridge open and then Justin held his hand out for me to take to stand up. As I stood up, he threw a cake in my face. "Mmm, Bon Appétit!" He said. "No, no, no,no,no,no,no!" I said and a slipped and hit the ground,  I laid on the floor on my back.

Justin laid on top of me. "Mmmmm, I can't wait to taste that," he said. "Taste what?" I asked. And then his tongue went all over my face. "Mmmmm, dam this Apple Tart taste good! You wanna try some?" Justin said. "No thankyou." I said. "Come on, just one tiny winy taste?" Justin said bringing his face close to mine.

"You choose, you either taste from my finger, or my mouth," Justin said. "Neither!" I said all to quickly. "You gotta choose one. I'm not getting off of you until you do." Justin said. "From your finger." I said. "Are you sure? The tart in my mouth tastes so much better," Justin teased. "Get off me!" I laughed. Justin slid his finger on my face and into my mouth. "Tastes good?" "Mmhmm," I said as I chewed.

Justin flipped us over so that he was lying on the floor and I was lying him. "I can't believe that you threw flour on my face," he said. "You cracked an egg in my hair! And that's what you get for not listening to me about not wearing-" "a shirt?" Justin finished.

I realised he didn't have a shirt on and I was lying on top of him. Justin just laid there smiling. I got up quickly but Justin pulled me down. "Where are you going in such a hurry?" He asked. "We need to finish making the stuff!" I said trying to move out of his hold. "But we gotta get cleaned up first!" Justin said and he was just about to lick me again but I rolled of his lap, on my back and stood up on my feet.

"We can get cleaned up after we're done. Maybe we can take a shower-" Justin face lit up. "No, sorry. No showers. I have no extra clothes. And I prefer to shower alone." I said. "Josh has a pool," Justin said as he stood up. "Great. So I can take a dip before going home." I said. "Skinny dipping?" Justin asked. "No! I'm not skinny dipping with anyone!" I said.

"Shit! We made so much mess!" I said looking at the floor. "I'll clean it up, while you finish cooking." Justin said and he began cleaning it up. I finished making the Jelly and the Pudding.

Justin had finished cleaning up, and to be honest I didn't really care, I was enjoying myself so much. I guess this isn't a bad thing after all.

While I was making the finishing touches to the pudding, Justin stood behind me. He was literally standing on top of me. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I just ignored him. For two reasons : 1. I was enjoying it & 2. I was busy and too lazy to fight to get him off me.

Justin absolutely loves standing behind you and kissing your neck. And he began kissing my neck. I tried to keep my moans as silent as possible.

I shaked my hips, "Okay that's enough." I said walking to the sink to wash my face. I washed my face and wet the a clothe I found there.

"Justin?"I asked. He popped up right behind me. "You like standing behind me, don't you?" I asked. "Yep, I like the feel of your sexy ass on my dick." He said. My eye almost popped out of my head. I slapped him with the clothe. "Ow, it's comfortable!" He said defending himself. "Shut your face and clean it!" I said. "Clean it for me, please?" He asked giving puppy dog eyes.

"What are you too lazy to do it?" I asked. "Yes, and I love the way you clean shit." He said with wink. I gently rubbed the clothe over his face. While I was cleaning, he wrapped his arms around my waist. When I was done he still stood there with his eyes closed and his arms still wrapped around my waist.

"Ahem!" I fake-coughed. He opened his eyes. "Oh, are you done? Sorry, it felt so nice." He said pulling me closer. I walked backwards, towards the counter In the middle of the room, but Justin still held me. He turned me around and pushed me against the counter, my back arching as It made contact with the cold granite. Justin leaned forwards forcing me to lean backwards. Justin's warm breathe hovered by neck until his mouth covered a piece of my neck, biting me gently, just a bit hard enough to catch me off guard.

Justin switched sides on my neck, but this time he kissed it gently. She lead soft kisses all the way up to the corner of my mouth. Right before Justin could plant a kiss on my mouth the kitchen doors latch opened and the door itself open in one second, revealing Josh and Alex.

"I told you that it would work!" Josh said to Alex. "Wait! Justin are naked?" Josh asked looking at his bare chest. I stood up straight next to him. Justin looked down his body and smirked, "Yes I am," I smacked his bare chest allowing him to yelp in pain. "No, your not."

"Woah! What happened to you guys?" Alex asked looking at the mess on our clothes. I looked at Justin, "um, we had a little food fight," I said shyly. Alex smiled at me. I walked around the counter and in front of Josh. "Do you think I -" "we," Justin said. I looked at me with a smile. "We could use your pool, please?" I asked Josh.

Josh smiled and then nodded. "I'm glad to see you guys getting along. Go ahead. The is straight threw these doors," Josh said pointing to a set of doors on the either side of the living room.

"Where's everybody?" I asked looking at the empty room, well I only saw Claire walking to her car, drunk with a man guiding her, Victoria sitting on the couch making out with the white chocolate she was dancing with earlier, and 2 more couples, making out on the other couches.

I walked out the living room and stepped outside. I stopped on the edge of the pool, gazing at the beautiful night sky.

"Beautiful isn't it?" A familiar voice said in the distance. I turned around and saw Justin walking towards me in his pants. He was holding 2 towels. He set the towels by the steps of pool.

I sipped the hot chocolate in the bottle Josh gave me to drink, since he knew I had been crying for 3 hours and then stuck in the kitchen for an other 3 hours. Justin stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned back on his chest, while we stared at the sky.

"So are ready for a quick dip?" Justin asked looking at the water. "Yeah, I'm ma climb in when I'm done here." I said. "Did I ever tell you that when you speak like that it turns me on?" Justin whispered. "Lol,"I said. "So you ready?" He asked again. "Yes, but just gimme a minute." I said. "Nah, I think you should come on now." He said. And before I could say or do anything he tipped us in the water. I dropped the bottle as I fell in.

"Fuck Justin! I said I'd climb in a minute!" I said taking the water off my face as I rose from under the water. Justin laughed. "It's not funny."I said and I splashed him "that's funny" I said laughing. "Oh you think that's funny do yah?" Justin said and he splashed me back.

We splashed each other like little children for what seemed like for ever until Justin landed up behind me again.

I swear its like he would fuck me from behind if he could!

Justin held me in his arms from behind, his arms wrapped around my waist while I held his hands.

"You know. I like us better like this. When we're not fighting. It's so much better. Don't you think?" He asked. "Yeah." I said.

"The stars are so beautiful tonight," I said looking up at the stars. "Yes, you are." Justin said. I looked at him as his smile grew. "Thank you baby." I said. Justin kissed my neck, "Anytime." He kissed my neck all the way till my chin, well from where he could reach from behind,  until he turned me around.

I think that he has been waiting all night to kiss me, because as he turned me around, he went straight for my lips.

I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't enjoy it, cause I did. Some much, that I totally forgot about everything. I kissed him back hungrily.

He put his tongue in my mouth as soon as I moaned from him touching my ass and squeezing it. Our tongues raced for domaince as I opened my mouth. Justin held the back of my neck, allowing me to tip my head back.

I wrapped my hands around his neck. And we continue to 'kiss' until it got to a point where it started to get rough, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he held my bum so I wouldn't slip off him. I still held his neck but when he began biting my lips, I couldn't resist myself, I brought my hands up to his beautiful brown hair and I tugged on the hair a little bit, allowing Justin to let out a moan.

Dam I misses this!

"Baby," Justin said in between a rough kiss. "Mmm?" I asked. Justin stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes, "I want you back," he said. I stared at him in disbelief.

Then I realised, how could he not want me back? I'm probably turning him on big time here.  It's not that bad.

Okay fine.

I kissed him back in response. "Me too, baby." I said. "No Babe, I'm fucking serious. I don't want you to wake up tomorrow morning and decide that you don't want me. I don't want that shit. I want you for real. I wanna be a family again." He said starring into my eyes.

"I don't want you to change your mind. I want you to stay true to me. And I wanna be there for you all the fucking time. And if you don't wanna fuck-" I put my finger on his lips to keep him quiet. "Listen to me. I only said I didn't want sex because it was boring. Keep it fun, change it up a bit, go crazy all the fucking time and that's a different story." I said. Justin smiled.

"So can i go crazy now?" He asked in a husky voice. I chuckled. "Oh baby," I kissed him, "you make me laugh," I removed my legs from his waist. He didn't wanna let go of me, but I think that he realised that if he held me, we might fight.

I got out the pool and grabbed a towel. I realised that my clothes were sticking to me because they were soaked, and it felt uncomfortable. "Babe, please come here," I asked Justin.

He got out the pool, and stood in front of me, "Yes," he said as he leaned in for a kiss.

I think he expected me to say something like, "Take me now!" But I gave him a bit of a suprise, " baby please stand there."  I said pointing to the left of me. He moved. "Now, I need you to please hold this towel up for me, while I get undressed." I said. Justin face lit up.

I just let him be.

I stripped down to my underwear, bra and G string. And then I took the towel from Justin and wrapped it around my body. I kissed Justin cheek ," thankyou baby." I said and I walked inside.

Everybody was gone. I walked into the kitchen and saw Josh standing there.

"Did you enjoy your dip in the pool?" He asked as he looked up the me. I smiled, "yeah, except when Justin threw us in the pool, unexpectedly." I said. Josh chuckled ,"wow."

Justin walked into kitchen with my clothes in his hands. I looked at the clothes and then at Josh, who looked at me weirdly, "Are those your clothes?" "Yeah, um....I wanted to ask if you could please dry them?" I asked . "Sure," he said and he took them from Justin and put them in the tumble dryer. "Thanks Josh." I said. "No problem."

Justin turned on the kettle. "Babe, do you want tea?" He asked me. "Yes please," I answered. While Justin made teas and stuff, Josh spoke to me well us, "So I take it you two sort your shit out?" He asked. "Yep. A little make out is all you need, is it Sophie?" Justin said. Josh smiled at me, "You guys made out! When?" Josh said.

"Well we were about to before you opened the kitchen door and came inside." Justin said to Josh. "Oh my, I'm sorry, I'll leave you so you can make out," he said about to leave the room. I looked at Justin who W's starring at me with a naughty smile. "No Josh! We did a make out in the pool!" I said. Josh turned around and smiled. "Ahhhh! I see what you were trying to do there Justin!" Josh said slapping his back.

(You know that guy thing that guys do to each other.)

"I'm so glad your not stupid." Justin said to Josh. "So where's Alex and Victoria?" I asked Josh. "Um..... Sophie? They left." He said.

My heart dropped a little.

"They left without me?" I asked. I looked at Josh who looked uncomfortable. He wasn't the comforting type. Justin walked behind me and rubbed his hands on my shoulders. I smiled at his attempt to make me feel better. "Did they say anything before they left?" I asked.

"Victoria asked where you were,  so I told her, you went to take a dip in the pool, with Justin. And then Alex told me that I should tell you , she told you so. She said she is so happy that you and Justin made out," he raised his eyebrows. I laughed. "Thanks Josh." I said. "Cool. You can stay the night, if you want. Justin crashing at my house for some time now, so your more than welcome to sleep in that bedroom with him." Josh offered.

"That's very sweet of you, Josh. But I have to get home. My sister is babysitting my kids and I told her that I would come home tonight." I said. "You know, Sophie, there's a reason Alex did all this for you. Did you know that she planned this whole out. She told me to write the letter and leave it here in the kitchen. She told Justin to come and help in the kitchen and she looked the door as soon as he was inside. She told me that It was the only way she could think of getting you two back together. She really cares about you, Sophie. And I think she would really appreciate it if you stayed the night. Maybe you can work things out in a better way, you know, something more than just making out?" He said raising his eyebrows.

Justin and I laughed at him. "I know she would appreciate it, but I don't think my sister would appreciate it. I told her I'd come home." I said. "I'm not gonna force you stay the night, but at least consider It, okay?" Josh said before leaving. "Thanks Josh." I said. "Not a problem!" He shouted from the stairs.

"Why don't you call your sister, ask her of its fine?" Justin asked handing me my tea. "Thanks Babe,Nah. It's fine. I'll just go home. Do you mind dropping me off?" I said. Justin sighed.

"Where's your phone?" Justin asked. I pointed to It lying on the counter. "It's fast though," I said as he walked toward it. He took my phone and put it on charge. He unlocked my phone,
"How do you know my password?" I asked as he unlocked it. "I know shit, Sophie." He said and called my sisters cell.

He put it on speaker and he out on the counter in front of me. "What are you doing?" I asked. It began ringing. "Just ask her if you can the  night." He said. "What is she my mother?" I asked. "No but she's babysitting our kids. It the least you could do." He said. "She's not gonna pick u-"

" hello?" She asked still half a sleep.



I looked at Justin who mouthed the words 'ask her,'  I nodded my head, no, and said to Siena, No, don't worry I'm-"

I was cutt off by Justin turning my chair around and kissing me. "Your gonna ask her to stay the night or I'm gonna make you scream," he said between kisses. "And how are you gonna do that?" I asked him. He raised is eyebrows and gave me a look that said ," do you really wanna know?'.

He picked me up by my thighs and he put my legs around his waist while still kissing me. He squeezed my butt, which made me moan.

"Sophie?" Siena asked In feared as she sounded more awake now.

Justin took my towl off me. He whispered In my ear, "if you don't ask her to stay the night, im gonna stuck your tits until your screaming." I looked at his face.

"Sophie?" Siena asked again.

"Yeah. Um....I was wondering if it would be fine if I could stay the night here?" I asked. Justin smiled the me as he put me down on the ground.

"Why you asking me?" She asked. "Well, because you are taking care of my kids and it would be rude to just stay over without asking you if it's fine." I said.

"Yeah its cool. Can I go to bed now?"she asked. I laughed. "Yes. You can sleep in my bedroom for the night. Thanks Siena." I said. "Yeah, yeah, whatever!" She said and she ended the call.

I turned around and saw Justin standing with a big smirk on his face. I gave him a straight face. He chuckled and gave me his shirt. "What's this for?" I asked. "For you to wear, while your clothes are drying." He said in an obvious tone.

I took the shirt and put it on.

"Come on let's go to bed." He said.

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